Sunday, June 02, 2024

In which the pond settles for the early morning delights of a Polonial prattle, the Angelic One doing patriarchy, and a bonus offering of the pasty Hastie...


The pond's problems continue apace ... what to do with a surfeit of deserving reptiles? Just ignore some, leave them under their rock, and walk on by?

In the case of a deeply weird Dame Slap outing, and a deeply tedious "Ned" regurgitation of the thoughts of others, the temptation was strong.

The pond settled on a compromise. 

That pair would be banished to a late Sunday arvo posting, a rare enough event, thereby clearing space for a more traditional Sunday morning meditation ...

Naturally that meant Polonius could maintain pole position with his prattle, even if it were a tedious bit of Tingling (for the real Tingle, punters and pond dwellers must await the deeply weird Dame Slap outing).

Of course the Tingling brought together Polonius's pet peeves in an ABC moment ...

Standard Polonial stuff, to which a galah might say ...

Naturally the reptiles had their own visual distractions ...

Before proceeding further, the pond should add that of course the pond read Margaret Simons' In publicising Laura Tingle’s ‘counselling’, the ABC risks giving the bullies a victory, No matter what the national broadcaster does, News Corp and the Australian will keep gnawing at it ...

There are a few things we can assume the ABC board and executive know only too well.
First, News Corporation, and the Australian newspaper in particular, will always attack the ABC. The reasons are a mixture of ideology and commerce. The ABC is a competitor for audience, and more trusted than any News Corporation publication, as repeated studies confirm.
As for ideology, News Corporation has made no secret of its belief that public broadcasting should be commercialised or sold off.
Secondly, anyone who attacks or criticises News Corporation will in turn be attacked by them, and with the kind of relentlessness and distortion that reminds one of a stalker – an obsessive, attention-seeking love-hate.
Anyone who doesn’t understand these things is ignorant of the verities of the Australian media scene, and therefore should either wise up or not be on the board or the executive. But as I say, I am sure they know.
It follows that the ABC should not be too quick to react to the latest outburst of nuttiness.
And yet Laura Tingle, one of the most senior and respected political journalists in the country, was on Wednesday the subject of a public statement from her boss, ABC news director Justin Stevens, saying she had been “counselled” (a quintessentially passive aggressive ABC word) over comments she made during a panel discussion at the Sydney writers’ festival. This followed days of fevered headlines in the Australian.
It could be read as hanging her out to dry.
Tingle issued a simultaneous statement both defending herself at length over the few phrases that had drawn the ire of the Australian, drawing attention to the things that were not being reported meanwhile (ahem, the budget) and also admitting regret that the nature of the discussion had meant her comments were not substantiated and contextualised in the way they would have been if she had been writing for the ABC.
Tingle, of course, would hardly be surprised by the pile-on by the Australian.
She has both skewered and predicted the phenomenon.
Three weeks ago, she gave the John Button oration in Melbourne, on the topic of “off course” public discourse.
It was a lengthy, layered and intellectually nuanced speech. I cannot do it justice here. But given the topic, it was inevitable that she talked about News Corporation. Her words are worth quoting at some length.
"Let’s leave aside the daily investment of resources invested in News Corp journalists in search of stories with which to troll the ABC … It’s a little mystifying how a company that has had to pay out an estimated $2 billion – so far – in legal settlements for illegally hacking peoples phones, and other invasions of privacy, has set itself up as an arbiter of journalistic standards. While big media corporations seem to have felt no great responsibility to account for what they have done, the ABC’s public funding gives it an obligation to do so, as best it can ... The News Corp campaigns against public broadcasters like the ABC, or for that matter whatever public figure/idea they are pursuing, is relentless and all embracing."
I was at that speech. Afterwards, members of the audience speculated on how long it would be before the Australian made Tingle pay for her remarks.
And, three weeks later, here we are.

And so, here we are, and the pond will leave the rest of the Simons' read to return to Polonius ...

The pond was astonished, surprised, disappointed, neigh appalled, that Polonius had failed to mention that the ABC is a conservative-free zone.

The dollar the pond gets each time Polonius produces that line is essential to the pond's retirement savings, though admittedly it's amazing how a dollar a time can turn into squillions by dint of incessant Polonial repetition.

Oh wait, the pond can relax, all that needed to be done was to read on ...

What was that again?

There are a few things we can assume the ABC board and executive know only too well.
First, News Corporation, and the Australian newspaper in particular, will always attack the ABC. The reasons are a mixture of ideology and commerce. The ABC is a competitor for audience, and more trusted than any News Corporation publication, as repeated studies confirm.
As for ideology, News Corporation has made no secret of its belief that public broadcasting should be commercialised or sold off.
Secondly, anyone who attacks or criticises News Corporation will in turn be attacked by them, and with the kind of relentlessness and distortion that reminds one of a stalker – an obsessive, attention-seeking love-hate.

In the case of Polonius,  it verges on the psychotic ... a fatal attraction ...

Another advantage of hiving off the deeply weird Dame Slap and the regurgitating "Ned" to a late arvo slot?

There was room for a quiet achiever, that brave little Canberra mum, the Angelic one. 

Now there might be some who deny it, but everyone loves the Angelic one and the way she sorts out the world's problems with a few stern words, and if necessary, a firm hand ... and this weekend she sorted out addiction issues ... and right from the get go, the reptiles turned up a stunning snap to help her ...

The pond wasn't actually reading the Angelic one on a smart phone,  in the pond's opinion most phones are dumb, but was delighted by that stock photo, and the way it turned up all over the place ...

Even better was the way the models turned up in that last snap. 

When you do these photo shoots, you want to get every bit of value you can out of having the models turn up... so suddenly the deeply alienated mum was blissfully connected and sharing her connection with her spawn, no longer bored or alienated ...

You see? Give the mum a phone and decent boosted wifi signal and suddenly you can be at one with your kids ...

Okay, okay, that's the real reason the pond booted deeply weird Dame Slap and regurgitating "Ned" to a late arvo slot ... how else to find the space to wander off into the strange world of lizard Oz stock photos, so much cheaper than a graphics department ...

Meanwhile, the Angelic one was still rabbiting on ...

Indeed, indeed, harden the fuck up parents, join a Catholic church of your choice ...

And at that moment the reptiles ran another deeply weird stock photo ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, that perfidious image suggests that children and adult might be sharing a moment by gazing at a screen.

What would that do to the lizard Oz print model?

Relax, the Angelic one has the matter in hand ... patriarchy rulez ...

Barking mad of course, with that blather about authority, discipline, hierarchy and a Taliban-style love of the patriarchy familiar turf ... 

The question of 'nationalizing' a people is first and foremost one of establishing healthy social conditions which will furnish the grounds that are necessary for the education of the individual. For only when family upbringing and school education have inculcated in the individual a knowledge of the cultural and economic and, above all, the political greatness of his own country--then, and then only, will it be possible for him to feel proud of being a citizen of such a country. I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect. And in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it.

Dammit, let us put an end to these bloody liberal nirvanas, and rejoin the church where no one has a say ... it's the only way forward (and what's wrong with a leather strap if judiciously applied?)

And so to the bonus, and here again there's a reason that the pond bumped the truly weird Dame Slap and nattering "Ned" off to a late arvo slot...

Usually the pond wouldn't run a politician scribbling for the reptiles but the pastie Hastie is an exception to the rule ...

With the greatest respect to Bloom and Shakspere there's not much to be learned about war from Henry V, or at least war which moved beyond archers and knights on horses, though there's possibly something to learn about jingoism, nationalism, and the canny way that Shakspere managed to stay out of harm's way in Elizabethan times ...

And with the greatest respect, there's not much to learn from Larry except how to to ham with extraordinary skill ...

The pond still gives the same weighty emphasis on how to say Uhhhkkkkrannnne the way that Larry did in The World at War ...

Oh dear, just as well the hasty pastie completely ignored an actual war going down right at this moment against a genuine psychopath ...

But mention of girding of loins stimulated the Hastie pastie into a fervour, sounding a cry of battle ...

Is there a whiff of conscription in the wind?

Shush, it would be unfair to mention the astonishing triumph of the war in Afghanistan, and the salvation of Afghani women from a monstrous Taliban, getting worse by the day.

Instead to the real reason that the pond enjoys the hastie pastie ... and it's very Angelic one ...

The most profound influence in my life has been my family. Family is central to a healthy society, and we must protect and cultivate that institution. Family gives people support when they falter and allows those who falter to recover themselves. I have grown up in a stable and loving environment, given to me by my parents, Peter and Sue. My father, from my earliest days, has taught me the importance of seeking the truth and living consistently with my convictions; to establish my principles and adhere to them. (First speech)

It's been yonks since the pond celebrated creationism ...

If you head off to Creation Ministries you can still find ... The greatest hoax ...

And the truth about horses, which is just as well because the pond can only offer a sample ...

And so on to a final gobbet of the hastie pastie preparing for war, and no doubt we shall smite and smote our enemies the way we smoted the Taliban mightily, and saved Afghan women from a patriarchal fate (what's that, the Angelic one and the Taliban are at one when it comes to the patriarchy?)

Now please, in the final gobbet, pay heed to talk of objective values, you know, the resurrection, transubstantiation, burning bushes, water into wine, the curing of lepers, miracles in general, and the rapture, heaven, hell, purgatory, perhaps even limbo, and such like, though depending on your orientation, you could spend hours mounting a subtle yet pervasive attack on objective values, what with no one seeming to have a clue what that might mean to feuding Xians ...

Revive the best elements of classical learning? What a pity that the learned hastie pastie made no mention of names beyond Shakspere and Bloom, and yet surely he should have nominated a few,  so we could all diss Darwin and be creationists together ...

We will lose the fight in the mind before the first shot is even fired? Surely not, surely creationism is the answer, and we will use it to give the Taliban another sound thrashing, just like the last one ...

And so with regret the pond must advise that cartoons have been held over to the late arvo edition, on the basis that it's impossible to read a "Ned" offering without a generous supply of 'toons ...

All the pond can offer as a substitute is a quandary.

If a thing becomes a much loved meme that spreads around the world ...

... should the pond contribute to the plague, the infestation?

Oh sheesh, it was just too delicious, and besides the reptiles have been ignoring the UK election in much the same way they ignored the trial of the century (thus far) ... and so attention must be paid ...


  1. Dear old Polonius; his obsessions are so transparent. Barrie Cassidy is “the former host of Insiders”, while it’s noted that the four panelists who appeared with Tingle “are regular panelists on Insiders”. Words that drip with grief, anger and need - “that’s _my_ panel seat they’ve taken…… My Preciousssss….”

    Still, that’s probably preferable to having some nosy biddy eavesdropping on your phone habits while you’re trying to enjoy your breakfast. Once again Angie demonstrates Divine influence; a minute or two rudely staring at a hapless family and she can generate yet another hysterical “won’t someone think of the children?” sermon. I hope those parents told her to piss off and mind her own business.

    1. :)³ Judging by the current crop, he's got a right to feel peeved. This morning featured one James Campbell ... to wit (not to woo) ...

      "James Campbell is national weekend political editor for Saturday and Sunday News Corporation newspapers and websites across Australia, including the Saturday and Sunday Herald Sun, the Saturday and Sunday Telegraph and the Saturday Courier Mail and Sunday Mail. He has previously been investigations editor, state politics editor and opinion editor of the Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun."

      The pond could possibly forgive all that, and the endless slagging off of the current government, but Campbell is also terrible televisual talent, an inept, halting speaker, which saw the pond take time off to do household chores. He managed to make Polonius sound like a fluent and coherent speaker, albeit drier than your average serve of desiccated coconut ...

      Most days of the week, the ABC is its own worst enemy. They think that by inviting News Corp inside the tent they might somehow mollify them. Make migration a government disaster, and it'll keep the News Corp demons away ...but it only comforts them, fortifies them, strengthens their mission, validates their campaigns. The HUN and the Terror and such like won't pause for breath like Campbell kept on doing ... they will keep on maintaining the rage ...

    2. We don't need to go nuclear - just put News Corp journos in a sealed room with wall-to-wall ABC media, and you will generate enough heat to provide free electricity, and export a sizeable amount as well. And it works even when the wind don't blow and the ... AG

    3. We know the sun shines when newscrpose writers bend over, so add some solar panels to the walls. They'll go nuclear!

  2. Turning to the pasty Hastie: "War in the next decade is possible." Well that's delivered wisdom for us, isn't it. Actually, war is possible at any time, even right now, if somebody wishes to wage it. But pray tell, who wishes to wage it ? And how would it be fought ? Will we pick up our army, navy and air force and go off to invade some nation or other ? Or would our adversaries have to pick up their own army, navy and air force and come here to invade Australia ?

    And if so, who could manage to do that, and what would a few thousand more, or even tens of thousands more, in our armed forces be able to do to prevent it ? I await Hastie's answers.

    As indeed I await some input on other matters: here Hastie (pere et fils) is on about the "non-evolution" of the horse over 60 milion years. So 'evolution' is denied, but what about 60 million years - no mention of that by the Hasties. If the Earth has been around for at least 60 million years, rather than the 6000 or so the Bible tells us, then how can the Bible be believed ? And what about the visible 'universe' itself - just about 13.77 billion years or so old we believe ? How is that commensurate with what the Bible tells us ? Maybe we do all have to believe in the Omphalos theory after all:

    Lastly, let us consider: "...the people we fought to save in World War II" by whom Hastie means the European Jews. But consider:
    As early as May 1942, and again in June, the BBC reported the mass murder of Polish Jews by the Nazis. Although both US President, Franklin Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, warned the Germans that they would be held to account after the war, privately they agreed to prioritise and to turn their attention and efforts to winning the war. Therefore, all pleas to the Allies to destroy the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau were ignored. The Allies argued that not only would such an operation shift the focus away from winning the war, but it could provoke even worse treatment of the Jews. In June 1944 the Americans had aerial photographs of the Auschwitz complex. The Allies bombed a nearby factory in August, but the gas chambers, crematoria and train tracks used to transport Jewish civilians to their deaths were not targeted

    So, did we really fight to save them, or did we just basically ignore them and the Holocaust ?

    1. How many combatants every know what they are really fighting for? You can see he is in a real flap about people making up their own minds rather than following old tribal allegiances.

  3. Ergot, Last Thursday, "... there might be some who deny it, but everyone loves the Angelic one ... and this weekend she sorted out addiction issues ... ".

    Addiction, Ergotism and St Anthony's Fire edition.
    The Angelic one & pastie Hastie have broken the ergot tainted bread and partaken of The Original Koolaid... producing visions only of: "plague, famine, and war.".

    Original Koolaid
    "In the winter, the beer froze, causing the alcohol to separate into high-proof liquor. We can be sure the resulting moonshine did not go to waste. To make matters worse, the main nonalcoholic source of nutrition, bread, is now believed to have been plagued with the hallucinogenic fungus ergot, the base ingredient for LSD. Drunk doctors, tipsy politicians, hungover generals: the plague, famine, and war. Add a pope on acid, and medieval Christianity starts to make a whole lot of sense."
    Stewart Lee Allen (The Devil's Cup: Coffee, the Driving Force in History)

    "Is Christianity Based on Psychedelic Trips? "A radical theory that pagan cults gave rise to early Christianity.
    "Together, they hypothesize that something like beer laced with ergot, which is the natural fungus from which we get LSD, was somehow involved in these ancient mysteries in Greece. And that psychedelics or visionary experiences were at the root of Western civilization and these famous Mysteries of Eleusis."

    Eleusinian Mysteries > hallucinations > religion > "plague, famine, and war.
    "Since the Mysteries involved visions and conjuring of an afterlife, some scholars believe that the power and longevity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a consistent set of rites, ceremonies and experiences that spanned two millennia, came from psychedelic drugs [disputed – discuss].[9][10] 
    "Under Peisistratos of Athens, the Eleusinian Mysteries became pan-Hellenic, and pilgrims flocked from Greece and beyond to participate. Around 300 BC, the state took over control of the mysteries; they were controlled by two families, the Eumolpidae [priests] and the Kerykes. [commander and warrior]
    "it was a rule of the Fates that whoever consumed food or drink in the Underworld was doomed to spend eternity there.".
    Wikpedia below (pun).

    The Underworld is located under Newscorpse HQ. And 2,300 years later we still have two ruling families. Murdoch & Conservative.

    "Indeed, indeed, harden the fuck up parents, join a Catholic church of your choice ..." and be wowed by talk of "plague, famine, and war.".

    Back to my supply of Up'n'atm.


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