Tuesday, November 28, 2023

In which the pond turns to the regulars and is happy at the sounds of silence, because what better noise to accompany a jig in the kitchen?


Wow ... just wow ...

There was the pond, innocently sitting down to a bowl of muesli when it was verbally assaulted. Well it was actually Nigel Farage that was the victim of the assault, but the pond could feel the pain.

The Graudian reckons Stewart Lee is a comedian doing a tour, but the pond thinks he's an assassin in charge of a keyboard, and as evidence, muh'lud, the pond tenders Nigel Farage shouldn’t be in the jungle – get him out of there!

In 2011, Nigel Farage co-chaired the Europe of Freedom and Democracy grouping with Italy’s Francesco Speroni, who described the Norwegian white supremacist mass murderer and unlikely celebrity Top Gear fan Anders Behring Breivik as someone whose “ideas are in defence of western civilisation”. Farage has received £1.5m to appear on ITV’s I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! with Ant and Dec. Do Ant and Dec believe Breivik’s July 2011 shooting of 69 people, most of them teenagers, on the island of Utøya represented a defence of western civilisation? Do Ant and Dec, like Breivik, think Top Gear is “one of the funniest shows on TV… and one of the very few programmes at the Burka Broadcasting Corporation still worth seeing”, or do they prefer Bill Burr’s new anti-woke movie, Old Dads?

And so on, at some fair length, and at each fresh Farage crime - there were many - the pond enjoyed the ritual incantation and shaming of Ant and Dec. No doubt the Ant and Dec jokes would resonate with those who know who the pair are ... the pond would have more chance spotting a red bellied black ... but in the meantime, wow, just wow ... if the pond was in London at the moment and had a chance to catch Lee at Leicester Square theatre, it would be standing in a British queue time, if only to honour the scribbler of this piece ... because truth to tell, the pond will never know who Ant and Dec is, and will never watch a nanosecond of the show, and so needs reports of Nige's bum and Nige's crimes from those making plans for Nigel ...

Meanwhile, speaking of dancing in the street, a kind of metaphor for bums in the jungle, there was many a jig in the pond's kitchen last night because the pond's partner was one of many who'd been pezzulloed and so loved the notion that Pezzullo had been Pezzulloed off ...and so did many cartoonists ...

Meanwhile, the pond was put on "Sharri" alert - show some respect - last night with two huge splashes ...


No serious investigation? The pond was bewildered. 

Hadn't "Sharri" - show some respect - already conclusively proven it had come from a lab in Chynaah? What need to waste taxpayers' money on an investigation when she had done such stout-hearted work?

And that snap of Fauci ... they really can't let go, can they?

Things had settled down a bit early this morning, with "Sharri" - show some respect - shifted from the central fickle finger of fame spot for the important work being done by simple "here no conflict of interest, just a deep love of Bid" Simon - but still there were three "Sharri" - show some respect - stories in the top of the lizard Oz digital edition ...

Might not a story about the revival of Covid and the need for older people to get a booster seem more significant?

Elsewhere there were stories and videos that could be googled or binged or whatever in abundance ...

... but all the reptiles could manage was to run with "Sharri" - show as much respect as you feel - doing her Jill one note routine yet again ...

The pond had no time for any of it, and so instead turned to the reliable Dame Groan for a dinkum Groaning. 

The pond has known for a long time that Dame Groan herself has only two acts - a hatred of migrants, and a fear and loathing of renewables. It would be splendid if they came together, but individually either will do for a decent groaning, and it was renewables turn this day ...

One correspondent expressed the view that there was nothing to be said when it had already been said, or there was nothing new or novel to observe, and the pond knew the feeling ...

The pond had already expressed deep concern for the whales of Tamworth and Goulburn, threatened by the diabolical wind machine thingies, and so quickly moved on to the next bit of the groaning ... not expecting to feel the need to say anything ...

Yet again with the deep love for coal, and then the reptiles came up with a graph, a trick with which the pond would not upwards put ...

Graphs designed to rouse the ire of the Groaner are best left to the finance report on ABC news ... she's already agitated enough, and what's the bet that coal will again feature in the next gobbet?

Oh sweet black gold, virginal, dinkum and true blue, how could they have banned you? It makes no sense ...

How else to bake the turkey? And so to the final gobbet ...

Given the amount of repetition in this groaning, the challenge is to say something, anything, without repetition, or without a sense of existential angst, or déjà vu whiplash, which can seriously affect the neck and brain ...

How many times can the pond joke about nuking the country to save the planet? Or perhaps nuking the county and nuking the planet, because how else to save the village? Just for a jolly jape the pond checked out that last link ...

Fair dibs... yesterday the Caterist had done the Groaner's work with a groan about immigration and pesky, difficult, uppity furriners and today Dame Groan did the heavy lifting for the Caterist with a groaning about renewables, and so reptile life balances itself ...

Meanwhile, there were surprising absences. The pond had felt sure that Dame Slap would have been out and about at the news of stories of lying cokeheads in the Lehrmann matter, but all was quiet. 

And what a relief not to have to do a counterpoint by referencing "Rozan" in The Graudian, Israel told us to move to south Gaza. Then it said it would bomb the south too. So where do we go now?

Perhaps another day, when the slaughter and the reptile cheering on of the slaughter resumes ...

Meanwhile, what else below the fold ...

Ancient Troy and the bouffant one joining simple Simon? Perforce the pond could feel another bromancer raging at clouds coming on ... but not before a break to celebrate with the immortal Rowe ...

Oh the fun of a kitchen jig ... not even the bromancer could ruin the pond's mood, though to be fair, he does a fair job trying ...

Again what to say when anything sensible has already been said? And said many times ... such that the saying gets as tedious o'er as to return ...

Oh sure, it would be possible to note the totally specious "anniversary" or "birthday wish" offered at the start, with birthdays now apparently falling every two years + two months...

Why did the bromancer bother with that feeble excuse? Why not just crank up the rage machine, get the old copy out of the fridge, remove the frosting, reheat and serve? (Careful, those magic science ovens can turn fridge items into sludge).

Ennui, déjà vu, a jagged knife edgy and dull, are the deepest problem with herpetology studies, the inclination to nod off in mid-droning, with not even a snap of the gang of three enough to remove the need for matchsticks to prop up eyelids in Tom and Jerry style ...

That snap is part of the big yawn, which admittedly is better than a Chandlerish big sleep ...

At this point the reptiles put in another snap, and suddenly the pond knew what was wrong with it and the whole damned rotten world ...

Dammit, it should have been the bromancer taking that briefing, and the bromancer would have been properly dressed, not like those civvies in suits.

The bro's legs would have been like steel springs, ready for a sprint, ready to lead the troops into action ...

And speaking of action, once the bro was installed as CIC, how hard would it be to bung on a little war so he could show his style?

How about New Zealand? It should have just been another state, so why not give them a taste of Aussie steel and reptile rule? Sure, they've reverted to killing themselves with cancer sticks for a little tax bonus, too dumb to realise that death takes away the delight in a little cash in the paw, but all the more reason they should feel a little bro steel up 'em ...

Too hard? Well, the bromancer could always lead a charge on Tasmania, or perhaps occupy the ACT ... it's been overrun by greenies and lefties and who knows when the Angelic one might have to head to the land of the toads? If it's good enough for the Donald to talk of sending in the military to take out the vermin, then the bromancer cleansing the territory should be a doddle ...

Even worse, the pond didn't have the heart to do another "mouse that roared" joke ...

The pond snapped out of it when the pond suddenly felt the bite of chalk on cheek and Mr Brown was storming up to the desk and shouting "daydreaming again, you wretch", followed by "start reading the tenth chapter of Kidnapped this instant, and make sure you look happy about it ..."

Chastised, the pond woke from a double nightmare to the splendid news that there was just a gobbet to go ...

Look, the pond has done its duty, it's shown the best of the reptiles on offer this day, though perhaps it failed the mission when it refused to take "Sharri" - show the respect you feel - seriously ...

If nobody feels the need to say anything, that's fine. The pond's hits are up for the month, and if raging at the reptile machine becomes a chore, then what's the point? The important thing is just to enjoy the reptile raging, and when next in need of a present from a loved one, you now have the skill set to point out that it's two years and two months since your last birthday, and now a new present is way over due ... or better still, using reptile AI - ignore the inherent contradiction in the concept - you might be able to say it's been 6 months + 1 from my last birthday, and so ... it's time for a happy birthday ...

Technical questions - such as the bromancer's sudden preference for "skerrick" over the infinitely more malleable and enjoyable "nuts" - can be left for another day ...

Now please excuse the pond, the partner is calling for another jig in the kitchen. Yes, it's early in the morning, but sometimes any time is the right time for a jig ...


  1. Poor old Greg. Still stuck in the trenches fighting the crusades and no sign of a war with December 25 only 27 days away. This seems to have led to some sort of shell shock, because while sending birthday wishes to AUKUS, it’s only just dawned on Sheridan that “..for both Washington and London it looked like Australia was willing to pay a lot of money. …
    So the politics of the announcement worked very well for the US and Britain.”

    Yet there was Greg back in March 2023: “Greg Sheridan: Nuclear subs venture will transform Australia”, “ AUKUS deal is an excellent outcome, says Greg Sheridan” and “Those ‘opposed’ to AUKUS are ‘yesterday’s heroes’: Greg Sheridan”.

    Apparently more money is needed to be spent, but surely his colleagues, Sloan and Cater would baulk at a rise in spending by government, because it might require more of their money.

  2. Moany Groany: "The mistakes made in managing and attempting to transform the east coast grid are too many to list. Mainly driven by politics rather than engineering and econmics, the result has been a fiasco." Wau, the Albanese government has been able to produce that many "politics driven" mistakes in just 18 months in power - what will the country be like in another 18 months ?

    But Groany is right about the poor fit of coal-power in today's 'home solar and wind' situation (yes, there are home installed wind turbines so that some can keep generating "when the sun don't shine"). Coal generators take quite a long time to fire up and close down and they're generally kept turning for the whole 24 hours; which is why they eventually start malfunctioning ... and also why, for those who can remember, there used to be 'cheaper overnight electricity' (generally after about 11pm) and lots of people had overnight water heating from about 11 pm to 5 am with large storage tanks in the roof (mine is still there, though unused now for about or so 20 years, but not worth the expense and trouble of removing).

  3. "...Dame Slap would have been out and about at the news of stories of lying cokeheads in the Lehrmann matter, but all was quiet. "

    Yeah but remember: "if I never mention it again, then it never really happened."

  4. The Simplest Simon: "Of all the problems facing Anthony Albanese - and they are many and mounting - only one will determine the Labor government's fate." Oh yeah, now remember when this happened to Rudd - the end of honeymoon and the downward surge in public esteem - we had Julia Gillard ready and willing to take over - and she did hold on to government without Greens. But who have we got this time ? And will the Teals play footsy ?

  5. "... such that the saying gets as tedious o'er as to return ...


  6. "One bad poll ... is no reason for Labor to panic. John Howard was behind in polls for much of his prime ministership." And Labor helped by always supplying real bad, or more or less ineffectual, opposition leaders to contest him. So the question is, who's worse ? Mutts Dutts or Brian Latham ? Could Dutton really win a federal election ?

  7. Just a little something that the Bromancer might like to read:

    "Today, for example, I was reading a lengthy piece [in Vox] about falling global fertility rates and the success of government programs to turn this trend around. (Short answer: nothing works.)"


  8. "Definition of sharri in English

    1. Evil.
    2. False and destructive statement or action against someone.

    "Example of sharri in a sentence
    - Evil Duk wanda ya aikata aikin sharri anan duniya, to zai ga sakamako ranar ƙiyama.
    Whoever do any evil deeds in his life, he'll face consequences hereafter.

    - Yayi mata sharri. He made a false statement against her.

    "From Arabic

    "The lab leak theory has been described as racist and xenophobic; belief in the lab leak theory is correlated with distrust of government and anti-China sentiment, and has kindled the latter.[23]" Wikipedia

    "Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19"

    "... COVID-19 caught US health institutions and programs flatfooted, neither prepared nor expecting the massive spread of misinformation surrounding the SARS-CoV-2. Since the early days of the pandemic, politicians promoted the unsubstantiated hypothesis the virus was developed in a laboratory in Wuhan, referring to COVID-19 as “foreign,” “Chinese,” and “the Kung Flu.” Use of such language led to an 800% increase of these racist terms on social media and news outlets,6 and redirected fear and anger in a manner that reinforced racism and xenophobia.

    How sharri Sharri and the oz work hand in sharri hand: "...Communications Minister Paul Fletcher posting on Twitter a letter he has sent to the ABC’s Board regarding the same Four Corners episode. “Inside the Canberra Bubble”

    "The ABC did receive some questions yesterday from The Australian’s Sharri Markson, which we answered in full.
    "The ABC’s answers:
    Mid 2020
    We do not use private investigators

    "This exchange has resulted in a page one “Exclusive” story in The Australian today headlined: “Did the ABC have ministers tailed?”

    Pure. Evil. Best put "sharri" Sharri into Iran and see how what they say.

    These two commenters get sharri, on "FBI boss says COVID-19 'most likely' escaped from lab" 1 Mar 2023

    "Credible or not, the motivation is suspect
    "Australian sources are even less trust worthy.
    "They could be telling the truth, but their rhetoric is "China bad" no matter if actually bad, or even involved.
    [A reply] "Did you mean Murdoch's stooge Sharri Markson?"

    Who ya gonna call - NOT sharri Michael Worobey et al. Or sharri Sharri?
    "Although there is insufficient evidence to define upstream events, and exact circumstances remain obscure, our analyses indicate that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 occurred through the live wildlife trade in China and show that the Huanan market was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic."
    The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Michael Worobey et al.
    Science. 2022.

    De sharri'd.

  9. Would not normally give Sharri serious attention, but her third column for this day offers an opportunity for disrespect. It mentions a Robert Kadlec, suggesting he was there, shoulder to shoulder (or pipette to pipette) with Anthony Fauci in the great Covid cover-up.

    There is a ‘Wiki’ entry for a Robert Kadlec. This one was a Trump nominee to be Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services, where he is credited with setting up ‘Operation Warp Speed’ to deliver vaccines to the citizens of the USA.

    But - being the ‘Wiki’, it also sets out evidence for some steady grifting with a particular biotechnology company, for which this Kadlec was a ‘consultant’ at various times. Well, the Donald always liked to have people around him who, um - ‘understood’ business.

    The details suggest that that Robert Kadlec was unlikely to lie awake at night because of anything he actually did in his time with H & HS, unless it was to count the money that happened to come his way from his sometime clients.

    Now, of course, it may not be the Robert Kadlec that Sharri has invoked - this ‘Wiki’ does not include the word ‘Fauci’ even in its references, so it just might be that there were two people in H & HS with that same name. Please, Dorothy, do not take this as a request to put up the text of that column from Sharri.

    Just to show how threadbare Sharri’s supposed thesis about origins of Covid-19 has become - the unlovely Maria Bartiromo, being unable to find any other commentator prepared to go on record that falling inflation and nigh full employment must be disastrous for the USA, has put out a few feelers for a new subject - was Covid-19 deliberately cooked-up in that laboratory in Wuhan as a bio-weapon to use on the land of the free, home of the brave?

    1. That "Sharri" exclusive - every respect offered - disappeared off the front page of the lizard Oz digital edition quicker than butter frying in the Tamworth sun. You should watch your words Chadders ...

      The pond would of course not want to load you up with unnecessary detail, but really why not confirm that you're both righteous and correct ... drum roll please because there are sleepless nights ahead ...

      The US health official who conspired with Anthony Fauci to downplay suggestions that Covid-19 leaked from a Wuhan laboratory says another pandemic could emerge from high-risk experiments in laboratories globally, saying the lessons from Covid-19 have not been learnt.

      The former assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the US Department of Health, Robert Kadlec, has also revealed to Sky News that he lies awake at night agonising at the chain of events he and Dr Fauci had set in motion.

      Dr Kadlec, who worked for presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump and led American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, said his intention in initially downplaying a lab leak was to encourage co-operation from China in the early days of the outbreak.

      The public denial of the lab leak theory spiralled, however, and the proposition Covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology turned into a conspiracy.

      “I wake up at usually about 2am or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in,” Dr Kadlec said.

      Sharri Markson’s ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan: The Next Chapter’ airs 8pm Tuesday

      In his first television interview to air on Sky News on Tuesday night, Dr Kadlec said the failure of governments to accept the risk­iness of virus research and its role in the last pandemic was hindering necessary steps to prevent a future lab outbreak.

      “The trajectory of biolife sciences is such that these tools are out there and we could see something like this or worse,” he says in the Sky News documentary “What Really Happened in Wuhan, the Next Chapter”.

      “The tools of science to do this kind of synthetic biology, this risky research, has not been limited to China. It happens in the US. It’s happening in a lot of places in the world and we could have another one of these (pandemics) if we don’t accept that.

      “We know that in the past it could happen in an animal wet market, but we need to understand now it could happen in a lab … that requires a whole different set of considerations around the training of laboratorians, the construction of laboratories, the practices that are used, both in terms of how scientific experiments are performed (and how) research is performed generally.”

      And so on and on, and yeah it was just a beat up for Sky After Dark, the true stuff of nightmares ... what a cynical bunch of eyeball chasing reptiles they are ...

    2. Anonymous - thank you for the program tip. Now, let's see - Tuesday, 8 PM. Where's my diary; oh dear - diary is just chokkers with commitments all around that time. ;-)

    3. Alas the pond is also busy staring into the infinite void. What brave soul will step up, risk blindness and report from the frontline?

  10. Yes, get the ringing rhetorical statements up front, so set the minds of readers in the appropriate direction. So our Dame Groans that ’failure to appreciate the complicated features of the electricity grid and how government intervention generally worsens rather than improves outcomes’.

    Unfortunately, history does not support the ideology inherent in that statement. During her time in South Australia as academic, then director of various corporations, Dame Groan would have become acquainted with people who recalled that supposed ‘conservative’ Thomas Playford, taking over the Adelaide Electricity Supply Company, to ensure that the state had a reliable source of electricity, available to a much wider customer base than the private firm saw as profitable - so greatly extending the state supply grid.

    That takes nothing from Tamworth (and, I believe, Dorrigo) which were early adopters, in the country, of electricity supply. As I understand Dorrigo’s history, it was with the reliable non-carbon renewable - hydro. In my early years, the country town in which I lived was supplied by a local, private, generator, who also saw no benefit to them to take lines out of town, so my farming relatives either set up diesel- or wind-powered home generators, or ran the homestead with kerosene for lighting and domestic refrigeration. Again, it took effective nationalisation for the new government supply body to finance lines those few kilometres out of town, in the mid 1950s.

    The simple message is that - the electricity grid in this country is a product of government intervention, which, for most people, was an unmitigated benefit. Yes, in the ‘70s, in Adelaide, you could still have conversation with people who would never forgive Playford for stopping their substantial annual dividends from the former AESC, but they were very much inner-urban dwellers of leafy suburbs.

    1. But let us rejoice at the wondrous Stobie Pole ...


    2. Stobie pole = car knife.
      The last though, and don't burn.

    3. Yeah, even Melbourne has a few Stobie poles here and there.


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