Tuesday, July 25, 2023

In which the pond is forced to listen to groaners groaning and bromancers whining, while stories erupt elsewhere ...


A day too late for the Major's Monday outing this week, but Media Watch has likely provided the Major with the topic for his next outburst and his ongoing war with the show ... though he was only MID, with chief attention paid to prize maroons of the Bolter and Rowan Dean kind, after a detour through the maroons at the WSJ ...

Meanwhile, on another planet ...

Greece is burning? The font of Western Civilisation that the reptiles like to wax lyrical about every so often? Do tell, the pond must check out how the reptiles are attending to the crisis ...

Nope, nothing to see there ... and yet "now's the time to be informed". Is there any way to be informed in the comments section?

Nope, just the usual ratbag rabble, including an opposition member, what with the lizard Oz still the Pravda or RT if you will for Dr No's team ...

Speaking of censoring free speech or covering matters that get the reptiles and the readership unnecessarily agitated, perhaps the pond missed an item at the top of the digital page?

Nope, just a parade of the usual suspects and topics. Nothing like an EXCLUSIVE on a transgender item to top a country in flames ...

Enough already, the pond has laboured the point, and is in a grumpy mood, because the pond had bet heavily on there being a big groaning this day at the modest, mild, voluntary changes to casual employment ...

Instead it was well being that set off Dame Groan, and here the pond must begin with an apology. The pond rarely pays attention to the quality of lizard Oz cartooning, because frankly it ranges between the abysmal and the dismal, but here there was no avoiding it ... and it seriously affected the pond's sense of well-being ...

The pond was so shocked by the - to put it gently - piss weak quality of the cartoon that the pond completely missed the opening groan. The pond immediately decided to bring together the rest of the visual offerings that cluttered the groaning ...

It's simple ... whenever you feel triggered, revert to snap of demonic figure and run shrieking from the room ...

Ah there you go, the land of fush and chups in ruins. But what of news of the font of Western Civilisation?

Alas and alack, no room at the inn for such trivia ... who gives a fig or a toss about the well-being of others? And so the pond can return to the comfort of a dinkum groaning ...

Yes, there's nothing like attempting to create better lives to generate a laugh. It's a bit like the horse laugh the reptiles get when anyone talks about saving the planet.

Never mind, by this point, it should be obvious that the pond is only serving up this groaning because of the insatiable desire of Dame Groan cultists to devour every miserable word from the misery guts ... (lordy lordy the pond hasn't used those words since its time in Tamworth) ...

Indeed, indeed, Dame Groan's well being as a fat cat board member contemplating her shares in Santos is a tad removed from the pond's experiences ...

And if the groaning wasn't enough, there was a serve of the usual bromancer tosh this day ...

The pond decided it couldn't wait for the actual triggers in the story. Why not get the pictures out of the way right at the get go?

It's true that some might miss the moment when the bromancer gets wildly excited at the thought of missiles spurting into the atmosphere ... how he loves a good spurt ... but sacrifices have to be made ...

Unfortunately the pond can never be bothered separating the heading from the lead photo, so there's one traumatic shot of demonic figures that must appear in context ...

People are leaving the army, and not the navy, at a rate of knots? The pond had rather thought they made be leaving at a rte of kph, but are they irreplaceable? Isn't the bromancer himself standing by to take command of the army, the navy, and the airforce and everything else to do with defence?

Meanwhile, the brave lad has the cheek to start off the next gobbet with "It fills me with pain to write these words", which is preposterous because it implies that the bromancer has been filled with more pain than an arthritis sufferer for decades, year upon year of scribbling all the same words that amount to an excruciating bromancer word salad ...

With the snaps gone, the bromancer's gobbets are looking a little thin. Might the pond make a suggestion as to what could have been covered in lieu of his bog standard rant about defence?

It was top of the NY Times this morning ...

No, no takers, Israel's a bit like Greece these days in the reptile universe, is it?

Never mind, moving along ...

No dammit, no. The pond is heartily tired of the dog botherer in an acronym stew and blathering about AUKUS.

There must be stories of interest out there ... perhaps a visit to Haaretz?

Amazing, countries burning, countries flooding, countries in turmoil, and yet "now's the time to be informed", and yet being informed consists of another tiresome and tedious rant by the bromancer?

Is there a decent cartoonist who might help the pond in its hour of need? Something to get through the bromancer's fluff gathering and navel gazing and constant, incessant ranting about defence? Something to take the pond's mind off the news the reptiles routinely refuse to cover?

Um, not exactly what the pond had in mind, but it does get the pond to the last "we'll all be rooned" bromancer offering ... especially as this week, he's suddenly decided to go kinda funny about AUKUS and the subs and all that ...

Actually there's a planetary emergency, visible in plain sight and right in front of us, except it's nowhere to be seen or to be found in the lizard Oz ... but waddya know, the infallible Pope saw it at the flicks ...

... while the immortal Rowe took a reading...

Update: "now's the time to be informed", anywhere but the lizard Oz ...


  1. Que ? Stephen and Pradeep: "Interest rate increases by the RBA over the past year or so have been mostly ineffective in addressing the main cause of inflation." But, BG, butt, according to Mr Kirby: "...a property overhaul that could exacerbate a shortage of rentals and send mum and dad investors reeling."

    Wau. Really we ought to sack that useless (Be)Lowe bloke and get in a mum to rescue all of that nation building [literally] investment.

  2. The Dame Groan reminding readers of at least one definition of an 'economist' - person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

    1. "...the pond is only serving up this groaning because of the insatiable desire of Dame Groan cultists to devour every miserable word from the misery guts ..." True, DP, none of us could live without our regular mass groaning. And as our Groany ecstatically tells us: "Treasury should be focussing on what it does best..." Now, if only she would tell us what it actually is that Treasury "does best".

      But hey, as Groany expounds: "my wellbeing is not the same as your wellbeing". Of course not; who could even begin to conceive that creatures so inherently different as homo sapiens sapiens could have the same, or even just similar, wellbeings. 8 billion+ very different and unique wellbeings.

      So how can there be a 'value of anything' when there are so many different prices of everything ?

  3. On slightly lighter note - on Sky 'News', last night, the Bovverer turned his laser-like focus to 'productivity'. Standard diatribe that the current government doesn't seem to have any plans to improve productivity, so the Bov offered, 'We all need to keep our noses to the grindstone.'

    As I recorded from scanning last weekend's Flagship in print - Doggy Bov's version of a grindstone was the cut'n'paste on his laptop, which allowed him to wring two contributions out of much the same, albeit dubious, source. Still, regular readers of the rigging of the Flagship probably have the memory of the mythical goldfish, so DB has improved his productivity. What an inspiration he is. It also saves a couple of generations having to 'g..gle' the word 'grindstone', to work out what they must do to advance the nation.

    1. Now just what 'grindstone' is it that an aged care nurse should keep their nose to in order to significantly increase their productivity ?

  4. This is the best Sloan can do to criticise Chalmers’ budget report? Things are desperate.
    According to Sloan herself, her rule is to analyse a report based on what looks wrong. Say no more.

    However, I do agree with Sloan about the ephemeral nature of such issues as the number of women in parliament; Kelly O'Dwyer's women's fighting fund was short-lived.

  5. The Bro certainly does babble on, doesn’t he? Other commenters’ musings on the Reptiles and “productivity” leads me to assume that the Bro has been taking the Botherer’s advice and repeating / recycling the same old guff, over and over. Still, more fool the Reptile management if they actually pay a fee for each contribution. Assuming of course that’s how the arrangement works - sometimes I suspect the Bro pays for the space……

    1. Ah, but the Bro et al are conducting a worldwide study: how many times can they say the same things in the same words before their audience chimes in with "...but you're just repeating yourself". Which partly depends on the audience changeover rate and also on just how thick the core audience is.

      So far, the combination of those two factors has allowed for a high rate of repetition. And the audience turnover rate means there's always a bunch of new 'readers' to keep the experiment going. And that's what we're seeing here.


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