Saturday, July 01, 2023

In which the pond is forced on a lengthy forced march because there's a lot of AWOL and detritus in the lizard Oz this weekend ...


It was way back on 19th April this year that Lloydie of the Amazon proclaimed Electric dreams still have long way to run, and since then ... silence ...

That's going on 73 days. Surely the Amazon has been fixed by now. How can the pond tend to BOM conspiracies or other reptile fancies?

Never mind, the dog botherer will be out and about and he can't resist mentioning climate science. 

What's that, the dog botherer has gone AWOL and so has "Ned", and instead the reptiles have dragged out a moth-eaten bigot to join Dame Slap?


Ah, he's doing a Joe Friday ma'am routine, but that means the pond could just spend the weekend handing out red cards, and then there'd be nothing to study.

There has to be something to study, no matter if its parochial or petulant - anything but the Voice - so what's triggering the snowflakes at the lizard Oz this weekend? The lizard Oz editorialist is always a good guide ...

By golly they sure dropped off the Gladys story pretty quickly, just as the infallible Pope was warming up ...

A genuine classic and the pond will forever treasure having read Moby Dick, only so the pond could much later discover its real meaning ...

But back to the agitated, wild-eyed lizard Oz editorialist, and the territories gone rogue ...

But what set off the lizard Oz editorialist? Sure it's public servants and Canberra and all that, but they were just helping out the Angelic one ...

She'll never get tired of moaning and whining about this one, but the pond always likes to sup on reptile tears, while shedding a few of its own ...

Tears of laughter, to be fair. Is that the definitive portrait, or what? Arrgh, me hearties, and is the Angelic one taking a pot shot at Dame Slap and the rest of the reptiles for their lack of attention?

Yes, yes, weasel words and all that, but what about the great white whale? Surely we should be organising a hunt?

Around this point, it should be obvious that the pond isn't taking the Angelic one seriously, so it's lucky there's just a short gobbet to go ...

Whatever ...

Meanwhile, there was a good groaning for those who enjoy that form of herpetological observation, and the pond can skate through that just as quickly ...

After thinking about a Maserati showroom for a nano second, the pond nearly fell off the groaning twig. Isn't a Maserati the sort of thing a Sydney pimp or brothel owner or drug lord aspires to? Or was that a Lamborghini?

Never mind, once again the pond was caught short, despite having compiled a handy set of Gladys cartoons for weekend use ...

The pond did head off to check if there was an immortal Rowe on Twitter, but was shocked to discover that Twitter were demanding membership before entry ... things must be really desperate in Uncle Elon land...

Meanwhile, the Groaning had resorted to dot points ...

The pond expects a few students might take a view, but the pond's major regret is the absence of Gladys related material ...

Back to the Groaning, with the dot points giving way to a long rant, and naturally dear sweet black gold was front and centre ...

By this time the pond had run out of cartoons, but Dame Groan hadn't run out of words, and there was a lengthy gobbet to go ...

Indeed, indeed, and speaking of fighting, the bromancer was also out and about, and he was subbing for "Ned", with a lengthy opus that showed off the ability of the reptiles to recycle ...

The pond had to stop the bromancer before he began, though it knew that at some point there'd be an apocalypse, or possibly armageddon. 

Was there any sign of AI in that image? Had the graphics department undergone a revolution?

Sadly it was just a Getty image, and could be found all over the web ...

Never mind, this day the bromancer is in the "Ned" game, recycling the thoughts of others, so a recycled image might be an appropriate metaphor ... so it's on with the recycling ...

At this point the reptiles slipped in a huge snap ...

... but tin pot mercenaries and thugs look better small, and that way the pond could proceed in safety ... though it might have been better if the bromancer simply observed he didn't have a clue ...

Oh wait, everything is shrouded in mystery, including the bromancer ...

Well there's the recycling busy at work, and in a way that "Ned" would admire, and then came another recycled image, padded by a little text ...

The pond would have preferred a syndicated cartoon ...

At this point, the reptiles would usually include some form of billy goat butt disclaimer, and so the pond should say that there's nothing funny about a grotesque dictator or Ukraine's plight ...

Nor is there anything funny about the isolationist tendencies shown by the GOP, (paywall), and cultivated by the likes of Faux Noise...

And that's the bromancer's not so secret terror, though it'll take a lot of time before he gets there, ready to propose all sorts of quisling sell-outs and settlings...

The old listicle routine ... and there's still two to play out ...

At this point the reptiles dropped in an image ...

... which tended to slight other friends ...

... anything for an interruption to the recycling of the horrors ...

But what's the point of all the speculative horrors? Well it's up to the likes of the bromancer to provide a solution and possibly end the war within 24 hours ...

Canberra's pile of old junk? Pathetic perhaps, but not up there with the main game, the GOP isolationists, and Faux Noise and sundry fellow travellers, and finally the bromancer gets around to admitting it, with talk of Korea and South Vietnam ...

In the end, a classic bromancer flourish, and a complete misremembering of the Vietnam war made it all worthwhile ... though at the end the pond was reminded that as always with the reptiles, if the Ukrainians think of the likes of a bromancer as a friend, they have yet to understand the nature of all of their enemies ... 

Yes, never mind Ukraine, think of the bromancer's suffering ...

But rather than end on a pessimistic note, the pond would like to celebrate the best of democracy at work ...


  1. Not a lot of mention of Daryl Maguire either. After all, he was a Liberal MP.

    But I did laugh at the following extract from the transcripts of a taped call of Berejiklian speaking with Maguire on 5 July 2018:

    Berejiklian: “Because those that get in trouble with ICAC isn’t because of anything they’ve done. It’s because they haven’t been honest, so you just need to be honest.”

    and then there was this:

    “ICAC found that Ms Berejikilian was an unsatisfactory witness in many respects.”


    So “woman of integrity” and “gold standard” definitions of Berejiklian don’t match the facts nor Berejiklian’s own words. Perhaps one could say she has some mendacity issues.

    1. No, Anony, but they - “woman of integrity” and “gold standard” definitions - do very much meet the standards and practices of many 'Right-minded' politicians, and Maguire is only one of them.

      Next up, Stuart ?

  2. "Around this point, it should be obvious that the pond isn't taking the Angelic one seriously...". Thank goodness for that - what state would your mind have to be in to take her - and the frock-wearing brigade - seriously ?

  3. Yeah, Shannahanna: "If Labor gets rid of the exemptions [on teachers in Catholic schools] it would do nothing more than mouth the most fundamental of all human rights, the right to conscience and religion,... while undermining those rights". Actually, Angelic One, it's really very, very hard to deny people those rights, what it's all about is denying them the right to impose their beliefs on others - a practice that Catholics have historically excelled at.

    1. Angela has much to worry about, as per The G yesterday.

      As if congregational ageing is not one problem for the Catholic Church, with fewer vulgar youff joining up, the cost of living crises also mitigate against paying extra for membership. The German RC church may end up relying on the collection plate alone. This very much looks like a failing business plan, not a business to invest in. AG.

  4. Shades of Elvis Presley’s 1968 “Suspicious minds” reading that editorial. Suspect ideological motivations; no evidence required. Shanahan likewise, with her suspicions that this could lead to other takeovers; no evidence required.

    It’s surprising that Judith Sloan isn’t mentioning Maguire and Berejikilian. After all, she did write a piece about pork barrelling for The Spectator, although, I’m not sure if she objects to governments spending money on anything or whether it just depends whether it benefits business.

    Sheridan is at least sort of dealing with foreign affairs, although there are those of us who feel he could branch out into sport and fashion commentary. It would be a nice change.

    1. The Bro’s latest article reads as though he’s just done a ring-around of some of his mates and asked “Whaddayareckon?”.

  5. Shanahan:
    ‘...undoubtedly there will be debate over allegations that religious schools manifesting their traditional moral values on sex and marriage constitutes discrimination against “the fundamental rights” of others holding contrary views about sexual morality.’
    Dangerous path to go in her argument, given the way the Catholic schools dealt with child sex abuse and the Catholic Church still hauling the abused children (those who have survived to adulthood) through the court system to avoid having to pay compensation.

  6. How terribly inconvenient democracy is, when it’s ideologically objectionable to the Reptiles.

    Still, at least they provide the occasional flash of humour, even if unintentional; approvingly quoting a Catholic Archbishop as a “leading bioethicist”? Ho, ho, ho.

    As for whatever parallel world they’re dwelling in but it doesn’t appear to be include the ACT in which I reside. I’m just about to heat up some lunch on my gas stove and if I owned a cat I wouldn’t be required to keep it indoors 24 / 7.

    Sister Angela continues to indulge in nostalgia for theocracy, and simply isn’t worth commenting on.

    1. Really just a bit nonsensical about the cats, Anony. The lovely Melbun "city" I live in obliges owners to keep their cats inside from 8:00pm to 6:00 am. But:
      "House cats, for one, are twilight hunters with vertically elongated pupils."

      So really the cats should be inside from around 5:00pm to 8:00 pm and from about 4:30am to 7:00 am. However, my cat (now 14.5 years old) has discovered that not only do we feed her (she hasn't visibly caught anything but a few straggly meeses for about 10 years) but that we have heaters to keep the inside of the house warmer than the outside and that we have cushions on which she can very comfortably lounge.

      Contrary to popular rumours, cats are actually quite smart.

  7. For a line or two, I wondered how much our Dame Groan might parrot Senator Michaelia Squawk on conditions for drivers in road transport. Part of the turmoil around suspending the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal was that this country saw a remarkable, history-making, action - in which a particular class of drivers ostensibly went on strike for longer hours and less pay.

    This demonstrated a divide in what is now grandly termed the ‘logistics’ industries - the freight-forwarding companies. Some own quite substantial fleets of vehicles - from very large trucks down to the vans that attend to what the industry terms ‘final mile’ (they are slow to metricate) - bringing a parcel to your front door.

    Others beguile drivers with images of being able to impress their friends with having their own business, getting investment tax benefits, and other supposed sweeteners, to join their, typically smaller, freight-forward business. The more generous forwarders might even pay for the mandatory signage - of their firm - on the vehicle. Once you are signed in - to the forwarder, and, more significantly, to the firm financing your purchase of truck - you do as the forwarder tells you. Road hours and rest hours? You rest when you get home, don’t you? Well, that is, unless the forwarder has an urgent delivery to get away.

    These are the ‘mom and dad’ businesses. The ‘moms’ get a mention mainly for sentimental reasons; and to remind the ‘dads’ that there are remnants of a family - three states away.

    And when those firms wanted to make a political point? You stayed off the road for a couple of days, put a small block in supply chains (before that became a bigger issue during Covid) - and knew that as soon as PM Malware could swing enough crossbench Senators to put down the RSRT - you would be back on the road, making up that time.

    And our Dame pretty much swallowed that.

    1. Well rather that than swallow reality, Chad. It allways comes down to the same old thing: who can tell the most believable lies.


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