Saturday, November 11, 2023

In which, after an amber card for Dame Slap, the dog botherer provides comic relief ...


Which reptile is going to be the first to break and report the bad news about the desire to nuke the country to save the planet?

The pond wasn't holding its breath ... it might take the reptiles forever or at least until the twelfth of never to catch up with Small modular nuclear reactor that was hailed by Coalition as future cancelled due to rising costs ...

Back in the day the reptiles made space for Ted to spruik the cause, and the reptiles joined in the SMR chorus, but who among them will do a Robert Browning and bring the good news from Ghent to Aix?

They don't do poems like that and looking at the top of the digital edition, all the reptiles are doing these days is bringing Benji propaganda ...

There was Dame Slap in her usual position, perched at the top far right of the digital edition ... though really she should be off on planet Janet, while down below there was more of the same ...

The pond gave Dame Slap an amber card ... and selected just a little of her rant ...

...In 1999 Chandran Kukathas spoke at Parliament House. This was before 9/11 but in the heyday of One Nation and amid roiling debates about multiculturalism. The former chair of political theory at London School of Economics said toleration was never meant to be easy, that it was a virtue precisely because it was not easy. “And it is not easy because it requires us to admit, or accept, or put up with, or endure, or condone, or suffer, or permit, or indulge, or stomach, or swallow things we cannot abide, or bear, or stand, or countenance, or take,” he said.
It is a challenge for free societies, as Kukathas said: “To tolerate is to put up with things (or people) we dislike or disapprove of – particularly when we are in a position to suppress them.
“This is why it is a difficult virtue; and also why it has fewer friends than many think. And this is why there is a case for making a case for toleration.”
Right now, in some quarters of polite society, it is a bridge too far to say “woman” means a biological woman. Just ask JK Rowling. Using the wrong pronoun can get you into all sorts of trouble. Check with Jordan Peterson about that. Challenge climate science in any way, even with impeccably scientific method, and you might get a bollocking, or the boot, from your university. That happened to physicist Peter Ridd.
The growing number of people favouring conformity over intellectual freedom, calling for intervention by employers and even the law, is a sure sign large swaths of our society do not understand the paradox of tolerance. These illiberal thought controllers have misunderstood that a free society must, as philosopher John Rawls says, “have the confidence to limit the freedom of the intolerant only in the special cases when it is necessary for preserving equal liberty itself”.

Indeed, indeed, and the pond loves how these days Dame Slap's climate science denialism has descended into the occasional aside, down there with JK Rowling bashing TG folk. 

"Even with impeccably scientific method"? Is that code for doing science with the likes of "Lord" Monckton and predicting that the UN would use climate science to introduce world government?

Given the large number of reptiles favouring the conformity of the reptile hive mind, Dame Slap surely won't mind if the pond indulges in a little counter-programming ...

This day it comes from a November 8 piece by Masha Gessen in The New Yorker, Inside the Israeli Crackdown on Speech.

It's likely inside just a soft paywall, but just in case, a lengthy gobbet, because it helps explain why the pond subscribes to a few publications, so that the pond can access perspectives outside the reptile hive mind ...

A week after the October 7th Hamas attack in the south of Israel, Israel Frey, a thirty-six-year-old Haredi journalist who focusses on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, had just returned to his apartment on the outskirts of Bnei Brak, a predominantly ultra-Orthodox town east of Tel Aviv, when he began to hear noise outside. It was after 10 p.m., a few hours past the end of Shabbat. Someone—he doesn’t remember who—messaged him to say that his address was circulating online, along with calls to join La Familia, a far-right group that started as a fan club for Jerusalem’s largest premier-league soccer team, in an attack on Frey’s home. When Frey tried to check if there was anyone outside his apartment door, he discovered that someone had blocked the viewfinder. The sounds in the street were getting louder. He could hear people shouting “traitor.” They seemed to be hurling firecrackers at the building. He rushed his wife and two children, aged eight and thirteen, out of the living room, which has a large window, and frantically texted friends: “People are attacking my house. Please come and do something.”
A neighbor approached the crowd to negotiate safe passage for Frey’s family. Before the children left the apartment, Frey covered their faces with scarves so the crowd could not see them. He stayed inside, listening to the sounds of the gathering grow more frantic and rowdy, until the police approached his door at around three in the morning and told him he needed to leave. A firecracker hit the window of Frey’s downstairs neighbor, shattering the glass. As three policemen escorted Frey out, one of them grabbed Frey’s arm and spat at him.
Frey was driven out of Bnei Brak in a police vehicle, then continued on in his own car, which another officer had driven. But, Frey soon realized, two other cars were still trailing him. He drove to Ichilov, a large hospital in Tel Aviv, and took cover. Eventually he was able to go to a friend’s apartment, where he was still staying when we spoke by video a couple of weeks later, with an acquaintance acting as an interpreter. As far as Frey knew, no arrests had been made in the attack on his building. “The police protected my life only in the sense that they prevented people from entering the building, and escorted me out,” he said. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to go home, if I can go home at all.”
Frey, who is slight of build and bespectacled, with the traditional beard and sidelocks of the ultra-Orthodox, believes that the latest round of violence in Israel and Gaza stemmed from what he called, in a message to me, Israel’s “comprehensive plan to crush half of the inhabitants between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.” Expressing such views on Twitter appears to have cost Frey two jobs. Last year, he was picked up by police for questioning. The event that seems to have led to last month’s attack was a candlelight vigil, held in Tel Aviv a few days after October 7th. At the gathering, Frey was asked to say the Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer. He prayed for the fourteen hundred murdered Israelis and the hundreds of Palestinian children and women who by then had been killed in Israel’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza. A video fragment of Frey praying, edited to make it look like he had mentioned solely the Palestinian children, was posted along with his home address.
Frey is one of at least three prominent left-wing Israelis who have been doxed in the past few weeks. Yuli Novak, the executive director of B’Tselem, a leading human-rights organization, felt she had to temporarily leave Israel with her wife and newborn baby after her phone number was published on social media. Another target of doxing was Gur Litman (not his real name), a filmmaker and activist, who, over the years, wrote many Facebook posts critical of Israel’s armed forces, which he believes are guilty of war crimes. He has also stated that, contrary to the oft-repeated claim that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, the country was never a democracy, largely because its national project has always excluded nearly half of the people on the land it controls. “I’m a man—Jewish, white, Ashkenazi,” Litman told me, listing the traits that bring him privilege in Israeli society. “It’s almost not moral to live in such a place in such dark times and not speak up.”
In the aftermath of October 7th, Litman posted prolifically. An old friend of his from high school and the parents of a friend were among the civilians who had been killed. He wrote that nothing could justify the murders, no matter how important the Palestinian struggle for liberation may be. He wrote that some of the international left did not appreciate the depth of the Israeli tragedy. He also wrote that his heart breaks at the thought of what is happening in Gaza. Litman is in touch with a friend in Gaza and, he told me, “Every day I wake up terrified that she might not survive the next day.” In mid-October, friends alerted Litman that his name, picture, and home address had been circulated by a far-right group on Telegram.
Litman left home for a friend’s house. He stopped picking up calls from unknown numbers, though his phone was ringing constantly. He deleted his Facebook accounts—he knew that anyone who went through his profile would find posts displaying the Palestinian flag or pictures of him at a commemoration of the Nakba, the violent expulsion of Palestinians from the newly formed state of Israel in 1948. Litman had been, in his words, “addicted” to Facebook, but there was a saving grace to quitting it. Before he left the site, a friend had reposted a call to action suggesting that Israel should use a nuclear weapon against Palestinians. “I’m sure that if I were on Facebook now, my heart would be broken also because I would see how many people that I know and that I love are saying horrible things,” Litman told me. “I prefer to be blind.”

Far worse things are happening in Gaza at the moment than this sort of fierce bigotry in Israel, but that does help explain the Rowe cartoon of the day ...

In fact it would be doing a disservice not to note that Gessen's story made the same point about Gaza v. Israel ...

...The Jewish Israeli activists I interviewed for this story invariably noted that their troubles paled in comparison to the punishment their government was inflicting on Palestinians—in Gaza, certainly, and in the occupied West Bank, but also inside Israel. While Jewish activists are targeted by right-wing mobs with what appears to be the tacit approval of the government, Palestinians experience the full force of the government’s repressive apparatus.
The current crackdown on speech, which involves arrests, police interrogations, and so-called warning talks conducted by the Shabak, the security services, is largely carried out by a task force established earlier this year by the national-security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to identify cases of incitement to terrorism on social media. Before he was a minister, Ben-Gvir was a far-right activist. In 2007, a Jerusalem court convicted him of incitement to racism for carrying signs and posters with statements such as “Expel the Arab enemy.” Hassan Jabareen, who heads Adalah, a Palestinian-run legal center, told me, “Ben-Gvir’s job is to protect my safety, and he is known as the most racist official in the history of Israel.” Jabareen added, “We are aware that Israeli Jewish society is passing a very, very hard time. But this emergency time is happening under one of the most racist governments in the history of this country.”
After October 7th, Lea Tsemel, a legendary human-rights lawyer who has been representing Palestinian inmates in Israel for more than fifty years, began to see something unprecedented: people were getting arrested for social-media posts and even likes. The day we spoke, Tsemel had just returned from a hearing in the case of a Palestinian lawyer, a citizen of Israel, who had posted, in the days following October 7th, “I had a fantastic night.” (Tsemel does not represent the accused but attended the hearing, with several other lawyers, as a show of solidarity.) The young woman had just passed the bar; a group of Jewish lawyers had filed a complaint asserting that her post indicated support for Hamas.
On October 30th, a court in Nazareth heard the case of Bayan Khateeb, a fourth-year student at the Technion in Haifa who was arrested for an Instagram story she posted on October 8th. The post featured a skillet with a shakshuka simmering on a stovetop, the eggs almost set, with the caption “We will soon be eating the victory shakshuka,” and a Palestinian-flag emoji. A group of Jewish students filed a complaint with the Technion, alleging that Khateeb was expressing support for Hamas, and she was arrested and held overnight. When the police sought to extend Khateeb’s detention by six days, she testified that she was not a competent cook and had posted the picture for a small group of friends who were going to taste her triumph in the kitchen. The judge ruled that there was probable cause and ordered her held for one more day; on appeal, the measure was reduced to five days’ house arrest, with a ban on using social media. Khateeb has also been suspended from the Technion.
Much of Israeli civilian life is on pause at the moment. Universities have postponed the start of the school year; courts are not hearing cases, except for urgent matters such as arrests. Many of the people who are being detained on what amounts to suspicion of disloyalty may never be charged, but the courts are effectively meting out punishment by placing people under arrest. The Adalah legal center is monitoring more than a hundred and seventy cases, the majority of which involve Palestinian citizens of Israel, who make up about twenty per cent of the citizenry. These are people who are systematically discriminated against in education, employment, and public services. Still, many of them attend Hebrew-language universities and work in predominantly Jewish Israeli institutions. In the past few weeks, hundreds of Palestinian citizens of Israel have been suspended from universities or fired from their jobs.
In late October, I spoke to Layla (not her real name), a Palestinian citizen of Israel who works as a sales executive for a large Israeli company. She recounted a meeting with a client who tried to engage her in a discussion of the October 7th attacks. Layla said nothing to indicate that she justified the attacks, but she also apparently did not articulate a satisfactory condemnation. Layla’s employer held a hearing and, after two days, decided to continue her employment on the condition that she apologize to the client and a Jewish co-worker who was present at the meeting.
Omar (not his real name) is a university student. Like many Arab young people, he maintains a Facebook account that consists largely of religious verses. A few days after the October 7th attack, he posted a verse about being patient during hard times. A stranger left a comment accusing Omar of supporting Hamas. Omar blocked the stranger. Then a screenshot of the post showed up on a student WhatsApp chat of Omar’s department. Someone wrote, “I’m not just locking him out of this group, I will make sure that he feels bad every time he comes near the university.” Frightened, Omar filed a police report and then informed the university, sending a screenshot of his post to illustrate the absurdity of the incident. In response, the university sent him a letter informing him that he had been suspended pending a disciplinary hearing.
The hearing, on Zoom, included the university’s lawyer and the rector. Omar learned that a group of students, which included people he regarded as friends, had filed a complaint against him. The university had assembled some of Omar’s posts, dating back more than a year. One was a picture of a boy sitting on the wreckage of his house, next to a cat that had been killed by an Israeli rocket that hit his village. “It seems to us that you are supporting terror,” the rector said. Omar, who was accompanied by his lawyer, tried to explain that he did not. But, Omar said to me, “It’s like if you are an Arab in Israel, they think you should be supporting terrorism.”
“It’s like a machine working,” Sawsan Zaher, Omar’s and Layla’s lawyer, said. Zaher is currently representing dozens of other Israeli Arabs who have lost their jobs or are being suspended from universities. In the case of universities in particular, she told me, the repressive force seems unstoppable. Even requests for postponement are rejected, because, she has been told, the education ministry has directed universities and colleges to act fast and decisively. The vast majority of cases she has seen involve no actual incitement to terrorism or support for Hamas. Rather, she said, people are being punished for how their posts made others feel. “The general public alleges that it is hurt, and they don’t want anyone to express other feelings.”
On October 17th, Kobi Shabtai, the head of Israeli police, announced that he would not allow any demonstrations against the war. “Anyone who wishes to identify with Gaza, is welcome to—I will put him on the buses that are heading there now,” he said. The next day, in Haifa, police stopped a protest against the war in Gaza. Yoav Bar, a computer programmer and activist in his late sixties, was going to the protest with a small banner that said, in English, “It Is Genocide!” When he and about a hundred other protesters arrived, they saw that the square was filled with police. Only a handful of people dared venture into the square. None of them raised their banners, but Bar, sitting on a railing, allowed his to unfurl just enough to be photographed. He was immediately arrested.
Bar spent the night in jail. The following day, he and four others who were arrested at the protest—another man and three women—crowded into a small room for their arrest hearings over Skype. Bar didn’t see much of the proceeding because the room was so crowded, but by the end of the day he was released. Ten days later, however, the police showed up at his house at eight-thirty in the morning. They seized computers, cell phones, and anything that displayed Arabic writing—including hats and scarves. They took Bar in for interrogation. Bar, who has several chronic conditions, could not take his medicine. By four-thirty in the afternoon, he had to be hospitalized. He attended his second arrest hearing the following afternoon, chained to his hospital bed, through a WhatsApp video on the phone of the police officer who was guarding him. The evidence against Bar included materials seized from his home: Palestinian flags and posters calling for the release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. The judge, who happened to be a Palestinian citizen of Israel (Bar is of Jewish origin, though he objects to the classification), ruled that these materials could not constitute behavior that may disturb public order, since they were held at his private home.
Later that day, Ben-Gvir tweeted, “In the home of the terror supporter Yoav Bar, ‘a central activist in the protests which support and sympathize with Hamas,’ a large amount of incitement material was discovered, such as posters, signs, flags, and media related to security prisoners and terrorist organizations. The police arrested him and claimed before the court that Bar is suspected of ‘behavior that could endanger public peace’. However, all of this was not enough for Judge Ihsan Kanaan‎, who decided to release him during wartime. This is what internal enemies look like. Shame.”
Bar spent another day and a half in the hospital. After he was released, I asked him if, going forward, he planned to take fewer risks. “I continue to be me,” he said. “On Sunday, I was just home doing nothing, and it turns out that was risky.” 

That's the counter-programming for the day.

The pond apologises for the length, but simply put, you won't hear a word about any of that if all you read is the lizard Oz. News from the heart of theocracy is as rare as news of a cancelled SMR.

And so to a little light relief.

Readers of the Weekly Beast - is there a single recalcitrant pond reader who doesn't rely on the venerable Meade for news from the Surry Hills bunker? - will be aware that the ABC and Sky are duelling banjos about docs covering the Coalition's nine years in power, and that Sky won out by being first ... with the dog botherer, of all people, assigned to produce an "in-depth investigation into the inner workings of the Liberal party".

The pond would rather head to the Graudian for a viewing, from 2018, of the Liberal party in crisis ...


Rich pickings and the pond is sure that Bergman would forgive immortal Rowe, just as William Golding probably forgives the infallible Pope ...

The pond can only guess that the venerable Meade was deploying rich irony when talking of "in-depth". 

Why back on 25th October 2023 the dog botherer's Sky News nonsense made it to YouTube (caution Will Robinson, eyeball warning alert) with a great story ...

Sky News host Chris Kenny says nuclear energy is the logical solution to Australia's net zero ambitions.
“Nuclear energy is the logical solution to Australia’s and the world’s net zero dilemma,” Mr Kenny said.
 “It’s a dense form of energy, it doesn’t require massive amounts of land for new transmission lines and wind and solar farms and it doesn’t produce greenhouse gases.
“It’s all about the future generations and they might wonder why the Boomers are so hung up on the so-called risks of nuclear energy.”
Mr Kenny sat down with former Ansto CEO Dr Adi Paterson to discuss the debate on nuclear energy and the positive effects it will have on the nation.

Why should a reptile be worried about the world's net zero dilemma? Hasn't Dame Slap produced conclusive scientific evidence, using scientific methods applied by the most scientific minds, that it's all a fever dream?

Never mind, there's no need to go there, not when we have this ...

Incredulous laughter and talk of a Comical Ali answer and the onion muncher at the top at the start of the yarn?

The dog botherer will only have to produce lying ratfink little Johnny, the hapless Malware,  and the fundamentalist from the Shire to produce a fierce argument as to who was the worst PM, and did any of them snatch the crown of worst PM in living memory from quavering Billy McMahon? Or perhaps the head prefect, who later in life abjured almost all he had stood for? Or Harold Holt snatched by a Chinese submarine? Or so the pond's favourite conspiracy theory goes.

Whatever, the dog botherer was off to a flying start and keep "stability" in mind because there's a punchline coming ...

At this point the pond must express some displeasure. The reptiles featured snaps of the lying rodent and Malware, the man sent by the onion muncher to destroy broadband in the country ...

... but there was no matching snap of SloMo, yet surely he's the one who scored the very best cartoons ...

Some might argue for Malware, but the pond suggests he was just a very close second ...

Now back to the comedy ...

As usual the dog botherer is too modest. It wasn't just a climate-driven conflagration. Malware, with the aid of his then COS, did many things worth a cartoon ...

Gadfly celebrated the dog b's doggy achievements in an aside in The Saturday Paper way back in August 2015 (Kenny or can't he?, likely outside the paywall).

I celebrated the joint decision on marriage equality by the Nasty Party and the knuckle draggers from Cockies’ Corner by deciding to clean out the cockatiel’s cage.
This was well overdue as the odour had become overpowering. To my amazement I discovered a soiled back-copy of The Catholic Boys Daily at the foot of the cage. After scraping off the guano I read a snippet by Sharri Markson, who writes News Corp press releases and is stenographer to ed-in-chief Kransky Mitchell.
Sharri reported that Chris Kenny, who does typing for the Nasty Party, had challenged me to a “debate” and I had failed to turn up. Apparently the topic was to be about how frightful Zaky Mallah is or was.
Chris was a valet to Lord Downer, when Alexander was foreign minister, and later became an adviser to the Member for Goldman Sachs, Malcolm Turnbull, skilfully helping the then leader of the opposition turn Utegate and Godwin Grech into a political triumph.
The Daily’s scribe also won some monies from the ABC last year for not having sex with dogs. “To the extent that I am remembered for this,” he said at the time, “I’ll be remembered as the journalist called a dog fucker who stood up for his rights.”
These days Kenny Doesn’t Rogers performs as a one-trick pony at the Daily, telling his comatose readers the ABC is awful, the awful ABC is awfully awful and how much more awful the ABC can get, etc.
If I had known in advance there was to be a debate with someone of this calibre, my overwhelming concern would be that life is far too short.

Ah, as Barbs would sing, memories ...Utegate memories ...

But this is no time to remember the political triumph of Utegate ...or even the dog botherer's weird affection for dogs ... there are two big gobbets to go, both full of undiluted cocky cage liner material...

"It offers stability".

The pond had advised a Comical Ali punchline was coming and sure enough it came ... and this time the dog botherer presented it with a remarkably straight face ...

And so to the final gobbet, which is all the pond will be getting because the pond is unlikely ever to watch the dog botherer's shows ...

At least one of the pond's readers has the boldness and bravery to watch ADH tv and report back from the frontline - who knew, you know, that, you know, the parrot was still a thing, and Becky, you know, Weisser was still a, you know, thing - but damned if the pond can do it. Apparently Lyle Shelton is also an attention disorder thing, but the pond simply doesn't have the intestinal fortitude ...

All the pond can do is relish the dog botherer blaming Malware's lust for power, as if the unseemly narcissist lust of the onion muncher to stay centre of attention had nothing to do with it ...

Talk about a cast ... the poodle, the trudging Tudge, the onion muncher making a last stand for attention to be paid ... but of all the people to end on, SloMo is the go to figure? And he'll go with the people? Okay, okay, it was the only way to close out with a sublime bit of comedy styling ...

The pond had some of the usual weekend cartoons lined up for a closer, but heck, after that routine by the dog botherer, how better to close than with a celebration of past SloMo glories?


  1. A valiant attempt by Kenny to resurrect the Coalition. I note he makes no mention of the Nationals’ mess. But I laughed at the guff, such as the paragraph beginning: “The more you delve the more you understand the organic nature of leadership challenges.” From my own perspective, the leadership challenges seemed to have a nuclear nature. Kenny got a guffaw with his description of Abbott and Turnbull as titans, too. Titanic might be a better term to use in relation to those two. But I got the biggest laugh from Kenny quoting Morrison: “I think I’ll go with the people.” Only one slight problem there, Kenny, the people decided not to go with Morrison at the last election!

    1. Quite. But then why on earth did they go with him in the election prior ? It's not that he's ever disguised or hidden what he is. I feel seriously sorry for his kids.

  2. Dorothy - again I give thanks that, when cruel fate inflicted ScoMo on us, fate had also prepared for us the Infallible Pope, to maintain our sanity, and even give us the gift of laughter in dark times. Thanks to you for this retrospective of Pope

  3. "The pond apologises for the length, but simply put, you won't hear a word about any of that if all you read is the lizard Oz". I have an acquaintance who, when I deplore some or other aspect of human behaviour, as I am wont to do from time to time, responds with "Have I ever introduced you to the human race ?"

    It's a threat, not a promise, and it's getting more and more threatening all the time.

  4. The venerable Meade quotes "Thomson said. “There is no doubt that Lachlan’s multidisciplinary expertise [gained at great expense]
    and his philosophical integrity [evidenced by his two siblings leaving]
    will be invaluable as we continue to the next phase of our crucial journey.”

    Lachlan's perceived
    'philosophical integrity' knack...
    (mid-14c., "a deception, trick, device,")

    "... He is witty and modest about his learning. We may sense that the flawed philosophical integrity of the work is explained by the author's desire to be happy. The inclusion of lived emotions catches us off our guard but leaves us grateful."

    knack (n.)
    mid-14c., "a deception, trick, device," a word of uncertain origin. Perhaps from or related to a Low German word meaning "a sharp sounding blow" (compare Middle English knak, late 14c.; German knacken "to crack;" also knap) and of imitative origin. Sense of "special skill" (in some specified activity) is first recorded 1580s, if this is in fact the same word. In old slang (mid-18c. to mid-19c.) nacky meant "full of knacks; ingenious, dexterous."
    Etymonline - Online

    He needs to change his name to Nacky 

  5. Ok, so:
    "The president of the Islamic Council of Victoria, Adel Salman, said the Muslim community had “substantially turned against Labor” over its stance.
    'If an election was held right now, Labor would not hold the same level of widespread support in the Muslim community as it has enjoyed for so long'

    So, what ? They'll vote for Mutts 'Dutts' instead ? He just absolutely loves the "Muslim community", doesn't he. Well, for as long as it takes to get elected, anyway. Just like all those Americans who will have to vote for Trump because - like Hillary back in 1916 - they just can't vote for Biden (it's all about Hunter and his laptop this time, doncha know).

    Did I mention that in the world there's an estimated 1.9 billion believers in Islam, and 16 million Jews ?

    Have I ever introduced you to the human race ?

  6. If they do it in America, then it's only a matter of time before they copycat it here:

    Man charged with murder after alleged shooting spree on NSW mid-north coast

  7. A rich feast from the venerable dog botherer, and among the many highlights for this reader "the Liberals' "so-called women problem" stood out like, er, dog's balls. Such a glorious phrase.

    See also "so-called corruption in funding" problems, or "so-called Robodebt problems".

    Whack a "so-called" in the front of any concerning noun, and et voila - problem solved.

    And Morrison's vapid word salad took me screaming back to those dying days of sour faces and undercooked curries. God he's the worst.

  8. Kenny's dismissal of all the alleged sexual assaults and mistreatment and ignorance of women as "the #MeToo zeitgeist" is repulsive and shows he is not the great political insider he thinks he is.

    1. I think he maybe learned about "the #MeToo zeitgeist" from Dame Slap, SoT. She's the one always going on about it.

  9. Hi Dorothy,

    It’s interesting that Albrechtsen quotes John Rawls in a very limited way but ignores his overall philosophy of equality.

    By introducing a “veil of ignorance” in how people would think about organising the society they live in, Rawls argued that the vast majority would choose a fairer and more equal society, especially where certain sections had been historically disadvantaged.

    Albrechtsen in her rants during the referendum for the voice seems to have completely ignored Rawls arguments.

    1. I wouldn't have thought that Janet would actually have any knowledge at all of Rawls' arguments - there's more than one 'veil of ignorance' at work here - as opposed to a selective quote of something somebody once told her.

      Her "understanding" of Peter Ridd is an indicator of her state of general ignorance.


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