(Above: Crikey! Walkleys erupt in stage stoush).
It's all happening in the world at large.
“I have two grandchildren — Maggie is 11, Robert is 9,” Gingrich said at Cornerstone Church here. “I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they’re my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American.” (here)
I just wish that every single young person in America would be able to be under his tutelage and understand something about who we really are as a nation. I almost wish that there would be something like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced, forced — at gun point no less — to listen to every David Barton message. And I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.
The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs, and Ethiopian Semites. (here)
If Abbott is to be condemned by association then so must Hanson-Young, who would no doubt use the same defence as the Opposition Leader; that she did not organise the rally and could not be responsible for the placards displayed there.
The blind, the lame, dwarfs, people with funny noses or blemishes, with damaged testicles, or broken hands or feet, crooked backs, or who have scurvy or scabs, or who have anything superfluous must not approach the altar of God. (the sceptic's bible strikes again).
There's a publicity seeking bible bashing loon burning the Qur'an in Florida - to demonstrate that Christians have the right and freedom to be offensive - and getting the desired reaction - riots and murder, as Islamics demonstrate that they have the right and freedom to be profoundly offensive.
Then comes news that the publicity seeking machine sometimes known as Donald Trump has discovered birtherism is a sure fire way to garner publicity, while also revealing an immense, innate stupidity.
And pause for a moment to contemplate the notion that Michele 'the first shots of the revolution were fired in New Hampshire' Bachmann might be running for the presidency of the United States, to add to the prospect of Sarah 'is Libya a war or a squirmish' Palin finally making a decision as to Fox News fence sitting, or getting down and doing it ... (and for a look at the dismal bunch of GOP presidential contenders, go no further than the Speculatron 2012).
Perhaps the best moment came from Newt Gingrich, the man who conducted an affair while prosecuting the case for persecuting a man conducting an affair (if a blow job can be construed as an affair) when he said:
Yep, either the United States will turn secular atheist, or it'll be dominated by radical Islamists, or perhaps both.
No doubt secular atheists living in America will be pleased to know they have no idea how to be an American, in much the same way as Greens voters have no idea how to be genuine Australians ...
Despite Gillard's branding moment - to be trooly rooly Australian you have to be a Labor voter - we just don't do the double whammy epic loon fear mongering routine the way they super size it in the United States.
And don't think Gingrinch lacks for competition. There's Mike Huckabee suggesting education by gun:
David Barton? We could go on for hours, but let's not.
Let's just settle for the notion that the United States was founded as a Christian rather than a secular society, there is no separation of church and state, and the country should be run according to biblical law.
What takes the cake is that Huckabee would dog whistle to this kind of rabid nonsense and Xian fundamentalism.
If it ever comes to pass, let's hope there are no strict constitutionalists with originalist tendencies in charge of proceedings - a flock of Scalias and believing Clarences so to speak - or the book of Leviticus would come into play, and then Newt Gingrinch would get his wish. A rabidly Xian fundamentalist view of the world roughly akin to a rabid Islamic fundamentalist.
If you want a further explanation of why the United States would doomed, look no further than Leviticus 11, wherein it is explained that the swine cheweth not the cud, he is unclean to you. Yes, America would have to give up its love affair with bacon?
If the originalists get going, anyone who eats a bacon burger or the latest bacon flavoured monstrosity from KFC is damned to hell for all eternity (we recommend the annotated sceptics bible here so the nonsense is highlighted in easily digestible gobbets).
Okay, it's a rich and fruity and flavoursome apple pie American at the moment.
What's the best the commentariat can do in the lucky country on a quiet Sunday?
Blow me down, there's Chris Berg scribbling furiously about taxi regulation in Melbourne and how deregulation can save the taxi industry from itself. (Deregulation can save the taxi industry from itself). No doubt in much the same way that deregulating the finance industry saved the bankers from themselves ...
Catch a limo Chris, it's not too expensive, and the drivers are trained to turn off the shock jocks. And if you want a deregulated taxi service just catch a taxi in Sydney. Any time I catch a cab, I suddenly find myself praying to the long absent god ...
That said, the taxi industry isn't likely to set the house on fire. Sure if you catch a Sydney cab, the choice is invariably between getting lost, getting ripped off by the cabbie taking you for an out of towner and going the long way home, or getting into a dingle - five dingles and counting and I'm a light user - but really it's not earth shaking or consequential.
In moments of such desperation, yearning for a return to David Penberthy dragging out kristallnacht as a talking point, where to head locally?
How about dragging out the Holocaust one more time as a debating highlight? Sounds good and fitting?
Well here's a tip. These days the refined loon hunter heads off to the ABC, and in particular The Drum, and such is the tawdry nature of the digital rag that it rarely disappoints.
Right there on the front page you can strike a gusher, which is to say Glenn Milne, at one point cruelly dubbed the poison dwarf by Paul Keating, and let go last year by The Australian and The Sunday Terror (Glenn Milne leaves the Oz).
What was that about the fish that John West reject? Except of course that would imply News Corp was John West, when really it's more a flock of pilchards and sardines.
Anyhoo, Milne starts off his piece The same rules do not apply with the usual smug insouciance we've all come to expect, if not to admire:
The epithet “racist” and “race baiter” is increasingly being thrown around in Federal politics, mainly by Labor and mainly aimed at the Opposition.
But in light of the behaviour of Greens Senator elect, Lee Rhiannon, and her support for a boycott of Israel, is it not time for the Prime Minister to start labelling her minority government partners in exactly the same way, if only for the sake of intellectual consistency?
But in light of the behaviour of Greens Senator elect, Lee Rhiannon, and her support for a boycott of Israel, is it not time for the Prime Minister to start labelling her minority government partners in exactly the same way, if only for the sake of intellectual consistency?
Intellectual consistency? Not to worry, that's just code for intellectual incoherence, with the baiting aimed mainly Labor and the Greens, and bouquets thrown at the feet of the Opposition.
Just to show how it's done, Milne goes on to talk about anti-Israeli "sentiment" in the Greens when surely he should have written "anti-Israeli racism".
But at that point the stupidity of the point he's attempting to make would have been pointed out, because for the sake of intellectual consistency, a religion should not be confused with racism, at least not when Sammy Davis Jr and Elizabeth Taylor qualify as Jews, and anti-Semitism can, if properly examined, be taken to being anti-Arab:
What's more the recent fuss about Tony Abbott getting caught in front of some wretched signs chiefly revolved around the ugly sexism involved in calling Julia Gillard Bob Brown's bitch and a witch. Not racism.
Naturally Milne sees this, and doubles, by featuring a child holding up a placard advocating the Nazi party and the Holocaust in relation to the Jews, and noting that greenie Sarah Hanson-Young was at the rally where the sign was displayed.
If Abbott is to be condemned by association then so must Hanson-Young, who would no doubt use the same defence as the Opposition Leader; that she did not organise the rally and could not be responsible for the placards displayed there.
Uh huh. But then Milne goes on to find Abbott innocent - a valiant, if at the time devious and hidden fighter of Pauline Hanson - and Hanson-Young guilty as charged.
The bottom line, if I can work it out, is that if you oppose the current policies of the inept right wing government in Israel - just ask Angela Merkel about dealing with Netanyahu (Merkel rebukes Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to advance peace) - you must be dubbed a racist, or perhaps a Holocaust supporter.
I don't know, I didn't pay much attention in the end, it was just the usual Milne clap trap, minus the fisticuffs, of a kind he peddled for years in the Murdoch press, and now he's peddling at the ABC because, it seems, nobody else wanted him.
But it did remind me that in the old days the ABC was reckoned to be costing me 8 cents a day, and now that might have shrunk to 7.1 cents a day a few years ago, and who knows where it sits since the recent increase in funding. (here).
So I'd like my seven cents back for wasting seven minutes reading Glenn Milne.
Is that the best the ABC can do in the way of antediluvian ranting membership of the troglodyte commentariat club?
One thing's certain. It's not my ABC and the tendency of The Drum to ape the worst aspects of The Punch means it's a good place for loon spotting, but damn all else use to humanity ...
Is there any point - other than sadism and generating hits - to so outrage and upset the cardigan wearers?
Never mind, with the quality of loons in the local media spiralling downwards, perhaps it's time to recognise that the United States still rules the world, at least when it comes to first class loonacy ...
Take it away David Barton, the man Glenn Beck dubbed the most important man in America:
BARTON: It goes back to the question Jesus asks, “What’s it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?” The question I gotta ask is, what’s it worth to you to gain everything you want and lose your kids?
Because unless you’re willing to monitor what’s going on in that classroom, I guarantee you they are getting homosexual indoctrination. I don’t care whether you’re in a rural area or not, because this is so much a part of textbooks, so much a part of curricular stuff, it’s so much a part of what goes on with other kids. We see it too often in lawsuits, we hear of accounts like this, and we hear of dozens of other accounts where nothing’s ever done. You better get on top of what’s being taught to your kids. (here)
Because unless you’re willing to monitor what’s going on in that classroom, I guarantee you they are getting homosexual indoctrination. I don’t care whether you’re in a rural area or not, because this is so much a part of textbooks, so much a part of curricular stuff, it’s so much a part of what goes on with other kids. We see it too often in lawsuits, we hear of accounts like this, and we hear of dozens of other accounts where nothing’s ever done. You better get on top of what’s being taught to your kids. (here)
1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
1. narrow-mindedness, bias, discrimination.
1. narrow-mindedness, bias, discrimination.
Go for it god, tell us abut the handicapped, in modern language if you please, so we can understand where the bigots originally found their inspiration:
God can't stand the sight of handicapped people.
The blind, the lame, dwarfs, people with funny noses or blemishes, with damaged testicles, or broken hands or feet, crooked backs, or who have scurvy or scabs, or who have anything superfluous must not approach the altar of God. (the sceptic's bible strikes again).
Yes, that works for me, but where does it leave the dwarves, mental or physical?
(Below: making sure the students of the United States get a decent god fearing Glenn Beck education).

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