Sunday, July 24, 2022

In which the pond breaks into its break with a genuinely unique appreciation of the bromancer, the dog botherer and prattling Polonius.


Ah Melburnians, you've got to love their unique notions of public art, and this portrait of a pleading woman, arms outstretched, almost moved the pond to tears ... why, it put Picasso's Guernica in its place.

Speaking of unique, the pond was vastly relieved to wake to the news that it was having a genuinely unique experience listing to the ABC's news radio, which is much better than a rolled gold unique experience, or even worse a transparently unique or randomly unique experience.

Then the pond felt a sudden surge of intense Catholic trained guilt. 

Could the pond spend the weekend without some ABC bashing by the reptiles? Could a Sunday meditation and prattling Polonius just be ditched, like some Oscar Wilde skyrocket left in the mud?

Up to this point, the pond had resisted temptations. On Thursday Killer had been out and about ...

Did this delusional futtocky fuckwit of the first water think that the pond was going to prefer his advice over that of Fauci? But there's no end to Killer's delusions, and the pond even passed up a Wilcox taunting his mask phobia, but seeing as how right at the minute the croweaters' hospital system is in a pickle, and other states - NSW, Victoria - are under intense Covid strain, bring it on ...

Not a chance any of that would work with Killer.

Come Friday, and the pond felt no need to break its silence with our hole in the bucket man ...

That was just old Henry doing a standard bit of bashing uppity, difficult, pesky blacks, a long standing reptile sport, and what whiff of paranoia in the splash was more than enough ... "unexamined voice"? All the reptiles do is examine black voices and do their best to tell them to shut the fuck up and go away.

Ditto these outings, celebrating coal and nuking the planet. Too easy, not tempting enough ...

Ah yes, there was the bubble-headed booby blathering on her usual deranged fashion about alarmists who didn't want to nuke the planet ... what a tired old reptile riff, and not done by a rocket scientist.

Again the pond resisted temptation, though it had a couple of cartoons to hand, and might even have mentioned the astonishing melt going on in Greenland ...

But come the weekend and the pond found the chance of a genuinely unique reptile experience irresistible. 

The pond had felt mortified at leaving Polonius alone, prattling in the attic about the ABC, but it turned out that it was the bromancer who set the pace in a hot field  of reptile contenders by going to his full Xian best...

There were a few more the pond could cross out in its quest for that completely unique reptile experience ...


No need for "Ned" to ruin the break, and of course Dame Slap in her own planet Janet bubble was studiously ignoring the hearing, which the pond devoured whole, the criminal Bannon, Fox's head in sand approach, and all the rest that once would have entranced a MAGA lover ... 

Besides, the immortal Rowe said all that needed to be said on the RBA ...

And if you look closely at the gaggle of the reptile commentariat 'leet, Killer was out and about to diss renewables, but all that needed was a link to these lines in the Graudian ...

The nature of our collective response suggests that what’s needed in public life isn’t scientists but psychologists. Seamlessly over the last few years, one form of denial (end times aren’t coming, so there’s no point trying to change) has become a different form of denial (end times are definitely coming, so there’s no point trying to change). Like the failed execution of overambitious new year resolutions, we can’t do everything and so choose to do nothing.

Meanwhile, the culture offers up easy targets for the displacement of blame. Kylie Jenner takes a 17-minute flight on a private jet, and it feels good to put the catastrophe on her. It’s getting uncomfortably hot in here, but if the Kardashians did this, and we agree to hate the Kardashians, we are absolved of all further engagement. Right?

Right, Emma, right on, and Killer is with you all the way ... and there was an infallible Pope to go with that ...

Oh and a Kudelka ...

And now after that extensive survey, at last to the bromancer, the reason that the pond broke its silence, because no one can offer a truly unique experience like the exceptionally unique bromancer in full featherless Xian flight mode ...

One of the main reasons the pond decided to break its break was that David Hardaker in Crikey, (sorry paywall), did a splendidly amusing piece on the humbug who attended the bigot's bigot's church to deliver a speech from the mount...

Being on a break, the pond felt no guilt about doing a shameless Burroughs' style cut and paste, and if anyone is wondering about the relevance of a gum tree rapture, be assured that the fundamentalist will turn up in the bromancer, and never mind that any sensible evangelical knows that followers of the whore of Babylon, of the bromancer kind, are destined to suffer an eternity of hellfire for their errant ways, while the splitters will make it into heaven for a round of golf with the mango Mussolini ...

All of which doesn't get around the matter of the bromancer following the whore of Babylon and so destined to eternal hellfire ...

Weird, splitter weird, genuinely unique and for an explication, head off to the British Museum here, though most will be content to know that splitters split and whores of Babylon had a particular appeal to the religious type ...

And now on to the snake oil man, spruiking snake oil to the bigots about his imaginary friend ...

Here Hardaker comes in really handy for a lazy pond in break mode...

And now back to the bromancer, swallowing the snake oil, though he really should be excommunicated for citing a heretic who fails to represent the truly unique Pope...

Let us set the bromancer's assorted paranoid outbursts aside for a little Hardaker comedy ...

Truly unique weird shit, but it explains why the Chinese got it all wrong, thinking 8 was the lucky number, with 3 and 6 pretty handy, and a 4 a down right no.

And now on we go with the heretic celebrating the snake oil salesman in the church of the bigot...

Indeed, indeed, and there's another handy Hardaker celebrating the paranoia ...

What a bunch of double dealing, forked tongue fucking hypocrites, but that's how you get a truly unique experience ... and so to more paranoia, and a book blurb, and a silly, carefully neutered click bait video from that prize Hildebrand clown ...

It's a shame? Well possibly because there's fewer chances to take pot shots at sitting ducks ...

And so to the final gobbet ...

Feel free to keep on believing in your imaginary friend, and perhaps you might at some point send back a sign from the Elysium fields so that we can all across the River Styx in style, knowing our reward will be a lavish meal of burgers with the mango Mussolini... (oh yes, run, Josh run, but it's now such a famous meme, there's no room to celebrate it here.

Now that bromancer outburst, besides being paranoid and remarkably defensive, was very long, so here's a cartoon for your trouble ...

But the pond had re-awoken its appetite for reptile stew, the sort of hunger it used to have when munching on human flesh in the form of wafers - cannibals! -and so it turned to Polonius for his prattle, and was disappointed at the fare, because there was bugger all bashing of the ABC ...

Instead it was the dog botherer that was assigned to ABC bashing this day, and he did so in a hearty way and at great length ... so in for a dog bothering penny, in for a dog fucking quid ...

Of course, of course ... he's still bitter, he still wants revenge, he wants payback for all the low comedy celebrated in the Graudian way back when ...

That was way back in 2014, and he's still at it ... prejudice, bitterness, moi?

Actually he might have meant balanced, because the dog botherer frequently sounds unbalanced, and when it comes to assorted matters such as climate science,  deeply unhinged ... and as for his deeply unsuccessful participation in politics, why did the immortal Rowe have to remind the pond of a typical dog botherer posture? 

Politics now? Think politics, Lord Downer, Iraq, utegate, Malware and dog botherer ... and you'll see it's a proud tradition...

Never mind, on with the unbalanced mind, for an utterly unique experience, with all the usual suspects on view ...

It was neat for the reptiles to slip in that snap of Xian Porter. He never seems to be able to take a straight snap. Look at the funny photo in this Crikey story ... (sorry, paywall)

Mick Gatto as your client? And having another go at the ABC? That's pretty sad, hey nonny no, on we go ...

The dog botherer never tires of repeating himself, though this time he seems to have failed at slipping in a mention of climate science, which is a pity because the pond would have liked to insert a clipping of Queensland and its five floods in 8 months, and blather about precedental precedents that might be unprecedented, in a genuinely unique one hundred, or is a thousand year, way ...

Now back to the witch hunt...

And there's the other reason, they keep slipping out in a Freudian way. No fair to Chairman Rupert and his billions, stick to radio in the 1932 style, and as for the Americanisation of the debate? 

Tell that to Faux Noise, and Sky after dark, doing a pale imitation, with the dog botherer no match for Hannity or Laura or Tucker ... though he would if he could ...

Well his arse is safe in this final gobbet ...

Media silos? Piss off to Faux Noise, and save us the gibberish, or stay in the Sky and Surry hills ghetto if you must, but please don't talk about genuinely diverse and rational public square while servicing the Chairman in a whore of Babylon way ...

And so to the reason the pond broke its break, guilt about prattling Polonius. Oh sure, the ABC will cop a mention, but it's Polonius in a below form mood ...

It goes without saying that Polonius is always opposed to integrity in politics, it goes against the grain, against the very spirit of the Sydney Institute, and the reason well-heeled partisan lobby groups exist to help grease the wheels ...

Perhaps a relieving infallible Pope?

Back to the predictable bees buzzing in the Polonial noggin ...

At this point, the pond had almost used up its backlog of cartoons, and the remainder were about international events.

Oh what the heck, they're more lively that a Polonial tract about Gladys ... (it might help to read Jonathan Freedland, trussing up the Truss).

And there was that sad little pooch in the corner ...

Naughty pooch!

Now on with Polonius holding his nose about state politicians ...

The pond had a last catch-up cartoon to go, and speaking of ethics, as Polonius is wont to do, it was an oldie but a goody  ...

And so the mention of Saint Pell - when will the Pope elevate him to his rightful stature, and bugger the little children, they can come unto him - and the usual suspects, naturally lead by the deviant cardigan wearers at the ABC ...

Damn you, you unhealthy perverts, always looking for a genuinely unique angorra so you might have the full Ed Wood experience ...

And so to a final rehash of a rehash rehashing the rehash, and bugger the little children, though of course only in a metaphorical sense, which is to say to hell with them if they follow the whore of Babylon, unless you happen to be a priest with needs ... and then you might need a friend, who understands ...

Rehash away, and to hell with integrity ...

And with that the pond has finished its epic update, enough to make any reptile devotee go blind, or at least develop hairs on palm.

Some might have fallen into the trough of despair, having been reminded how familiar and repetitious it all is ....

The pond will think carefully before returning before the official end of the break, but who knows, how could anyone resist the siren call of the bromancer? What other reptile might lead the pond astray and into the underworld?

Still, to end on an up note, what joy that mighty Euroa is on the move and being transformed into a future vision. 

Why if they only shifted News Corp from Surry Hills to Euroa, they might live and work in a great environment, restored, enhanced, and far removed from fancy pants high and mighty city slicker 'leet reptile ways ... 

Just look at the way the town's abuzz with action ... (but no need to bring a shotgun to do a little street clearing).


  1. Oh DP, what an unexpected epic for Sunday breakfast.

    Knowing you were away, I actually made the long ride to the library to check on the reptiles yesterday, knowing full well Dame Slap would be opining on the fall and fall of the Mango Mussolini, and Fistpump McRunpants ( c Adam Kinzinger), but what did I spy?


    An extended piece on a book about Malcom Turnbull?

    She's missed the zeitgeist for some reason. What could that reason be?

    And poor doggy bov, STILL moaning in the corner that no-one credible from the ABC is willing to speak to him for his school project on defunding the ABC. At least he made Jonathan Shier cry, so the whole exercise has not been a waste of time one supposes.

    See you out on the streets DP!

  2. So the Greens' stance could increase emissions, but nothing Australia does as a country will reduce global emissions in any way. How does that work again?

    1. Now be fair, Merc: we really can't reduce emissions by much, but we can certainly increase them. Not only by making all those other nations burn more coal (because they need to burn more of the impure stuff they buy in bulk elsewhere but by continuing to increase our national burning and deforestation even more than we currently are.

  3. Dorothy - thank you many times for the cartoons, and the revelations about the parallel paradises occupied by that sometime Prime Min. I will offer comment on the Henry, by simple referral to some Constitutional amendments that were agreed, within living memory, although I haven't checked the Henry c.v. to see if he was in the country when that happened.

    If you need a reminder of how legal wording for amendment to the Constitution can become convoluted, go to the Constitution Alteration (Senate Casual Vacancies) Act of 1977.

    the wording for ‘AN ACT’ - ‘To alter the Constitution so as to ensure that so far as practicable that a Casual Vacancy in the Senate is filled by a Person of the same Political Party as the Senator chosen by the People and for the balance of his Term.’

    That is just the identifying statement. Look at the rest of it,

    and try not to imagine how the Henries, and the Juris Doctors, and the Garrick Professors would wrestle endlessly with every laboured word or phrase, which are there only because Bjelke Bloke did, as so many recent ‘conservatives’ did - ignored the conventions of our system for the most fleeting of short-term political gain, broadly supported by much of the ‘conservative’ movement of the time.

    The proposals in that actual series of referenda were set out much more simply. People clearly differentiated - because one proposal did not carry on the majority of states.

    We did not need - and were thankful not to have - the legalistic phrasing put before us as the question, so perhaps it is time to remind the Henries and others that that is the way to do it - by treating the voting public generally as adults.

    1. Ah yes, Joh's scurrilous appointment of Albert Field to fill a 'casual' senate vacancy on the untimely death of Bertie Milliner. But I hope you will forgive me if I don't read the entire Constitution Alteration (Senate Casual Vacancies) 1977 draft act - I'm just not that masochistic any more, though thanks for the reference.

      But considering: "as so many recent ‘conservatives’ did - ignored the conventions of our system for the most fleeting of short-term political gain" I don't think our "conservatives" think that any political gain is "short-term". I'm sure that they passionately believe that any gain at all that they make is fully justified and might, if they prey to Moloch passionately enough, even become lasting.

    2. Just as an aside, Chad, you might enjoy this one if you haven't gotten to it yet:

      I particularly noted his pronouncement that "the mechanisms that select for MPs have changed to reduce the calibre of politicians. Party membership has declined, meaning that cranks have more influence and that local parties are no longer so rooted in the interests of small businesses."

      Dunno about being rooted by small businesses, but I reckon the 'reduced calibre of politicians' has seriously afflicted the Aussie LNP as well. How many cranks does it take to get a Morrison as PM ?

    3. GB - and others - I would have felt bad if any readers had tried to trudge through the wording of the act to do something as simple as replace a senator in a way that most Aussies thought would be a fair thing.

      GB - thank you for the reminder about 'stumblingandmumbling'. Good read, and interesting comments, although much of the readership there seems to accept promises of 'economic growth' uncritically. If people are aware that the current human population is capable of mucking up the planet, and are not inclined to consider a way to stabilise and reduce population, then they need to think of ways to improve the efficiency of this economy. Things as simple as Turnbull's directive that Australia phase out lighting fixtures that needlessly drain electricity, and replace them with units that draw a fraction of the power for what we can perceive as similar illumination.

      Against that, we have the chancers, and the libertarians, promoting an alleged 'currency' that is similar to one minted in precious metals, in requiring huge amounts of electric power to, supposedly, generate and maintain this new, wonder means of exchange.

      And yet, much of the classic discussion as the formal study of economics was developing was about promoting efficiency, not what is now seen, too often, as 'growth'.

    4. Ah yes, it's all about Jobson Grofe, isn't it. It's wonderful how we must keep on producing more people in order to do all the work needed to maintain a lot more people.

      And replacing incandescent globes first by compact fluorescent (of which I had several) and later by leds (of which I now have several). And incandescents are no longer sold in Australia but are still available in the USA it seems.

  4. “Now Stage Two Exile, in a much more hostile Babylon”…. *sigh” - everyone has it in for poor old Babylon. One of the great civilisations of the ancient world, and the only way they get name-checked these days is as a metaphor for all that is worldly and ungodly. Capturing the Israelites hardly seems to have been worth it.

    The Bromancer is certainly a lot more entertaining having hysterics about the end of Christianity than when he’s droning on about defence procurement and the like. That sort of stuff will never give us comedy gold like “No Christian expects the state to legally enforce their morality”. The Bro must be damn glad that the previous government’s “Religious Freedom” legislation didn’t get up, then.

    As for the Botherer - what a bloody sook.

    Thanks for the brief (but detailed) return, DP - enjoy the rest of your break.

    1. He really is, isn't he: an unmitigated little sook, that is. It reminds me of a term that was in popular use once: 'male menopause': "a stage in a middle-aged man's life supposedly corresponding to the menopause of a woman, associated with loss of vigour and a crisis of identity (not in technical use)." - not to be confused, however, with "late-onset hypogonadism".

    2. And somewhat of an experiment as well sponsored by Murdoch. I mean look at the Maj - you can retire from your job, having notably not succeeded throughout various roles. And what is your reward? Why, it's a column to continue sooking and complaining - in your post-retirement years!!

      Doggy Bov is a point of fun all over the Australian media-landscape, yet he just keeps getting winder platforms from which to moan. All he wants is a Walkley, just a widdle Walkley. But far from that, he boasts a rather large teledex of people that simply don't want to speak to him for his "projects". Bless.

  5. Since the Bro is recommending good books, may I note a passage from David Graeber's The Dawn of Everything (Kandiaronk is a Native American of the Wendat nation, of the 17th century):
    "Kandiaronk: Come on, my brother. Don't get up in arms ... It's only natural for Christians to have faith in the holy scriptures, since, from their infancy, they've heard so much of them. Still, it is nothing if not reasonable for those born without such prejudice, such as the Wendats, to examine matters more closely.
    However, having thought long and hard over the course of a decade about what the Jesuits have told us of the life and death of the son of the Great Spirit, any Wendat could give you twenty reasons against the notion. For myself, I've always held that, if it were possible that God had lowered his standards sufficiently to come down to earth, he would have done it in full view of everyone, descending in triumph, with pomp and majesty, and most publicly ... He would have gone from nation to nation performing mighty miracles, thus giving everyone the same laws. Then we would all have had exactly the same religion, uniformly spread and equally known throughout the four corners of the world, proving to our descendants, from then till ten thousand years into the future, the truth of this religion. Instead, there are five or six hundred religions, each distinct from the other, of which according to you, the religion of the French, alone, is any good, sainted, or true."

    Imagine how different history would be if Captain Cook was greeted with "are the British a Christian nation as we are?"

    1. Imagine how very different history would actually have been for that to be able to happen. Why, it might even have happened the other way around (though what word in what indigenous language would have been used instead of 'Christian' ?)

      It would certainly have shown that 'God' was omnipresent and immanent, though omniscient and omnipotent are still up for uncertainty.

    2. Re "The Dawn of Everything"

      "The Dawn of Everything" is a biased disingenuous account of human history ( ) that spreads fake hope (the authors of "The Dawn" claim human history has not "progressed" in stages, or linearly, and must not end in inequality and hierarchy as with our current system... so there's hope for us now that it could get different/better again). As a result of this fake hope porn it has been widely praised. It conveniently serves the profoundly sick industrialized world of fakes and criminals. The book's dishonest fake grandiose title shows already that this work is a FOR-PROFIT, instead a FOR-TRUTH, endeavour geared at the (ignorant gullible) masses.

      Fact is human history has "progressed" by and large in linear stages, especially since the dawn of agriculture ( ). This "progress" has been fundamentally destructive and is driven and dominated by “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” ( ) which the fake hope-giving authors of "The Dawn" entirely ignore naturally (no one can write a legitimate human history without understanding the nature of humans). And these two married pink elephants are the reason why we've been "stuck" in a destructive hierarchy and unequal class system (the "stuck" question, "how did we get stuck?," is the major question in "The Dawn" its authors never answer, predictably), and will be far into the foreseeable future.

      A good example that one of the authors, Graeber, has no real idea what world we've been living in and about the nature of humans is his last brief article on Covid where his ignorance shines bright already at the title of his article, “After the Pandemic, We Can’t Go Back to Sleep.” Apparently he doesn't know that most people WANT to be asleep, and that they've been wanting that for thousands of years (and that's not the only ignorant notion in the title) --- see last cited source above. Yet he (and his partner) is the sort of person who thinks he can teach you something authentically truthful about human history and whom you should be trusting along those terms. Ridiculous!

      "The Dawn" is just another fantasy, or ideology, cloaked in a hue of cherry-picked "science," served lucratively to the gullible ignorant underclasses who crave myths and fairy tales.

      "The evil, fake book of anthropology, “The Dawn of Everything,” ... just so happened to be the most marketed anthropology book ever. Hmmmmm." --- Unknown

    3. David A Bell: "Although Graeber and Wengove concern themselves primarily with humanity's early history..." I bet they don't: human history began at least 190,000 years ago, so "early human history" has to start back then but nobody has much at all to say about the first 130,000 or so years of "early human history". Instead we get: "...they began by examining how western thinkers have previously treated the subject, and in doing so they first turn to the French Enlightenment." So rather than dealing with "early human history", Graeber and Wengrove are actually dealing with very, very late human history.

      But despite that "the work suffers from a slipshod and error-filled approach". Hmmm. How frightfully unusual. But I did enjoy the small note at the end: "Update: An earlier version of this piece mistakenly cited the author of Gulliver's Travels. The work is by Jonathan Swift, not Daniel Defoe." Yep, errors abound, everywhere you look (and especially where you don't).

  6. The brothersome Bro: "Did any commentator acknowledge that secular politics was invented by Christianity ("Render unto Caesar ...")?" The Bromancers of this world do live in a land of total unreality, don't they. For, but of course, "Jesus himself said 'My kingdom is not of this world.'" No, nor of any world at all, actually.

  7. I wonder if I can just sneak this in:

    Is Murdoch tiring of Trump? Mogul’s print titles dump the ex-president

  8. I'm pleased I dropped by to see what was happening. Sunday was not the same without Gerard, and I got a bonus image of Euroa's CBD. As always, a bustling place.

    1. News from the Euroa correspondent : "Well fancy that getting out beyond Euroa. The road works were about removing car parking either side of the pedestrian crossing and upgrading the resulting new space into new beautification with plants etc. Obviously much safer to use the pedestrian crossing now with greater visibility!" Now, back to Rupert's view of the wold.

    2. 7.5 out of 10 for a coffee at Fare Enough, with bonus gluten free snacks, not bad up against the best baristas in the world servicing the reptiles in 'leet Surry Hills. The pond has long yearned to retire to the court house, and envies whoever snaffled it.

  9. I haven't been receiving Loon Pond for 10 days at least, since having to reinstall
    I keep re-subscribing but no dice.
    I assume problem is on my end, maybe not, but as I am the King of Luddites
    who knows.
    I was also prevented from posting till I was "made" to create a blog, which I did a
    few minutes ago, hopefully this will post.
    For some reason my blog is subject to European Union regulations, fine with me.
    I am never going to look at it anyway after being forced to create it.
    I am relating all this not because my issues will be of interest to everyone
    but rather to see if any of this is happening to anyone else.
    One more thing, the tech rebooting Windows didn't back up my files,
    so I lost the "Best of GrueBleen", "Chadwick", etc etc.
    What irked me most was losing DP's various one liners and observations
    that made me laugh out loud(that was the 'saving' threshold, the LOL).
    I still have this one because I shared it with a pal in The Great White North
    when discussing DP:
    "The reality is that the Donald simply can't bear any of the talk about the
    Russians because it hints at his illegitimacy … even as he then bows down
    to Vlad and tugs the forelock like a submissive in a piece of lesbian erotica …"


    1. Sorry JM, that went into the spam trap, but once it's cleared out of there, subsequent posts should stay cleared.

      As for the email snafu, the pond runs a check to make sure that it's working by getting the post to go to a pond email address and it's been working, though sometimes with remarkable time delays, but the pond uses that word "working" loosely whenever it comes to anything Blogger does. The trouble is, even if it was failing, the system is sealed off from inquiring minds, and you get what you get, unless you want to do a totally unsatisfying, reliably fruitless dance with tech support.

      That said, I suspect it likely came from your re-build, and some little trigger that was snuck in to make your life living hell. Good to see that you've made it back ...


  10. Thank you for the reply, DP.
    I am doomed, it looks like I will have to get a Tech Geek
    from HP to help.
    Whenever I try to subscribe, I get this notice:
    "This XML file does not appear to have any style information
    associated with it.
    The document tree is shown below"

    Which is just a word jumble.
    I also didn't get a "Notify Me" note to tell me that you responded.
    Maybe the Tech guy will help, else I will just have to backdoor access
    to your Blog Archive for new postings thru a old blog.
    Sherlock had 'two pipe' problems to work thru, this looks like
    I will have to lay in a cold slab of Victoria Bitter's finest
    to work thru this problem with a Techie as he does his
    thing from afar.
    Ah well, schnooks rush in where wise men fear to tread.

    1. Sorry for all the hassles JM, and the spam bucket caught you again. Taking your words, the pond did turn this up ...

      Error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. - when clicking RSS feed in a Weblog

      When click the RSS feed icon you receive the following error:

      This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

      This occurs when the workstation or browser does not have a default RSS feed reader installed or enabled. You may notice in Chrome because Chrome does not have a default RSS reader, like Firefox or Internet Explorer. This is not an error with the RSS feed from NetCommunity, this is a browser behavior. The message may still occur in Chrome after install an RSS reader, but the user will be able to subscribe.

      You'll find a lot more if you google the lines in the quote, though as a non-tech person, they're a word salad to the pond...


    2. Thanks for your help, pal. I have copied it and will show it to the Techies.
      Sit tight, live right and keep the light in the window, to quote Kookie.


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