Wednesday, December 18, 2019

In which the pond seizes another moment for season's greetings, thanks to their Mel ...


It's a dreary life for the automatons at the lizard Oz, daily spinning their deep and abiding love for SloMo and his minions …

So every so often they have to trot out a conspiracy, preferably involving a long-standing figure of hate, fear and loathing …

Only the reptiles could produced a digital edition juxtaposing a wicked, naughty, possibly evil, certainly malign Tim Flannery, with more dinkum love for clean Aussie coal, oi, oi, oi, a certain way to help climate change …

Oh wait, the reptiles also have another way, a pet theme, a reptile meme, a trope for the twittering ages …

Luckily the pond had an infallible Pope cartoon on standby to celebrate all the recent triumphs of the reptiles and the SloMovians …

And so to the pond's search for the best way to wrap up the year, and wish everyone season's greetings, and retire to catch a Melbourne tram … and what a deadly thing has happened in that search.

It's a warning for the local reptiles to lift their game, instead of continually lifting their commentary from the farthest reaches of the Murdochian empire … because frankly Mel is a prime contender, even if they can only manage an """ for a thumb photo id, so rara avis is this bird …

The pond is of course completely on board with hatred of women - it's deeply ingrained in the reptile spirit - and all the more so when a moronic Murdochian correspondent proves the point that women are dreary moronic automatons by writing in a drearily moronic and automatonic way …

There's an additional frisson when it happens to be a woman who was once a dreary leftist, but now has become a dreary right wing loon ...

Indeed, indeed, though the pond does prefer women who squawk from within the safety of Murdochian glass houses about empowered women … 

You see, the chance of discovering a woman who might perform better than Jeremy Corbyn is absolutely nil, zero, because he's been such a triumph, so successful that when anyone else, perhaps with a sense of womanly shame, would have promptly left the stage, and disappeared up his own ether, he's still hanging around like a bad Comrade Bill smell … but do go on, with the usual reptile ranting about women ...

… which is of course completely different to our Melanie parroting her dreary agitprop Murdochian slogans on the joys of a rape culture …

And to to a few minor Billy goat butt thoughts - of course there are a few examples of bias and prejudice against women, not least Mel's marvellous example in this very automatonic column - before wrapping things up ...

The pond is content. Should this be the last post for the year, what a ripper it is, and what a reprimand to the local reptiles, who seem to have forgotten all about the culture wars this year, have let slide the war on Christmas, and been content to bask on a hot rock in the record-breaking December heat - dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …

Let's face it, if we could just blonde her up, Mel would make a fine Fox and Friends host, and long absent lordy, do men need more Stepford wives like that, or what …

And now because it's getting closer and closer to a Melbourne tram, if this is the last post, have a happy Xmas - as much as circumstances allow - and let us look forward to more summer heat waves, and the reptiles attending to their culture wars duties, with First Dog showing them the way, and with more First Dog here

The pond rarely quotes the Dog, but he does show the reptiles the way forward, and the hair splitting on a pin which can, with a lick of effort, devour the whole of next year … while of course continuing the campaign to nuke the country, and coalify the world …

Oh how the pond loves its WWJD's ...


  1. Thank you Dorothy for another year of insightful commentary on the political landscape
    in Australia.

  2. As you say, DP: "Let's face it, if we could just blonde her up, Mel would make a fine Fox and Friends host..."

    Yes indeedy, she certainly would. But amongst the plethora of her nonsenses, a couple really tickled my fancy.

    Firstly, Mel: "For the paradox of an era that has made a fetish of opposing discrimination is that it nevertheless regards discrimination as mandatory in favour of groups considered marginalised or oppressed."

    Yep, that's profound logic: if there's a problem, make no attempt to fix it, just let it go on and blame the oppressed for being oppressed. After all, if you were ever so radical as to try to correct an injustice, then you'd be transgressing the wingnut reptile's prime directive of "Do not subvert the natural order; if they are suffering then that is what is ordained for them".

    I think this may be a perfectly fine example of what First Dog meant by "You only have yourself to blame."

    But then, doesn't this mean that all those men who have been silenced by women - "Men who objected were told this was proof they were indeed male chauvinist pigs. Intimidated, they shut up ..." - are just suffering from being a powerless minority ? Stiffen up the sinews and summon up the blood, chaps, and cry havoc.

    Then secondly, Mel: "In general, women tend to have higher priorities than the grubby power games of political life. So the target of equal gender representation inescapably means shoe-horning in mediocre and second-rate women at the expense of more talented male candidates."

    Oh, ok; so that explains Theresa May: she's just a "mediocre and second-rate woman" shoe-horned in at the expense of all those very talented Tory males. Such as Boris Johnson.

    So glad to have the bounty of a Mel Phillips at this festive, holiday time. So, great final choice, DP. And ride all those trams !

    1. Oh dear:
      California Says Goodbye to the All-Male Board of Directors
      Kevin Drum

      Oh those poor, sad, intimidated males, all rushing to overthrow the God-created natural order and appoint women to important positions (supposedly, anyway) in human society.

      No wonder that God is punishing us by imposing climate change. But then, ScoMo and the boyz are working hard to guarantee him the right to do that.

  3. Thanks for your good work, DP. My thought for the day is that, under the Religious Freedom Act to be, the vegan terrorists will be able to protest unhindered because animals are sacred under their religion (Hinduism?, Buddhism?). Interesting times.

    1. Good point. Though personally I'm waiting to see just what it empowers everybody's favourite religion, Scientology, to say and do.

  4. Nice xmas pressie from the oz slandering the climate council and false flagging emergency leaders. I wont be satisfied until I read a rebuttal here...
    "Yesterday, Emergency Leaders for Climate Action were out in full force, calling out the Federal Government’s lack of leadership on the bushfire crisis -  and announcing plans to launch a National Bushfire Summit.

    This morning, we woke up to a front page attack article in The Australian, revealing their ‘exclusive’ - that Emergency Leaders are funded by the Climate Council. 

    Are we missing something? Thousands of Climate Council supporters - like you - chipped in to power the Emergency Leaders all the way back In April. With your support, we printed the first Emergency Leaders joint statement in the national press. "

    1. Just remember those evil words that stoke madness in the hearts and minds of reptiles, Anony: "Tim Flannery".


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