Wednesday, November 11, 2020

In which Dame Slap finally speaks of the Donald, and delivers the gibberish the pond long hoped for ...


At last Dame Slap gets around to talking about the Donald experience. Far too late of course, and meaningless, but then Dame Slap had long ago perfected the role of meaningless IPA stooge and shill ...
The pond used to remonstrate, demand an explanation, publish a reminder of that giddy night in New York that Dame Slap donned the MAGA cap, thereby attracting the attention of the cult master ...

Now we have the notion of a valuable aberration, not a long term option?
Did she have any guilt, any buyer's remorse, was she capable of reflection or insight? As it turns out, waiting for Dame Slap to scribble about the Donald's epic reign as wannabe nepotic child narcissist emperor is way worse than waiting for Godot ...

Schumpeterian creative destruction? That's the best she's got for rampant incompetence and sublime stupidity? Schrödinger's cat might have been more useful, or perhaps the cat in Alice ...



Much like the Donald, Dame Slap finds it hard to admit error or to concede ... and some of her Donald triumphs are patently absurd, showing her ability to grasp at straws. He was such a divisive, hated figure, but at least he got out the vote? And he was a great loser? Yep, there's IPA shilling at its stoogiest ... and apparently not understanding that when Kong gets angry, when Kong gets mad, when Kong loses, he's likely to head to the Empire State Building or at least Trump Tower and do what damage he can ...


A foul mouthed bully lacking decency and grace, full of contempt? But all that was plain enough when the Dame donned the MAGA cap, thereby endorsing pussy groping as a way to enjoy the world. Did it take her four years to realise what she'd been endorsing by the donning. Is she that thick? Do you think the pond expected any alternative response to that rhetorical question, because at the core of Dame Slap is a moral vacuum, where seizing the moment and owning the woke and the libs is always more important than admitting in the process you're doing a dance with the devil.
As for the rest, the pond realised the moment that Dame Slap wrote that Biden had delivered a pitch-perfect speech that we're all doomed ...  but then confronted with her previous love of the ugly, what else could she do?

And so to a final gobbet in which Dame Slap pretends her donning of the MAGA cap was just a chance to enjoy a Borat movie ... no longer a blinkered booster, this Dame, just blinkered in the usual Dame Slap way ...

What an epic fail, what an epic tosser ... as if the pond would forget that MAGA cap donning ... though speaking of local events, it would have liked to have celebrated another transformation, that of a thoroughly stupid man into a white ant ... courtesy the infallible Pope ...


And now the pond is still in hunger games mode, but when running a marathon, is it wrong to pause for a little treat, a little energy giver? The pond promises that the bromancer won't take up much time ...


Yes, it's the bromancer being as fatuous as Charlie Brown being confronted by a football ...

The pond isn't sure what's more comical, the Donald being Donald, or the bromancer suddenly being shocked and disappointed ...

Read, marvel or weep as you will ... there is no reason for the Donald to abandon his general political persona, petulant, impetuous ratbaggery that it is, it having been so successful at fucking the United States and the planet ... yet he really should exercise some basic modicum of responsibility while doing the fucking ...

Make sense of that and you might comprehend the reptile mind, or the nirvana arising from embracing sublime contradictions ...

As for that bromancer line about the messy policy compromises being not too bad? That's the best he's got?

But that's the bromancer for you, so deeply mired in stupidity it's easy to see why he loved the onion muncher. But at least, as the pond promised, he stayed in the shallow water, and kept it short. Pick up the water and the energy bar, and you can sprint through the final gobbet of delusion ...


And there you have it. Many criticisms of the Donald are overdone, and yet, finally a realisation that a petulant man child might spend the next few months smashing the Lego set up, and at last the bromancer discovering some extremely hard criticism and condemnation ...  you know, love taps with a feather duster of disappointments ...

Oh Murdochians, what bullshit artists you are, what viewers of the world through the rear view vision mirror ...

Where was Dame Slap and the bromancer when it might have mattered? Why either MIA or wringing hands like a Pontius Pilate ...

What a relief it is to know that all this Donald nonsense is surely winding down, and the pond can join the immortal Rowe in contemplating a sodden, coal-infatuated white anting barfly, with a goodly chance of finding more wretches high on coal fumes here ... (oh the pond remembers the highs, frolicking in the Tamworth power station's tailing heaps, and those glorious days when coal gas left the kitchen walls coated with an inch of thick black grease, and the pond was assigned the task of removing it. Who couldn't love coal like a Joel, at least if they wanted to leave the house a few cells short of a working battery pack)...




  1. Clearly, Rupert has said "Put in the boot!"

    1. Yeah, but they've gotta do it without making Roopie seem like a complete wuckfit himself. Which means that I've worked out what Slappy means by 'aberration': she means 'useless idiot'.

  2. "Now we have the notion of a valuable aberration, not a long term option?"

    "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" Besides, DP, as I may have mentioned before, the reptile formula is simple: If I never mention it again, then it never happened. No MAGA cap will ever again grace the rantings if this IPA stooge and shill.

    So, this "aberration", according to Dame Slap/Snap "confronted China's gaming of its 'developing country' status" Oh yeah, he "confronted" it all right, which us why China is still happily gaming its 'developing country' status - along with "Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel [oh dear], Kuwait, Brunei and Qatar". That was a Yuuge success, wasn't it. One could even say that this "confrontation" was not even nearly as successful as 'The Wall' of which Trump has managed to get 1044 km of "disconnected vertical barriers" built out of a total Mexico-USA border of 3145 km. And Hong Kong isn't even a 'country' any more. And Mexico didn't pay for any of it.

    And here's just a wee bit of shilling: "the country is at risk of being stolen from mainstream voters by big business, big media and cultural elites." Never ever happened before, has it - the world's purest ever democracy was never 'controlled' by its wealthy, it's big media, and its very 'conservative' culture ... no, nevah, evah !

    That's the thing about stooging, shilling wingnuts; the "if I don't ever mention it again" dodge is real, but deep down it truly is this: "If I say it is so, then it's always been that way, never any different'. So when you put it, DP, that "A foul mouthed bully lacking decency and grace, full of contempt? But all that was plain enough when the Dame donned the MAGA cap..." it really was never like that at all, was it. It was always just such a great little "aberration", yes ?

    So on to the Bromancer, disappointed by his "aberration"; and regarding the "executive power of the presidency" Trump "should exercise it with a modicum of responsbility." So again we can see the "if I say it then it was always like this" syndrome at work; Trump and "some basic modicum of responsibility".

    Yeah, like not in this universe, Bro, not in this universe.

    But oh, the terrible fate that Trump will bestow on us all: "Over the next 70-odd days before Biden's inauguration, the US and its allies are at some serious risk that an adversary would look to take advantage of the disarray in US politics and society to attempt military action." Oh my, my "military action" - the US and its allies are going to be invaded by ... umm, dunno actually. It couldn't be China - they've still only got one aircraft carrier IIRC. And even a great fleet of subs can't carry many soldiers. Nor can drones, or fighter jets, or ICBMs or ?? The Chinese could simply nuke us all, I guess.

    Besides, once senile old Biden is Pres, the "disarray in US politics and society" is just going to get worse and worse by the day. So we'd better all be down on the beach with our AK47s to repel boarders, yes ?

  3. The Great Offender

    Oh yes I'm the Great Pretender
    Pretending that I'm doing swell
    Fake stories I’ll tweet
    Till the ruling’s complete
    I'm winning -
    But only I can tell

    Oh yes I'm the Great Suspender
    I live in a world of my own
    Where I snipe, snarl and blame
    And loudly declaim
    In big black cap tweets
    From my phone

    To lose is an option
    I cannot conceive
    These election results
    I cannot believe

    Ooh ooh yes I'm the Great Extender
    Avoiding the legal countdown
    And I’m tweeting a prayer
    That next year I’ll wear
    A double-term President’s crown
    So prepare for the final showdown
    I’m still the guy running this town
    And Rudy will shake ‘em all down
    And my Proud Boys are just standing ‘round…

    1. Aah, great to have you active again, Kez. Your feeling for songs is legendaty.

      And for everybody who missed it back in 1955:

    2. Great to have you active again, Kez - you were missed.

      And for everyone who missed it back in 1955:

    3. Cheers GB. Events certainly are inspiring lately! Thanks for the clip. All the Platters were excellent vocalists, (especially Tony Williams), with great songs and arrangements.


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