Saturday, November 14, 2020

What the pond learned from the bromancer and nattering "Ned" ...


What the pond learned before the bromancer even got started? You don't shake hands after the game, the winners congratulating the losers on a good game, and the losers congratulating the winners for winning. 
No, you kick the bromancer in the balls or maybe spit on him,  or at least tell him to get fucked ... and maybe just for the heck of it, grope a nearby pussy.
The pond also learned that gigantic man baby tantrums are to be indulged ... in the way that the pond indulges the reptiles.
The pond also learned that it's best to be a sociopath in a Donald or a bromancer way. 
Just as the nation is swept up and convulsed by a virus, news of at least 130 secret service agents tending the man baby having caught the virus, and more news emerging that the White House is a super spreader, ignore the pain you've caused, and focus on yourself ... 150,000 cases in a day, and all you need to do is stay sulking in the basement watching the telly ...

The pond also learned that it's best to lead off with a cartoon before attending to bromancer blather...

There, that's better ... now on to the sociopathic bromancer determined to prove he can show empathy for a sociopath ...


Yes, no doubt it was a triumph and a resounding victory ...


The pond is unlikely to return to its habit of distracting from the reptiles with a flurry of cartoons, but just this once it reverted to old form ... the alternative was to include Dame Slap whining and moaning about the ABC, and this seemed like a much better alternative, a farewell to arms and sanity ...


Indeed, indeed. Christ would have much to learn from the United States and the inspirational example of the Republican party, its bravery and courage under fire ...



 Of course much of what the bromancer is scribbling would just as well fit as inspirational copy and marketing guides for Adolf, Benito, and a personal bromancer favourite, Franco, what with him being deeply Catholic and all.

The pond isn't supposed to make that sort of remark, play fair, shake hands after a good game and all that, but that was before the pond learned the real Donald lesson ... knee 'em in the groin, poke 'em in the eye, tell 'em to get fucked ...


Yes, for all that he was a narcissistic, snake-oil selling con man,  his achievements should be recognised. Including his remarkable ability to deny reality, an achievement the bromancer shares ...



Oops, did the pond just up the cartoon interstitials to three? Well there's only so much undiluted bromancer the pond can take these days ...

And now a reminder to Herr Hitler that nationalism and patriotism are powerful forces that galvanise voters ...

Yes, yes, why they might even pass for whites ... so much to learn ... so much to do ...


Look, the pond will admit it's been fun, and there have been some great comedy moments, and it's a pity about all the dead in the United States, but when you keep company with, and celebrate, sociopaths, there has to be a little collateral damage ...


All that, and we are in a mess, and conservatives need to make the culture and themselves better? What a fruitloop, what a galah. Stay just as you are, because the pond needs its loons ... now sing along ...

Now the pond threw in all those cartoons in the hope of throwing all but the experienced pond professional off the scent.

If amateurs have been stopped by that cartoon blizzard, all to the good, because the remaining challenge is not for the faint of heart, or even the feint-hearted ... it's the Everest known as "Ned", and only a few dare attempt the climb, especially when all you'll find at the end is a peak littered with detritus ...


That opening cartoon is an indication of how wretched things are going to be ... but at least the pond knows who to blame, Malware ...


Malware urged "Ned" to speak out? That's the last thing we need, he never shuts up, and this day, after that little fracas, after that little brouhaha, he's determined to natter on at endless length ...



You see, Malware he's just warming up, and he's not going to pay a moment's notice to your advice ...


Unctuous Uriah Heep style flattery - to quote the bromancer quoting Dickens - isn't going to cut it. One of our greatest? Only in a Malware universe, where the NBN is the gratest.

There's no way that "Ned" is going to say enough already, I'm out of it. He's going to draw himself up to his full pompous, portentous height and blather on endlessly ...

Private lives? That horse bolted from the Barners' stable long ago, but "Ned" is such a pompous ass, he still thinks he's living in a world where a set of sheets or a TV might affect a political career ...

As for the giddying and contradictory cross-currents, was that a hint of "Ned's" bruising encounter with Malware? Unlikely, the scribbler is not for turning, though the pond was amused that photos of him circulated suggesting that "Ned" was a covert member of QAnon ...

Oh okay, it doesn't quite fit, and it really should be a capital "A", but anything to distract from the tedium ... and now for the great "speaking out" on climate science ...

Yes, yes, get there whenever, because she'll be right, and besides, look at Joel, and what's that you said, infallible Pope?


Sorry Malware, the chance of "Ned" discovering any sort of timing or credibility at this time in his career is nada, zero, zilch ... all he knows is the art of the relentless drone, a noise designed to fill a hollow vessel ...


It's like reading a relentlessly tedious, endless government press release, of the self-congratulatory kind, only it's "Ned" reading the runes and doing all the congratulations. What's that you say, infallible Pope?



No, no, that's not for "Ned", that's been safely sent into next week, let the press release continue ... and what do you know, there's nothing to learn from that orange blowhard, suddenly we're best buddies with jolly Joe, except for his unfortunate insistence on actual science ...

What hasn't been easy has been enduring "Ned" and realising at the same time how painfully stupid Malware sounded in trying to appeal to his better nature ... he's "Ned", he's a reptile, and he scribbles as reptiles do ... it's so long ingrained in him that it would be easier to get a deep stain out of cedar ... by the time you'd sanded it down, there'd be nothing left.

Instead, all that can be done is clap hands and sing and dance with joy that this is the final, and short, gobbet ...


Note in that last line how "Ned" works. It's a form of displacement. "For the Morrison government, the answer is obvious." Yet by the preceding set of paragraphs, the logical ending would have been "For me, nattering "Ned", government stooge and devoted reptile, the answer is obvious... the ABC is Satan, or at least an acolyte of Satan", and "besides, didn't you read those preceding pars where I made that all very clear...?"

But such is "Ned's" gutless, gormless behaviour, that he must transfer on to the Morrison government his own very obvious answer, and the reason is obvious enough ... "Ned" and SloMo are so far up each other, no sunlight can be detected ...

And as for poor Malware, expecting "Ned" to speak out? What a loon, what a goose. Here, have a cartoon ... because that's all you're ever going to get ...


  1. Digressing a little, here's one of the things that the reptiles seemed to have stopped talking about:

    Oh, there's this also:

    1. Whenever I see Peta Credless doing one of her little rants, which is fortunately very seldom, and I remember she was his Chief of Staff, it tells me all that anybody could ever want to know about the Onion Muncher.

    2. Ah the Swedish strategy, such a winner, where's Killer Creighton when he's needed, and an operating loss of a heartening size ... which means that little government snack barely hit the sides, and the reptiles will be wanting a much larger serving ...

      These are the latest accounts, just out, for Rupert Murdoch's operations in Australia - an $84m loss deepens to $1.7B.

      Maybe the Govt is feeding News Corp and Foxtel money just to keep their mouthpieces alive

      They say the Government shouldn't be in the job of picking winners. I reckon not picking losers would be an even better idea.

      if the car industry was unsustainable, then surely...

      Let me get this straight, #ScottyFromMarketing gives Murdoch's Foxtel $10 million with no plan needed. You're only hearing about it after FOI of the documents which have been heavily redacted.

      Not a digression BF, straight to the heart of the matter ...

  2. Sharridan loves playing good cop bad cop for Trump. Ultimately of course both officers pat little Donny on the head and drive him home in the prowl car.

    1. Seconded, DP.

      But Kez, the Bromancer's purple paean is really all about instantiating and entrenching the greatest set of lies by or about Drumpf - the list of his supposed 'Great and Virtuous Achievements'. If you look in the Bromancer's screed, you can find an extended paragraph that begins: "Conservatives who dislike Trump must recognise the real achievements of his presidency ..." and down just before the end has this sentence: "It would be a strange conservative who held that list of achievements as nothing."

      It's at least the second time he's produced that list, and so now we have it: the holy screed of Saint Trump.

    2. I am left wondering at the utter vapidity of what the Bromancer writes.

      ‘economics is the key to everything. Trump had powerful appeal to minorities, and to mainstream voters, because prior to COVID he had provided jobs and wages were rising.’

      Well, yes, there is that great theorist Jobson Grouth; perhaps our Bromancer has found one of his elusive publications. People who actually write on ‘economics’ see the way humans allocate scarce resources to needs and wants as just a tad more complicated than that.

      But, ‘For all that’ - our Bromancer launches into a glib profile of Conservatives in the USA, which similarly dismisses a long history of discussion of where libertarianism, free markets and social welfare (as an entity, not as a target for cheese paring) and the wording and interpretation of their Constitution, were taken up into - um - ideology. Other writers also have had a lot to say about property rights, but the Bro. has them pinned -

      ‘Conservatives . . . are patriotic and socially conservative, but they should not be wedded to any government ideology, whether it’s libertarianism, free markets, social welfare cuts or anything else.’

      Which leaves the inquiring reader (yes, yes, I know - no truly inquiring reader would have persisted past the first two paragraphs) wondering - so just what is it that makes you an identifiable ‘conservative’ in the USA? - as distinct from someone who just feels disaffected by the culture they live in, and are easily diverted and assuaged by some cable television channels and a bunch of self-styled religious leaders telling their listeners that god wants them, the preacher, to be rich.

      They voted in a person ‘as seen on TV’ in 2016, and he made up stories that played to their disaffection. Results? - What happened with COVID in the USA is a result

  3. I wonder if Biden asked the PM to put Dan Andrews on the phone.

    I cannot think of a better example of someone who has benefitted from the fact that everyone just ignored his suggestions.

  4. So, considering "the utter vapidity of what the Bromancer writes". All of the reptiles are "vaporous" of course, but the Bromancer does seem to have a special talent for simplistic fantasy about the world he thinks we live in.

    I still cannot comprehend how people - and it appears to be a lot of people - get so apparently disconnected from reality. Is it a complete failure of schooling ? Is overlaying reality with an imaginary world something we are all taught in school ? Or is it just somehow inherent in the human race and our schooling never counters it.

    And not only schooling, but day to day experience never seems to counter it either. So many, for example, that I have seen "interviewed" on TV talk of a Trump that has never existed. The Bromancer talks of a Trump who "provided jobs and wages were rising" when he did nothing of the kind - though yes, he might have been hanging around when some of that happened.

    Just consider the Bromancer's list of Trump's "glorious accomplishments" - how many did he actually "accomplish" ? And even the occasionally savvy Savva wants us to believe in a "larrikin genius" who "loved women and was loved by them" that we in Australia were once upon a fabulous time blessed with.

    And I just don't get it at all. But I think that increasingly in this complex and changing world it will be necessary for humans to react and respond rationally to reality on many levels, and I really don't think enough of us can.

    1. I tend to think that the availability heuristic explains a lot of it.

      If you are not inclined check things in any sensible fashion it is quite easy to pick up the misinformation and straight up lies that emanate from the herpetarium. The herd can then get in formation and run straight off the cliff.

      It's funny though that no one seems to notice they were wrong about the previous issue, the one before and, oh yeah, the one before that, and they are still treated as a credible source.

    2. The availability heuristic probably plays some part in it all, but I think the real key is the point about: "If you are not inclined [to] check things in any sensible fashion". That takes us straight back to Trump and "You just tell them and they believe you. They just do." But why do they 'just believe' like that ? And especially believing someone like Trump, or QAnon or ...

      Now I can recall being told a lot at school, and yes, mostly I 'just believed it'. As indeed I believed in the Protestant Religion, right up to the point when it really all started to seem ridiculous (at about age 11, I think, not long before High School). So I suppose it does come down to your "they are still treated as a credible source".

      And so I am still completely flummoxed by why so many people take so many others as "credible sources" when, as you say, they should have lost all credibility long ago.


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