Saturday, September 21, 2024

The pond is on an indeterminate break ...

AI has left the building, normal intelligence never entered, as might be expected of a herpetology student, and the pond is unwell and is stepping out of the tent for a while ...if nothing else, our hole in the bucket man is a worthy placeholder ...


  1. All the best, DP - hope your health improves.

    (Or was that a “Jeffrey Barnard is unwell” - type message?)

  2. You can sit back and just enjoy the weather, DP:

    "Rain is set to soak every Australian state over the next week - with some locations forecast to receive a month's worth of rainfall in just a few days."

  3. Today’s Reptile offerings include a lengthy propaganda piece from the Bromancer in favour of Christianity-based schools that ban screens, teach Latin and focus on the Great Books of the past. According to the Bro, that’s basically the only possible way to save Western Civilisation. So yes, it’s an ideal time for a break.


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