Wednesday, December 08, 2021

In which, for a nanosecond, nattering "Ned" made the pond doubt ...





The reptiles have continued to ignore the antics of gorgeous George, so it was a real relief to see them still taking Clive's gorgeous cash in the reptile claw, yelling freedumb, freedumb to the world ...

But the rest of the lizard Oz offerings this day? A complete mind fuck, and as usual with the pond, that's a mild understatement ... 

If the pond didn't know any better, if the pond didn't understand the reptiles paid not the slightest attention to the pond, if the pond were more into paranoia, the pond might be feverishly thinking that the reptiles had deliberately tried to turn the pond's understanding of the world, and the reptile place in it, completely upside down ... 

It started with "Ned", at the start of the day placed in the middle of a triptych of terror ...


It was as good a chance as any for "Ned" to show a little of the old reptile climate denialist spine. 
There, right next to him, on the far left of the triptych, a climate cabal was on the loose, and hunting down thoughtful people who knew that clean dinkum Oz coal with zero emissions was just around the corner ...

But what does he do? Wring his hands, sigh at the clouds, don sackcloth and ashes, and pin a white feather to his chest ...

Surely the sight of those smug bastards in the limo, hooning down the fast lane, should have sent "Ned" into a furious natter ... but no, he abjectly and meekly surrendered ...

Where was the notion that Labor would fold like a pack of cards? Where was the message that the reptiles would never give into the climate change cult, packed, as it is, with religious zealots and cargo cultists?

Instead the pond should note that at this point the reptiles inserted a click bait video with a truly dangerous message on the chyron ...


Pretty clear endorsement from the business community? Waiter, some soap for the chryon ... and stop Larry David from chanting pretty, pretty good ...

And it only got worse from there. It wasn't Labor folding like a pack of Alice cards, it was nattering "Ned" ...



The pond was reeling, the reptile world a topsy turvy mess thanks to "Ned's" betrayal.

At this point the pond should note that the reptiles tried to insert another more sensible click bait video with a more sensible message, and a terrifying sight, sure to arouse reptile readers ...




Oh the windmills of doom, the windmills that terrified that beefy Angus boofhead, and ruined Jolly Joe's view ... and the message in the chyron was right. You've got a lot of explaining to do, young missy, oh yes there's going to be a lot of explaining needed ...

But damn it, it was too late, "Ned" had already done all the mansplaining, and looking at those windmills ... the light was good, the sky picture perfect blue, just a dotting of clouds, as if Gainsborough had become the designated reptile painter, the fields bright green, with a hint of yellow, and van Gogh banished like a gorgeous George, no crows to disturb the serenity ...

To say the pond was devastated is an understatement ... such treachery afoot, it was inconceivable ...


And there was Rowe, joining in the jollity, with more scandalous, lively, cheerful, exuberant jovial joy here ...


Oh yes, freedumb lives ...and a national reptile treasure celebrated...





But worse was to come ... because Dame Slap had apparently gone pinko, full commie swine ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, how could this be? 

And even worse, the pinko prevert Slap tried to get sentimental about teachers of yore, trying to send the pond down memory lane ... 

Oh yes, Mr Brown, we all remember those days being made to read Kidnapped a chapter at a time in the classroom, to fill up the English periods, while you tried to land pieces of chalk in the garbage bin down below, a metallic clink wafting up to the first floor windows when you hit the mark ...



Now the pond isn't going to blame those wretched teachers for setting loose Dame Slap on the world, and teaching her to don the MAGA cap, and join "Lord" Monckton in proposing the UN would use climate science to establish a world government by Xmas ...

But the pond did realise it had been taken in by the old pea and thimble trick.

Initially the pond had been astonished at the notion that Dame Slap would endorse a strike in the state until recently made great by gold standard Glady ...

But it turned out that this was just a typical Slappian ploy, a way of celebrating the trudging Tudge as someone who has done the hard yards ...

Yes, there was something to be retrieved from Dame Slap pretending to go pinko ... she was just playing dumb, in a freedumb way, and still had the racist statue routine, and other white civilization Tudgy routines, in reserve.

Truly for a moment Dame Slap and that headline had unnerved the pond and got it going, but it was the sort of Bre'r Rabbit tar baby we no longer talk about, designed to lure the pond into the blackberry bushes (and hasn't it been a good year for cheap blackberries, the pond's favourite Tamworth approved fruit?)


Memo to Dame Slap. They were calling teachers dumb cunts forty years ago, and the pond still recalls vividly the maths teacher who got a shiv in the back long, long ago. It's true that he was a terrible maths teacher, and full of sardonic, sarcastic remarks, but back then, Tamworth High was one of the largest schools in the state, and the playground was a jungle ...

As for the rest, what a cheap trick that headline was. Dame Slap doesn't have the slightest interest in the teachers' strike or teachers' pay, or teachers' conditions. 

She just wants to pander to the trudging Tudge, one of the most useless ministers in SloMo's cabinet, and with delusions of grandeur about his abilities and insights, and given the state of SloMo's cabinet, that's saying something. It takes considerable skill to sound more stupid than that beefy boofhead, Angus ...




Unite with the trudging Tudge? Good luck with that, but in a way the pond was relieved, and could trot out a couple of old saws ... you know, leopards and spots, or perhaps the more things change, the more they stay the same, and how silly of the pond to have thought that Dame Slap would have suddenly gone all bolshie ...

Here, have an infallible Pope to celebrate education in the gold standard state ...




Yes, a few folded, fitted spreadsheets will surely fix those pesky, difficult teachers ...

And so to a bonus, and the pond must note that the war on China, hinted at above, has taken a decidedly odd turn ...



Look, there was the bromancer and that Jennings chap singing from the same song sheet ... and it was a relief to the pond that Jennings was on the case ...



But in the usual way the pond decided to stick with the clueless bromancer, not least because he was brief in his cluelessness ...




Say what? The Biden administration making a nuanced and calibrated decision?

The pond's hopes for a war with China by Xmas were dashed. What had happened to the bromancer of old? 

Surely he'd have been calling for an athletes' boycott, surely he'd have been demanding that no television station be allowed to broadcast the games, as dictator for life Xi will surely use them as a propaganda showcase ... a way of promoting the grandeur of life under the new emperor, same as the old Mao one ...

It would have been a never no mind to the pond, as it hasn't the slightest interest in winter sports - that's the way it goes if you were brought up in Tamworth - but suddenly the pond felt it was back with nattering "Ned" and the white feather, and nothing the bromancer said made the pond feel better ...


A well-measured decision? The bromancer has gone soft, what with that blather about a small but significant gesture ...

It's a completely useless, and meaningless, and token gesture, and once upon a time the bromancer would have called it out ... but in these days without submarines, it seems that's the best the bromancer can manage ...

And now, speaking of well-meaning gestures, there's a tidy reminder of the history of Olympics boycotts on the Wayback Machine here, with a tidy collection of cartoons...




Javelin catcher? Hmm, should have been updated to biathlon target ...


  1. Oh here we go again; the Slappy: "As one frustrated teacher told me recently, 'What other maths can kids learn without times tables?'" Well firstly, "times tables" aren't maths, they're arithmetic - you know, the stuff everybody nowadays does with the calculator function on their phones. It's quicker that way and more accurate.

    And in any case, a much better way of teaching that stuff isn't rote learned tables (the Slappys of this world love thoughtless rote), Cuisenaire was always a more inclusive and comprehensive way.
    "Cuisenaire rods are mathematics learning aids for students that provide an interactive, hands-on way to explore mathematics and learn mathematical concepts, such as the four basic arithmetical operations, working with fractions and finding divisors."

    You won't teach kids about the four operations, fractions and divisors by rote tables - I know because I tried to with a bunch of year 8 kids once. But neither Slappy nor Trudge would know or acknowledge that, of course.

  2. As far as we know, this has not been noted from the Flagship for this day, and the interest will be if any of those who pretend to write on economics will mention it, but - Geoff Harcourt died yesterday. He was 90 years old, and probably was the Australian economist held in highest regard around the world for the last about 40 years. Around the world, but, a bit like the Lord May of Oxford, little recognised in recent Australian print media.

    He was also humble, courteous, and always ready, and able, to explain his work in a way that a 7-year-old would understand.

    1. Bit by bit our world fades away ...

      Not being by any stretch "an economist" I knew him not, Chad, but he sounds like he would have been very good to know. I see he wrote quite a few published works, and from the list these two caught my eye: 'Some Cambridge controversies in the theory of capital' and '50 Years a Keynesian and Other Essays'.


    2. I suppose there is a modicum of campaigning in my mentioning such people. If you look at the Australians who attained the international reputations of people like Geoff Harcourt, Robert May, a string of Nobel laureates in physiology or medicine, the odd Fields Medal - none of that work was generated in a university where the objective was output that could be readily commercialised. Yet, such is the blather (I was going to write 'thinking' of ScoMo and Tudge and their ilk, but that would be stretching the meaning) - such is the blather of ScoMo and Tudge, taken up by those wonderful independent writers of opinion in the crew of the Flagship.

      As an example - in an institute following the, er, ScoMo 'vision', Barry Marshall very likely would have been put on notice, or defunded, for following up his hunch about Helicobacter. By some accounts, he came close to that anyway, bu had the implicit protection of the appreciably older Robin Warren.

      Their work is the basis of now very wide-ranging studies of proven value to a high proportion of the entire world population with some or other disorder of their digestive system; and very little of it is generating lucrative prospects for 'Big Pharma'.

    3. Well Harcourt did at least make it into The Conversation:

      As to your point about commercial exploitability, well, why should we "taxpayers" pay for non-commercialisable work ? That's why Australians emigrate to America where the money flows for lots of things that aren't "readily commercialised". Then again, who remembers David Warren or John O'Sullivan and his team now.

      Or indeed any of the 'top 10':
      Fast WiFi. ...
      Plastic banknotes. ...
      Equivac HeV: Hendra virus vaccine. ...
      Extended wear contact lenses. ...
      Aerogard. ...
      Total Wellbeing Diet. ...
      RAFT polymerisation. ...
      Self-twisting yarn. ...
      Softly washing liquid. ...

      And that doesn't include rust-proof wheat or Siroset.

    4. GB - thank you for the link to 'The Conversation'. Very appropriate title.

    5. I suppose we could mention the work of Ian Frazer, developing vaccines for HPV, possibly HIV and related afflictions, just as long as Sharri doesn't find out that his collaborator, Jian Zhou, was, (sssh) Chinese, and that his wife - Xiao-Yi Sun - actually constructed the framework of the HPV, in the lab.

      I think we are safe. I doubt that Sharri reads contributions to this site. Not sure what Sharri actually reads, other than decidedly out-of-date hack reports by minor 'intelligence' units.

    6. This is the reason the pond keeps ponding, for the comments section ...

    7. Us too, DP. :-)

  3. "Memo to Dame Slap. They were calling teachers dumb cunts forty years ago..." The thing is, DP, that the likes of Slappy and Trudgey are just totally unaware of how good an advertisement they are for their own brand of ignorant stupidity. If I had been either of Slappy's teachers that she praises, I wouldn't be in any hurry to admit it.

    We all remember - how could we forget it - that not only did Slappy believe Monckton's rubbish about UN New World Order, but she tried, and may well have succeeded, in dragging her daughters into her own insanity. Can't recall her ever mentioning her son, though.

    So, Slappy regales us: "If teachers cared more about the educational outcome of kids..." So, after praising two of her teachers, is Slappy telling us that all the rest didn't care about her educational outcome ? Is that why she is such a stupid ignoramus ? "...they would be asking the same questions as Trudgey." Perhaps, but maybe at least some of them would be asking sensible, intelligent questions instead. Continuing: "Their collective weight would deliver real change, and fast." Sure it would, Slappy, sure it would; just like it has for the past 100 or so years.

  4. The Bro: "It is right to join with the Americans in attempts to promote human rights." And is it right to boycott the Americans for everything the CIA has done since WWII to destroy human rights ? We won't specifically mention what the Americans have done to indigenous rights for a couple of centuries or more, though, because if we did we might have to boycott ourselves. And we won't mention Britain or Canada either. And we'll keep very shtum about Japan, too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I haven't received Loon Pond in some days.
    Before that, for a week prior, instead to receiving
    the Pond at around 1:30 AM every day, it would arrive at 8 or 9 PM.
    Can anyone tell me what is going on?
    What can I do to get back my everyday delivery?
    I had to go search for a online link to view today. Thank you.

    1. While I was writing the above, Loon Pond arrived in my mail, both on my PC and IPAD.
      As I say, normally it arrives 10 hours earlier.
      And it was missing for last few days.
      Hopefully it will go back to it's "normal" delivery schedule.
      I felt disoriented without my daily helping of Loon Pond,like a dog whose food
      bowl has been moved, a bit dazed and at sea.
      Not the best metaphor I admit.

    2. No apparent problems at this end, JM, the Pond continues to arrive on the website at it's normal time of somewhere around 8:00am Australian Daylight Saving Time.

      I take it from what you've written that you don't access the Pond directly on the website, so don't reckon I can be of any help.

    3. Sorry, JM, but this sort of misbehaviour is also beyond the pond. The pond has an email account which checks the arrival that way, and it's been working, but blogger is old and creaky and its assorted forms of syndication are showing their age, but there's nothing the pond can do about the plumbing ...

      If its any consolation, the pond has been having the same trouble with the US postal service in relation to the NYRB - now usually two or more months late - and the New Yorker - ditto - such that it's abandoned snail mail, and turned full digital, which of course will lead to digital anguish in due course ...

      You have to admire the mango Mussolini and his protégé Louis DeJoy, they knew pretty well how to fuck pretty much everything they touched ...

    4. DP,
      Okay, it's nice to know the score.
      I had to smile when I realized how irked I was at not being able
      to read your take on the latest reptile buffoonery, abetted by your
      troop of Bush Rangers such as GB,Chadwick, Befuddled and the rest.
      My Canuck amigo thought I was being tardy forwarding your
      missives to Ottawa and sent me a rocket.


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