Friday, June 05, 2020

In which the cult master blesses our Henry ...

For sheer righteous, completely up himself complacency, can anyone beat our hole in the bucket man?

The reptiles know it, the reptiles recognise it, the reptiles honour it … and so our Henry took away the ultimate prize this day, a visit from the cult master, with one of his genuine classics …

The trouble is, how can poor old Henry possibly match that ironic juxtaposition of the clenched black fist with the clenched small orange hand, wrapped around a phone, but with an indeterminate image thereon? What, no Twitter in there, cult master?

But if the competition is confined to, and only involves, indolent complacency, then our Henry could teach the cult master a thing or three …

Now there are a couple of problems there, not least the brutal misrepresentation of US history, the Klu Klux Klan, The Birth of a Nation, Strange Fruit, and all the rest of the sorry history …

But there's another problem, which arose yesterday when poor old poor Paul Monks tried on a little Tiananmen Square distraction … and found himself coming up against a new image ...


As the infallible Pope put it …

You see, old hole in the bucket man, if the US has always been fucked, comprehensively so, and this is just another manifestation of business as usual, or complete fuckedness, wherefore all the righteous bullshit of US exceptionalism?

But please, do go on, because the pond loves a serve of luxurious white complacency with its morning cereal, lavishly ladled over with white milk …

Yes, there's a tremendously apt way to dismiss what's happening, but you know, dear hole in the bucket man, haven't there been some splendid images coming out of the US, which must surely swell your proto-fascist heart with pride?


Then there were the choppers, and the military vehicles in the streets, and squillions of shots designed to make an Adolf proud, and then there was that infamous walk to the church, and eventually even Mattis decided to spit out the cherry pip he scored while helping make the cherry pie, but do go on, make it all seem just like good old American cherry pie (whatever happened to apple?)

Perhaps begin the next gobbet with a couple of snaps of white pollies, in campaign photo style? 

Perhaps with the Donald looking smug, as if a Cheshire cat that just swallowed a canary …. perhaps with an opening line proposing that the Donald was hardly out of line ...


Oh it's rich, it's almost as rich as this offering yesterday, which the pond politely declined …

Good on you Heather """ Macdonald …scribbling with impeccable WSJ whiteness … why you've been doing that line for some time, and with impeccable whiteness 

… but the pond's heart belongs to the hole in the bucket man, with his caring cry for a little more statesmanlike approach …

Yes, we all know the playbook, but lordy, lordy, when even Pat Robertson speaks of cool … it seems our Henry must go on speaking of righteous complacency …

What a complete and utter wanker. What a tosser. What a read. Did not our Henry deliver? Did  not Henry provide the perfect excuse for an immortal Rowe, with more immortality here?

And so to a second piece, and again the pond was tormented. So many reptiles demanding attention with their stories and their mea culpas …

Now he tells us? But who will tell all the reptiles who used the Swedes as a splendid example? No, it would be heartbreaking of the pond to tell Killer Creighton, who has spent months urging we all head to the killing fields …

That was back on 25th April, as the Killer urged dinkums to go over the top and tackle the virus with their Anzac guns …what the hell, if a few died, provided the Killer's economy was kept in shape …

No, the pond didn't have the heart to go there, and tap Killer Creighton the shoulder, and the moody Moody would have to be given a hall pass …

What then? Well the reptiles were very keen on one story, offering a fragrant juxtaposition in the process, and a re-badging, just to keep it fresh …


Loon meet useful idiot mocker loon meet today's rebadged loon … 

How could the pond resist such urgent reptile attention-seeking?

Oh that's disappointing, that's just common or garden old school racism of the Windschuttle kind, as channelled by the lying Leyonhjelm in later times …

There's a spray about it here

Pure, undiluted loonacy ...

And yet The Conversation took it terribly seriously, and considered it at fact-checking length back in 2015 here

The pond appreciates the reptiles are always delighted when they spot some home-grown racism … but the pond felt irritated it had been distracted, when it still had a few cartoons to run …

But once the pond has started with a loon, the pond should finish the job …

Oh dear, that snap's terribly unfortunate, and most distracting … and a sure sign of a complete loon ...

Better still, just don't fucking do it. 

Ever. Stop it. You'll go blind. You're not Roger Stone, you're not Tom Wolfe, you're just  naughty boy, you're just an ordinary suburban loon, blessed by racism, an indecent lack of history, and bad taste …

Here, have a cartoon that'll show you the proper way to wear a tie …

What, the reptiles are still carrying on about him? Apparently there are 11 of like mind?

Actually it was all just a build-up to a ripper Rowe cartoon, as a way of wrapping up the day's 'racism with the reptiles' report …

Oh yes … speaking as we were of Australian history

Never mind, look on the bright side ...


  1. "American cherry pie (whatever happened to apple?)"

    Johnny Appleseed died quite a while ago, DP.

  2. Our Holely Henry is doing a fine job of ergassing today. But he does make a quite important point when, having listed the accomplishments of The Encyclopedia of Race Riots (of more than 1000 pages), he opines that: "Until the end of World War II, the violence was almost always provoked by whites ..."

    "Provoked" by whites ? Or enacted by whites ? How to start the process of gaslighting. And who mentioned crows ? It seems that 'segregation' in the USA didn't end until the 1950s, culminating in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And strangely enough, the 1950s were just after the end of World War II. Strange, those coincidences, aren't they.

    What do you do with a bunch of returned soldiers, sailors and airmen who have been trained in use of weapons and who more or less valorously defended a nation that, when they returned, still segregated them ? But I suppose they mostly did collect their pay, unlike lots of Australian abos who served this "non-segregating" nation.

    "It is estimated 3000 Aboriginal soldiers joined the armed forces in WWII. ...but unlike soldiers in the regular army, they received only about half the pay. [when they were actually paid at all]
    When Aboriginal soldiers returned from both wars, they continued to face racism and discrimination. They were denied citizenship and were not even counted as human in the census until 1971. Aboriginal people faced demeaning controls on their behaviour under the Protection Acts, with their wages and movement controlled by Protection Boards
    Aboriginal soldiers: rewarded with racism and discrimination

    So what was that which SloMo bleated ? Oh yes, he warned against “importing the things that are happening overseas to Australia” and he "acknowledged during a radio interview on Thursday that Australia also had problems “in this space” that it needed to address, but insisted those issues were being dealt with and “we don’t need to draw equivalence here”."

    "Import them" ? We don't need to import them, we made them all tight here. But what a fine, understanding, empathic man he is - d'you reckon he could just do a bible holding photo op ?

    Much better than Trump of whom Henry ergasses that: "As for Trump he could and should have been more statesmanlike in reaching out to the millions of Americans who are rightly appalled by George Floyd's death ..." Oh no he couldn't, Henry, the Donald doesn't have a clue what "statesmanlike in reaching out" means.

  3. Ergassing!.... A brilliant word with a bright future GB.
    As for SloMo and his radio piece the other day, the equivalence on the street is and always has been known as straight out “shit potting”.
    He is as slippery a customer as you are ever likely to meet in my opinion.....pure ambition and ideology wrapped in god’s purple. He didn’t need a bible for a prop, as you asked :). .......he just bought the media into his temple......real slippery!

    Yesterday DP referred to aboriginal incarceration rates against population, but the big one is the massive increase in the female indigenous rate. I think it is up by 8% over recent times, which is a huge outlier.

    Indigenous incarceration is an industry from where I sit, whether from remand or sentencing.
    As a youngster, my awareness of aborigines was limited to those pictorial petrol company promotional maps of Aust. with a blackfella standing on one leg and resting on his spear next to the highway, somewhere around Eucla.

    As a 21 year old I ventured into Joh’s far north and in the blink of an eye I was at her Majesty’s pleasure for a few weeks at Stewart’s Creek Townsville. They didn’t have much time for southern hippie types.
    Out of a population of around 3 to 400 aboriginal and TI inmates, I was one of just 9 white men, all on remand, like many of the inmates.
    It literally blew my I said, it had all the hallmarks of an industry as the huge majority of inmates were there for the crime of vagrancy or drunk in a public place. Where else do you get drunk when they wouldn’t let you in the pub anyway? Now that’s what I call an incarceration rate.

    The upside was I learnt a fair bit about aboriginal culture from a TI man named Vincent Cerrico, a man I shall never of the most dignified and proud men I’ve ever met.....ever.
    Cheery Anon.

    1. Strewth, CA, you were one of them from "south of the Mexican proof fence" as those proud northerners called the border back then (though I just can't remember whether that applied to the NSW-Vic border or the NSW-Qld border, or both). Joh's far north, eh ? I wouldn't have gone there if my life depended on it, which it probably would have if I had.

      Watched (sort of) an interesting show on SBS (Ch 30) last night: America in Colour which was about the huge criminal empires built around Prohibition (Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and all that mob). Along with Capone's St Valentine's Day massacre, it mentioned the gangsters' favourite 'tool of trade', the tommy-gun which was apparently legal to buy back then and Capone bought his first three 'tommys' from a hardware store.

      Thinking about that puts the recent events into a bit more perspective. Fascinating how long it took for America and almost exclusively Euro-white Americans to work their way through that - from about 1919 to Capone's imprisonment in 1931 - after having basically raised the gangsters to the status of public heroes over general public hatred of Prohibition.

      Then Vox had an article about "How 70 years of cop shows taught us to valorize the police" [ ]. I guess that after getting over devalorising gangsters, Americans now have to get over having valorised police.

      At least we haven't quite gone that far in Ozland, though we did have our own set of 'cop valorising' tv shows. But saddening though it is, I guess I have to get used to the idea that many decades of firstly tv and now "the web" have produced a situation where Australians will turn out in large numbers to protest an American situation, but can barely get off their bum over serious Australian problems - specifically those about the way that local indigenes have been, and are being, treated: 432 'black deaths' in custody since 1991. And how many cops have been arrested or tried for that ?

      But that self-aggrandising r-soul SloMo doesn't want us to "draw equivalence here". No, I guess he doesn't, wouldn't look good at all.

    2. “I guess that after getting over devalorising gangsters, Americans now have to get over having valorised police.”

      I did watch parts of it actually, although I noticed that they failed to mention Joe Kennedy regarding the rum running, which I believe he was involved in...then I could be wrong? American culture via television has always had a way to polarise the population.....crooks, cops, commies, Indians, blacks, you name it, they cater for it.
      I totally agree about Australians not getting off their bums for matters of importance here, and god knows we do have some pressing issues, including the deaths in custody issue. but they all rush to jump on the American bandwagon ....during a global pandemic. I guess another fortnight or so will possible tell all, both in the US and here, as well as a few other countries.
      A bit weird to be honest.
      Cheery Anon.

    3. The wikipeda article on Joe states that there's no evidence to support the rum-running claim: "Various criminals, such as Frank Costello, have boasted they worked with Kennedy in mysterious bootlegging operations during Prohibition. Scholars dismiss the claims. The most recent and most thorough biographer David Nasaw asserts that no credible evidence has been found to link Kennedy to bootlegging activities."

      But then, why should we believe wikipedia and David Nasaw ?

  4. Thanks for The Conversation link DP.

    I went digging a bit further to appreciate the full lunacy and, boy, are these people deranged or what?

    Windschuttle went straight for the conspiracy to defend an entirely debunked theory. Just goes to show the level of paranoia surrounding anything that's seen to threaten white privilege.

    1. Fascinating, isn't it, just what conniptions (both rage and hysterical) they will plough through just to keep on claiming that whatever "we" did to those abos, they deserved it because they too were evil, murderous invaders.

      And because they are really only preaching to their fellow loonies, they can claim anything they like. And they do - and if we are just a teensy bit critically questioning, it just proves we're all lefties from Antifa playing "identity politics", or something.

      Now since the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens is generally considered to be somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 years in existence, then it's not impossible that humans reached Australia some time ago. On the other hand, it's not all that long ago that homo saps saps migrated in significant numbers out of Africa, and there's simply no evidence that any of us reached and settled in Australia before the events of 40,000 to 60,000 years ago.

      South America, for comparison, was apparently settled in three separate waves, but the first came only around 16,500 years ago, so it was much later than migration into Australia.

    2. Plodding through Guns, Germs and Steel at the moment. We are all remarkably similar and our different outcomes seem to be down to little more than contingency but people all like to think they are "special" and deserve more than other folk.

    3. Their point in this case seems to be that lack of evidence of purple scales doesn't mean the Lizard people weren't here first.

    4. Very good Mercurial....nice reverse reptile humour!
      The loons on the right never sleep....just for the comments and bonus spruiking. Alternatively, you can always whip over to Quadrant. Just joking!

      Cheery Anon.

    5. Ever since libraries and my usual lieu de cafe were closed because of COVID-19, I haven't been able to get hold of my daily free copy of the Herald Sun, so I've been unable to keep up with the Bolter's psychopathic and sociopathic raves. Oh well, they're both opening back up again now, so on with the show.


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