Saturday, June 13, 2020

In which the bromancer and nattering "Ned" offer up the best in reptile studies ...

No, seriously … is the bromancer having a nervous breakdown, or is he just trolling the pond, and others?

But seriously, he can't be trolling the pond, because the pond is quite content at the thought of the United States continuing in a comprehensively fucked way for the next four years … if that's what they want, let them have the narcissist liar and showboating snake oil selling fraud … 

Why they might even think about saturating the country with appropriate statues, and David Rowe has provided a splendid model …

More Rowe here, but the pond supposes it should get on with the nervous breakdown, and explaining why, in a splendid weekend for reptile lovers, the bromancer scored pole position at the pond …

Second thoughts, isn't it already obvious right from the get go. The Donald and von Bismarck? That's pure nuts …

Is he talking about this?


Or this? 

There, the pond has slipped in two Rowes, and we haven't even heard a word from the bromancer … but there must always be the beginning, or at least an end to the beginning ...

"I think there is." 

There's just one problem with the bromancer, and that's that he thinks that he's thinking … but no doubt there are many who want the Donald to keep on keeping on, with his legacy in mind. Johnson had the sense to give the game away, with Vietnam his legacy, but surely the Donald needs to do more in the way of wrecking the country before it can be littered with useful statues …

On we go, and as always, the pond must ask, are you not entertained? Isn't the bromancer delivering?

Indeed, indeed, there's a huge amount to say in favour of the Trump brand …

It's just that the pond has trouble sometimes picking the goat from the goat, or the sheep from the wolves …

But do go on dear bromancer, explaining how the economy is in stunning shape, in the US and the world, and how fucking the planet is perhaps just as important as fucking the United States ...

And people sometimes wonder why the pond thinks of the bromancer as a cross between P. G. Wodehouse spruiking the Nazis, and a devoted follower of a tinpot wannabe spruiker of the type on hand in the 1930s for the hair-challenged Mussolini …

And so to clinical proof that the bromancer has fallen love with a narcissist liar and gone nuts ...

You see? It's a common enough syndrome, called projection. You think something else is pure nuts, when in reality you're the pure nut job. It's just that being a nut, you can't see the nuttery from the outside, you think your nuttery is normal, and it's everyone else that is nuts ...

Following on from his rant about Christianity, the pond can't imagine a more distilled essence of what makes the reptiles interesting, at least for those with a tendency to observe clinically disturbances in the force, and in reptiles of the nutty bromancer kind ...

The only question remaining is why wasn't the bromancer blessed by the presence of the cult master? Why was the cult master wasted on the oscillating fan?

Not good enough reptiles… as if that would fool the pond into wasting time on the fan, when there was already to hand an astonishingly poignant, and no doubt deliberate juxtaposition of Scottie from marketing and the nattering of "Ned" ...

It's already old news that Scottie made a fool of himself and had to apologise, so naturally the reptiles came up with "grieving PM" and as a bonus, sent in "Ned" to make a fool of himself too ...

Meanwhile, on another planet, courtesy of the Weekly Beast here ...

There's good reading at the Beast this week - it seems times of stress bring out the very best in the reptiles and make reptile observation a thing of joy and wonder, though the pond already knew about Dame Groan's maths mayhem thanks to a sharp-eyed reader, and the pond innocently taking a screen cap of the Dame casually misplacing the odd billion …

But enough of that, because we have more of the old lie from "Ned" …

No, Morrison was wrong, simply wrong, and apologists of the nattering "Ned" kind are just speaking bullshit of the usual senile old white kind …

Luckily the pond doesn't have to bother with extensive research … just a click on The Conversation will do the trick

It's not so much the failure of historical memory, or even the naked lies, or the bullshit, it's the hypocrisy, worthy of a Lord Vestey …and the defensiveness which sees "Ned" produce such wilful distortions of the past, while claiming to be something of a tin pot historian...

Suck it up indigenous folk, because "Ned" will never allow the truth to enter the reptile picture … and behind it all, there's an even darker picture for the reptiles. 

What if the uppity difficult blacks began to talk about being ripped off?

Incidentally, Lousy Little Sixpence is the title of a 1982 documentary which shows its age, but also contains much information "Ned" might find useful, and it's still available from Ronin here …that's if "Ned" had the remotest interest in what actually went down, when it's patently obvious that he doesn't care a fig, fiddle de dee …watch out Lord "Neddie" Seagoon, you have a rival ...

As for the rest, in the usual way, the pond will settle for a few cartoons …


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    “These facts suggest Scott Morrison was misleading in his remarks this week that “there was no slavery in Australia”. But Morrison was more right than wrong. His remarks were correct in reflecting Phillip's vision at the founding of NSW. There is no disputing the point Morrison was making: the conception of the Australian nation had no place for slavery.”

    Nedian logic at its finest. If you have a vision at the beginning then it doesn’t matter one whit if afterwards your actions are the polar opposite of what you intended.

    Well two can play at that game.

    If you look at the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America (an event that left England casting about for a new place to send their unwanted convict labour...) then you come across these unequivocal words;

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    Couldn’t be a clearer statement in a founding document for a nation. Liberty for all. Therefore following Ned’s convoluted thinking; the conception of the United States had no place for slavery.

    Well that’s all white then.


    1. Nullius Ned: "...there can be no slavery in a free land and consequently no slaves." And just a couple of paragraphs later: "Exploitation of Aboriginal people was ruthless and brutal".

      Old senile codgers such as Ned can't even recall from one paragraph to the next what they've written or what they're trying to say. But if we think hard about it, what Ned seems to be saying is that Phillip's fine thoughts only applied to the Anglos and not to the Abos. And even so, many of the Anglo convicts worked as slaves for much of their servitude. But, see, they weren't actually called "slaves", were they, and that's all that counts, isn't it.

  2. "And so to clinical proof that the Bromancer has fallen in love with a narcissist liar and gone nuts ..."

    I rather think that the Bromancer has been nuts for years, DP, but let that pass. What I do see proof of, is that the Bromancer has a lot in common with Trump; namely keep on telling lie after lie after lie so that it becomes almost impossible to rationally refute what they are saying.

    Now when that little trick was used very successfully some years ago by a nutcase 'creationist', it was named as the "Gish Gallop". All the reptiles use it to a greater or lesser extent: the more lies you pack into whatever you write, the longer and more involved is any sensible refutation. And the fewer the people who will read it, and the even fewer people who will understand it.

    So now, the Bromancer has gone full, crazy Gish and is galloping away into the eternal sunshine of the addled mind. A bit like Dame Slap nowadays, actually, but the Bromancer is way ahead of her. I did briefly contemplate attempting to refudiate the Bromancer's many lies - "he cut taxes" (no he didn't, the GOP led Reps and Senate did, all Trump did was sign the legislation and the cuts were almost exclusively to the benefit of the already wealthy); "domestically Trump promised to secure America's borders and he has ..." (no he didn't, he promised to make the Mexicans pay for a wall along the border, the only result of which is that the small bits of wall that have been built with American money are easy to either climb over or cut through).

    Not enough lifetime left for me to pursue that. But I'm with you all the way, DP, I'd like to see Americans cop at least another four years of the Orange Roughie - and maybe many more given how craven the US institutions are.

    1. Since I've been censured once already for moaning I will refrain from commenting on Sheridan today.

      Nah, only joking. It's instructive to look at Sheridan's history of insightful analysis. We could compile quite a list but calling George W Bush the modern Churchill or all the lavish praise heaped on Tony Abbott will do for the moment.

      Mind you, I think the DB said that the election of Abbott would have a calming effect on Oz politics, so the team has good depth as far as Farkwits go.

    2. One thing though: the Bromancers' bromance with Jacob Ree-sMogg seems to have gone completely cold. And we hardly hear a word about Boris these days either. Oh my, oh my, the death of juvenile passion is a sad thing.

  3. As much as I'd laugh at the U.S. for voting in such a clown again and see them suffer, I can't share the sentiment that I'd like it. Trump is so bad that he has negative impacts on the whole planet. Even if you take a single issue like climate change I don't see how we could survive another four years of Trumpism, and that isn't to say that Biden would be great on this issue.

    1. Should have read "As much as I'd love to laugh at..."

    2. Well one of the things that I can't recall that Donny-boi promised was to destroy the EPA and remake America as a great place for deadly smog and other bad pollution (Make America Great Again).

      But he has. Just goes to show that he will take advice and act on it.

  4. Ned meanders blithely: "Judged by today's standards the policy was deeply offensive but if you choose to act on that offence you will need to pull down every statue to every politician for our first 66 years as a nation, from Deakin to Billy Hughes to John Curtin to Ben Chifley to Bob Menzies as well as burn the paintings and torch the archives and Hansard for two-thirds of the past century."

    Well, I'm ok with junking the statues and the paintings, but I think surely torching the archives and Hansard would amount to willful destruction of evidence of crimes ? I also surely love the way he picks out Deakin (leftish but not actually Labor) and then John Curtin and Ben Chifley to contrast with Billy Hughes (wingnut ex-Labor) and Bob Menzies by name.

    Perhaps he should be reminded that since the declaration as a nation, Labor has been in power for all of 15.4 years out of the first 66, and that Bob Menzies' later time alone (17 years) exceeds that of Labor. So nice try Neddles, but it was the wingnut conservatives hoo dun it, mate.

    Did like this though: "Australian equalitarianism, and that egalitarianism excluded indigenous people ..."

    So which is it matey, "equal" or "egal" ? And of course it excluded "indigenous" people - because they weren't people, were they, Ned. They were primitive (aka sub) humans that were dying out so we'd better help that process along and work them to death in the meantime.

  5. For your amusement

    The comments string says it all, the snapshot in this comment in particular

    1. Befuddled - thank you for that link, excruciating though it be. Worth the reminder from one contributor that that Downer was, however briefly, elected leader of a major political party of this country.


  6. 2nd link should be

    1. That's it then, Bef: if you don't actually use the word 'slave' or 'slavery' then 'blackbirding' is just good old hard work for a good cause.

    2. A demonstration of the Streisand effect. They should have just acknowledged the PM was wrong (and a prime doofus) and moved on to some other culture war battle, but no, they chose this hill to die on.

    3. Admit he was wrong ?!? No, no, contravention of the first commandment of Right-wingnuttery: never admit that you were wrong. Lie, lie and lie some more, but never, ever admit having made a mistake.

  7. Speaking of laughing out loud according to the bromancer the Economist "hates" Trump. Never mind that it is probably the oldest and most respected advocate of whatever it takes capitalism.

    And ALL of the alleged Trump "haters" also hate America. Never mind that they all quite rightly concerned and dismayed with his all-the-way-down-the-line wrecking project - Ill Fares the Land.

    1. It's a standard wingnut tactic, Anony. If I criticise Israel's annexation of the west bank, then I'm antisemitic. If I say that Trump doesn't understand economics, then I'm a Trump hater. Simple, really, isn't it. And it works with every one of the Trump base every time.


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