Thursday, November 05, 2020

In which, to avoid the train wreck, the pond settles on the savvy Savva ...



With the United States comprehensively fucked, and the dirty digger's henchmen aiding and abetting the fucking, does the pond really need nattering "Ned" to ramble on about a broken America, bitterly divided ... especially as he always leaves out the role of Fox News in the breaking and the dividing?

And the rest of reptiles didn't inspire the pond ...



Given the pond's new rule in the hunger games, there can be only one contender left standing ... and so the pond settled for the savvy Savva.

The pond had two excuses: Savva is what remains of the wets, and clearly doesn't like SloMo much, and she was writing about domestic politics, thereby allowing the pond to escape from the train wreck ...

Sure, she's not the certified loon for which the pond usually hungers; sure, she's the sort who, in a frenzy, will toss out damning words like "ill-judged", making the pond yearn for a bromancer "nuts", but the pond feels the need to settle back and take it easy ...

Well, there's a confronting shocking image right there, though the pond is still unhappy that the cult master was assigned duties elsewhere ...


But that's just more comrade Dan bashing, and the pond says rats to that, and so cranks up the savvy Savva ...

There's a bundle of heresies right there, including that line "every writer at the lizard Oz with a microgram of decency has understood there can be no healthy economy if the health of their people is not safeguarded first."

The pond does enjoy a good reptile barney, and is standing by for Killer Creighton's response, what with him and many of the other reptiles clearly lacking a microgram of decency these past months ... but gone silent now, apparently aware that dying for the economy isn't considered a good selling point ... 

And so on to some internal ructions, some comings and goings and a sigh of relief that the Canavan caravan might continue to make the world safe for coal ...

Is it wrong for the pond to speculate that the name had something to do with it? Freckles wouldn't have lasted a nanosecond in the police state known as the Tamworth High School playground ...

Never mind, she did oscillate like a fan - but the oscillating fan has already been judged a loser in the hunger  games - just as Caroline Overington has been dropped, for the absurd suggestion "in a democracy, booths must always trump barristers."  

Who thinks of the United States as a democracy these days, as compared to competing hordes of crazy people? Who imagines the lawyers won't have a say over an election that cost needless squillions? Why you might as well write that booths must always trump Rudy ...

Sorry, that column header must be considered ill-judged ...


Well that is the ultimate insult, I suppose, unless you talked of a suburban thugby league loser fanatic - where are the sharks now, the ones not in the sea? - and right wing barking mad fundamentalist speaker in tongues who thinks that the rapture is just around the corner ... but sssh, don't tell anyone, it's just a Sunday hobby ...

And so to conclude, the pond will allow one reflection on the United States, but only because it's the immortal Rowe, with more Rowe always here ...



  1. Melancholy piece including a "lonesome lune"

    An apt metaphor for our current malaise

    1. Not bad. But as for our "current malaise" I rather liked this article heading from Nobody's ABC:
      Whether they voted Trump or Biden, Americans say they've woken up to a living nightmare

      Strangely enough, I kinda thought they'd gone to sleep on a "living nightmare". Now, who's gonna be first to push for ending the Electoral College ?

    2. Thanks for this great discovery Anon. Ms.Lenker is an extraordinary song writer and band is amazing.
      Spent a fine time absorbed in the Lyricisms of Mary and Not. Cheers CA.

    3. You're welcome.
      Couldn't resist mentioning the lonesome loon after DP restricted our indulgences to one per day!

  2. " ... and so the pond settled for the savvy Savva."

    A pretty reasonable choice, given the circs DP. At least Savvy Sav isn't quite so "fealty makes fact and tribe makes truth" as the reptile mainstream. I am a little surprised by no apparent appearance of the Bromancer and the Slap though; I'd have thought they'd be really eager to burst into print to show that they've only ever loved and supported the Trumpskin.

    Loved the Mark Le Grand hed though: "Hotel quarantine inquiry: We expected to find out 'exactly' what happened" Dunno what he intends by the '...' around 'exactly' though - is it even faintly possible that he understands that finding out anything 'exactly' that involves human behaviour under stress and serious time constraints just never happens. Nah, reptiles only understand that when it's one of their own under the gun - eg Gladys.

    Any'ow, our Savvy Sav comes out with this: "Any missteps in Morrison's handling of COVID-19, such as opposing school closures, border barriers, lockdowns and wages subsidies or why he failed to protect old people in nursing homes, would be swept aside."

    Yep, there's no doubt that Morrison is every bit a lesser copy of his bromance, Trump. And as I recall. the deaths of old folks in aged "care" was a significant percentage of Victoria's death toll.

    So not too much Savvy Sav if you don't mind, DP, lest we be fooled into thinking that reptiles could one day become vaguely human. But Katrina Gracie once in a while if you can manage it - just for the comic relief, of course.


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