Wednesday, March 06, 2024

In which the pond has a big day with the reptiles ...


Mein gott, the hits keep coming this day, led by the tyrannical Dame Slap, doing a boots and all bitch from hell routine ...

Two slaps in a day ... a disgraced journalist furiously scribbling and maintaining the rage while urging on the tough nuts, while over in the far right perch was the bro, doing bro stuff...

And down below in the comments section there were more hits ...

Lord "Ned" himself, come to save little England from Brexit, and Mein Gott, is there no end to his specialities, the pond's fearless Gott is now the reptiles' defence expert. Sssh, no one tell the bromancer, or there'll be hell to pay ...

As everyone should now by now, the pond routinely boycotts Dame Slap when she scribbles about the Lehrmann matter and associated parties - there's only so much deeply corrupt and unethical behaviour the pond can stand - and that's why the pond kicked off proceedings with "Ned", at the risk of boring the socks or pantyhose off everyone ...

Actually it's Rish!'s future that's under assault, along with a bunch of other Tories, but there's still some good news coming out of plucky little England ... (Graudian)

The pond spends a lot of time at the Graudian these days, usually the UK edition, because it's fascinating to watch a country in free fall, while nobody can say the Brexit word ...

Actually there are forces trying to stop him from getting re-elected, and all that's left is fear-mongering and hysteria, and naturally "Ned" is a heavy shopper in that supermarket ...

For those fearing this will turn into yet another "Ned" Everest, relax, there was a lot of photo padding ...

"Ned" ploughed on, in a way that only a "Ned" in full alarmist flight can do ...

How serious is the situation in Little England? 

Seriously, would you rather be reading that or "Ned"? Note the smooth way that Rish! has segued into domestic bliss, while "Ned" is still trying to catch up with the pivot ...

Yes, yes, but what about the comedy?

On and on it went, terrorism forgotten, domestic chores the new regime ...

The pond can only begin to imagine the horror ... but it helped the pond make it through "Ned" ...

Meanwhile, as the genocide has been mentioned in passing, in another country ...

And so to Mein Gott, who apparently has taken over from the bro in defence matters because he's multi-skilled...

When it comes to jarring, the pond is inclined to be jarred by other matters ...

That one's for Melburnians ... now back to a state of eternal panic and fear ...

Mein Gott, he's already called the US election. That'll keep Antony Green in his box ... and there were snaps too ...

Then it was back to a final flurry of fear ...

Mein Gott, it's another triumph. Now on with nuking the subs, so Mein Gott will have another topic to scribble furiously about ...

Thanks to Mein Gott being a tad terse, the pond can just squeeze in the latest bro ...

It's tremendously encouraging, as the bromancer marshals his troops for the war with China by Xmas ... and the bro was on a roll ...

Strange, it was only because the pond sometimes goes elsewhere for pesky facts that this story came to the pond's attention ...

Guess that means they won't be joining the bro's war on China by Xmas.

Sssh, let the bro end on a high note. Dinkum clean virginal innocent sweet Oz coal is still king ...

Meanwhile, the infallible Pope noted something in the Errors and Omissions policy ...

And now it's stretching the friendship beyond breaking point because the pond will allow a Dame Slap, but only because she likes really, really hard men, the harder the better.

Here no pussies, no pussies or wimps here ...

As soon as Dame Slap gets into her tough bitch-slapping mode, the pond is always inclined to reach for a soft-hearted Lord troubled by red tooth and claw routines ...

Not that the pond expects Dame Slap to pay attention, not when she can stick in the boot ... how she hates, fears and loathes any sense of warm, fuzzy goodness. That can be left to the Xians ... unless in hellfire and eternal damnation mode, when they might begin to hold a candle to Dame Slap's head-kicking ways ...

Naturally there were huge snaps of pussies and wimps, pathetic bludgers not willing to go the full-fanged tooth and claw ...

The snaps seemed to send Dame Slap into a full-throated frenzy... where were the hard men? She likes them really hard, not limp, not flaccid, not with a soft head, certainly not woolly ...

Why, she's gone full Rish! Or is that full Dame Groan? It's those bloody furriners, though the pond does tend to think that "Albrechtsen" isn't exactly a dinkie di name...

The last name Albrechtsen is German-Danish in origin and its meaning is derived from the phrase "Adalbert's Son." The name has been around since the 11th century and was most likely given to the son of a person nicknamed "Adalbert." It is believed that Adalbert is a Germanic name, composed of two elements; adal, meaning “noble”, and berht, meaning “bright” or “famous”.
Today, the name Albrechtsen is found mostly in Scandinavian countries, especially Denmark. It can also be found in parts of Germany and Austria. People with the last name Albrechtsen are usually descendants of the tribe of Albrechtsen that lived in Jutland during the Middle Ages.
The last name Albrechtsen is quite popular in Denmark, with over 20,000 people having this name in 2019. It is also common in other countries, including Germany, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and the United States.
People with the Albrechtsen last name are likely to be members of a long, respected line of people descended from a high-ranking nobleman. This origin imbues the name with an air of respectability and provides a connection to the past, making it an attractive name for many people today.
In Denmark, the Albrechtsen surname is derived from the given names Albrecht or Albert and is the sixth most common last name in the country. According to Danish records, the earliest history of the surname can be traced to the early 17th century when several Albrechtsen families settled in Denmark. The family is become so widespread in the country that there are many variations of the surname and variants like Albreksen, Albsen, Allbrechtsen, Alpersen and Alpers.
Albrechtsen is also common in other Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden. The most common use of the name in Norway is found in the Western region of the country, particularly in the city of Bergen. In Sweden, the last name is most common in the province of Skåne, and has been noted in the Swedish census records since the 1800s.
In addition to the Northern European countries where the Albrechtsen surname is common, the name also spread to other countries through emigration. For example, the name is found in Australia and New Zealand, primarily in the states of New South Wales and Queensland ...

Gasp, is she a furriner too? Are we all furriners, are we all just strangers in a strange land?

The pond has already noted that of all the reptiles, Dame Slap is the meanest and the nastiest. She certainly knows how to nasty, nasty, and the pond is pleased to report that it's not just in the Lehrmann matter that she's routinely nasty. 

The pond hesitated at sending in that well meaning Lord for a fresh round of bumps and bruises ...

Talk about a foolish fop. Dame Slap would eat him for breakfast ...

She's an all-round nasty person, nasty in every way she can manage ... but even the nasties have to reach a final gobbet ...

If only she would cash out and head somewhere, anywhere ... wasn't Planet Janet set up for that very purpose? 

Can't she head off to her home above the faraway tree? It might not be Tuscany, but she could corral a whole lot of nasty pixies to be her serfs ...

Never mind, it's been another rich and fulfilling day with the reptiles, though thus far the pond regrets it hasn't nuked the country ...


  1. In the United States it’s now common for people to find older relatives becoming. Ore fearful, hateful and conspiracy-minded, with the most common cause being excessive consumption of far-right media - particularly Fox New and other Murdoch products. Sadly this phenomenon has now spread to our shores, with the elderly, increasingly vague Ned displaying similar signs.

    Like some of his generation, Ned still believes that events in the Mother Country will necessarily be replicated here. Like some other elderly folk who long for the days when we were British (and white) to our UK-manufactured bootstraps, Ned is easily terrified by The Other - in this case the brown-skinned Muslim hordes - seeing that one factor as the root cause of all his fears. So no mention of other issues that have been in play in the UK, so as a decade and a half of economic austerity, an unstable, incompetent divided government, the ongoing disaster of Brexit - the latter directly response for the first of those MP murders that Ned mentioned. No mention of the accompanying rise of right wing populist agitators such as Farage, Reform and some of the loopier Conservatives, helpfully provided with platforms by the outlets of the Chairman Emeritus and other, even less credible media. No, for the likes of Ned it’s much simpler to just point a quivering figure at protest marches with extremely low arrest rates and practically no violence, and to hail a desperate PM seeking to exploit the situation as demonstrating “moral leadership”.

    Still, that’s what several decades of immersion in the News Corp mindset will do to you. Today’s fearful offering by Ned reads as though it was dictated from under his bed. Perhaps the poor old chap should stay there.

    1. Ned quoting "an aide to a Tory MP" saying that "once MPs were treated as 'respected community figures' but 'all that is gone'. They are now frequent targets."

      Now why would that be, we wonder - is it perhaps because many MPs now just aren't worthy of respect ? Liz Truss types maybe ?

  2. Paul Kelly taps furiously on his keyboard: “With the flaws in British multiculturalism on devastating display, …”, while Sunak declares: “I fear that our great achievement in building the world’s most successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy is being deliberately undermined. …”
    So Sunak argues British multiculturalism is a great achievement, while Paul Kelly claims it’s flawed. Could it be that it is Paul Kelly who is undermining multiculturalism?!

  3. "'s fascinating to watch a country in free fall..." Yes indeed, but having been reminded by our very own - especially the Mutt Dutt - that as soon as a party loses power, then immediately all that is wrong with the place (and they've created plenty) is the fault of the new government, from day one on.

    It's just that Sushi, and apparently the whole Tory party, seems convinced that even though 'they' have been in power for over a decade and supposedly still are, all that is wrong with the No-longer-Great Britain is the fault of those appalling Labour folks. Now that is real 1984 stuff, isn't it.

    1. Yes he really is an uncooked fish.

  4. Oh that Gott of Mein: "...instead of allocating the required expenditure to fix them [Defence Dept's shortcomings] we will spend most of the available money on lifestyle consumption." Umm, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die ?

  5. I caught a screening of the new “Dune” film last night. Dame Slap should do the same; it might cheer her up a bit. The Harkonnens are just the sort of managers she so admires - hard, tough nuts who take a firm hand in their business dealings. She may want to leave a little early though, before their final showdown with that woke Atreides bloke, with his bleeding heart approach to issues such as indigenous rights.

    1. Oh, you reckon he thinks all the worms should be liberated ?

  6. The Bro: "...Prabowo about to sign a new and intimate defence agreement with Australia, also apparently undisturbed by AUKUS." Then again, why be disturbed by something that will never happen.

    Anyhow: "Tony Abbott had the vision that Australia should have with Singapore the same ease and intimacy as it has with New Zealand." Yeah, right, well maybe if Singapore actually becomes a democracy that will be possible. In the meantime, let's not do anything that the Onion Muncher is in favour of.

    So: "[ASEAN] doesn't solve problems, it manages them, at best it tranquilises them, in some happy cases it finally euthanises them." Oh wau, the sheer genius of those ASEANS then - never, ever "solve" a problem. So what exactly is ASEAN doing about China and the South China Sea ? Managing, tranquilising or euthanising ? And how is China reacting ?

    Ok, then "...rebuke the absurd Labor propaganda claim that it turned Australia towards the [Southeast Asian] region after relentless Coalition neglect." Now will the Bro and the Co ever admit the 'pesky fact' that it was Whitlam who brought that large 'Southeast Asian' mob the Chinese into the world ?

  7. Rishi's future? Hush now baby.

    i tried via el goog and ddg to find Rishi and the Mrs ((Infosys heir) invite to Ambani's wedding cash / bash.

    Looks like a Schwartz out.
    Don't mention ze vore!

  8. May I point out that Keynes did not write an essay titled "General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money" (complete with university comma), he wrote an essay titled "General Theory of Employment Interest and Money" (no Oxford comma there either).

  9. "... wasn't Planet Janet set up for that very purpose?" Janet and Kroger were just made for each other, weren't they ? Love the way that the dynamic and forceful Albrechtsen fixed all the ABC's problems in her stint of very senior management from 2005 to 2010.

  10. Actually I once worked for a woman who would give Janet a run for her money. I often think that Janet (and my former boss) are doing a real disservice to women - after them, who would want a woman in charge. But I recognise that not all women are like that - it's just not possible - I worked for other female bosses who were at least as good (and decent) as their male alternatives. So it's just fate - in their cases - hate. Moral - do some research before you apply for the job. AG.


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