Thursday, June 27, 2024

In which the pond has a Killer time despite the new format blues ...


What on earth is going on? There was MTG on 7.30, so the pond switched over immediately, only to discover that 24 was treating Assange's return like an OJ moment, with a shaky camera endlessly focussed on a plane exit door while the pundits tried to cover the dead air with blather ...apparently unaware that he's already up to his old tricks, as reported in Julian Assange Leaks Full Details of Peter Dutton’s Nuclear Power Plan. Memo to self, must avoid watching the ABC, even accidental exposure can be fatal ...

Then this morning the reptiles craptacularly bad makeover continued ...

The pond had looked around to see if anyone had noticed, if anyone had cared, and drew a blank. There wasn't a mention in usual suspects such as Crikey or Mumbrella or The Graudian ...

Is the pond the only place that pays attention? Shouldn't attention be paid to bad carrot-planting salesmen and reptiles?

Perhaps the Weekly Beast will make a mention of the wretched thing ... the pond had returned from its southern sojourn in high spirits, thanks to a spectacular Groaning, and now each day feels like an eyeballs assault ...

Even though the barking mad howling at the moon far right are now positioned at the top far right of the digital edition, somehow it feels like a diminution, while sorting through the rest of the site is like dealing with a hot mess ...

FWIW, Petulant Peta was top of the page, but out of a sense of perversity down there with the layout, the pond decided to go with Killer's desire to nuke the country ... while throughout, the pond's noggin kept trying to deal with the singular question: if the greenie obsession with climate science is a fraud, why are we contemplating spending a humungous amount on nuking the country?

So far so renewables bashing typical and predictable, though the layout induces a form of nausea in the pond.

There were the usual visual interruptions, including a gigantic snap, shrunk by the pond ...

Killer kept ranting away at the greenies and EVs and all that, while in a state of wild exhortation, and inevitably couldn't resist himself...

Could Killer ever write a kolumn without mentioning Kovid, though sadly he didn't find time to berate masks and mask-wearers ...

Note the sublime way that Killer defiantly says nuclear power stations will be expensive, but what the heck, Covid ... and Sweden ... and Johnny one note braying in the usual way ...

The new layout results in even shorter gobbets than before...

But why all the fuss? Killer himself has been a devoted climate science denialist, rabbiting on about "the great climate change myth"...

Sorry, there's more, but the pond isn't going to link to any of that, it was just a reminder ...

Meanwhile, would it be a News Corp story without a threatening snap of the whale killers in action? 

Just look at all the whales scattered around the bases of these fiendish monsters ...

So we must spend a vast amount of money nuking the country to stop a myth, and then having done that, it won't make a scintilla of difference?

The pond never did do a course in logic, but maybe reading Alice in Wonderland was sufficient preparation for reading the reptiles ...

Meanwhile, the infallible Pope celebrated the alleged "rat in the rank", or so the reptiles would have it ...

Sssh, don't mention the ongoing genocide ...

Meanwhile, the pond almost forgot that one of the great Faux Noise heroes - up there with Bill to be taken Orally - was touring the country, with only Crikey (paywall) and a few others taking note ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, they're still peddling 2000 Mules ... the title of which always makes the pond think of 200 motels ...

What else? Well Mein Gott was out and about yesterday, with a usual bee in the bonnet, and a bit like the changed layout, nobody seems to notice or to care, but the pond finds it hard to give up on the suffering of the rich ...

Mein Gott, it's just a simple change he's proposing, won't anyone listen? Does anybody care?

In the usual reptile way, there were a couple of snaps ...

Meanwhile, the wild-eyed Mein Gott was recirculating readers' yarns about the suffering of those with more than 3 mill in their kick ...

The pond shed a tear at the suffering of the lizard Oz readership, but Mein Gott, what a relief to reach the final gobbet ...

Meanwhile, you could be forgiven, looking at the lizard Oz this day, for failing to realise that Mountain Dew was threatening the entirety of Western Civilisation ...


  1. Dsouza is arguably the most unhinged American loon (ever), a nut-job all-the-way down.
    Is that the truth or did you read it in any of the books published by Regnery (degenerate) books .

    1. The pond is pleased by that mention of the Encyclopedia of American Loons. It's been around longer than the pond, though the pond didn't know there were kindred spirits at the time it started.

      That link initially didn't work, but D'Souza did clock in at #114 on 30th November 2010.

      Bj June 24th 2024 the site had reached #2786 with Ralph Drollinger, an astonishing number, and an astonishing feat.

      Incidentally Tucker entered the list on 11th May 2023 as #2644.

      They say things are bigger in Texas, and sadly we can't compete with all that bigness, but we try, in a humble way, helped by visits from overlords such as Tucker.

    2. It's kinda true though: the quantity of gross stupidity evidenced by Texans is greater than by anyone else ... except maybe a Floridian or two.


  2. Adam Creighton's musings on the value of fossil fuels needs some Eastern Civilization; Confucius said: " When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals; adjust the action steps."
    But Creighton's notion of adjusting the action steps is to dump the goals. One can only surmise that he has been inhaling too much gas.

    "If the mainstream media focused on retailing these important facts" says Creighton. Retailing? The sales price on some nuclear facts must be steep because the opposition seem unable to buy any for the media to retail. As for Creighton's attempt to imply that the MPs' depiction of three-eyed creatures is immature, if a Coalition announcement is a joke, then people will make jokes about it. The opposition and Creighton are the ones who need to grow up.

    1. Reading KillerC's polywaffles is certainly an experience, isn't it. I'm not so sure what exactly it's an 'experience' of, but consider this Creighton gem:
      "A 'greenlash' is coming, as voters throughout the developed world realise how duped they've been by years of unscientific, uneconomic nonsense spouted by much of the media and the so-called 'experts'."

      Now 'greenlash' is a word I hadn't encountered until today, but there we go, it's already included and documented in Wikipedia:

      All I can say is that there would be a large contingent of creatures other than homo saps saps who, if only they could read the daily reptile (and wingnut generally) press, would be cheering that idea on. If we saps saps nongs could wipe enough of each other out in a short timeframe, then climate change might be 'frozen' in its current state and not get worse enough to wipe out a lot of other species.

      After all, the quickest way to 'freeze' the climate change would be to wipe out half of the human race - that'd at least halve the emissions and greatly reduce their rate of growth.

      And it wouldn't do anything particularly noticeable about slowing evolution (as invented and implemented by 'The Trinity') because all life on Earth originated from just one single-celled organism in the distant past (way back past 6000 years anyway):
      "All life on Earth evolved from a single-celled organism that lived roughly 3.5 billion years ago, a new study seems to confirm."

  3. "...but maybe reading Alice in Wonderland was sufficient preparation for reading the reptiles ..." Dunno about that, the Wonderland occupants always made a kind of sense, but the reptiles ? Precious little humpty in those Dumpties. Could one ever imagine a Dumpty able to grasp the differences between "I mean what I say" and "I say what I mean" especially when they have negligible grasp of the meaning, if any, of what they say.

  4. Oh, life really is better in the USA:

    "The median price of a new house fell again last month:"

    Combine that with the low fixed-rate home loans in the USA and that makes it a home-owning paradise such as Australia has not been for quite a few decades. Not since the 1982 anyway, when I was able to buy my abode for about 1/10th of its price now and pay it off in 6 years.

  5. Oh dear, Chad, how did this happen ? Or was it all just a scheme so that employed PubServes could be replaced by obligated 'consultants' ? At much greater cost, BOC.

    "Over the last three or four decades the federal public service has been hollowed out in the name of “new public management”. This became very clear during the COVID pandemic, when state governments – who have preserved their ability to act far better – ran most of the response."

    1. GB - I could offer suggestions on 'how did this happen', but it could too easily run on much longer than comments should, at this end of the day. A significant point of inflection came during the Howard/Costello time, when senior, career, administrators were offered bonuses if they could deliver 'efficiency dividends'. That is, they were to show that they had cancelled functions, and staff, in their organisations. So they hunted out activities that, with a bit of luck, might not be missed in the year following their bonus. That is how biosecurity was run down, allowing a steady influx of pests, parasites and diseases in our primary industries - but with nary a murmur from the Nationals, who claimed to represent 'rural and regional Australia'. Other of those soft, 'environmental' activities were similarly deleted, because, well - that was unlikely to set off obvious calamities, while our life support systems were steadily ground down.

      The people who were seen out the door in the name of 'efficiency dividends' tended to be middle level technical advisers and managers, running on their experience of about 20 years or so in the service.

      When the steady grind did expose problems - quick, call in the consultants.

  6. But, BG, butt; isn't deregulated privatisation the very best possible way of doing everything ?

    "Victorian government to close Port Phillip prison as states increasingly ditch private facilities. Victoria’s largest maximum security prison will be publicly run for the first time in nearly 30 years, with the government closing the privately operated Port Phillip prison and moving most of its inmates to a new facility near Geelong. Closure means Fulham and Ravenhall prisons will be the state’s only privately run jails."

    1. The new Western Plains Prison down south will hold slightly more 'lodgers' than the existing soon-to-be-closed private Port Phillip Prison. Perhaps we could offer to accommodate some US do-badders, in return for the US mercy on Assange. Now, who has been convicted recently that would benefit from a government-owned incarceration stint?; I will not suggest that rehabilitation is possible.

      And coming up ... Phillip Adams hits the airwaves for the last time tonight - late and live ... so fresh next Monday, it's the unmissable (if you happen to be Gerard 'Polonius' Henderson) David Marr in the slot on the ABC ... I feel the earth move. AG.


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