Saturday, April 27, 2024

In which there's two epic reptile rants, but alas, no Dame Slap ...


The pond decided unilaterally and without any consultation that this was the best line of the week, captured and killed at the Daily Beast (paywall)

The American Media Inc. (AMI) chief told jurors he had grave concerns that buying her story in a “catch-and-kill” scheme to protect the future president could potentially sully the National Enquirer’s reputation.

This narrowly tipped out Dame Slap, quoted in the Weekly Beast...

...Albrechtsen wrote this week that, in fact, too many other people took sides in the Lehrmann-Higgins saga. And the Australian was not among them. “When guided by principles, there is no taking sides,” she wrote.

... though it was a close run thing, given the reputation of Dame Slap up against the National Enquirer's.

Amazingly, she attempted a comeback this weekend by scribbling about the art of writing and the importance of editing, seemingly unaware that a little humanity might also help ... 

Look, there in the top far right top of the world ma spot highly desired by the reptile 'leet ...

Bizarrely, the reptiles decided a reminder of Diana would be a good way to celebrate the return of King Chuck to save the empire, and even more bizarrely, Cameron Stewart offered the perfect solution to dictator Xi ... say a little prayer. 

You know, the moment the pond wakes up and combs its hair and wonders what to wear, it says a little prayer ...and that'll surely teach Chairman Xi a lesson ... (in the futility of dingbat fundamentalist Xian prayer).

Sadly Dame Slap and her thoughts on saying less and meaning even less had to give way to two epic rants ...

The bromancer and the dog botherer, forming a tremendous tag team, were on hand and attention had to be paid, as they did their usual gardening in the dark, which meant no space for a baker's dozen, nor any welcome mat for the tremendously tedious, always ululating Uhlmann, slipping into the war with China by Xmas without a pause for breath...

No doubt he'll cop a guernsey in due course, but right now there's a new Everest in town to replace the "Ned" challenge ...

Yes, it's one of those epic bromancer Ginsbergian howls, full of weirdness, nonsense and bile, delivered in a frenetic frenzy in quintessential bro style ...

At this point, with the reptiles in the angertainment business, there began a series of images designed to enrage or terrify the over sixty demographic,  and as usual, the pond decided to shrink them and dismiss them as a bulk item ...

The sheer number of snaps was a good indicator of the extent of the Ginsbergian howling at the moon that was routinely interrupted by the snaps ... allowing each gobbet to emerge with the full blown taste of a delicious fried dim sim from the South Melbourne market ...

Derivate leftist movements? Wow, that's the first the pond's heard that the GOP, MTG and Yale hillbilly Vance are lefties ...

Sorry, the pond should avoid slipping in visual distractions to fill the holes left by the absent bromancer snaps ...

It'd be wrong to get in the way of the Ginsbergian howl ...

Hmmm ... social media ...

Oh okay, the pond knows what it said about visual distractions, but always wanted to find a home for that cartoon ...

Now back to the over-reacting, verging on hysterical bromancer...

Nearly accepted wisdom? Perhaps in Sharri land, disrespect, but the accepted wisdom is that nobody knows for sure, and given the way that Chairman Xi conducts business, nobody is likely to know for sure, and in any case given the ways of an over-heated planet, blaming it all on a Chinese lab is an easy excuse up against the proliferation of all sorts of viruses, plagues and diseases. 

Once upon a time you could leave Ross River fever to the toads, but now it's everywhere ...

Sorry, that talk of fever dreams almost made the pond miss that splendid example of the prejudices of the reptiles (now unwoke) ...

Sheesh, the urge to interrupt and distract is strong, like an all-day sucker ...

Here it's possible to see the wisdom of removing the snaps because the bromancer's gobbets get shorter, and so the focus can be on the silliness, as for example the notion of the greatest possible transparency, because if you want an example of corporate gibberish purporting to be transparent, look no further than News Corp itself ...

Say one thing and preach another has always been at the core of this North American company ...

Luckily the next bro gobbet was short ...


Is it that long ago that Alan Seymour wrote The One Day of the Year?

1958?! Lordy, long absent lordy, those were the days ...

This alcohol-fuelled debasement is represented in the play by the working-class father Alf Cook. Belligerent and resentful of foreigners and anyone with an education, Alf clings to Anzac Day like a drowning sailor clings to a life raft. Boozing is just part of a noble tradition.
"I'm a bloody Australian, mate, and it's because I'm a bloody Australian that I'm gettin' on the grog. It's Anzac Day this week, that's my day, that's the old digger's day." (still being staged in 2003)

On with the howl...

Luckily David Rowe celebrated the orange Jesus and the doings of SCOTUS, a deeply corrupt body of late ...

It's always in the detail, the unfairly persecuted orange Jesus worshipped by the bro...

Or perhaps in the way of doing business ...

And then came a line the pond has always expected from a fundamentalist tyke ...

Here's the crisis in a nutshell ...the lies, the distortions, the palpable untruths, the errors and omissions...

And so to the dog botherer, with another epic rant, this time about the genocide in Gaza, though there will be little mention of the actual genocide ...

As seems to be the fashion these day with extended reptile rants, the dog botherer was supplied with a copious amount of illustrations ...

Is there an upside to the dog botherer's rant, what with it easy to be weary of barking mad fundamentalist fanatics on both sides, and the never-ending slaughter?

Well it took the dog botherer's mind off climate denialism, which is just as well with the news that now we know how many holes it takes to fill Antarctica ...

For those stories you'll have to head off to the ABC or The Conversation ... the pond is stuck with the ranting dog molester ...

It is possible to chew gum and hold two thoughts in head at the same time ... that Islamic and Zionist fundamentalism are not particularly palatable, but right now there's a genocide going down that only fuels the frenzy of fanaticism ...

That was culled from Al Jazeera, because you won't find any of that sort of stuff in the dog botherer's account ...

The trouble of course is that both sides have deployed from the river to the sea rhetoric, though only one side has deployed the nuke 'em all rhetoric, it being the side with the actual capacity to nuke 'em all ...

But at least it keeps the dog botherer's mind off climate science, what with that story in the Weekly Beast about the IPA's lies finally getting taken down ...

Mumbrella had the best approach, telling the story and showing the ad, but in a way that didn't actually make the text readable ...

On the other hand, it's worth noting the sort of lie the lizard Oz routinely published in exchange for a few shekels from the IPA, as a way of reinforcing the line of the commentariat, whatever the alleged aspirations of the North American company ...

So many lies, so little time, but back to the dog botherer ... and with the pond enormously pleased that some students decided to shun the dog botherer and the lizard Oz, because shunning is the least that they deserve ...

The trouble with mindless rhetoric about violations of humanity is that much humanity has been violated, and will continue to be violated ... per Al Jazeera ...

Fanatics - and the dog botherer is a fanatic - don't mind collateral damage on either side, especially in the dehumanising fog of war, which is why you won't read the dog botherer railing at the current genocide ...

One human bean to another, do you have any view on the current genocide? Silence. Do you have any notion of what to say or do about the continuation of the current genocide should Rafah be demolished like the rest of Gaza has been? Nothing. Hasn't there been enough killing and territorial expansion and demolition of any solution, the two state notion now being nothing but a fever dream ... (Al Jazeera)

Nope, nothing, just more fanaticism ...

The pond has noted that blather way too many times, per Rolling Stone ...

And so at last to the final gobbet in this epic reptile ranting ...

Or they could be bombed to smithereens, thanks to weapons supplied by the United States ... with a quick death if they're lucky, or they could just try eating grass for a week from the uni lawn, to find out what it's like to experience famine as a strategy of war ...

The pond is over the reptiles ... but at least killing the planet was off the agenda this day, and instead a small scale genocide took pride of place, though only a reptile would take pride in the killing fields...


  1. Perhaps some suitably strong person could put the Bro over their shoulder, pat his back and murmur 'There, there'. Well, it worked well with our infants, up to around age 2, but they grew out of it from then, as most who now regard themselves as adults also did. Alternatively - direct his attention to other matters -

    - particularly that baggage retrieval system.

  2. Bromancer: "The public air is rent with the sulphur of disdain." So pleased to be able to blow his (and the tribe's) trumpets: "look what we've achieved !" And so poetic too: "the sulphur of disdain" yet.

    And then: "They [the 'other half'] resent an unelected establishment with a political agenda that will frustrate them no matter how they vote." Wau, they cooda been ranting about the SCOTUS, couldn't they. But not the Murdoch Media, and in particular Fox Noise, could they - they were elected by Rupert.

    Then we have the graphics which "...the pond decided to shrink them and dismiss them as a bulk item." But hold on, what about this: "The lab theory [of Covid origin] is now nearly accepted wisdom." Really ? Accepted by whom ? Oh yes, by those who "resent an unelected establishment".

    Now this: "...confirmation bias leads people to give greater credibility to things they see on social media than to traditional media, or even to the reality before their eyes." And coming from a prime apologist for the nation's prime social media - the Murdoch press - that's just very perceptive.

    Finally: "The question remains: can liberal societies thrive, or even survive, in an environment of such chronic low trust ?" Well I really don't know, but I have to thank the News Corps bunch for doing their best to perform the experiment of destroying trust and thus enabling us all to find out.

    1. In another "country, news" the bro missed.

      GrueBleen said "Wau, they cooda been ranting about the SCOTUS, couldn't they. But not the Murdoch Media, and in particular Fox Noise, could they - they were elected by Rupert.". The king? Raskin: “We don’t have a king here".

      No SCOTUS elections, just support by ol Rupe. Huffpo reports,
      "Host Joy Reid, ... called the Supreme Court majority “so clearly politicians” before looping in Raskin.
      “Well, they’re politicians who are not even subject to popular election unlike me. They should move the Supreme Court over to the RNC headquarters because they’re acting like a bunch of partisan operatives,” Raskin said
      huffpost jamie-raskin-donald-trump-supreme-court-immunity-claim_n_

      “utterly antithetical to everything that we know about our Constitution.”
      “We don’t have a king here, we had a revolution against a king and the Constitution is written so that [the] president’s main job is to take care [that] the laws are faithfully executed, not faithfully violated in his own interest,” Raskin said

    2. Sheridan...

      "I have a thousand problems with Trump..."

      Just your top three will do for starters Bromancer!

  3. “[url=]Two Banks has the Jordan[/url] –
    [url=]This is ours[/url] and, [url=]that is[/url] [url=]as well[/url]."

  4. Aah, here we go; our very social media - News Corps - has something to tell us: "It seems incomprehensible that these privileged students could see the Hamas atrocities of October 7 last year and the horrible war they were designed to trigger and use those events not to condemn and campaign against Hamas but to advocate the terror group's agenda." Whereas the Doggy Bov is in no way concerned about Israel's reaction and how it is just another "atrocity" which will surely do much to advance the "terror group's agenda".

    It's sad how some social media groups - like News Corp for instance - just cannot see and are totally immune to, reality: they have their own reality and that's all there is to it.

  5. Not for long.
    "Or they could be bombed to smithereens, thanks to weapons supplied by the United States".

    "Missile defense against the consequences of your own actions is very expensive, while simply not being an asshole is free. But this is of course incomprehensible to capitalists.

    "This is the same fate US warships faced in the Red Sea. They were shooting million dollar missiles at thousand dollar drones from Yemen and crowing about it,

    "It's just that, as Napoleon said, when your enemy is defeating themselves, why interrupt? If they want to literally explode their money, let them. The US can't reload its missile batteries at sea, so after a little battering, they have to just leave. Thus one of the poorest countries in the world has defeated the world's richest navy, by exploiting its profligacy.

    "This is the fate of American Empire in general. They pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty in 2002 ..."

    1. The Quiggin article which is what comment-264854 is addressing is, like just about everything by Quiggin, worth a read. And especially this part:

  6. Ah, Ms Hyde has asked a very good question: "If #MeToo 'went too far', what would 'going just far enough' have looked like". I'm sure that Dame Slap would be able to provide us with a satisfactory answer.

    1. That was a solid read GB, back to her old form...

      According to his representatives, former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is still digesting the overturning of his rape conviction by a New York court, but they did come out to say he was “cautiously excited”. Cautiously excited? I’m not sure these are the words I’d alight on to paint a word-picture of a rapist. You might as well say “tentatively aroused”. Then again, as we’re about to discuss, quite a lot of guys don’t particularly have to worry about what they say or do, or how they say or do it. It’s only natural that Harvey should very much want to be one of them again.

      Speaking of word-pictures, though, how’s this for a vignette of our times? When they heard the news that Weinstein’s conviction had been overturned on Thursday, a whole host of reporters happened to be looking at the exact spot in the exact New York courtroom that he’d sat in when that original judgment had been handed down. This was because they were waiting for Donald Trump to sit in it for Thursday’s proceedings in his hush money trial. Mr Trump, you might recall, is in such a lot of trouble that he is the presumptive Republican nominee and current bookies’ favourite to win the US presidency again, though admittedly he lags behind Weinstein on the sexual assault and misconduct front, given that only 26 women have accused him of it. Ultimately, though, I guess the question is: if #MeToo “went too far”, what would “going just far enough” have looked like?

    2. Wonderful, isn't it, to make that "went too far" response without ever seeming to consider the obvious question of 'how far is far enough ?'. But that's what life in a reality totally of your own simplistic making does for you.

    3. And talking about the absurdity of self-made realities, try this one:

      We won’t stop violence against women with conversations about respect. This is not working. We need to get real


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