Sunday, November 01, 2020

In which the pond prevaricates when confronted by prattling Polonius and Dame Slap as matters for a Sunday meditation ...



 The pond was delighted when a correspondent distracted it with a report of loons triumphant ...

It's true that almost anything distracts the pond from the reptiles these days, and it's equally true that the pond is pleased that anything goes in the comments section, apart from spam ... because nothing's off topic when trying to cope with the reptiles ...

The pond feels a bit like that balloon staying aloft, and it suddenly got nostalgic for the good old days...

Any stray passing young pup won't remember the times when the pond celebrated Pellists wearing frocks, and ignoring the plight of the abused young. These days all we get is a Basil of the west, being very Basil, and completely oblivious, as he goes about Seig Heiling, and goose stepping in the dining room in his mayoral clothes, Basils are wont to do.

And who remembers the angry Sydney Anglicans and their complimentary women, clutching their pearls and getting anxious about Halloween?


Of course the pond completely ignored it, and these days even the war on Xmas is looking a little battered, what with Melania declaring the thing and all those Xmas decorations a pain in the arse ...

Oh sure, there are new distractions ... 

If only the pond could scribble like Marina Hyde in her epic takedown of Nigel, being very Nigel, as Nigels are wont to do ... 

Should the pond burst into We're only making plans for Nigel, We only want what's best for him, We're only making plans for Nigel, Nigel just needs this helping hand? No, let's have a little marinating Marina, a smackdown of monumental proportions ...

...Nigel was brought on stage in Arizona by Donald, where the latter introduced him as “the king of Europe”. In fairness, he could just as easily have got away with passing Farage off as the duke of Ruritania or the sultan of Jupiter. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound, and Trump went on to hazard that Farage was “one of the most powerful men in Europe”, even though Nigel’s an unemployed radio DJ and has spent a good part of the past four years hanging round the old US-of-A hoping to get a 40-minute 6pm “dinner” invitation to eat a well-done steak with a self-confessed sex offender.
By way of recompense, Farage rubed his way on to the rally platform and took the microphone to declare Trump was “the single most resilient and bravest person I have ever met in my life”. That is probably the only truthful thing to have been said on stage that night. Yes, Trump received five draft deferments – first for college, then for something called “heel spurs” – and once described the business of avoiding STDs in Manhattan during the 1980s as “my personal Vietnam”. But you have to remember that Nigel is himself a wildly overemotional nervous Nellie who would have been interned for spreading panic during the second world war he self-owningly fetishises. There is no one more histrionic, more whiny, and – let’s face it – more willing to make alliances with far-right German politicians. We simply couldn’t have risked him failing to keep calm or carry on among the general populace.
Anyway, this week, he was giving it his best Lord Haw-Haw, informing Trump’s crowd: “You’ll be voting for the only leader in the western world with the real courage to stand up to the Chinese Communist party.” Stand up to them? He pays more tax to them than he does to the US. Later, Nigel justified his media credentials by explaining to Daily Telegraph readers that Trump had “what Americans call ‘the big M’ – momentum”. Is that what Americans call momentum? We’ll have to take this latterday Alistair Cooke’s word for it, I suppose.
Then again, engaging with Farage on his own terms is like trying to debate a fart or conduct a symposium with cystitis. Though operationally pointless and redundant now, he somewhat horrifyingly endures – a vestigial tail on our body politic. It is increasingly accepted that Nigel will always be with us, like far-left antisemitism or a mutating respiratory virus.

There's more here of course, with hot links and such like, but what an epic distraction, and what fun (even if she does traduce poor old Alistair Cooke and his letters from America).

If it isn't obvious by now, the pond has been prevaricating, doing the dance of reptile avoidance, but inevitably there comes a time when the chores must be done ...

Funny, from its reading in the real world, the pond understood that Jeremy Corbyn was under attack for his antisemitism, while in the United States the GOP was doing its censorious best to make sure people couldn't vote ... but never mind, time to drag prattling Polonius down from the attic, with even his 'mad uncles arguing on the ABC' routine with David Marr now long gone ...


Hmm, the usual portentous Polonial pontificating, but around this point, let us not mention the federal government's role in aged care, let's just settle for a cartoon ...

Now the pond has already noted the Angelic one's heresy in this Victorian  matter this weekend, and the pond must also note that the reptiles were so bored by prattling Polonius that they stuck in a video to try to make a little cash, and the pond was so bored it left it in, even though it's a screen cap, and so won't play, and all we're left with is a cryogenic Josh, posed in mid-rhetorical, finger-pumping futile air ...

Not the ABC? This time it's the Graudian that's offended the pedantic one?

Of course the reptiles never provide a link, but Murphy can be found scribbling Victorians deserved a bit of grace but with Josh Frydenberg's outburst, adolescent rancour prevailed.

It's actually not far from the Angelic one's burst of heresy ...

My young friends’ brave and lonely response contrasts with that of some politicians, ideological commentators and middle-aged well-to-do people fuming at Andrews over their loss of freedom and their “right” to a social life — which ironically gave them even more time to write bitter letters and commentary.

However, Australians in general see the common good as paramount. Consequently, in the pandemic the vast majority of us have tuned out of politics and the ideological framework and can see that to voluntarily curtail your own freedom for the public good and future freedom, is a sign of true, human freedom.

For a moment, the reptiles cruelly made the Angelic one jostle and bump side to side with Polonius ...




Sheesh the pond has a fainting fit each time it sees that "Andrews does well", and must call out for smelling salts, or better still, brandy in milk, for purely medicinal purposes, as the pond's grandma did on the way to a long life ...

But back to Polonius, a well-to-do suck-up to rich folk to fund his institute, fuming away ...


Hmm, and a point missed apparently by the lizard Oz editor who strangely allowed the Angelic one's heresy to get into print ...

Never mind, Polonius is just a Liberal, and a Ming the Merciless lover, and if Ming and Polonius had their way, we'd be sending scrap iron to Japan or coal to China ...

Here, speaking of a Hawaiian response to bushires, have an infallible Pope, just for the fun of it ...




And speaking of bushfires and climate science and coal and the whole damn thing, it grieves the pond even more that it must turn to Dame Slap for its meditative Sunday filler, but the garbage dump doesn't mind, providing some kind of garbage keeps getting dumped ...


With the greatest respect, or actually, with no respect at all, because in reality this is just another part of the climate science denialist wars, being conducted by an IPA shill and stooge, the pond is entirely over the Riddster, and all the IPA blather about freedom to speak, because he can still keep on speaking all he likes ...
The last the pond checked, the Riddster was proudly an independent scientist, scribbling for the lizard Oz, and he should stay an independent scientist, instead of turning to the courts, no doubt in the hope of scoring another pay day ...


The reptiles put up an illustration to go with Dame Slap ...



But the pond thought a cartoon might help the blather go down a little better ...




It goes without saying that what Dame Slap wants, while deploring activist judges, is a bunch of activist judges who will be activist in the right, IPA, approved way ... especially in the matter of the Riddster, which desperately needs some climate science denialist activism in the guise of academic freedom ...



It is of course all idle speculation on Dame Slap's part at the moment, which is why the pond turned to another cartoon, showing the best way to do a little judging ...



 So high he even had to fix an error in his recent ruling.

And that was the least of his incompetence.

And now for those who thought the pond might have been exaggerating when it said this is all the climate science wars conducted on another front, please allow Dame Slap to make things clear ... because deep in her heart, she still thinks "Lord" Monckton is right, and who knows when the UN might use climate science to introduce a world government, though they've been painfully slow about it, when the promise of it being done by Xmas has turned into a decade-long delay ...

At some point in all this, it's worth remembering that Dame Slap is an IPA stooge and shill, the home for flim flam and climate science denialism, and that's why they want activist judges to do their bidding ... and why Dame Slap is hoping that the High Court has been stacked, because stacking and rigging has worked well in other places ...


The pond found the ennui so overwhelming that the only thing interesting thing in the last gobbet was Dame Slap's recalcitrant use of incalcitrant ...



Here ... and so to the last gobbet of the recalcitrant one ... and naturally that great libertarian and celebrator of freedom and small government wants an Orwellian government intervention, insisting on freedom by government fiat, because nothing shouts intellectual freedom like a Dan Teehan following Dame Slap's IPA orders ...


Yes, judges, better get IPA activist or face the wrath of IPA activist Dame Slap ...

But don't get the pond wrong, it's all for freedom, and even has a last cartoon celebrating freedom of speech ... and that's more than enough for this nostalgic Sunday meditation ...



  1. It would do the Ramsey Centre / long march / cultural Marxism brigade good to read this: But of course they won't......

    1. So Buckinghham says: "However, there is a danger here of producing ‘cultural smartarses’ – by which I mean people whose tastes are self-consciously eclectic, and who are fluent in a kind of ironic, postmodern ‘theory-speak’."

      Funny, that's just exactly what I'd expect the Ramsay courses to produce. Except for the 'post-modern' bit, of course - the Ramsay lot are more your typical pre-enlightenment anachronistic bozos who believe that "civilisation" is fixed and static and was all perfected a century or more ago.

      Nice to know that the Pomegranates are just as noodle-nutted as we are.

    2. Interesting read Anon. When one reads the regular reptile fare, it is hard to come away without the feeling that their whole argument always has that us and them class element .......and the longing for the maintenance of the status quo of their days of yore.
      As the saying goes....the memories of an old man are the deeds of a man in his prime. Unfortunately, time and events move on, unless of course you are Polonius or Planet Janet or an IPA shill.

      “The key point here is that Bourdieu’s analysis of what he calls ‘the cultural game’ is fundamentally sociological. He does not see culture as something that transcends social relations – in contrast to Matthew Arnold, and to contemporary neoconservatives. Indeed, he suggests that this transcendent view is itself something that the dominant classes use to sustain claims about their ‘natural’ social superiority.”
      In typical contrarian reptile speak......”up yours” and we will fight you to the death.
      Murdoch.... where delusion finds a home. :))

    3. Umm, the "deeds of a man in his prime", or maybe the deeds a man should have done in his prime. Memorable deeds arise mostly through accident, not intent, I find.

  2. Has anyone seen Killer Creighton lately?

    1. But butt they're free, Bef, free ! Not imprisoned by an evil, autocratic dictator like we are ! Free to live and die like we all should be.

      Liked the bit about Tegnell and what he is now spruiking about 'herd immunity' compared to what he was saying just a short while ago. He's definitely a member in good standing of the reptile claque; he obviously believes that if he never mentions it again, it never happened, and no further correspondence re 'herd immunity' will be entered into.

    2. The Killer has been conspicuously absent BF, and possibly like you, the pond has anxiously twiddled the crysal radio set in the hope of getting a message explaining Europe and Boris and the whole damn thing ...instead the pond feels like Cégeste hearing "the bird sings with its fingers" ...

  3. Polonius: "Division and disagreement is essential to the proper functioning of democracies." Maybe so, but truth, justice and rationality are very much more so and reptiles are capable of none of those.

    1. Truer words never spoken GB........alas, the reptiles are just everyday contrarians. Lies, injustice and irrationality are just their version of identity politics and virtue signalling.
      Q. Why do they always use that photo of Ridd on a park bench, looking like a wino in waiting!
      Was gonna post Keith Richards and the Expensive Winos....Don’t Take it So Hard, but thought it more appropriate to be more equal opportunity for the reptiles. Must be getting soft! :)). CA.

    2. There's obviously worlds out there that I will never hear of. X-Pensive Winos indeed. But then I never paid any attention to the Stones, so Richards (and Jagger) completely passed me by. Richards appeared in three 'pirates of the Caribbean' movies - hucoodanode.

  4. It's always a joy having Dame Slap in the day's doings, especially when she has the likes of Peter Ridd to lie for. As usual, the lies come easily to the cast of the IPA. But then, if you want to crusade about something as widely unthreatened in Australia as genuine "academic freedom", you're going to be thrown in with the likes of Ridd.

    But TESQA ? Who's heard of that before today ? Especially when it's actually TEQSA - but subeditors are expensive now I guess, and the Murdochrats gotta save every cent they can to put towards Roopie's retirement fund. Good to see, though, that the reptiles have their white knight - Tehan - riding helter skelter to the rescue of all oppressed tertiary educators.

    Loved the bit about how the "new reef that is as tall as a skyscraper" somehow "slipped under the ABC's Armageddon radar". Well, that just proves that Ridd was right all along, doesn't it - the existence of this "new reef" clearly proves that the farm runoff and other pollution is having no effect at all on the reef after all, yes ?


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