Thursday, July 09, 2020

In which the bromancer teaches the savvy Savva how to sound deeply mired in culture wars hysteria ...

On the face of it, that doesn't sound like the savvy Savva has reserved judgement. 

Back in the day, if the pond called someone a cardboard cut-out, the dictionary definition would sound like something of a judgement: "a person or character in a book, film, etc, who does not seem natural or real." (Longman, let's not do the Urban Dictionary thing).

That's tremendously unfair. Scottie from marketing is very real - he speaks in tongues and dreams of the rapture, and he has only too human passions, what with his love of dinkum clean pure Oz coal …

But it was a good hook, and so the pond had to go on with it, even though Eden-Monaro seemed like a long lost dream from long ago …

Fiddle with the switch, savvy Savva, plug us back in …

The trouble with the savvy Savva is that she's not a regular reptile, and the pond only puts her up as a contrast to the hysteria which will erupt below, thanks to the always erupting, reliably erratic bromancer ...

Sure, the savvy Savva delivers stern messages, but in a very school marmish way. Not even Dame Slap style school marm, leather strap to the bottom, but more a gentle slap on the wrist, or perhaps a deep sigh and an explanation repeated slowly a second time for the dimwitted, who failed to listen or to understand the first time ...

And that last par about comrade Dan serves as a contrast with the undiluted hysteria that the bromancer reliably brought to the table, bolstered by an epic serving from the cult master …

Say what? Democracy is dead? But the bromancer is a big Donald lover, so who cares about democracy?

Sorry, the pond felt the need to show the cult master there were other ways of approaching his job before proceeding with full bromancer hysteria ...

There is no effective democracy in Victoria? Of course it had to be followed immediately by a billy goat butt moment, of the "let me be clear. Victoria is not a tyranny" kind, when surely the bromancer should have followed up with references to Caligula Dan or Nero Andrews ...

This came as somewhat of a relief to the pond, given the suggestion elsewhere in the lizard Oz …

What a spiffing idea. We need our very own gulag, and surely Victoria now qualifies, and why not get Israel to spy on them?

A little O/T perhaps? Perhaps the pond has been drinking the reptile kool aid for too long? Not really, because the bromancer shows how it's done by dragging in Fidel Castro, when really, about the only thing Cuba had going for it was a decent health service. 

Why is the bromancer so dumb? Why can't he do a decent Roman emperor reference? Don't ask the pond, ask why he was a hippie uni drop out deeply into the culture wars at a tender age, and you might get a better answer …

Such a stupid, asinine man, saying one thing, and then forced to do sundry billy goat butt walk backs, not least "Andrews is no dictator. He is a democratically elected Premier …"

And so on, but these billy goatisms are only so the bromancer can pronounce democracy dead in Victoria.

And yet the bromancer is something of a Donald lover … and we know how the Donald goes about his business …

How weird is it when the bromancer gets into full rant mode? 

Well as any pond herpetologist knows, as soon as the bromancer gets going, it won't be long before it's not just all the fault of comrade Dan, deep in thrall to the Maoists, it's also the fault of those bloody cardigan wearers at the ABC ...

It's sublime really. What the bromancer is saying as he berates the ABC is that its services are needed because rags like the HUN and the Daily Terror are deeply shitty, and indeed they are. 

The pond happened on a Sunday Terror last weekend at the car wash, and couldn't believe how deeply shitty it was. And of course the HUN is the home of the deeply shitty Bolter …

If News Corp was serving the nation, it would make sure it covered state politics properly … but we've seen how it discarded local newspapers in recent times, and how the Terror failed journalism 101 with its most recent defamation settlement, and how the tabloids are only useful if the run on toilet paper gets totally out of control again in Victoria.

Even worse, the lizard Oz, and the bromancer himself, routinely fail the task the bromancer wants to assign to the ABC. Did he think that his scribbling this day was remotely helpful, either in relation to what's happening in Victoria or state politics?

Apart from the odd piece by the likes of the savvy Savva, the reptiles aren't much interested in the local scene. Like the bromancer, they prefer grander visions …

The funny thing is, the lizard Oz editorialist tried to offer a soothing bit of balm, as if the bromancer hadn't delivered his Casto, Maoist, ABC bashing rant … as if that was somehow a dreadful mistake, and we could be positive and build on the great progress we've made ...

But it was a mere blip of bugs, after the joy reptile lovers found in the terrifying sight of the bromancer in full uni drop out hysterical warrior mode …

But the pond knew it had to deliver a reptile positivity bonus, and so the lizard Oz editorialist it was …

We're all Melburnians now? Whatever happened to that line that Neil Jillett claimed to have invented for Ava Gardner, "the perfect place to make a film about the end of the world."?

Oh come on infallible Pope, be kind …

Well there's one more gobbet of reptile platitudes to go, but disappointingly, no mention of Castro, Mao, or the many failures of the ABC ...

A more positive national polity is possible? 

What abject nonsense. The bromancer will have none of that. We must remember Fidel, and carry on the culture wars, and set Israel to spying on the Victorian gulag, and do everything we can to emulate the ways of the Donald … or at least follow the immortal Rowe's suggestion of the best way to don a Donald face mask, with more Rowe here

And as the pond is on a cartoon roll this day, here's a few more ...


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    Let me perfectly clear. Scott Morrison is not a power crazed autocrat who is deliberately trampling on Australian democracy. The Federal Coalition is no jack-booted fascist organisation that is crushing the throat of parliamentary freedom.

    It’s just that Scotty from marketing and his government are making unilateral changes to legislation without any parliamentary scrutiny.

    (Behind the paywall if you’ve already used up your one free article).


    1. Conjured up a mental image of a somewhat overweight man clutching a lectern and thrusting his chin out in what he thinks is a statesmanlike pose (reminiscent of Bonespurs) then wombling off stage right before any questions can be asked.

  2. A nice start to the day from Savvy Sav: "Scott Morrison helped rob himself of a historic victory on Saturday ..."

    Hooray ! hooray ! we all cheer. So Eden Monario is relieved (like Mafeking) for another year or so.

    Now on to the Bromancer: "What are Victorian rank-and-file ALP members now but donkeys, required only to pay their dues and show up on election day to dstribute how to vote cards ?"

    Having one time been a one-term ALP member (in Canberra, immediately after Whitlam's sacking), I can affirm that it has always and everywhere been so. Doesn't stop the genuinely passionate from getting heavily involved, though.

    "...the tabloids are only useful if the run on toilet paper gets totally out of control again in Victoria."

    Funny you should mention that DP, because my partner and me did our weekly supermarket a day or two ago, and there was plenty of toilet paper. Nor much in the way of tissues or paper towels though. I reckon that the supermarket chains caught on to the 'panic buying' resurgence and ordered in heaps of toilet paper only to find, I reckon, that most of the 'panic buyers' still have a spare room so full of toilet paper that it will take them years to use all of it. But short on tissues and paper towels instead.

    So, to The Editorialist: "Can the Prime Minister and Treasurer break a two-decade complacency on supply-side reform ? Will Anthony Albanese and Labor and a motley bunch of premiers and chief ministers, hinder or help them in a spirit of national revival ?"

    "Grant me the wisdom to know the difference" ? So, out of the preceding two decades, Labor has been in office for a total of 6 years, 3 of which were as a minority government subject to every possible resistance by The Muncher and pals. The LNP has been in power for 14 years in the last 20, including the latter part of the John Winston era, and the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison circus, but always as a majority government and for 3 years with a senate majority as well.

    So what exactly does The Editorialist expect ScottyfromMarketing to actually propose by way of "reforms" ?

    Moving right along, then: "There is more going onto lift productivity, for sure, but it's predicated on trust, political will, energy, imagination and resilience."

    Oh ok, so "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change". Do we thereby reckon there'll be another Work Choices in the offing ?

  3. Tony Koch "So amazed that Fearless and Fair Greg Sheridan in The Australian is treating Victorian lockup situation with the same vigour he covered the NSW Ruby Princess disgrace. The Australian newspaper has now descended to the depths of depravity, just a sycophantic arse-wipe."

    Lots of comments to the effect that "arse-wipe" is too generous.

    It's increasingly apparent that the war on China is the only card the Oz intends to play. Everything is linked back to China.

    It's not that I don't have problems with China's behaviour, it's simply that I cannot believe that the conservative commentators actually give a fuck about issues like human rights. Where's the criticism of Australia's alphabet of defendants in secret trials or it's off-shore gulags?

    Full of shit.

  4. Sheridan is as mad as a cut snake. Leave him in the Australian and Sky Nightmare echo chamber where he can do no harm to the 99/999999999999999999% of the population who are quarantined from his drooling madness.

  5. Might as well see this where some unsuspecting aristocrat ran into the mob

    They never see where something will go do they?

    1. Maybe he should change his name to, or at least post as, Alexander Upper.


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