Friday, November 20, 2020

In which the pond wonders if the hole in the bucket man picked the right time, and indulges a climate Karen ...



Is it only the pond that thinks that our hole in the bucket man, Henry, stands out like a shag on a rock this day as the reptiles deal with matters abroad?

Sure, he's always a kind of rough hewn shag at the best of times, but was this the right time to go on a rant about jihadis murdering innocents, as an accompaniment - cheek to jowl - to news of Australian soldiers murdering innocents?

The pond, always bemused, thought it should just ask for a friend, before proceeding to follow our Henry down his rabid anti-Islamic, anti-ABC path ...


The pond always finds these ventures awkward. As a devout secularist atheist from Tamworth, the pond from time to time wonders why hole in the bucket types never seem to focus on matters at home ... such as government money finding its way into the pockets of schools dedicated to Scientology, or willing to teach fundamentalist creationism, or those spruiking extreme speaking in tongues evangelism, or for that matter, money being splashed on complimentary women Anglicanism, or matching misogynist Islam, or good old-fashioned, fiddle with children cult Catholicism ...

No matter, our Henry is on a roll, and the pond must roll with him ...


Does anyone else begin to see the problem here? To list the elements involved in our Henry's bad timing would require more space than is available to the pond, which is perhaps why it has to revert to the immortal Rowe, as it regularly does here ...



The pond is sure our Henry means well, but is it the right time? 


Actually the French have had quite a few problems with religion in recent years ...
Sorry, no link, it's one of those tedious, desperate sites that want an email address for spamming purposes before giving up a read.

Don't get the pond wrong. On an abstract level, the pond is as opposed to Judaism as it is to Hinduism as it is to Zionism, especially when tinged with a fanatical form of theocratic nationalism ... and as for the matter of Sunni v Shi'a, the pond is reminded of that funny moment in the documentary about 'Bob' Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius when it's determined that all religions should have a schism ... but should theoretical objections descend to the personal, and still, is it the right time?


The pond usually likes to operate on a 'live and let live' basis, which can be tricky for the pond, especially if it landed in countries where decapitating bloggers is a traditional reward for heresy. 

The pond would also find it tricky in countries which disapprove of gays, and gay marriage and such like, but sadly in Africa that applies as much to fundamentalist Xians as it does to fundamentalist Islamics ...

As it happens, the pond has nothing against the right to run cartoons challenging any religion ...but when it comes to desecration, there are all sorts of thorny issues to confront, as suggested by the infallible Pope, the real one, not so long ago ...



Luckily the pond can provide a link to that one, gathered with other infallible Pope cartoons here ...  and thankfully this is the last gobbet of the pond wondering if it's the right time ...


Yes, yes, outrage at the ABC, it's a standard reptile virtue, and snarling at the dreadful Islamics is a proud reptile tradition. But is it the right time? The pond consulted the infallible Pope again ...




Perhaps it was wrong of the pond to think that our Henry might have shown signs of sensitivity training ... he's too busy punching holes in Islamic buckets, but here's why the pond was forced to keep his company this day ... talk about a heap of muck ... not least blather of the "vital light must not cast a shadow" kind ...

The shadow's already been cast, and so there was only one distraction the pond was tempted to follow, and naturally it was the Labor party's climate Karen ... apparently unaware that he was scribbling behind a paywall, and that the only sensible way for his taxpayer-paid thoughts to emerge in the world of fancy free punters was for him to have turned up at the ABC, or the Graudian or some other non-paywalled outlet of The Conversation kind, but then, why would they bother with an attention-seeking climate Karen?
The pond had extreme doubts as to the  wisdom of spending time with a climate Karen, of setting him free so to speak, but these were desperate times ...


There you go ... classic reptile speak with that talk of "the climate change debate", as if climate science was just a debate, rather than a set of rather alarming observations of what's happening in the real world ...

No doubt there's an earthy, dinkum climate science expert character called Woody in climate Karens universe, but for some strange reason, all the pond could think of was Toy Story ... but as for all that blather about it being the best of climate times, what the fuck?

And that triggered the pond - the pond is easily triggered these days - by bringing back a memory of the infallible Pope's portrait of the climate Karen ...


Why it's as good a reason as any for the pond to have run the climate Karen piece, especially as he pretends to give a flying fuck about climate change, as opposed to desperately hanging on to his seat ... while pandering to the reptiles and their luddite "climate debate" routines ...


Meaningful climate change action? Blow it out your bum, climate Karen, with your blather about climate change warfare.

We all know your real agenda, as captured by the infallible Pope ...


  1. Holely Henry: "After all, while migrants bring to their new home their individual pasts, forging a common future requires a commitment to shared values and to the undivided obligations of equal citizenship."

    Hmmm, what was that thing about "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" again ? Well it can't be the Henry because he has neither sound, nor fury, just a low murmuration of continuous self-satisfaction. Surely, a quick squint at the USA shows clearly just how little 'shared values and citizenship obligations' mean - but not to Henry, of course.

    Just consider: 1. "Joseph Gersh argued that today's 'era of fake news' has made the ABC's role more important than ever." 2. "It certainly has - as a purveyor, at taxpayer's expense, of the fake news he so loudly decries."

    Would it ever be possible, perhaps, for Henry to grasp the difference between 'news' and 'opinion' ? Or perhaps does Henry think his little puffs are actually 'news' ? Fake they certainly are, but news ?

  2. Aw, for the second week in succession, the Limited News 'subject tombola' has tossed the 'hit the ABC' ticket to the Henry, so he had to align his rambling column about how people misunderstand the French legal system (regulars were speaking of little else in my preferred coffee place this morning!) with a slap at the ABC, so the bots can respond with their standard, ingenuous 'why should my taxes pay for . . ?'

    1. And he didn't mention Emile Loubet by name even once, Chad. So, do your lieu de café préféré regulars think that Henry has any grasp of the French legal system ?

    2. GB - they are too easily distracted by speculation on - when is it gonna rain?

    3. But, butt it's a La Nina, Chad. Should be pouring down.

  3. So I get it - Karen Fitzgibbon is Labor's Craig Kelly; someone who brings shame upon us just by being elected. And it isn't hard to pick up on that: from, as DP mentions, his gratuitous use of "the climate change debate" to the wisdom of Woody who: "understands the need to protect our natural environment, to maintain our biodiversity, and to protect our ecosystems".

    And then - oh he's a quick learner - the standard reptile refrain: "people are so much more concerned about jobs, paying the mortgage, feeding the kids, and working hard to provide for their retirement years."

    What, no mention of airconditioning ? Otherwise, what can be said or done about such gross ignorance and stupidity ? What has to be done, what can be done, to get these fools to think beyond the 'protect our pleasant Sunday picnics' mentality to begin to grasp just how big a disaster will come in such a short while ?

    Answer: nothing, because the "bonds of citizenship" really do amount to nothing and the bonds of ignorant self-interest are all-powerful.


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