Friday, September 13, 2024

In which the pond offers up regurgitated Henry ... but at least there are 'toon distractions ...


With many distractions of late, the pond almost failed to note Dame Slap's latest appearance, but was prodded by a correspondent's note to at least give it a dishonourable mention ...

Those thwarted by the Nine soft paywall can also find the story written up in the Graudian as 'I'll send you the transcript': emails and texts between the head of Lehrmann inquiry and News Corp columnist revealed.

It's hard to work out who is the more contemptible of this self-congratulatory pair ...

Luckily the pond still refuses to wade into the Lehrmann swamp to cavort with the reptiles and their supplier of confidential documents, but will note this particularly hideous form of indulgence, expanded on a littlefurther down in the story ...

The columnist also told Sofronoff that he was the subject of memes.
“You may not realise that memes are being made about you. Ones you may like.”
She later sent him a photo comparing him to Winston “The Wolf” Wolf from the film Pulp Fiction.

Beyond the valley of satire and mockery, into the hills of loathing...

Meanwhile, the doctors advised the pond to cut back on its reptile intake because of serious inroads on the pond's health.

This was advice easy to follow this day ...

Those who expand the image will see that only the pompous, portentous purveyor of humbug is worth noting, and only then because Thucydides staged a comeback ...

The pond did experience a flicker of fear. What would happen to entertainment if the orange Jesus went down? Where would you get barking mad howling at the moon comedy items like this?

She's serious? Why then, the pond is Thucydides ...

Or barking mad carnivore stories like thiswhich keep on expanding into an infinite voide?

Conservative groups pledged to head to Springfield to find instances of cat-eating there. Others offered up financial rewards for evidence. 
“Alright, let's settle it: I will provide a $5,000 bounty to anyone who can provide my team with hard, verifiable evidence that Haitian migrants are eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. Deadline is Sunday. Go,” conservative activist Christopher Rufo offered on X.
One person spotted the weakness in Rufo’s offer by writing: “Peeps, I'll be gone for a few days. I'm off to Springfield, Ohio with my cat and a large pot. Five grand is five grand.”
Rufo quickly clarified: “*Must be an incident that occurred prior to the presidential debate! No eating cats, people!”

The pond reached for a deep fried leg of kitten and relaxed, there'd always be other ways to make an easy, lazy 5k, there'd be other sources of memes and cartoons ...

And now, as the genocide continues apace ...

... it was time for some of the usual blather about academic freedumb, which in the case of the hole in the bucket man means the freedumb to ignore what's actually happening, and throw in a lot of obfuscatory references, as humbugs and portentous charlatans are wont to do ...

This in a rag where one of its chief commentariat scribblers becomes a lickspittle fellow traveller peddling wolf memes to garner pdfs in a crazed obsessive-compulsive desire to pursue Higgins. 

This in a rag where climate science denialism is the order of the day ...

This in a rag where lies are told with something of the scattergun skill of the orange Jesus himself.

And yet the hole in the bucket man blathers on about the notion of a commitment to the value of truth ... strangle the pond in the shallow waters of a cereal box before it gets too deep ...

At this point might as well get the snaps out of the way ... yes, this week an opium addict is introduced into the discussion ...

The pond thought it could at least enliven its own visuals by restoring an infallible Pope which had been missed a few days ago ...

Sure it hasn't got anything to do with the column at hand,  but you must be at least this old to find your reptile tribe ... and besides, the pond has to preserve a shred of sanity ... because, yeay, Thucydides ...

Meanwhile, a terrifying genocide keeps going down ... and you won't find a whiff of it in the hole in the bucket man's scribbling.

Why there's not even a hint of grapeshot in all the blather, let alone a 2,000 bomb dropped into a gulag ... just a vast name dropping as the old dotard uses the ploy of "writers such as" to go the full humbug and throw together a list of names, as if that provides the aged academic wolf man with some kind of street cred ...

The notion that our Henry writes from some position of objectivity and a studious desire to value "the truth" almost turned the pond full relativist again ... 

But then the pond remembered what it must be like to be a civilian in the fog of war, caught in unholy circumstances where crusaders of whatever stripe carried out their missions of freedumb or Talibanisation ...

The pond can only get through our Henry these days with a plentiful supply of 'toons.

Does the old dotard ever pause and listen to himself? The pond couldn't find any evidence whatsoever ...

One thing's certain. If the reptiles think this is the way to boost their readership, then they're living in the valley of delusion ...

The pond was transported back to the days of Tamworth Primary where the rulez dictated that everybody had to stand, salute the flag, mouth empty pieties about honouring this and that and a distant monarch, and then march off to class to the sound of martial music ... with nary a thought as to what it all portended ...

Our Henry really should go, though the pond hesitates to assign him to aged care, not the happiest outcome for anyone ...

Meanwhile, the pond continues in the grip of Russian state TV. It turns out that there are people even more deluded than our Henry, in the grip of war monger Vlad the Sociopath ...

In one recent clip, they even cited Alex Jones as an authoritative source full of wisdom and insight ...

Even the reptiles struggle to match that level of high comedy ... and then, in relation to the recent orange Jesus debacle, came this ...


  1. Holely Henry is on the warpath yet again:
    "...Mark Scott...has decided that Professor Sujatha Fernandes, who told her students that reports of Hamas committing mass rapes on October 7 were 'fake news'..."

    So Henry, who was not there then or afterwards, will now tell us what really happened. Ok, so just for an alternative rendition, try this:
    How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war

    Especially this part:
    "Debunked accounts vs. the evidence
    After untrue accounts of sexual assault filtered into international media, the process of debunking them appeared, at times, to take center stage in the global dispute over the facts of Oct. 7. On social media, accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers question the very occurrence of sexual violence.

    The loud debate belies a growing body of evidence supporting the claim that sexual assault took place that day, even as its scope remains difficult to ascertain.

    The U.N. team investigating sexual violence said it saw “credible circumstantial information which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualized torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.”

    That included photos and videos showing a minimum of 20 corpses with clothes that had been torn, revealing private body parts, and 10 bodies with indications of bound wrists and or tied legs. No digital materials showed sexual violence in real time, the report said

    So, is that Holely's "evidence" of mass rape ?

    1. Maybe Henry has just confused which side committed the violence

  2. Now let us see:
    "Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität) is a concept introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung to describe events that coincide in time and appear meaningfully related, yet lack a discoverable causal connection. Jung held this was a healthy function of the mind, that can become harmful within psychosis."

    Apart from the situation that Jung - along with a heap of other "psychologists"- isn't particularly highly regarded nowadays, is this at all meaningful in the Murdoch world ? Or are they just borderline psychotic anyway ?

  3. They "had to keep a daily diary noting what they'd done because they had no recollection without it." Oh, ok, so is that what I have to do ! Naah, nothing much I do is worth remembering anyway - how about you ?

    "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind."

  4. Hi DP. Hope you are well. Apologies to the late, great Harry Chapin.

    Cats On The Griddle

    Our neighbours arrived here the other day
    Let me tell ya friend they got unusual ways
    They wanted food to catch and went lookin' for prey
    And suddenly our animals have gone astray
    So don't be sayin' yes if they're invitin' you
    Over for a party and a bite or two...

    They got cats on the griddle of their barbecue
    Puppy dog stew with a duck ragu
    Where has little Rusty gone?
    He's hangin' in the shed
    And these immigrants are lookin' well fed, now
    Because they have been eatin' our pets!

    1. Royalty check is in the christmas mail!

    2. Neatly done indeed, Kez, and now that you're visiting could you maybe find the time to talk for a while ?

  5. Self Trepanning.
    By Linda Reynolds & Dr Friendly Fire... aka Janet Albrechtsen, at the Australian newspaper. No bulk billing.

    "In court in August Reynolds accused Dreyfus of “seeking to silence” her.

    "She said the claims that she had not given Higgins adequate support after her alleged rape in March 2019 were “utterly defendable”.

    “My defence was to be no defence … I was outraged.”

    "Reynolds admitted she had sent the letters, marked with “confidential” and “legal professional privilege applies”, from her personal email address to Janet Albrechtsen, a columnist at the Australian newspaper."
    “The letter of confidentiality was never signed by me so my recollection is while they sent the proposal, what the commonwealth wanted in terms of locking me down, I never agreed,” Reynolds said.

    “So therefore I had no particular concern about sending that to Ms Albrechtsen.”

    "An article by Albrechtsen and another journalist at the Australian was published on 14 December 2022, the day after the settlement deed was signed, titled “Linda Reynolds ‘muzzled’ in Brittany Higgins lawsuit defence” and containing details of the confidential letters."

    I hope Linda's headache is relieved.

  6. The Hole in the Bucket Man could have simply written “I believe that in this case, Sydney University should have taken stronger disciplinary action” - but I suppose that might have left him a few words short of a full column. So as per usual it’s time to trot out a few of the Great Minds, and this may well be the most extensive roster yet. Of course the pompous windbag continues to believe that the greater the weight of quotations, the stronger his argument. Others might consider it as simply more padding than Donald Trump’s suit jackets.

    1. Henry, having restored our acquaintanceship with Thucy-baby, goes on to display his complete ignorance of 'objectivity': "...the entirety of academic freedom: the freedom to dispassionately seek, and equally dispassionately teach, the truth, with all partisanship abandoned...".

      And that, he somehow thinks, is something to expect in institutions still preaching and teaching a variety of religions, none of which can exhibit any "objectivity" whatsoever. So Henry objects to those terrible fields of "black, indigenous and women's studies" which "regarded advocacy as integral to their mission". Oh dear.

      So just ignoring religion for the moment, all that strident "advocacy" that was required to establish the 'objectivity' of the theory of evolution just never happened because that wasn't about blacks, indigenes or women. And in the meantime, the mythical 'Trinity' trundles on and on and ...

    2. GB - I tried, a couple of times, to read the contents of Henry's bucket this day, and thank our esteemed Hostess for providing it, but a particular - I think it can be called a 'quatrain'- lodged in my brain. That -

      Data is not information
      Information is not knowledge
      Knowledge is not understanding
      Understanding is not wisdom.

      I note that this is now often attributed to polymath, Clifford Stoll. Stoll has a 'Wiki' entry, setting out some of his achievements, and advertising his small business, supplying Klein bottles. But you may have encountered his writings in your computering days.

    3. Oh - forgot to add, it is the Acme Klein Bottle. The man has a fine sense of humour.

    4. Yes, I had indeed encountered what I can now call the Stoll quatrain and the Klein bottle quite a few years ago. Back when I still thought that something could be gained by knowing such things.

      Trouble is though, that the only people who can gain from knowing such things generally already have at least basic functional grasp of them anyway.

      But nice to keep up with the formal statements thereof, I guess.

  7. The Springfield Scandinavian Defence.
    '“Do you think that if there were 20,000 Scandinavians that had been sent to Springfield, people would be saying that they’re eating cats and dogs and geese?” Navarro pressed further.

  8. Lachlan is eyeing new buckets.
    "An AI Bot Named James Has Taken My Old Job
    "A local newspaper in Hawaii has turned to AI-generated presenters to draw in new audiences."


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