Thursday, November 12, 2020

In which the bromancer tries to foil the pond's fondness for bubble gossip, but fails, thereby turning a hunger games famine into a feast ...


Dammit, the pond is extremely unhappy this day. 
Not with the bromancer of course, how could the pond be angry with him? Such a cute climate denialist, and blessed with the cult master, who saved the pond the trouble of showing SloMo holding up a slab of decent, dinkum, pure, clean, purifying Oz coal, followed by the bromancer rambling on in his usual climate denialist way, the spirit of the onion muncher surging in his reptile soul ... (do reptiles have souls? Alas, a deep theological issue that must be reserved for another day).


Of course all the usual bromancer guff came just a few days after that pompous pontificating prat nattering "Ned" got himself into a tangle with that pompous pontificating prat Malware about News Corps climate science coverage ... as per the Graudian here ....





The pond can never forgive Malware for the NBN - why doesn't anyone ever ask him if he has any regrets for his folly and his enormous stupidity? - but sending covert climate denialist nattering "Ned" to defend News Corp on climate science was like taking a lump of senile coal to a stamp mill ... or a dog to a knife fight, or whatever ...

Of course they do it, they do it all the time, they do it every day ref, or umpire, or whatever, and here's the bromancer trying to dress up a denialist potato as a serve of foie gras ...

Foundations of pure flim-flam? In the world of the bromancer, that's climate science, which made the job of the pontificating ponce "Ned" all the harder, and News Corps' attempt at a come back all the more laughable ...

What a goose "Ned" looks, what a goose he is, attempting to defend the indefensible, and as for News Corp ... but first, please allow the pond to finish with the bromancer ...


In short, SloMo should do nothing, in the usual denialist News Corp way ...

But why was the pond so angry? Well yesterday the reptiles suddenly discovered that Rudy was barking mad ...

Talk about a shock to the pond's system. The pond thought this day it could just do a few Rudy jokes, drop into the Four Seasons for some landscaping supplies, have a browse at the sex shop, and burn a relative across the road, and perhaps run an immortal Rowe, and be done with it ...

There's more triumphal Rowe images here, but dammit, the same day as they became aware of Rudy being on another planet, the reptiles slipped in yet another piece of climate denialism ...


Now the pond's problem becomes clearer. This is supposed to be hunger games time, and yet when it comes to climate science denialism, there's always a glut at News Corp, a feast rather than a famine ...

None of this has been substantiated? Much has been discredited? Yes, nattering "Ned" we're back in the world of the moronic Moran,  with wild stupidities and rampant generalisations ...

Moran perhaps might think about suing the bromancer for stealing his riff, but really it's just another variation on the News Corp hive mind ... and dammit, it made the pond angry, mad as hell, not able to take it any more ...

You see, it must have been a cunning plan by the reptiles to distract the pond, to force it to avoid its favourite wet snack of the day, the savvy Savva ...

Call the pond paranoid if you like, to think that News Corp's daily parade of climate science denialism is just a cunning scheme to stop the pond having fun with the savvy Savva, but here's the thing, reptiles, you can fry the planet all you like - there's still a little frying to be done before the job's complete - but dammit if you can stop the pond celebrating the savvy Savva ...

Sure, it means the hunger games went away for the day, sure there's a glut, but what a glut ...



At last something different to Rudy and the porn shop, which had naturally headed up the pond's intake of weekly weird news ... until things got weird in Canberra (don't start the pond on the weirdnesses of that town) ...


That's more like it, inside the Canberra bubble, and what a stench-laden bubble it is, and even a defence of good old Hawkie tossed in ... 
You see, every other day the pond walks down Albermarle street and cops a squiz of Hawkie ... and the propaganda seems to have worked ...


The pond doesn't drink, but each day it feels the need at least to sip on an ice block, what with it always being a nice day for a cold one while in togs of some kind ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, a coal and  a woman problem? And they thought they could filibuster the pond out of the savvy Savva with generous servings of climate science denialism, or avoidance, or bullshit 'do nothing and all will be well' nonsense?! Please, savvy Savva, finish the job ...


A snarling bullyboy in defence of a slobbering pollie!

And best of all, having already featured a portrait of Joel as a white ant by the infallible Pope, what better way to finish than with another infallible Pope? 

You see, reptiles, you might turn the pond from a famine into a glut, and climate science into a thought crime, but damned if you can keep the pond from a good gossip ...


  1. Said about Trump and Co but applicable to deniers in general "the only plan they have for the future is preventing it from happening. The idea is to just live in this stupid, shitty present forever".

    The reason the Bro wants to reason from first principles is that observation of the facts turns up results that are counterintuitive, at least in his version of reality.

    The ETS produced great results in it's brief period of operation. Energy transition is well under way. Renewables are viable without subsidies. Much of the US fracking and coal industry is teetering on the edge of insolvency. In short, it's the dead opposite of what you read in the Oz.

    Clearly, none of this is enough but it hardly constitutes an argument for doing nothing at all.

    If I had to describe the Bro or Moran's rambling I would say they are 'virtue signalling' to their old and hoary supporters.

  2. ‘Fully many a gem of purest ray serene.’

    The dark unfathom'd pages (bilges?) of the Flagship bear. No, I cannot match the talent of Kez, so I borrow (?) from writers like Thomas Gray.

    The gem for this day comes from one Gabriël A. Moens. Yes, it seems he insisted on having little dots above the ‘e’ - just to show the rest of us, who lack such marks of distinction.

    The title of his gem - ‘Early Voting Warps Result’ - My Source was happy to share. It was not primarily about economics - She found it difficult to nominate a subject under which we might file it. John Quiggin has a category for ‘boneheaded stupidity’, which is useful for storing gems from the Flagship.

    Essentially, Gabriël, (if a peasant may be so familiar) tries to make a case that, in the USA, votes should be cast on that Tuesday only - otherwise, with a lawyerly let-out of ‘except in special circumstances’ - they should not be valid. He tries some specious reasoning along the lines that voters should not be expected to have sifted through all the, er - ‘information’ - streaming from the major parties until the eve of election day, so - early votes are fundamentally uninformed.

    Yes - lawyerly, showing minimal understanding of how people actually decide who they might for, and when. And, in the USA - taking a ‘working day’ - Tuesday - off to stand in looooong lines created by certain State administrations can well mean, not just losing a day’s pay, but losing one’s job entirely. Of course, that would be unlikely to affect persons voting for the right party, but - fair’s fair, and, as Henry David Thoreau reminded us ‘lawyer’s truth is …a consistent expediency.’

    I can hear the echoes - ‘who the . . . is Gabriël A. Moens?’

    Well, he was a Professor of Law at Queensland University. Not ‘The Garrick’, just an ordinary Prof. But clearly he and the Garrick had a similar perspective on the world, because, as recently as September of this year, David Flint, Gabriël A. Moens, Augusto Zimmermann and James Allan - nominated Donald Trump to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Gabriël is also the subject of a festschrift published a couple of years back, by Connor Court, edited by Augusto, so - no doubt a best-seller - and he should be widely recognised.

    Having mentioned Thomas Gray, I thought it amusing to purloin a little more of his ‘Elegy’, in the context of the Donald’s tenure as Prexy, compared to all those losers in the country churchyard.

    Forbad to wade through slaughter to a throne,
    And shut the gates of mercy on mankind;

    The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,
    To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,
    Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride
    With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.

    1. It's all Australia's fault, Chad: we granted women the 'right' to stand for parliament and we invented the secret ballot. Now if we hadn't done that, then the scrutineers could make sure only the right votes were cast, and you can allow them to be cast any old time.

    2. Finally got to it, Chad. Set up by WALTA (West Aus. Legal Theory Association) to award Trump for this:

      "Both in his campaign and in office, he has denounced the pursuit of what he terms ‘unwinnable wars’. Accordingly, he is withdrawing American forces from across the world.

      At the same time, he has seen the need to maintain American power, a nation above all dedicated to the pursuit of liberty, freedom and prosperity of all and a strong record of using her forces for deterrence rather than aggression.

      He has thus maintained and enhanced the role of the United States as a particularly benign and benevolent power, the testimony of which may be seen in her extraordinary generosity to the defeated powers in the Second World War, and the fact that she made no restrictions or demands, financial or territorial, on them

      Well, that's pretty damn good isn't it ? Especially that "she" made no demands and that "her" forces were for "deterrence" etc. And that would be wholly down to Trump, of course. And no more "unwinnable wars", Chad, only winnable ones - well, who couldn't wholeheartedly support that ? And there's no need to ask which will be the next "winnable war", is there.

  3. Oh, earlier in this week, The Source suggested I watch ‘Q and A’ on iView. Set the cursor at the 1 hour mark and you will get most of the comedy. OK- 6 minutes of your life that you won’t get back, but you will have seen Paul Kelly in full high dudgeon.

    1. The Bromancer also pulls that stunt of feigning personal affront from time to time when he feels cornered. I just cannot recall anyone as keen as Truffles here trying to chase him to earth.

      He looks rather like an exited turkey.

    2. I don't know that I could survive that, Chad: prolonged vigorous laughter can be fatal to us oldies.

      But I am awaiting a prolonged burst of 'mea non-culpa' because of a deep bout of following Roopie's orders. Slight hope, but even less for the Bro and the DoggyB and Dame Slappy/Snap and the entire rest of the menagerie.

    3. GB - in those few minutes, the Kelly actually claims that the piffle he writes on climate change is a ‘moral position’.

      As for dying of laughter - 45 years back, the wife of one Alex Mitchell wrote to ‘The Goodies’ to thank them that her husband had died laughing at an episode of their show. We all have to go - I cannot imagine a better way.

    4. Well if it was the Goodies, Chad, I might feel better about it (even more if it were 'Tales of Old Dartmoor' or similar. But not Nullius Ned, Chad, never Nullius Ned.

  4. Of course apart from the fact that the fracking boom has always been a boondoggle the one thing that all the fracking boosters never ever mention is that there are now thousands of abandoned fracking wells/sites all over the US country side, and that if/when they ever get cleaned up (etc) the taxpayer will have to pay for it.

    1. And in the meantime they are spewing methane and pouring out other rubbish.

  5. Greetings DP and all. Following are some late night thoughts on the latest herpetroid attempt at linguistic misappropriation. Despite doggedly pushing it I think their efforts to bastardise this term will ultimately fail, much as it has in the way the term “virtue signalling” backfires on anyone stupid enough to use it.

    Are You Awoke...?

    A current reptilian scheme
    Is to hijack a progressive meme
    And despite its true meaning
    If you are left-leaning
    They’ll tag you as woke - what a scream!

    To the NewsCorpian columnist herd
    Woke is a four letter word
    With their verbal proctology
    They ignore etymology
    To them slagging-off is preferred

    So an Afro-American adjective
    Is now a hack journo pejorative
    Such usage is galling
    But puerile name-calling
    Is orthodox lizard Oz narrative

    If only for good grammar’s sake
    We need to correct this mistake
    We have to speak out
    So rise up and shout
    “We are not woke – we’re awake!”

    1. Bef made the observation that "they are 'virtue signalling' to their old and hoary supporters" and Chad invoked Quiggin's "boneheaded stupidity" and having said those things just about covers the reptile existence.

      But that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of creative fun at their expense, so thanks for that touch of "clearheaded sense" Kez. Of course, if any of the reptiles encountered your text, it would simply be completely beyond their comprehension, but then, most of life is.


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