Monday, March 08, 2021

In which the pond celebrates international day of the reptiles ...


Pshaw, you can keep your international days of whatever, Monday is always international Major Mitchell day at the pond, celebrating his and the reptiles never-ending war with the ABC ...




The pond apologises from the get go, but the reptiles are obsessed, and it is not the pond's business to stand in the way of their obsession, especially as Four Corners is likely enough designed to set them off again tonight ... but before that, on with the Major ...


With the greatest respect, or none at all, the current controversies bear no comparison with the Pell matter. 

Why, in a fit of generosity, the pond will even concede that the current controversies have nothing to do with the Major''s failure to turn up that long-lost Order of Lenin medal, or contemplate facts in the reptile war on climate science, or whatever else you might have.

But as usual the Major seeks a diversion, and how diverting is the ongoing, never-ending war with the ABC ...

The Major has a disturbing tendency to quote other reptiles as it that offers some kind of irrefutable proof, especially when it turns into a bout of whataboutism ... but that's what we're celebrating this day ...


And now back to the Major, still in the trenches ... and let us not forget that an important part of the war is to blame the victim, subvert and undermine the victim, while piously pretending some sympathy with the victim, and even purporting some understanding ... and no doubt nattering "Ned" will at some point be mentioned, his pontifications clear and evidentiary proof that the reptiles love nothing better than being up each other ...


Please allow the pond to ignore the Major's speculations about the parents' feelings. Sure it's ironic that he accuses others of speculation, only so he might himself indulge in speculation, but at this point, the pond is forced to note that reptiles interrupted the Major to insert a shot of the Pellist ... 

And as usual nothing has been said about the many victims of the Catholic church, or the injustice they suffered at the hands of the Pellists and others in the church, so the pond thought it should make that illustration as small as possible, and note the ongoing suffering of victims, routinely ignored by the reptiles, before turning back to the Major for one last gobbet ...


With the greatest respect, or none at all, the Major doesn't have the first clue about what might be a key line of inquiry, and he is, with the greatest respect, or none at all, indulging in the same sort of non-evidentiary speculation that he routinely accuses the ABC of ... but why is the pond surprised, since the Major has always avoided evidence, whether it be Order of Lenin medals, climate science or pretty much anything else ...

And so to take a look at what's on hand further down the digital page ...




Please allow the pond to dispense with Claire Lehmann in a par, because she's ostensibly about free thinking, which in reptile land means fuzzy thinking ...


Fuck the pond dead, and quick about it please, what a clueless misunderstanding of power, and power relationships, and the abuse of power ...

How could even a reformed, recovering feminist find herself in such clueless company, and yet there the Oreo was ...

Again the pond has to apologise from the get go, but the reptiles are obsessed, and determined to keep the controversy alive, so the hapless pond, a mere cork on the reptile ocean, a leaf in the reptile wind, must float or blow along with them ... and this time it's Malware's chance to join the ABC is copping a serve ...

Ah, more blaming and shaming of the victim, a tactic worthy of a reformed and recovering feminist, but the good news is that there's only one sordid gobbet to go ..


Or it's simply possible to write a column demeaning those who suffer from bipolar disorder ... well done, recovering, reformed feminist ...

At this point, the pond can hear a reader lamenting "is that all there is?" and perhaps humming the song as well ... 

Yes, the pond does suffer from delusions and hallucinations, but in any case, heard the phantom reader's cry (please, try to sing in key, as you would at a Republican conference), and decided to look at the top of the digital page ...

Hmm, pretty much business as usual at reptile HQ, but what's this? A bromancer celebrating the day with a piece about Linda Reynolds? That can't be good ...

The pond had an ominous feeling. The bromancer was going to show the real reptile style. What to do with someone in a difficult place? 

Put them down in the Murdochian way, better to be cruel than feign kindness. Perhaps an ice pick in the back of the neck, Trotsky style, or a bolt to the brain, in the cattle at the abattoir way, or even that inventive method on show in that great Cohen Brothers' movie No Country for Old or Stressed Women ...


Brutal. And at this point, the pond is forced to wonder how soon the pragmatists of the Murdochian bromancer kind will turn their attention to Christian Porter, forget all that has been written (in the manner seen above) and sell him down the river. Blame it all on the ABC and Malware and move along people, nothing to see here ...

At this point the pond wondered why the reptiles, having ignored what the international day was supposed to be about, hadn't at least attempted some other kind of culture war distraction ... perhaps borrowed from the United States, where high comedy is still done in style ...


But no, the bromancer is after a scalp. Wish the scalp well, but then proceed with the scalping ...


And that's it for whatever this day was supposed to be celebrating - perhaps fear and loathing of the ABC, Malware and victims everywhere - and so the pond decided to celebrate with a Rowe cartoon, with more celebrations always to hand here ...


  1. Bromancer may have focused elsewhere but apparently Sky News had the big issues covered with the bolter and Rowan (human pikelet) Dean going on at great length about this threat to civilisation.

    Here's Dave Milner's observations about the current situation:

    "Over endless column inches and TV minutes across the decades, Australians have absorbed justifications for every patriarchal ceiling, every murderous neoliberal impulse, every dehumanising bit of racism and oppression. A many fanged fuckwit hydra. This decay wafts most offensively from the effective monopoly of NewsCorp’s shambling corpse, but it seeps through the entire landscape.

    We learnt this week that many of the prominent male journalists in Canberra are close friends with Porter, his public record of misogynistic behaviour not enough to warn the powerful-adjacent away from good chill times with the actually powerful. Peter van Onselen, Andrew Probyn, and Chris Uhlmann all used their platforms to urge Australians to consider how devastated Christian Porter is right now, all without disclosure."

    I do love a good rant.

  2. So the Bromancer wants to hoik Reynolds under a semi because “...the affairs of the nation are more important than any single individual.”

    There was deep unhappiness in government
    For the minister was ne’er to be seen
    For eighteen long moons she had languished
    While her department went on a spree

    They ebayed twelve subs from the Froggies
    At four billion dollars a boat
    And now this exorbitant purchase
    Had become a nationwide joke

    And because of her next to no profile
    Her workload was left up to Scott
    Who told her to hold a press conference
    And say what a bargain we’d got

    But the minister instead went on sick leave
    On account of intolerable stress
    Leaving poor Scott in a quandary
    On how best to clean up her mess

    So he called up his old buddy Sharridan
    “Now what can I do with this cow?
    She’s obviously not fit for purpose
    Do you think you can taint her somehow?”

    “Of course!” answered Sharridan boldly
    “I’ll tap out a keen observation
    That her mental health’s not as important
    As the issues afflicting our nation”

    So Sharridan opined in his column
    That the minister herself was to blame
    For failing to cope with the pressure
    And Defence is no job for a dame...

    ... and why can’t he say her first name?

  3. I eagerly await The Bromancer's appraisal of Porter's (no christian names please) current mental state and how it's going to affect national legal issues.

  4. The 'recovering feminist' continues the process of the reptiles revealing their ways and means: "A conspiracy can neither be proven nor disproven and its untestable nature makes it an especially vicious rhetorical weapon in a time of disinformation."

    Yep, that's a stock, standard "weapon" of the reptiles, all right. Thanks for the confession, Oreo.


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