With bonus "confected outrage" flirtation of course ... now can we have some bonus "moral hypocrisy", with an hysterically funny gayle force joke?
Ah, the "creature of his culture" ploy ... which thank goodness doesn't involve bobbing up all over the place making a squillion playing a silly game ...
He didn't know what he was doing, your honour, they sent the money to him by carrier pigeon, as befitted his culture and his level of awareness of the world ...
How lucky is the pond that it refuses to read any article which contains "thought police" and/or "moral hypocrisy" in the digital splash ...
He didn't know what he was doing, your honour, they sent the money to him by carrier pigeon, as befitted his culture and his level of awareness of the world ...
How lucky is the pond that it refuses to read any article which contains "thought police" and/or "moral hypocrisy" in the digital splash ...
Meanwhile, in the very same paper, at the top of the digital page ...
Hmm, why would that be? Why are the Terrorists, well known moral hypocrites, first class active, paid up members of the thought police, also on the prowl?
Could it have something to do with this?
Oh good, so tomorrow we can have Arndt and Jack earnestly explaining why the wowsers are doing the thought police thing, with generous dose of moral hypocrisy, because, well, because where's the harm in flashing a handsome cock at a witch or two ... or texting to the bloody witches ...
Meanwhile, the Oz reptiles were on to more important forms of discrimination ...

Oh indeed, why the very thought that the thought police should be sent to Canberra on a Liberal ticket turns the pond to a quivering liberal jelly ...
Oh no, a bloody witch usurping Freedom Boy!? How unjust, how unkind, how outrageous that the world should be deprived of the voice of Freedom ...
And so to a matter of urgent middle eastern diplomacy ...
First, please allow the pond to set the scene ...
How touching. Billionaire males willing to bond in such a sweet and public way ...
And so, hugging done, it's on to the work of the minions ...
Yep, it's more spin for the fundamentalist Wahhabists ... but sssh, please, don't actually mention Wahhabism ...
Yes, instead of brooding about Wahhabism, let us gather together and spread alarums about the longevity of the House of Saud, because it offers ... hope for the future ... oh, and plenty of moola, too ...
Back to the minion, doing his very best with some finely tuned wonky logic, and the odd apology for the odd occasional beheading, blogger flogging, female oppressing ways of the House of Saud...
Well there's always a place for useful fools and willing tools in the world of reptilian journalism, and it's good to see that Roger Boyes is an exceptionally able apologist ... he certainly looks like one of the raging old farts who turn up to shout at clouds for the Chairman ...
Meanwhile, on another planet ... How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism ...
It would be troublesome but perhaps acceptable for the House of Saud to promote the intolerant and extremist Wahhabi creed just domestically. But, unfortunately, for decades the Saudis have also lavishly financed its propagation abroad. Exact numbers are not known, but it is thought that more than $100 billion have been spent on exporting fanatical Wahhabism to various much poorer Muslim nations worldwide over the past three decades. It might well be twice that number. By comparison, the Soviets spent about $7 billion spreading communism worldwide in the 70 years from 1921 and 1991.
This appears to be a monumental campaign to bulldoze the more moderate strains of Islam, and replace them with the theo-fascist Saudi variety. Despite being well aware of the issue, Western powers continue to coddle the Saudis or, at most, protest meekly from time to time.
As for western journalists of the Roger Boyes, House of Murdoch kind ... but stay, pray, please, do go on ...
For instance, a Wikileaks cable clearly quotes then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying "donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide." She continues: "More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups." And it's not just the Saudis: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are also implicated in the memo. Other cables released by Wikileaks outline how Saudi front companies are also used to fund terrorism abroad.
Evidently, the situation has not improved since Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Late last year, Vice President Biden caused a stir by undiplomatically speaking the truth at an event at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, saying:
"Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends... [and] the Saudis, the Emirates, etcetera. What were they doing?.... They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad -- except that the people who were being supplied, [they] were al-Nusra, and al-Qaeda, and the extremist elements of jihadis who were coming from other parts of the world."
And so on and endlessly forth.
There are any number of texts exposing the role Saudi Arabia has played in exporting Islamic fundamentalism around the world in recent decades.
It is of course, also possible to chew gum and pat belly, and deplore both the appalling Iranian theocratic state and the equally appalling House of Saud ... but not, it seems, in the House of Murdoch, where useless tools go diligently about their work ...
Well if the house of Saud and the house of Murdoch are the planet's best hope, then the world is fucked in a way that not even the morally hypocritical thought police might have imagined ...
And so to a timely Pope cartoon, and a bonus Rowe, and more of the papal David here, and that premium cox, the mighty Rowe here ...
Bettina Arndt thinks she can think?
ReplyDeleteNo really, that is sad cos she's written about her 'relationships' with men and it is not a pretty story, so how come she thinks her thinks about what is a beat up and what is fcking about time, are better than my thinks that the time has finally come for those men who demean themselves by behaving as if they are dogs on heat; one whiff of the feminine phereomones and away they go salivating and forcing themselves upon unwilling women.
If only the dogmen could tell real women - those who like men with brains - from the Bettina Arndt type women.
Perhaps Betty and her ilk could wear signs saying "Touch me fellas, I'm a woman who feels sorry for you cos you got a dick that sucks all the blood from your brain" and the rest of us could get on with meeting me who think before they touch.
But you know I get the feeling all they time when reading Betty that she feels quite sorry for men and their urges, like they are all little boys who need to be indulged.
That is one of the most misandrist posts I have read in a long time
DeleteYeah, it's hard to be rigorously critical of dogmen in gender neutral terms.
DeleteThanks GrueBleen, you aint no dogman; I like your thinks about things.
DeleteGary Johns has suggested that contraception should be linked to welfare payments.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why a state of "permanent contraception" could not be offered to members of the Saudi Royals and columnists in the OZ.
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteThe legitimacy of the House of Saud to rule KSA is intrinsically tied to the support of the ulama (the Wahhabist religious authorities). Wahhabism is not just puritanical it is also a proselytising creed and its adherents are duty bound to spread the faith.
The actions of the Iranian backed Hezbollah and Hamas are pretty much small beer compared to the terror wrought by AQ, the Taliban, Boko Haram and ISIS in the last two decades all of whom take inspiration from the fountainhead of Wahhabism.
The Saudis of course would not have been able to so lavishly finance the propagation of Wahhabism if not for OPEC and the oil crisis in the 1970’s. The movement of money from the West to the previously impoverished OPEC nations probably rates as one of the biggest wealth transfers the world has ever seen. Swimming in cash the Saudis and other Arab princes poured money into the Western stock markets. Supercharged with petrodollars the markets abandoned their old staid practises and embarked on an aggressive campaign of asset stripping that Western Industry was ill prepared to defend against. Free Market Capitalism was unleashed.
Western leaders sort to appease the Saudis and their stranglehold on oil prices and so we come to the sorry state where we placate those that wish to destroy our secular democracies.
The difference between the West’s treatment of KSA and that doled out to Iran could not be more different but it too stems back to the 1970’s where the overthrow of the Shah, the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the loss of the cartel controlled by the Seven Sisters effectively made Iran a pariah state.
It was always about the oil and it still is and always will be.
OPEC was the brain child of Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso a Venezuelan politician. He modelled it on the Railroad Commission of Texas which inadvertently came to regulate US oil prices in the 1930s.
Perez Alfonzo however was to despair of his creation;
“Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see: oil will bring us ruin… Oil is the Devil's excrement.”
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteThe legitimacy of the House of Saud to rule KSA is intrinsically tied to the support of the ulama (the Wahhabist religious authorities). Wahhabism is not just puritanical it is also a proselytising creed and its adherents are duty bound to spread the faith.
The actions of the Iranian backed Hezbollah and Hamas are pretty much small beer compared to the terror wrought by AQ, the Taliban, Boko Haram and ISIS in the last two decades all of whom take inspiration from the fountainhead of Wahhabism.
The Saudis of course would not have been able to so lavishly finance the propagation of Wahhabism if not for OPEC and the oil crisis in the 1970’s. The movement of money from the West to the previously impoverished OPEC nations probably rates as one of the biggest wealth transfers the world has ever seen. Swimming in cash the Saudis and other Arab princes poured money into the Western stock markets. Supercharged with petrodollars the markets abandoned their old staid practises and embarked on an aggressive campaign of asset stripping that Western Industry was ill prepared to defend against. Free Market Capitalism was unleashed.
Western leaders sort to appease the Saudis and their stranglehold on oil prices and so we come to the sorry state where we placate those that wish to destroy our secular democracies.
The difference between the West’s treatment of KSA and that doled out to Iran could not be more different but it too stems back to the 1970’s where the overthrow of the Shah, the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the loss of the cartel controlled by the Seven Sisters effectively made Iran a pariah state.
It was always about the oil and it still is and always will be.
OPEC was the brain child of Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso a Venezuelan politician. He modelled it on the Railroad Commission of Texas which inadvertently came to regulate US oil prices in the 1930s.
Perez Alfonzo however was to despair of his creation;
“Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see: oil will bring us ruin… Oil is the Devil's excrement.”
:)³ You really do know how to wind up the pond, DW! Now for a Bex, kidney damage to match the brain damage, and a good lie down ...
DeleteVladimir Ilyich Lenin: The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.
ReplyDeleteAnd so we happily create our own destiny.
ReplyDeleteJean Baptiste @ Thu 07 Jan 16 (08:50am) is right on the money. It's not about big, boofy blokes wanting no restraint. It's about making the playing-fields level for all females wanting & able to get into the sciences, police, etc.
It's about the likelihood of my daughters and granddaughters being put upon, in the gentlest ways of course, by the blokes in charge.
It's about how I respond to any sh!thead bloke who disrespects my wife/daughter/granddaughter.
It's about my attitude to blokes & their tarts in the privileged media who stand by, sniggering & spruiking ideology.
Want my subscription, Jack?
Thanks for a dose of sanity...I read that Bettina Arndt article and despaired and then made the mistake of reading the comments under it! I really should know better than to read the comments on the Australian website...they always bring me down - I guess it's helpful to understand how the enemy thinks and all that...but gawd it's depressing to read some of those opinions...the other week someone there referred to Muslims as "creatures" ... :(
ReplyDeleteOh god, the comment sections - they drag the eyeballs down despite best efforts. And then we can't un-see or un-read.
DeleteBut didn't Chris Mitchell assert that the Oz's readership was mostly youthful, well-educated, articulate types, not ranting frothing weirdos??
Oh dear, Nelly, you read the comments!? That way lies madness. At least with the actual articles there's usually only fairy floss, delusions and temporary insanity which lifts like a morning fog ...Mish has it right, the readership, judging by the comments, consists of angry old men shouting at clouds and hussies ... and Arndt routinely panders to them ...
DeleteLet us not have any more talk of knowing how the enemy thinks. That presumes that reptiles think ...
Wow. Bettina Arndt. It's like some journalistic Galapagos. I thought she died out along with Jack Thompson centrefolds...?
ReplyDeleteDear Sir /Madam,
ReplyDeleteHello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ umafredric@gmail.com
Phone Number: +917401774607
Dear Sir /Madam,
ReplyDeleteHello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ umafredric@gmail.com
Phone Number: +917401774607
Dear Sir /Madam,
ReplyDeleteHello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ umafredric@gmail.com
Phone Number: +917401774607
Are you sure you can pay for those kidneys, mate?
Apparently not! I saw her on tv recently too being consulted as some sort of "sexpert" - can't remember what the specific topic was, but she was as irrelevant as ever
ReplyDeleteGood Ol' Bettina Arnt Women Awful again, eh?