Thursday, May 09, 2019

In which the savvy Savva and the onion muncher join the parade ...


Still desperate to avoid election talk, the pond flailed around in the reptile herpetarium looking for alternatives, but the Folau matter has now become low farce, what with the parrot gone Orwellian, the maiden mauler blathering about cultural Marxism and the mountebank publicity hound Twiggy turning up … so sorry solemn graveyard Sexton, another time …

The pond looks forward to the venerable Sexton sidling up to a gay colleague at work and sagely advising them that they'll soon be off to hell, lickety-split, and having lit fuse, stand back to enjoy the fireworks ...

Of course there's always Brexit or the Donald delusion, but the Americans are now so fucked that the pond almost feels pity for them …and for those hapless reptiles who are still required to sound positive about the biggest loser …

Historic win? Pull the other leg Murdochians …

And then there was all the usual nonsense, and the pond absolutely won't go there, not even the first edition …

There was nothing for it, but to buckle up and go for a ride with the reliably savvy Savva …

Well yes, and that's why the pond isn't particularly interested, having already cast a vote and not particularly interested in all the reptile carry-on. The world has changed, and as usual, the reptiles, in their tree-killer way, have refused to catch on or catch up ...

Well yes again, and in reality the pond's only interest is in the fate of the onion muncher, with the pond devouring any news from the front line, and the latest attempts by the onion muncher to save himself …perhaps by an hysterical lathering up with alleged 'news' about dangerous new beasts slouching towards Canberra ...

Well no, thanks reptiles, the pond won't watch, but it will take time out from the savvy Savva to read …

A new party is born? A new climate change party, a small-'g' green party?

With that sort of carry on, the pond senses that the onion muncher might be having a large-'G' dose of the Guilts for his monstrous failures in relation to climate science … or perhaps it's "G" for a dose of the climate science Gotchas ...

The pond immediately wondered why it had abandoned the savvy Savva ...

Well yes, and what an eerie set of thoughts, with the savvy Savva sounding off like Katharine Murphy in the Graudian here, inter alia …

...Back to Morrison again. The Liberal leader has declared enough of the pageantry. Morrison said the coming election was about one thing – “the choice between Bill Shorten and myself”.
So in other words, the 2019 Liberal launch will be about Labor. Let that sink in for a moment. Enough about me, more about you, but don’t worry everyone, we are good to govern for another three years.
Just in case we missed the message, Morrison repeated it. “At the end of the day, it’s a choice between me and Bill Shorten. No one else”.
This is what the election is about? Really? A bloke-off? In what universe?
For most people, safely removed from the cult of personality and tedious ambition-laden intrigues dressed up as ideological battles Canberra has dished up in the decade of political unhinging, the election is about the future of the country, and who has the best plan to move the country forward.
It’s not about a bloke-off.
What a strange universe to wash up in, seriously, when the leader of a political party intuits no benefit from situating himself firmly in his own institution, and in fact takes steps to distance himself from it...

Well yes, and speaking of blokes who should bloke-off, how's the Sheriff of Warringah going with his conspiracy theories about new parties out to get him?

By golly the bloke is sounding desperate and perhaps fears that the voters will tell him to bloke-off, but what joy for the independents, that the onion muncher should give the reptiles a chance to raise their profiles … and even better, link them to Malware, who for some bizarre reason, still attracts affection in reptile-orientated electorates.

Seeking some semblance of sanity, the pond returned to the savvy Savva ...

Indeed, indeed, though let us not forget Murdochians simply repeating like parrots what they have been furiously scribbling for years … with the arguments getting increasingly convoluted and weird …

Say what, inverted commas? How about those dreaded inner city 'leets who want to buy in Sydney? 

And now to be fair, the pond must offer up the final gobbet to that report from Warringah, where apparently people are thinking of fleeing to the inner west if the onion muncher gets up …

Well done, reptiles. Keep on promoting those independents, and keep reminding the world of the onion muncher's record on climate science. All that's missing in that fine report is a paean of joy about the wonders of dinkum clean true blue Oz coal to really shove it to Warringah voters…

And speaking of reptiles shooting themselves and their chosen ones in the foot, a final word from the savvy Savva ...

Ah reptiles, ah Daily Terror … is this the headline that actually helped comrade Bill win the election?

Who knows, but if that's the Terror's idea of helping SloMo, what a bunch of completely clueless, remarkably unwitting fuckwitted dickheads they really must be …

And of course it produced some joy for the pond's favourite cartoonists, with Rowe having fun here, and the Canberra Times screwing up the infallible Pope's formatting here

Did you notice? Oh he's everywhere, and in such a quaint juxtaposition …

And so to the reptiles determined to humanise comrade Bill. Well played minions of Chairman Rupert ...


  1. The Savvy Savva: "..the best way to lock down those early votes is for politicians to behave themselves and governments to govern well between elections, to remain true to their promises, their leaders and their values."

    Well I don't know about remaining true to their promises - in a complex and rapidly changeable world, all political promises must always be conditional - and leaders can fail and need to be replaced, but value constancy is usually good. But most of all, can we just ask that governing well between elections becomes the primary and unsacrificeable value ?

    And talking about "governing well", here's something for those dedicated to expanding our roads to consider:

    Making Peak Travel Time Worse

    People who hate spending money to widen highways love to talk about "induced demand" which is how those improvements just bring more cars onto the highway as people switch to highway travel.

    But it's actually worse than that. People don't just switch to highway travel from other roads and modes, they switch their travel times. And because congestion is an externality they do it in particularly infuriating - for everybody else - ways. You get more cars on the road all day, and you especially get more cars at rush hour. So, yes, widening highways can, actually, make your rush hour commute worse.

    1. I think you are asking too much to ask for good government. The big idea of neo-liberalism is small government.

      I met a former Liberal voter who thought small government meant fewer politicians now they understand it meant privatisation of services so someone could profit from their needs.

    2. Not only privatising services but also reducing them.

      But I think you're mostly right about the prospects for "good government". That's basucally one of those ideals that we hold which is never actually realised. Mainly because people who select themselves as politicians simply don't have the objectivity, the knowledge or the skills to produce good government. I instance the total ignorance of economics instanced by the politicians of both sides previously and currently in Federal parliament - just think Keating and then Costello as Treasurers, for instance.


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