Wednesday, July 13, 2022

In which the pond does a time machine with Dame Slap, refers nattering "Ned" to ancient Troy on the matter of the clown, and still has the energy to do coal with the Canavan caravan ...




Dame Slap was at the top of the lizard Oz digital page this morning, and as a result, the pond must ask innocent bystanders to allow the pond to indulge in an ancient, venerable tradition.

This won't involve any remarks on the latest committee hearing, it will instead involve a trip back in time ... but first to today's offering ...


Whatever might be said about Malware - and over the years the pond has said a lot, especially in relation to his malformed NBN - to put him in the same basket as the mango Mussolini and the Convict is pure overblown defamatory Dame Slap at her worst ...

But now to the tradition, as Dame Slap happens to mention narcissism as the new norm, as if she was aware of the thirst for power ...

Perhaps a pointer from the Bolter, as the first step in the tradition, the harking back in time to ancient days of Dame Slap in her primeval prime ...



And that link leads to a joyous Dame Slap in New York, donning a MAGA cap and slinking out into the night to celebrate the rapture and the rise of the mango Mussolini ...

The pond can't begin to count the times that it has run this, but each time Dame Slap starts banging on about the mango Mussolini, there it looms, like Banquo's ghost, or Hamlet's dad on the battlements ...





Now back into the time machine  - 2017 seems so long ago - and here we are at the next delusional gobbet ...

Dame Slap does her best to keep on owning the libs and standing by the Donald, and the fundamentalist Xianity that now rules the US roost like a wayward Taliban ... but please allow another trip in the time machine, because this time the pond will go the whole ancient Dame Slap hog ...

Steve Bannon on the level of crazy? Steve Bannon was the essence of crazy, though of late, pretty craven crazy ...
But all that was then, and this is now ...


The pond gets it. It's too perilous and uncomfortable for Dame Slap to look back in time, so lumping minor league Malware into the same company as the malignant Donald and the malign Boris is all she's got. 

But when Dame Slap rails at the Twittersphere, and the ABC, shouldn't she recall the genuine depths of depravity to be found in the lizard Oz, and in her columns ... oh so long ago now, but still resonating down the years ...

Ah, those were the days, when you left an email address inviting a response from the crazies, and Speersy was a good guy, until he decided to join the cardigan wearers and became an infamous rat in the ranks...

Forgive the pond, that trip back in time was an indulgence, and it threatened many of today's indulgences by doubling the length of time spent with Dame Slap, but one final moment in the present will do the trick ...

Quoting the onion muncher, perhaps the worst prime minister in recent times - only Billy McMahon could hold a candle to him - and the one most like the Boris, urging on Brexit, reviving knighthoods, and acting like a complete budgie smuggling narcissist - and quoting him approvingly?

There's never any end to the monstrous, rampant level of narcissist stupidity on hand in a Dame Slap column ...

Perhaps the lizard Oz will find a transformative columnist who is not a next level Dame Slap style narcissist, flippant and foolish and with an astonishing ability to forget what she has written. The pond doubts it ...

Speaking of fuckwitted futtocks, the pond will not be denied its serve of nattering "Ned", just because it went into extended overtime with Dame Slap ...






For the nth time, the pond was on the web, happily reading the web version - or rather, unhappily - and then up comes that prompt from the reptiles to open the web version, but the pond was already in the web version, and so it was a kind of Chinese boxes or Russian dolls or Escher world in which the pond found itself ...

As for the content, everything the pond said yesterday about ancient Troy applies - the complete lack of awareness by "Ned" of the role of the old Blighty Murdochians ... The Sun, and all the rest of it is just the same ... the conga line of servile Chairman Rupert Convict lovers cheering on the fucking of that hapless country ... and as the pond has already indulged itself with Dame Slap and ancient Troy with reminders of lost times past, it won't repeat the indulgence.

Instead have another serve of a completely oblivious "Ned" ... blathering on about moral vacuity, unaware of his own moral vacuity, working as he does like a lickspittle lackey for chairman Rupert and his far right son ...




Yes. yes, it's too much for a koala to bear, that lather about drum-beating populism, as if News Corp knows nothing of drum-beating populism, and to hell with the consequences ...

Even now, right at this moment, as the more brazen aspects of the Donald's deeds are exposed, Faux Noise continues to chant for him, and keep the GOP in his thrall ... while the jackals roam the plains, though they never seem to turn up on that Namib cam, just ostriches, the odd giraffe and a seemingly endless supply of oryx ...





Perhaps the pond should just let "Ned" finish his blather in peace ...



Henry fucking "fuck Cambodia" Kissinger? Words fail the pond ...

Failed to chart a new course? So Brexit and fucking northern Ireland and getting the Scots upset in their parritch was just business as usual?

What a tiresome old fuckwitted futtock he is, now in full dotage, sublimely unaware of what News Corp has done to fuck assorted countries, not to mention the planet ... with all that woke bullshit ... but it does provide the pond's daily humour allowance, together with its daily serve of vitamins and irony, with Crikey following up on the pond's note about the Oreo ...




And that provides a cue for a Wilcox ...




But as the pond has spoken of fucking the planet, there's yet more work to be done this day. Come on down, Canavan caravan, to celebrate the coal that batters ...


And so the climate science denialism continues in the land of the lizard Oz, but no need to argue when a cartoon will suffice ...



Now on with the coal lover doing his coal loving ... no need to mention all the heat waves going down in Europe or sundry droughts or extreme weather events, just a devout wish that the Canavan might shove a lump of coal where the sun don't shine ...

So much for climate science, waiter, another cartoon ...


And so to a final gobbet, blessedly short ...


Did the coal lover mention Covid? Why the pond has a Wilcox handy for that ... though it probably would have been more useful when the Caterist was doing his anti-vax thing and getting chastised by the hole in the bucket man, or the Killer blalthering on about the weevils of masks ...


But wait, there's more. The pond couldn't let the lizard Oz editorial pass this day without mention, given what the Canavan caravan had just offered as insights into the world's current predicament ...



Yep, it's the same old, same old. A token nod to climate ambitions, and on with the fossil fuels, and so the pond can finally end with an infallible Pope ...






Why, what's that in the far right corner?

Why, there's the Canavan caravan and the lizard Oz editorialist rowing to the rescue, and let's have no talk of all that pesky coastal erosion, or rivers running rampant, and the waters lapping at sundry doors ... there's only so many vitamins and irony the pond can take in a day ...




  1. Slappy quoting Bannon: "They [the 'media'] still don't understand why Donald Trump is the President of the United States." And do they, perchance, understand now ? Does Fox News have even the faintest idea of why Trump is now NOT the President of the United States ?

    But we, unlike Slappy and the reptiles, fully understand why Trump became President of the United States; it's a simple matter of Constitutionally enforced structural gerrymandering. Let us not forget, as Slappy is trying hard to ignore (if I don't ever mention it again, then it never really happened) that Hillary won the popular vote by very nearly 2.9 million votes, but lost the electoral college by 232 votes to 304.

    Is that how "democracy" is supposed to work ? Well how about this from "Janeta": "Americans can't agree on something as existential as gun control". Oh yes they can, a sizable majority of Americans agree profoundly that no gun control is needed at all. And that's true 'people's' democracy.

    1. It probably depends a lot on how the question is asked and when (although gun outrages seem to be a constant in the land of the low flying bullet) but a narrow majority of Americans support more gun control

      It seems that, like climate change, the republic and so many other things, the majority’s preferred course of action is stalled because a little bit of FUD peddled mainly by Janet’s employer pushes people back to inaction. It’s a default position for most people, they tend to drift along and consume whatever is served up to them even though they actually know better.

      In case it might interest you

      The yankee way

    2. Proving the name fits

    3. From the Vox article: "Still, when Americans are asked broadly if they support stricter gun laws, their opinions volley back and forth, and it’s hard to see a consistent majority." Which I guess underlines the statement that: "Republican legislatures pass more gun-related legislation in the wake of mass shootings — but they’re laws that make gun laws less strict."

      So, if we can consider that it doesn't matter what people say, it's what they do that counts, then the almost universal American inaction in the matter of gun laws says it all.

      And I would remind once again that in America, school massacres didn't start in the modern era. They really started back in 1927 when Andrew Kehoe killed thirty-eight children and six adults while fifty-eight more people were injured. Now Kehoe didn't use guns, he used explosives, but then AR-15s with large magazines weren't available back then so he had to improvise in the approved inventive yanqui manner.

      However, one last quote from the Vox article: “The thing about those sort of generic questions: Somebody in Vermont can say yes and someone in California can say no, and they favor the exact same thing ...”. So, how is it ever determined just what Americans actually do think and favour ?

    4. As to the Reuters article, Anony, it did inerest me a little bit; but only a little bit because "American" action has been repeatedly subversive and violent {especially if one counts the CIA as a nation within a nation) ever since the American invasion and conquest of the Philippines back in 1898/9 - and that was a long time before Vietnam. America (ie the CIA) has even been accused by some of staging a coup against Whitlam [ ]

      And the CIA did once upon a time, finance Quadrant:
      Quadrant and its slide into deluded extremism

      But I have to say that if I did want to execute a 'foreign' coup, John Bolton would be one of the very last people I'd get to plan it (he's maybe just marginally ahead of Trump and Giuliani).

  2. I once saw a jackal on Namib cam. There are the Brooks Falls Brown Bears for the more active.

    1. Wonderful, isn't it, that once-upon-a-time it would have taken plenty of cash and plenty of time to see the world (80 days ?) and now all you have to do is log on to the web and bring up an appropriate site to see the world live 24/7.

  3. Ah, Matteo Canavan -does he ever think of any other subject than coal, glorious coal? The real question though is why he’s allotted so many column inches and airtime to endlessly replay his one-note symphony?

    Speaking of dud Queensland LNP Senators, the recently-defeated Amanda Stoker now has a regular column in the Financial Review. Surprising that she’s taken the Costello shilling, rather than signing up with Rupert’s reptiles - surely there’s always room for another reactionary fundamentalist in the Oz?

    1. Well now, the only question is whether that's proper or was it just wingnut welfare. And is it a come-down from a senators salary or is it a come-up to a Nein News salary.

      BTW, has anybody noticed what that former boy wonder Tim Wilson is up to now ? Back with the IPA ? And would that be a salary come-down ?

  4. Hang on - in the middle of his interminable dirge, Ned has snuck in an element of doubt regarding the success of Brexit! Surely this is pure heresy in a Rupert publication? Perhaps Ned just wants to test whether anyone ever reads all the way through his sermons?

    1. You mean the bit about "Brexit - will take another decade to sort whether Britain is left weaker or stronger, but the signs aren't encouraging".

      Nah, mate, that's just standard reptile "two-bob each way" journalism (also sometimes referred to as cover-your-arse): when the time comes, Ned will simply "forget" the reference to it not being "encouraging" and then it just becomes another case of "if I don't ever mention it again, then it never really happened". Just like Slappy and Monckton - not one single mention of that in a long time, so ...

  5. "There's never any end to the monstrous, rampant level of narcissist stupidity on hand in a Dame Slap column ..." Oh, you noticed that too, DP.


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