Friday, March 08, 2024

Relax, Riddster of the IPA is here in case "Ned" ruins the pond's weekend ...


While the pond was astonished and pleased at the news that the old lecher - likely a terror if ever locked up in a nursing home - was on to his 6th engagement. and 5th wedding (maybe), the pond was shocked and appalled to discover the Graudian up to its old trick peddling climate science hysteria ...

Now this sounds alarming, but whenever Graham Readfearn carries on like this, the pond has a simple solution. 

It sets up a bat alarm, and soon enough Riddster of the IPA swoops in to solve the problem ...

A dash of Riddster of the spicy IPA sauce will sweep away the reef blues soon enough. Here, take another sip of Graudian alarmism ...

Outrageous. The pond only presented that so it could advise that Riddster of the IPA has the matter well in hand ...

On and on the Graudian yammered ...

Never fear, the Riddster is here ... if you don Gina-coloured glasses, up there with that new-fangled Apple gadget, it's just a chimera ...

What a relief to have the Riddster of the IPA here to help.

The pond understands that soon he will be leaving for the United States to sort out another kind of hysteria... Coastal US cities are sinking as sea levels continue to rise, new research shows

And so on and so forth, but trust in Riddster of the IPA to sort it all out.

This sort of alarmism is what's wrong with the world ...

Please don't worry about the rich. 

Sensible billionaires are building their bunkers... survivalists with plenty of cash in the paw ...preppers ready to grab their bug out bag and head for the bug out at the drop of a hat ...

And now as this post was simply a late arvo attempt to quell rising fear - the fear that "Ned" might occupy the pond on the weekend - please allow the pond to end by celebrating practical science as performed by Riddster of the IPA ...


  1. Riddle me this, Riddster -
    “Only 51% think the reef is in bad shape.”

    Well, that settles that. Bugger whatever evidence-based conclusions scientists with relevant qualifications, expertise and experience may have drawn after considering all available data. That means nothing when compared to the thoughts of about half of a surveyed sample group (Size? Expertise? Background? Location?),

    Who, after all, could doubt the findings of a survey commissioned by the Australian Environment Foundation - a “charity” founded by the IPA?

    Still, at least we know that Crown of Thorns starfish infestations are completely natural. It’s just a pity that they thrive in increasingly warm waters

    1. Oh, and as for those completely natural cyclones -,and%20may%20dump%20more%20rain.

    2. And who’s Chairman of the Australian Environment Foundation? Peter Ridd. He’s a director and scientific adviser, too. Jo Nova is also a director!

    3. Wingnut welfare has many long tentacles ...

  2. Hi DP. In true Pond late posting fashion, I offer up this humble response to yesterday's tiltings at poetry by the juvenile Andrew (Non-Marvell) Bolt...a contemporary reworking of his angsty masterpiece "Conformity".


    Obsolescence anxiety:
    Racist voices,
    Prejudiced postures.
    Their subject, bigotry;
    Their postings, fascist.
    When wokeish subjects arise;
    These lizards flock -
    Then, blabbering,
    Flap around,
    Back into Murdoch wormholes
    Where condemnation is sure,
    Deprecation absolute.
    No wish to ponder
    Over thoughts of equality.
    NewsCorp society.
    - Appeasing Tories.

    1. That's the thing, isn't it: if you want to do that kind of exposition, it helps if you have just a weensy bit of talent. Which the Bolter has not.
      😄 thanks, Kez.

    2. Most excellent, and the only tragedy is that this inspirational angst is lost in a late arvo slot

  3. Well, the onion muncher warned us about scientism and Peter Ridd’s article is a perfect example of how this ideology is rampant within the reptile hive. You see, what's the conclusion to all the blather? An audit, and that is code for cutting funding, so Peter's scientism can fill the void, although some may argue Peter's scientism is the void.

  4. Thanks for that DP - I mean 'The Universe' thing, not the Riddsters ruminating.

    And in the same Graudian issue:
    The Coalition wants nuclear power. Could it work – or would it be an economic and logistical disaster?

    Does anybody want to make a guess ?

    And a 3-day heatwave for us southerners to live through starting tomorrow.


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