Saturday, September 14, 2024

In which the pond relitigates matters with the bromancer, and ignores medical warnings to celebrate dog botherer shouting at clouds ...


When the "news" broke that Haitians were cannibals, allegedly devouring sweet American flesh, the pond wondered where the country's pride had gone. 

Could any Haitian complete with Jeffrey Dahmer, proudly born and bred in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a swing state at that?

Please, peeple, do not abandon splendid homegrown American achievers.

Meanwhile, this was the motley lizard Oz crew that presented to the pond this morning ...

Look, there at the top of the far right ... the bro wants to relitigate the great debate. 

Given that the rest of the offal included untouchables of the Dame Slap kind, how could the pond refuse?

It will be recalled that in his first attempt the bro called it a draw ...while Karl Rove - the pond can't believe it's quoting the Rovester - had this to say...

...Trump enthusiasts will be upset that the ABC interviewers fact-checked the former president far more than they did Ms Harris. Then again, he gave them plenty of material to work with — such as repeating the bizarre claim that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating the pets of local residents. That was probably Team Trump’s lowest moment.
Will this debate have an effect? Yes, though perhaps not as much as Team Harris hopes or as much as Team Trump might fear. But there’s no putting lipstick on this pig. Mr Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as “dumb as a rock.” Which raises the question: What does that make him?

And the bromancer thought it was a draw, when in fact the orange Jesus had his clock cleaned by a dumb as a rock woman. 

What does that make him? Why, a dumpster fire of stupidity in an increasingly irrelevant rag, but never mind, here we go ...

Never mind the chutzpah of a reptile pretending to care about climate science or the planet ...that's just the usual nonsense.

At this point the pond must indulge in the ritual of noting all the click bait videos and snaps the reptiles inserted to break up the tedium ...

Quite an array, and of course the real reason the pond was happy to indulge the bromancer was the chance of a weekend 'toon fest ...

The pond has always called out the bromancer as a quasi-closeted Trumpian MAGA man, perhaps not as explicit as Dame Slap donning the red hat and slipping out into the streets of New York to celebrate, but close in spirit and style ...

Indeed, indeed, speaking of lies ...

It's the both siderist "don't get me wrong" routine that always earns the pond's applause, with the bromancer pretending to call out the orange Jesus's crap, while simultaneously indulging as much of it as he possibly can.

It's important never to forget that the bro earned the nickname "bromancer" because of his rabid bromance with that fundamentalist tyke, BBQ knight conversation starter, budgie wearing, bicycling and climate science denying muncher of onions ... and that helps explain his orange Jesus elective affinity ...

Meanwhile, on another planet, this news just in ...

It will be noted that the pond is content to let the bromancer rabbit on, and stew in his juices, making him that little bit tastier ... especially when he offers up rump of billy goat butt ...

Note the both siderism on offer, which allowed the bromancer to work his way to a draw ... and the complete lack of a sensa huma about proceedings ...

Couldn't the bromancer allow himself a little laugh at the sight of a bully having his clock cleaned. Why even warmonger Dick - the pond can't believe it's typing this - could manage ...

Yes, joy .... and showmanship ... with swiftboating all the rage  ...

What a dour, glum old thing you have to be as a fundamentalist tyke trying to explain the appeal of a billionaire boofhead ...

At this point, with the fundamentalist tyke bro mansplaining to women, things got a little creepy, in a way only a genuine bigot can manage, but deeply weird creepiness is currently in the air ...

And so back to reasons to work for the mango Mussolini's election, because let's face it, the Talibanisation of the United States is far from complete, and certain cities of the New York kind might have to be nuked to cleanse the continent ...

So who will win? Why gourmets everywhere ...

By this point the bro had started to wind down, and just to prove he remained a one eyed bigot, he was still calling it a draw ...

Yep, the the bromancer loves himself some of that bigoted dog whistle racist stew ...

And so to a thankfully short final flourish ...

Luckily there was a cartoon to hand to explain what the bromancer had wasted reams of words doing ...

The pond regrets implying that the lizard Oz is MSM or that the bromancer is a journalist, as opposed to a barking mad, deeply weird fundamentalist, but please, allow it for the sake of the cartoon ...

Meanwhile, given the pond's recent medical advice, the pond had to think long and hard about indulging the dog botherer, but after all, it was just another example of ...

... so why not give the the old codger a go ...

No doubt the dog botherer would include Eisenhower in that mob ...

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.
Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together... (wiki)

Those were the days ... and now for the reason the pond decided to give the dog botherer a run.

His piece was puffed up, inflated, by an inordinate number of click bait videos and stills ... all designed to stoke fear and anger, here compressed down into an endless montage, and carefully neutered at the same time ... 

Wow, what an amazing amount of visual filler, but then when you look at the verbal sludge on offer, you can see why the reptiles decided it was a visual spak-filler job ...

Meanwhile, the genocide goes on ...

The good thing about cobbling together chunks of dog botherer is that it's easy to get them out of the way ... if you're going to shout at cloud, best do it in big bursts ...

Ah the declining education system ...

Sorry, that's another country, though Captain Spud would probably like it here ... and then magically there were just two gobbets to go ...

At some point the dog botherer came to a realisation, and that was how he opened the final gobbet ... admitting he had become tedious old fart, shouting at clouds ...but proudly unapologetic and proudly defiant, in the manner of old farts without self-awareness and the humility that old age brings to the wise ...

He tried to dress it up as "tut-tutting", but the pond can still spot a barking mad lizard Oz correspondent howling at the moon or shouting very loudly at clouds ... oh yes, yes, we even get "the march of the left" ...

There, done and dusted, and for others to pick over the bones and see what morsels can be found. All the pond could spot were either fatty or stringy, and without a shred of substance, but enough to stimulate sundry attacks on clouds ...

The pond will instead turn to the top alleged news story in the lizard Oz this morning.

What better way to segue to an immortal Rowe cartoon to close proceedings?

It's always in the detail ...


  1. The Start-up Immigrant Restaurant

    Bonjour Springfield neighbour
    I'm sure that you're keen
    To sample the flavours
    Of Haitian cuisine

    Partake of our hot dogs
    They're second to none
    With mustard and pickles
    On a sesame seed bun

    But if barbecued canine
    Is not where you're at
    We can fire up the weber
    And flambé your cat

    If you prefer poultry
    Monsieur, you're in luck
    Please sample this confit
    Of your daughter's pet duck!

  2. Doggy Bov: "...spark a war with Israel by slaughtering 1200 men, women and children and kidnapping 250 others in a blood-curdling display of Islamist extremist terror." But he didn't mention the "mass rapes" that Holely Henry was so eager to tell us all about. Why not ? Doesn't he believe his own reptile colleague about that ? Does he think perhaps that Henry Ergas was concocting 'fake news' ?

    But then Doggy Bov tells us the war could have ended in October with the surrender of Hamas terrorists, and it probably could have - at least this round, this year. But it could also end right now with Israel stopping its genocide and destruction of Gaza. Couldn't it ?

    But as to now, the Boverer assertively informs us that: "There has been no push back to contain the protests and ugly rhetoric." But surely that would just be employing cancel culture and suppression of free speech ?

  3. The reptile cycling is ever before us. The Bro uses ‘Chameleon Kamala’, apparently without acknowledgement to that admired wordsmith, and Chucklehead on Sky, James Morrow, who went on for too much time through the week about how clever it was of him to assemble that term.

    It has the added benefit, to Sky/Fox presenters, that it invites mispronunciation of ‘Kamala’, which other presenters make a point of - in detail, in case their viewers miss that.

    So this is an admission that I watched some of James Morrow, on Sky, through the week. Clips on ‘YouTube’ did provide some light entertainment from Sky, because all presenters, having little substance to work with, overacted to hell in their, um - ‘presentations’.

    Perhaps the worst were Murray and Rita the Fading Ingenue, who offered a cheap imitation of that classic of Briddish TV, ‘The Royle Family’ - with split screen of the debate, which they heckled in real time.

    James Morrow is an interesting case study. His life kinda parallels that of the unlovely Miranda Devine, in being offspring of father who attached himself to a powerful and wealthy media owner, and assembled words that praised, nay glorified, said owner. In Morrow’s case, it was father Lance Morrow, who was in thrall to Henry Luce. But the talent tends to dissipate as it goes through generations - where Frank Devine and Lance Morrow both produced some writing of style, acceptable grammar, and careful selection of terms - the offspring learned no more of their parents than you can make a comfortable living writing whatever tosh the current media lord wants. If you are not sure of the vibe for this week - do as the Bro has done, comb through other parts of Rupert’s products, and even the thickest hack can get a hint.

    1. Just a reminder that IQ has to be learnt and isn't just automatically inherited.

  4. The bromancer didn't..." show a naked woman’s torso with pistols resting on her hard nipples and the slogan “I <3 guns, titties, & whiskey".~ Huffpo.

    DP "the bromancer ...with the fundamentalist tyke bro mansplaining to women, things got a little creepy, in a way only a genuine bigot can manage, but deeply weird creepiness is currently in the air"

    What the bromancer didn't say...
    Huffpo - at a fundamentalist maga madressa rally;
    "... the polls tell us that many others have been duped into believing that Trump-style fascism is worth accepting if it can deliver a return to “better days.” This is terrifying."

    "I've Traveled Across The Country To Attend Trump Rallies. Here's What You Won't See On TV.
    "Being outside a Trump rally venue is like being at a giddy but dystopian carnival — like something you would find in a haunted video game. 
    "People also bring their own coolers, and by mid-afternoon, I’ve had many conversations with tipsy guys in their fourth hour of drinking, and I can smell the vapors of Miller Light wafting off of them.
    "Families wear matching T-shirts reading, “The Hoe is worse than Joe.” Kids wander around in “No more bullshit” visors with fake Trump hair attached, and browse bumper stickers that read, “I like big boobs and small government,” or show a naked woman’s torso with pistols resting on her hard nipples and the slogan “I <3 guns, titties, & whiskey".
    "the polls tell us that many others have been duped into believing that Trump-style fascism is worth accepting if it can deliver a return to “better days.” This is terrifying. "

    How is any person able to read all the spew and cyclops ra ra bullshit of the bromancer. Let alone accept to pay newscorpse?!

  5. "Meanwhile, the genocide goes on ..." watched by 180 dead journalists...

    "Until our last breath": Journalist Anas al-Sharif on Documenting Israel's Genocide in Gaza Every Day for 11 Straight Months
    "The Al Jazeera correspondent has refused to leave northern Gaza, even as Israel has threatened him and killed his colleagues
    "Less than three weeks after he was called by the Israeli army, his family home in the Jabalia refugee camp was bombed, killing his 90-year-old father, Jamal al-Sharif. Al-Sharif had been doing nonstop coverage and had not been home in 60 days. The Committee to Protect Journalists said of his father’s killing at the time: “CPJ is deeply alarmed by the pattern of journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members being killed.”

    "Al-Sharif was threatened again just last month after he broadcast the carnage of an August 10 Israeli airstrike on a school in Gaza City where thousands of displaced Palestinian were seeking shelter, killing over 100 people. “I can’t describe what’s happening,” al-Sharif said. “We’re talking about almost 100 martyrs in the Tabaeen school in Gaza City, a big massacre.” 


  6. I'm sure that Greg is a follower of Tucker so I wonder... "Tucker Carlson recommends that men tan their testicles, as ‘bromeopathy’". (from The Debate . An extract "Above all, Harris seemed sincere. All winning presidential candidates, regardless of ideology or policy, have been perceived – rightly or wrongly – as believing what they say: Biden, Trump, Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Reagan, Carter. The losers – Hillary Clinton, Romney, Kerry – were seen as repeating whatever they thought the voters wanted to hear."

    1. Because they think that elected Presidents will actually implement what they "believe", do you reckon, Joe. How many more millennia of evolution will be required for people to vote for presidents that might actually do things that are sensible and useful ?

      Perhaps we should change over to sortition now and save a lot of time.

  7. The rage and lies spouted by Fox in the States and Murdoch's lick-spittles in Oz like Cardigan Bromancer, shows Kamala is well in front to win in November.
    I notice Sheridan (who looks as if he is within three wheezes away from falling from this mortal coil) has failed to mention Trumps outrageous lie of legal Haitians in Springfield eating cants and dogs.
    Even leading Springfield Nuclear Power Magnate, Montgomery Burns, has called this out as a lie, and he employs 90% of the legal Haitians at his plant.
    Bromancer has been getting crazier by the day.

  8. The wonderful thing about reading the Bromancer’s blather it’s about the US Presidential election is knowing that their significance and influence is precisely 1 percent of absolutely fuck-all. He’s the 21st century equivalent of that provincial Irish newspaper that supposedly thundered “We have repeatedly warned the Kaiser….”. Could he possibly be sufficiently delusional to believe otherwise?

  9. The last thing, literally the last thing I expected out of the debate, was a fairly sparkly pop tune:


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