Sunday, March 21, 2021

In which Polonius, the bromancer, our Henry and Gracie do turns for the Sunday meditation ...



The pond got to some mournful, melancholic thinking over its short break, remembering how much had changed in a few short years. 

In the old days, the Pellists would be present with their frocks for a meditative Sunday, and so would the angry Sydney Anglicans, with their complimentary women ... but now, all the pond has to go on are Polonial prattles that are so predictable that they induce a mind-numbing sense of bats bashing around in the belfry ...

The reptiles must also sense the problem, what with an opening image designed to jazz up, or juice up, or jizz up Polonius's opening thrust ...



Is predictability a virtue? Or is it just a sign of an enfeebled mind, blathering out old saws and memes? How many times have the reptiles spoken of the cancel culture, the long march and Gramsci, and the associated paranoia from Franco devotees?

Polonius: Bob Santamaria was on the correct side in the debate over the Spanish Civil War of 1936.
And what side was that?
Pellist: Bob Santamaria was part of the three-man affirmative team, and he provoked uproar as he declaimed: ‘When the bullets of the atheists struck the statue of Christ outside the cathedral in Madrid, for some that was just lead striking brass, but for me those bullets were piercing the heart of Christ my King. (Polonius's first chapter, at tedious lengthy, can be found here)

How is that Polonius has now ended up sounding like a hack for Fox News? A new school cultural warrior ...

But back to Polonius's current grievance, chief amongst them - though modesty forbids him mentioning it - is that the SWF has somehow, bizarrely, without any thought or heed, overlooked the mighty contribution that Polonius himself might make to the gathered throng... 

Instead everywhere are devious leftists, on the march, through the institutions and Polonius's cliché-thickened fog of words ... and inevitably the ABC is just as bad, or perhaps worse than, the SWF ...


Now at this point the pond must pause to collect its cash bonus for the week, which will eventually see it retire in comfort, for even at a dollar a mention, the pond is filthy rich, thanks to Polonious having a short cut on his keyboard that prints out each week that the ABC is "a conservative-free zone which does not have a conservative presenter, producer or editor for any of its prominent television, radio or online outlets."

Amanda Vanstone doesn't count for anything in this situation. She's insufferably wet, and besides, why wasn't Polonius given her Counterpoint gig? As for that insufferable futtock, Tom Switzer, please explain why Polonius wasn't given his chance to read Between the Lines? Surely he could manage to be as tedious and boring. It's just not fair or right.

And then most cruel of all, they dropped Polonius from The Insiders, though it's a moot point as to whether it's because he's a tedious old fart at the best of times, or because the ABC can't stand conservatives ... the last time the pond looked they had Michael McCormack on, and let's face it, he's better doing battle with irrigators and women, rather than Gramsci ...


Still, being consigned to the back pages of the lizard Oz gives Polonius something to natter, moan, whine and prattle about ...



Actually the real hoot is that Polonius steadfastly refuses to reveal the funding sources for the Sydney Institute, presumably on the basis that transparency is an example of leftist fanaticism.

But the pond has done its duty, heard all the old whining and the assembled line of clichés, as fresh as the T-model Fords rolling out of the antisemitic Henry's plant ...

It did however leave the pond with a dilemma. 

Who else could make the Sunday cut? Who could match Polonius's seemingly infinite ability to repeat himself?


Luckily the pond could rule out the dog botherer. Noel Pearson had spoken, and so the dog botherer spent his entire piece tugging at the forelock and working out ways to make Pearson's proposal work, without in any way troubling the ruling mob ...

Give the uppity difficult blacks a token nod, and all would be for the best ...

Instead the pond turned to the bromancer to catch up on the war with China, and discovered that we were just a step away from Armageddon, the apocalypse and World War 111.


Of course everybody knows what went down in Anchorage, and the immortal Rowe produced a better illustration here ...


But the bromancer was excited by the rumble in the icy Arctic jungle, and like many MMA and boxing enthusiasts, he wanted to see blood on the canvas...


And so to the drums of war ...


Ah forget all that, let's bung on a real do ...


Yes, yes  war is just around the corner, the bromancer is beating the drums of war, war and armageddon and the apocalypse will be here by Xmas, but it's important to be measured and clam ...

Weak? Pushed around? But it's been going swimmingly, thanks to the Murdochian puppet regime, with Russia onside and China doing the right thing ...
There used to be a tweet for every occasion ...


Indeed, indeed, the end is nigh ... the pond can already see the mushroom cloud ...


Or maybe this ...



Please, bromancer, a ray of hope amidst the sabre rattling and the war mongering ...

There it is, that ray of hope the pond yearned for: "Hopefully, none of this comes to pass", which is to say, "Hopefully, you will realise you've wasted vital minutes of your ever shortening life reading another voyage into the world of the paranoid bromancer's mind."

And so to a regret, the one regret of the pond's absence, its failure to pay attention to the hole in the bucket man. 

Yes, it's Sunday, two full days since our Henry tried to fix the hole with mud and straw in his usual way ... and yet ... where's the harm in looking back?


How wise the reptiles were to start with a shot of masked, uppity harridans, making life hard for men and western civilisation. But our Henry was ready to deal with these rascals ...


Are you not entertained. A dash of Schopenhauer, throw in a Saint Matthews' admonition, and serve with a garnish of Roman and English law ...

Of course our Henry is pussy footing around questions which might involve an inquiry and the suitability to be a minister but give him time ... because clickbait video of that forlorn figure will grace the next gobbet ...


Indeed, indeed, how persecuted are innocent men? How unjustly the wicked harridans do them down? Why there should be a new Salem trial, just to remind them of their place in legal proceedings, which is certainly not to ask difficult, uppity questions ...



 The pond couldn't help slipping that one in again, and will now bite off the rest of our Henry's piece ...

Indeed, indeed, how astonishing and appalling that that dreadful Grace Tame should have been made Australian of the year, part of that culture of victimhood that our hole in the bucket man deplores. She's always speaking out, as if women have some inalienable right to be heard.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. (Corinthians 14:335)

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (Timothy 2:11-12)
Where did it all go wrong? Now we have these celebrities on the march, championed by crusading issue entrepreneurs, and no man is safe! (though if you're a woman, why walk through a park at night, dressed how you like, feeling safe that you will be respected? Why not cower in fear, as is your rightful lot?)


Of course none of this is intended to belittle the suffering sexual abuse causes. It just happens, as if by magic, that it belittles the suffering sexual abuse causes ... not least by making unsubstantiated charges about enticing special claims, systematic credulity, and so on and on ... because, you know, you too might be next ...

By golly, it's fair to say that both Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein would have been delighted by this school of thinking, but sadly the pond must report that our Gracie seems to have taken a different view ...


Yes, our Gracie has turned, and abandoned all the reptile creeds, and she must be an abomination in the sight of our Henry ... and worst of all, she's not prolix, in the "Ned" style ...


Dear sweet long absent lord, how shameless of the pond to set up our hole in the bucket man for a belting by our Gracie ... but she keeps it short and sweet ...

Why she sounds sensible, when we all know she's some sort of sensationalist seeking attention ...


Well the pond certainly awaits the next our Gracie chapter, once it's scraped the pontificating blowhard known as the hole in the bucket man off the pond's walls ...

And so to end with some irrelevant cartoons, though as usual cancel culture pops up its ugly head ...


Say what? They're doing a re-make? No wonder the bromancer thinks the world is coming to a nasty end ...


  1. Presumption of innocence of the accused of course implies presumption of lying of the victim. Of course being thrown in gaol is worse than being called a liar, but...

    1. Now, now, Joe, don't go reinforcing them. Wingnuts and reptiles have always believed that women lie about consent to sex; you know: "they say no but they mean yes".

      That's why everybody looks down on incels, mate: they're the only idiots stupid enough to believe women when they say no.

  2. So, today's Polonius: "There is nothing new about the left's 'long match through the institutions' which today presents as the cancel culture."

    "The" cancel culture ? But hey, what's wrong with "cancelling" a bunch or three of hate mongering crypto-fascists ? Sheesh, I fervently wish we could instead of having to put up with their incessant moaning all over the web. And anyway, what has a fine old 'cancel culturist' such as Polonous got to complain about ? The 'left' doesn't figure much in Sydney Institute doings, does it.

    But here's the real gem of the day: "...the advance of the left [in tertiary institutions, government run schools, large sections of the media] has led to a withdrawal by conservatives -- due to political censorship or a reluctance to stand against prevailing intellectual fashion."

    So, right: Polonous is saying that the 'anti-left' is a bunch of lazy or gutless or just plain pusillanimous do-nothingers who have abandoned the world to "the left". To that very same "left" which, when faced by tertiary institutions, government run schools, much of the media and the entire set of religious institutions fought to bring their ideals out into the sunshine of the broader society. Such is life, eh.


    1. “cancel culture. It was around at least (in ) the 1960s when political conservatives found it difficult to state their views on university campuses and elsewhere”. He is talking about himself of course and he had no difficulty getting his opinions published in student newspapers (ad nauseam).
      His real problem was that nobody listened, partly because he was already a boring old fart at age 23, and partly because it was the time of student rebellion, anti-Vietnam-war demos and generally sex&drugs & rock’n’roll. In that context the views of B A Santamaria were not in fashion.

    2. Some people are just born old. Abbott was another one.

      The thing I don't get is where the Sydney Writers Festival is expected access a pool of right-wing talent? Right-wingers are basically afraid of change, they don't come up with new ideas, they moan about other people's new ideas.

  3. I must confess DP, sometimes I just don’t have the fortitude to wade through the saurian sludge of reptile gobbets, especially those of Polonius, Bromancer and Ol’ Henry. (Nattering Ned is in a class of his own and is permanently ignored).

    Instead, I find you have done the hard work for me and skilfully summarised their disquisitions with your witty and enlightening comments.

    If pressed for time I will just read your intro to each column taking note of its headline and then skim through the text paying attention to your remarks. Some may call this lazy, but this way I escape harmful overexposure to the reptilian mindset yet still keep abreast of their movements.

    For this service to humanity I thank you.

    Today I noticed that each ending statement by the trio had a similar pontificatory chime...

    And so it has come to pass...

    Hopefully, none of this comes to pass.

    Ol’ Henry:
    But those who demonstrated should remember is the presumption of innocence, and it alone, that may protect them from the lowest circle of hell.

    ...perfect reptile ruminations for a Sunday meditation. But I wonder how much longer till our Gracie is cast out from the fold?

    1. That's exactly what I do.

    2. Pretty much what I do, except I always read Gerrard snd Chris Kenny as they are raging fuckwits. Truth be told, I'm also curious to see if they can ever write a piece that doesn't mention the ABC.

  4. Replies
    1. It's all down to the Dutch, you know.

  5. Re the Gracie: "Why she sounds sensible," Yeah, she almost does, doesn't she, DP: "when we all know she's some sort of sensationalist seeking attention ..."

    Yo, right on there, DP. Consider what she says: "As a bare minimum, Scott Morrison should have read the allegations against Porter that were sent to him," But, butt, Gracie, if SloMo does that, where's his escape clause ? Where's his "I know nothing" getout defence ?

    "...and have any witnesses or other relevant parties contacted and asked for their written submissions." Oh not bloody likely, Gracie: that would show that SloMo has some idea about managed and systematic process - which he has never shown so far - and that he really wanted to find out what happened, instead of just declaring Porter innocent without further ado.

    "Next, all of that documentation should have been considered..." Considered ? What does Gracie mean by that ? "and then passed on to Porter, with a request for a written response." But, butt, Porter has already said "it didn't happen" (whatever we guess "it" to mean), what more can he say ? Because if he says anything at all more than that, people - like me, for instance - might start to wonder just how much Porter does know but isn't telling us.

    So nice try, Gracie, but really just too optimistic and idealistic. This is SloMo and Christian you're dealing with.

  6. I think they are keeping Gracie as a single example of rational opinion (for the moment) so they can claim to be even handed - you know, 99% unhinged and 1% reasoned.

    My wife has been somewhat bemused (bemusement being somewhat less clueless than befuddlement) by the treatment of Porter. As a long-term secondary teacher she has seen a few cases of allegations against teachers that were treated in an entirely different fashion. The individual tends to disappear as if the mothership has decloaked and vacuumed them up. A thorough search will often find them at head office auditing paperclips, polishing doorknobs or performing other important tasks while the department decides what action to take.

    Teachers don't like it because even what turns out to be a vexatious allegation can ruin a career, however, they understand why the department cannot leave the teacher in the classroom. Parents are always going to prioritise their children's safety over someone's career prospects and I don't think a bit of waffle about presumption of innocence and golden threads is going to deflect them.

    One thing that's apparent in this matter, the church sexual abuse scandals, the botched Covid response and any other fuckup perpetrated by the government is that they don't give a shit about anyone that may have suffered, they are simply defending an established order. Like good soldiers manning the battlements and defending the castle with anything that falls to hand.

    Just as an aside, since his collaboration with Slappy to do a hatchet job on the deceased girl Van Onselen has lost over 17,000 twitter followers. It would be nice if he lost his academic position as well.

    1. What, you mean lots of his formerly loyal readership are 'cancel culturing' the PVO ? Shocking !

  7. So... someone who writes for Quadrant or the Spectator should be represented at the SWF? David Flint perhaps? Daisy Cousens? Helen Darville/Semidenko? What about Bolt? He'd be like a dose of salts. Seriously, I can't think of anyone from the right who wouldn't embarrass themselves or put the place to sleep.


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