Tuesday, October 23, 2018

In which the pond rejects alarmism and fear-mongering and turns to the Major for a dose of righteous bigotry and discrimination ...


The pond refuses to be intimidated by the alarmism and fear-mongering that is currently sweeping through the reptile ranks, causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth …

Truth to tell, the weirdos of Wentworth have shown the way forward, and soon enough the onion muncher will return to his rightful position as leader of the federal opposition, and then those greenies and pinkos better watch out, because he's still young enough to give 'em hell …

A generational wipeout, bouffant one? You can't make an omelet without a few spring onions and a few broken eggs, and the Phoenix can rise from the ashes …

Let us not have any mamby pamby about energy policy … the hard right ruined the NEG just so that the Wentworth triumph would result, so that Old South Head Road might be strewn with palms for the return of the fearless, onion-munching, miserable ghost of a leader, riding in redeemed glory on his ass …

Heed the wise words of Dame Groan at the top of the digital page today - let us have no talk of not listening to the lizard Oz pundits …

The pond of course is in awe of the amazing scientific credentials and refereed papers and field observations Dame Groan brings to her role as one of the world's top climate scientists - some suggest she is now even more dominant and perspicacious than Moorice himself - and usually the pond would bask in awe at the glow emanating from her infinite science-based wisdom …

As for Israel, sadly Wilcox has already been on that road, with more Wilcox here

As a result, the pond has to take a different journey through the wilderness. 

You see, the pond deeply regrets that yesterday it failed to look at the Major, and he had things to say of even greater magnitude and import than the mere wrecking of the planet … which will no doubt happen when the onion muncher rides back triumphant on his ass …

Now it should do without saying that bigotry and discrimination are a non-issue when it comes to the Major. He's all for it, and naturally the ABC and the bloody Fairfaxians are completely to blame ...

Oh damn you ABC, damn you to hell, what with your naked appeal to the weirdos of Wentworth …please listen to the Bolter and the Major explaining the wickedness of you and your Fairfaxian companions. 

You see no one's interested in hurting gay or trans students, just straightening them out and fixing them up, and making them feel guilty for the rest of their miserable lives, as they wend their way to eternal hellfire and damnation …

The real point of the game is the ability to hurt gay or trans teachers and send them packing, though making sure that any single woman inclined to sex or pregnancy or adulterous married women or other naughty people can be sent packing for their promiscuous, sluttish approach to life … 

Really, it's not the same as a priest having a fiddle with a hapless child … after all, a national apology can fix that in a trice, and then it's back to looting government money to maintain the rage at the sexual orientation or behaviour of others ...

Indeed, indeed, and thank the long absent lord that the Major has spared the time from his life-long quest to find that missing Order of Lenin - up there with his hunt for the Ark - to improve and correct the useless ABC, aided and abetted by sundry alarmists who thought it odd that the Commonwealth might actually want to be in the business of funding schools into the business of bigotry and discrimination ...

Indeed, indeed, the Major, and so the pond is tremendously concerned that the right of religious folk to pursue a lifetime of bigotry and discrimination and Xian and Islamic hatred, fear and loathing be protected ...

Ah you can always rely on the Catholics and the craven Craven and our very own Major Mitchell for an impeccable and sensible set of metaphors of the gay crippled lesbian whale kind …

Let fundamentalist Islamics speak, and pure Catholics denounce the defiled, and angry Sydney Anglicans ban anybody they don't like from their premises, and let speaking in tongues evangelical Xians roam the land, explaining just why non-believers are vile heretics who should be exiled from the promised land of government funding …because that's the way things are and what's wrong with that?

And now, uplifted, here as a bonus is not Dame Slap - gazing into that impeccable science can blind or turn some into pillars of salt - but rather a further moral lesson from the lizard Oz editorialist this day, done in one rewarding chunk …

Oh dear, it seems the pond has to explain yet again that the great plan is proceeding smoothly and soon the voters will understand the vision thing. 

The onion muncher will return to his job as leader of opposition and will help transform the country… and he will owe so much to the hard right commentariat of the lizard Oz when his vision is fulfilled.

There's no need to look into the entrails or the runes … the constant reptile campaigning for a hard right government will ultimately have its reward.

For the vision thingie in action, all anyone needs to do is look at this Rowe for its prophetic insight, with more redemptive Rowe always at hand here


  1. Here's a quote from Frank Bongiorno's review of the Joyce book (great read, the review not the book):

    "Among his many apparently well-cultivated hatreds, he has a peculiar animus against sociology graduates. Did a sociologist back in the 1980s make life unpleasant at the University of New England? (Yes, our “man of the people” has a university degree.) “A person on $200,000 a year, educated at Macquarie University in political science, sending a report to another on $300,000 a year, a sociology alumnus of Sydney University — both of whom live in Canberra — is not going to solve the problems of lice and ice for the kiddies in these towns.” Here surely is a good advertisement for political science at Macquarie — you might get to earn about the same salary as Joyce after he has suffered catastrophic career failure — and it is a splendid ad for sociology, if unlikely to be based on reliable graduate destinations data."

    Which raises the question: how do Joyce and the Caterist get along? Having the Caterist as a source of information might explain the inflated idea of what a sociologist can earn. Maybe a sociology degree from the UK is different from an Australian one?

  2. Maj Mitch quoting Greg the Craven: "the hard Left loathes religion as most people loathe dentistry"

    Oh wau, Greg Craven obviously hasn't been dentistried for quite a while. I wonder what condition his dentals are in.

    And a bit more of the Craven one: "any proposal around religious freedom must be sunk before it even sets sail"

    Absolutely right, Mitch and Greg, because, of course, in a democracy there can be no such thing as 'religious freedom'; there is either freedom or there is not and any "freedom" claimed by the religionists must, perforce, be available to the populace as a whole (and especially to us atheists and agnostics). Because otherwise, Mitch, it isn't "freedom", it's 'religious privilege'.

    But I must say that Craven reaches the depths of absurdity with the bits about "Greens ... compelled to employ" a whale eater and "gay lobby organisations be forced to hire people who voted no in the SSM plebiscite."

    Who has said or written anything about "compelling" organisations to hire anybody along those lines ? Or is that just a case of the usual religionist wild "dramatic exaggeration" in order to obscure a simple truth ?

    1. PS: For once I actually found the Herald-Sun cartoon acceptable (no names, no pack drill): a representation of Julia Gillard saying to ScoMo: "You know, you can really achieve a lot with a minority government." Or words to that effect.

      From good ol' Julia whose minority government still, AFAIK, holds the record for the amount of government legislation passed per sitting day for all Federal governments, minority or majority.


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