The reptiles were in top, fear-mongering form this day … just as the pond was worried that they'd forgotten their real purpose in life - to scribble right thinking copy for Pravda down under - they came good, with Dame Groan frightened, nay terrified…
…not by the prospect of what climate change might do to the planet, but what doing anything at all about this false theology, this fake news, might cost.
What if they came for her $357k a year, where would that leave her? Forget the planet, this is is the sort of issue that needs urgent discussion …it's frightening, nay it's terrifying ...
What if they came for her $357k a year, where would that leave her? Forget the planet, this is is the sort of issue that needs urgent discussion …it's frightening, nay it's terrifying ...
Yes, the reptiles turned yet again to the spectre of being haunted by greenies in both the tree killer and the digital edition …
The pond sometimes wonders if the reptiles wake in a fever at 3 a.m, deep in the witching hours, and look under the bed, just in case a greenie ghost has somehow managed to sidle on it, and set up a howling and an infernal racket even worse than Regan doing a 360 head turn … is there an exorcist in the house?
Well, no, but there was an inverted comma man suffering from typo fever …
And in since the fuss with Folau, the reptiles have kept track of what might erupt on the morrow …
And others might opt not to play if his contract isn't restored, and soon the world will be cleansed of rugby.
But for the moment, the pond can only dream, and only one pundit can be called to the bar this day, and the pond knew it was in safe hands with Dame Slap …
But for the moment, the pond can only dream, and only one pundit can be called to the bar this day, and the pond knew it was in safe hands with Dame Slap …
Core values! And the pond just knew that one of those core values would be Dame Slap's cult certification as 'reptile enhanced and approved by' a Lobbecke illustration …
Who knows what that Lobbecke actually meant? Was it a plea for manly eyebrows, or a dire evocation of greenie white ghosts infecting Liberal brains?
Never mind, the pond responded immediately to Dame Slap's plea for enduring values. The battle for white Western Civilisation is never ending, and recently a Liberal with core reptile values has been attracting attention … what with all the marketing, the posters and the messaging falling into place …
Talk about core reptile and Liberal values …
Sorry? Sorry isn't a core Liberal value … harden the fuck up man, or Sharia law will get you …
“No oath of allegiance from a person following such an ideology can or should be accepted by the Australian government under the current law. They are clearly people of bad character.
“Muslim schools (places where such an unacceptable ideology is taught) operate in Australia with the support of state and federal money. The various Australian governments must stop giving money to organisations which are essentially fomenting (sic) rebellion against the government.”
And what was the mealy-mouthed Slo Mo quoted as saying in that HUN story?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison called on Australians to end “mindless tribalism” and “disagree better” in the wake of the mosque shooting in Christchurch in March.
He said he wanted to engage in a “broader reflection” on “how we see difference in our world and how we manage it”.
“If we allow a culture of ‘us and them’, of tribalism, to take hold; if we surrender an individual to be defined not by their own unique worth and contribution but by the tribe they are assigned to; if we yield to the compulsion to pick sides rather than happy coexistence, we will lose what makes diversity work in Australia.”
Dammit sir, that's not core values, no way is that core values.
Read Dame Slap and learn how tribalism works. Remember "Those ashamed to be Liberal can never become one" …and so it's on with a truly inspiring rant ...
Read Dame Slap and learn how tribalism works. Remember "Those ashamed to be Liberal can never become one" …and so it's on with a truly inspiring rant ...
Too many ideas? Sorry, here Dame Slap goes much too far. The Liberal party is full as a goog, right to the brim, with people full of bright ideas, from the leadership down …
It seems there's no pleasing some, even when the best and the brightest, full of great ideas, attend rallies designed to cheer on core Liberal values …
On second thoughts, perhaps Dame Slap is right.
Why, in this fierce battle for white Western Civilisation, should the pastie Hastie be fearful about meeting up with a comrade in arms at a Perth rally? What next? He'll be denying creationism?
Why, in this fierce battle for white Western Civilisation, should the pastie Hastie be fearful about meeting up with a comrade in arms at a Perth rally? What next? He'll be denying creationism?
Clearly the pond was wrong, and Dame Slap's message about these wimpy neo-Liberals was perfectly correct. Why we might end up with a whole new generation of wretched poodles - just as he disappears into crow eater wilderness - and where would that leave the crusade?
Oh it's nauseating stuff, no doubt about it …
See how craven they are in The Graudian's piece 'Modern Liberals': Dave Sharma and Tim Wilson rebrand over climate change.
See how they're easily mocked …
The self-described “Modern Liberals” are attacking electric vehicles as a Soviet-style conspiracy yet say nothing about the Adani coal mine being approved by their own Government. Bring on a climate change election.
The self-described “Modern Liberals” are attacking electric vehicles as a Soviet-style conspiracy yet say nothing about the Adani coal mine being approved by their own Government. Bring on a climate change election.
Hold the line lads, hold the line! The sands of the north are sodden red, red with the wreck of the climate science denialism that broke, the Gatling's jammed, and the Colonel shouting in tongues to imaginary friends in the sky, and the party blind with coal dust and old generator smoke, but hold the line, and play Dame Slap's game, lads ...

Yes, enough of this talk of improving lifestyles, and securing retirement. What we need is battle-hardened crusaders, not afraid to take on Islamics or show their deep concern for South African farmers, because the battle to save white Western Civilisation won't finish with this election …why, the Ramsay Centre will be a rallying cry for generations, for centuries, to come …
Desperate measures are needed comrades, and don't worry about your bunk mates as you lie on your hard wooden frame with only the lizard Oz beneath you and a few pages on top to keep in the warmth.
David Rowe shows the dancing that needs to be done, with more dancing Rowe here …
No pole dancing sacrifice is too great …
Do what it takes, says the agrarian socialists, and by golly they will, because a classically liberal ideology supports pole dancing, selling out, and the right of strippers to be mauled by honest, dinkum politicians getting on the piss ...

Make a moral case for getting into bed with Pauline and Clive, while noble crusaders are forced to apologise for a few harmless remarks, or distance themselves from their rallying buddies?
Only in the world of the reptiles and Dame Slap, but at least the infallible Pope made a moral case for classical liberal ideas, with more papal advice here, but for how long, now that the sale has been done?

Oh Dame Groan would love those secure borders, and so would Dame Slap …
Dame Slap: "He [who ?] also was told that if he were preselected, Labor and the unions would campaign against the Liberal Party."
ReplyDeleteQue ? Under what circumstances would labor and the unions not campaign against the Liberal Party ? Or have Libs and Labs made an agreement to give each other their preferences ?
my guess is that the secret "He" is such a weirdo nutjob that the ALP and ACTU would have a field day.
DeleteYeah. "He" is supposedly a Victorian and so am I, however it doesn't trigger any thoughts or memories of LNP shenanigans - but then there's so many LNP shenanigans it's hard to separate them into independent acts of folly or greed. And again, this is Dame Slap spouting ...
DeleteHigh class herpetology by Richard Cooke for The Monthly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting that.
DeleteYes indeed; a very long read but a very comprehensive analysis. Thanks, Anony.
DeleteHi A,
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, I was starting to think that it was just me.