Tuesday, June 20, 2023

In which the pond wades through a tedious bromancer offering so it can award a doctorate for an intense study of the woke mind virus ...


The pond is feeling a little light-headed and giddy, as if released from detention. It is Tuesday isn't it? There's usually a deep groaning and sighing isn't there?

The pond couldn't see or hear one, and even worse, where's Lloydie of the Amazon? 

The pond checked the last time he appeared and it was way back on the 19th of April, when he provided a definitive study on why EVs urgently need more coal. How's the pond going to cope with a correspondent noting a Graudian story, ‘Unheard of’ marine heatwave off UK and Irish coasts poses serious threat

Why ignore it altogether, it's the reptile way, or perhaps order in a fresh supply of coal for the fireplace and the stove. 

The pond will however note another link, News Corp digital and subscription revenues sag in a ‘tough year’, supplied by a caring correspondent..

The pond did a little jig of delight - soul clap hands and sing - from the get go ... 

News Corp’s Australian business is relying on deeper cost cuts and higher print advertising sales to make up for lower-than-expected digital advertising and subscription revenues, internal documents show.
Figures contained in a presentation given to staff last week by News Corp’s local executive chairman, Michael Miller, show digital ads added 19 per cent less than expected as a proportion of its budget bottom line this financial year. The proportion from subscriptions was 12 per cent below forecasts...

And so on, and the reason for the dire state of graphics department in the lizard Oz became even clearer.

There was another correspondent's link and cause worth noting: Deregister the IPA as an Australian Charity

The IPA Australia operates as a Charity under the type:
Any other purpose beneficial to the general public...
By signing this petition you are acknowledging the IPA https://ipa.org.au is not beneficial to the general public, and should be stripped of it's charitable status.

Well yes, does a cat have whiskers? Do billy goats butt? Is Gina a complete waste of space? Amazing scenes, that it should be able to pass as a charity, and only now had the scales fallen from the pond's eyes.

Sadly the petition started way back in October 2020 and still hadn't made it to the 5k mark, possibly because the idea of the IPA being a charity is so farcical that everybody thought it was just a joke.

And now with correspondence out of the way, time to deal with the detritus as the pond calls the reptile house to order ...

First up there was the Voice, dominating the tree killer edition ...

No need to go there ... the infallible Pope had already said all that needed to be said ...

The pond hastily looked around for another assignment ...

The top tier all blathering about the Voice, and down below Simpson, sans donkey, blathering about public sector reform? 

The pond thought about it for a nanosecond, but as soon as it saw that the reptiles had inserted yet another snap about the Lehrmann matter into the column, it was game over ...

That only left a crazed canoodling with the bromancer ....

Ah yes, the two state solution is dead in the water for the reptiles. Apartheid, a complete west bank take over, and solidarity with a bunch of far right fundamentalists running gulags is all the go, and the lizard Oz editorialist was on hand to take up the cause ...

There was more, but the pond didn't have the heart or the stomach ... 

Instead the pond returned to the bro, just hitting his stride, spotting leftists everywhere ...

Oh dear, the progressive hegemony, which sounds very much like the long march through the institutions, with only the lizard Oz managing to stand proud and tall as lovers of patriarchal institutions of the Catholic kind ...

Oh and there was another rant about comrade Dan, coming from the bromancer's far right, authoritarian loving keyboard, and sure enough his sinister visage emerged from the shadowy darkness ...

Well the pond could hardly feature a large snap of such a Satanic figure - how could children sleep at night knowing the boogeyman had escaped from the movie franchise and was still running Victoria? - and quick, before he gets out from under the bed, it was back to the bro ...

At this point the reptiles interrupted the bromancer's screed (in the strict sense of a thin layer of material) with a snap of two bromancer heroes ...

How could the pond resist showing them off? Why British MPs had just voted to approve Boris's Partygate report, he might lose his Westminister pass, and the Met might yet do a little more investigating, and there was an even funnier squeaking to be heard in Liz Truss says lettuce joke was ‘puerile’ and media did not understand her ideas.

Of course the pond is grateful to the bromancer for highlighting the ongoing absurdity of British politics, with each day a contest with the United States for the pond's attention.

It does make it tough, however, to talk of dire Marxist plots ...

Oh indeed, there was a squeaking, a squeaking just across the line ... how the shame lingers ...

...and at that point the reptiles interrupted with another huge snap, because that's all the graphics department can manage these days ...

Taken down a notch in size, there wasn't much left of the bromancer ... just another attempt to muddy the waters, and create a little concern and confusion ...

Funny that, the bromancer scribbling furiously about SloMo.

If the pond remembers correctly, it was the reptiles who amped up the absurd rhetoric, and it was the bromancer himself who always talked of war by Christmas ...

Ah fond memories of better times ...

And so on and so endlessly forth back in the day ... but now the pond would like to abandon any notions of a bonus so that it can proceed to an awards ceremony.

The pond was vastly amused by Charlie Lewis's epic study A non-exhaustive list of everything that’s ‘woke’ according to The Australian. (sorry, possible paywall).

The pond deemed it of PhD quality in terms of herpetological studies, and has awarded Charlie a Pond University doctorate, magna cum laude, an esteemed accolade, perhaps only trumped by a gong from Trump Uni.

The pond wishes it could share the entirety of Charlie's work, but it's extensive and intensive and it puts the pond's efforts to shame ...

Just take a squiz at the topics covered ...

In the original, all those red lines were hot links ...

They were to stories in the lizard Oz, and so could be paywall affected, but for those who can get past the paywall, it was a veritable bonanza ...

Sadly the pond could only note a few, preferably with "woke" mentioned early in the text ...

Yep, "woke madness" ... and as for a woke god, and that braying, blithering Jaysus ...

Yep, no bloody woke God here. The Holy Ghost? Why he's got really big balls, all the better to make out with women and plant a physical seed ...

And then, talk about woke statues ...

Statues under woke attack!

Of course there were obvious woke moments by obvious loons ...

But the woke mind virus was everywhere, and the pond realised to its abject shame that in its own studies it had only ever scratched the surface ...

The woke agenda! Woke values are not those of many Victorians, because Victorians much prefer to celebrate white able-bodied males in an unwoke way ...

Spotting the woke mind virus is an endless task and the pond was reminded of the image still proudly in its banner ...

Truly it was an awesome study, and the pond could go on and on, much like the reptiles, with Charlie noting ...

...That month, the paper published the results of an Australian Institute study that concluded “half of us don’t know what ‘woke’ means” adding “only 12% of Australians knew what woke meant, wouldn’t describe themselves as woke and defined the term as ‘punishing people who don’t think the “right” things on social justice issues’”.
This did not stop the paper from putting out a piece headed “Why we must fight back against the forces of woke” a mere four days later.
Indeed, we can only admire the national broadsheet’s commitment to clarifying the subject for a confused public by giving them so many different uses for the word.

... and the pond can only admire Charlie's commitment to the reptiles' commitment, and so enlightenment came upon the pond as it realised in a karmic, cosmic way that everything was woke, or had the capacity to be woke ... why even a humble rock might be woke in its own rocky way ...

And so the pond will just put Charlie's doctorate of the woke in the post, and wrap things up with an immortal Rowe ...


  1. A trivial matter - Jennifer Westacott is listed as a 'columnist' rather than a contributor; is JW on the payroll? It's trivial, because either way she will continue to get a platform from the reptiles. AG.

    1. Perhaps Ms Westacott is not confident that the Business Council that she represents (I just checked on 'Wiki') would want her to be focussing on productivity, given that one of the frequent justifications we read for the 'free enterprise economy' is that it is always finding ways to be more efficient, yea to bring entirely new products and processes to enrich our lives. If that sector has not been able to boost productivity over this past couple of decades, it is fair to ask - what is the justification for private enterprise? One might argue that, of recent time, its hand has truly been invisible in providing our needs and wants in better ways - it has done no more than scooping profits into sacks to be deposited in the personal accounts of the executive stratum of society.

    2. Productivity is really getting to be "all things to all men" (and women) isn't it. Just a bit like inflation: is that "unjustified by productivity wage rises" or is it 'profiteering' by those great capitalist enterprises or is it continuing rises in assets (ie 'houses') costs or is it just the guys at the top taking every dollar they can scrounge. Or all of the above.

      Once it was the imagined 'Phillips curve', and now it's imagined 'productivity'.

      Does anybody reckon that once we get over belief in imaginary 'gods' we might get on to disbelieving in imaginary 'economics'?

  2. This says it all - "Revisionist [Reptiles] are stopping is from looking our future in the face"!

    Dot said "There was more, but the pond didn't have the heart or the stomach ...".

    I didn't get past the anonymous reptile editor scribbler's line:
    "And it would anger many in the Jewish community in Australia that is a vital part of our society."

    Vital is a reptile culture hallucination war. Not AI. 2 types of ROI
    - reptile return on investment and
    - reptile 'official' information. Which is why the bromancer scribbled "The time to prepare for war with China is now", the day after Blinken had a chat in China, precisely to prevent a warnwith China. RROI.

    The editorial would anger:
    "Herodotus, Aristotle, Polemonand Pausanias, Ovid, Tibullus, Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Romano-Jewish writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus".

    100,090 or 0.4% in 2021 Census identify with Judaism.
    In 1986 Census?  69,100 or 0.4%.

    ABS put "Jewish community at the time the ASCCEG was developed, it was decided to adhere to the classification criterion for geographic proximity and include 'Jewish' in 'North African and Middle Eastern' as this is where the Jewish culture originated."


    History is written by the conquerors and spued by reptiles in 2023.
    In "an official province in c. 135 CE"  ...Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê""

    "The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BCE Ancient Greece,[ii][iii] when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" (Ancient Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη καλεομένη)[10] inThe Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[11][iv] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition for the region in Meteorology, in which he included the Dead Sea.[12] Later Greek writers such as Polemonand Pausanias also used the term to refer to the same region, which was followed by Roman writers such as Ovid, Tibullus,Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Romano-Jewish writers Philo of Alexandriaand Josephus.[13][14] The term was first used to denote an official province in c. 135 CE, when the Roman authorities, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, combined Iudaea Province with Galilee and the Paralia to form "Syria Palaestina"

    "Revisionist [Reptiles] are stopping is from looking our future in the face"!

    Michael "The Professor" Sherlock didn't say "This is just another case of woke madness removing the name hit cross"... Palestine.

    He also didn't say "'You can't have Isreal without Palestine. They've been synonymous with Easter celebrations since 135CE in Rome.'

    "This is just another case of woke madness removing the name hot cross buns,' Mr Sherlock told the Courier Mail. ...'This wouldn't have happened in my time at Brumby's. ...'You can't have Easter without hot cross buns. They've been synonymous with Easter celebrations since the 12th century in England.'
    Daily & Courier Mail deserves no link.

    1. "Daniel Andrews says he would not have supported Victorian Labor motion calling on Albanese government to recognise Palestinian state

      "Daniel Andrews says he wouldn’t have voted for a motion that passed Labor’s state conference at the weekend, which called on the Albanese government to recognise a Palestinian state within the term of this parliament.

      "He says he’s a supporter of Israel, describing it as the “only place in the region where women are treated equally”:

      ""My position on Israel has been very, very consistent and clear. It’s not always popular but it’s my view and I won’t change.

      "Andrews also sought to distance himself from his Socialist Left faction, which moved the motion on Sunday:

      ""I haven’t been to a faction meeting in 13 years and I’m quite pleased about that to be honest.

  3. John Simpson: "Why Canberra is settting back public sector reform." 'two to tea', Johno ? But hey, Canberra isn't setting back public sector reform, it is setting back the public sector. Soon there just won't be anyone above Class 8 in the entire Federal Pubserve.

  4. What is the meaning of "woke" ? The word seems to have at least as many meanings as the count of people (ab)using it. I sorta recall that 'communist/communism' was like that back few years ago: as many meanings as could be found of people with pet fears and hates. Communism - now devolved into 'cultural marxism' was the bete noir of its day, now much less so as more people can and do read.

    But really, it's like a nazi tattoo: it serves to identify the bearer and not the borne.


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