Tuesday, November 17, 2020

In which the pond checks out the reptile hive mind, and finds it in perfect working order in the Oreo and Dame Groan ...




With Xmas preparations starting earlier each year, just a thought for the child who has everything ...

The pond is even thinking about giving itself a Rudy boost, because damned if there's anything to cheer about in this day's early digital reptile line-up ...

What a wretched line-up, perhaps capped by that talk of a "woke" consensus, there being only one consensus amongst reptiles, that "woke" is the dirtiest swear word they can muster.

Fuck that for a joke ... and even worse, the infallible Pope landed this day with an illustration that would have been perfect for yesterday's piece by the bromancer ...




And look at this poignant juxtaposition from yesterday, before news of the state of the croweaters broke and caused such consternation for Penbo ...



And so the pond came to realise it had been too hasty in marking down yesterday's offerings. There was treasure in that reptile trash ... not so much with the Caterist, what with politicians already returning to a bit of border locking, and so the government cash in the paw man would have to return to his tale of woe when the next federal government subsidy landed in his lap ...

But what of the the recovering, reformed feminist? The pond felt the need to follow her spoor trail, a vintage offering one day old, and so already with a generous formation of lees in the sediment ...

What can we learn from the Oreo?
For starters, how strong is the reptile climate denialist hive mind ...


How many times have the reptiles scribbled about "climate idealists" and the like, while at the same time huffing and puffing about how they recognise the reality of climate change and acknowledge climate science?

It shows why the Donald is revered amongst them. The capacity for endless, shameless lying is a remarkable feat of endurance ...

Let us not assassinate climate science any further, reptiles. You have done enough already. Have you no sense of decency?

No, no, no sense at all, please do carry on, reformed, recovering feminist, with not a scientific bone in body ...


Um, let us forget for a moment the recent dismal example of polling at work in the United States. 

Please just allow the pond to note that polling isn't a science and isn't actually all that relevant to climate science or the changes to the climate that are currently, noticeably occurring in the world.

Why all the talk of polling? It used to be that patriotism was the last refuge for the moronic, but when you're an Oreo, polling is all you've got when you ain't got no science.

The pond can imagine the Oreo assiduously trotting out polling in the 1930s proving that Herr Hitler was an asset to Germany ... but please do go on with the polling ...


The concerns of quiet Australians? Oh please, vacuous Oreo, the reptiles are such a noisy cawing bunch of crows that there's never any silence.

But if we're hoping for a little peace and quiet, here's a thought ...




Hmm, so there is an upside to climate change. The end of Oreos and even, with a bit of luck, the end of the reformed, recovering feminist ...

And now the pond was speaking of the hive mind, so it's only fair to trot out today's example, in the form of Dame Groan ...

The pond doesn't have the foggiest clue why the reptiles keep on running that unflattering shot of Karen Joel ... such a supercilious sneer, with such an innate, if delusional, sense of superiority on view ... and yet, the pond is sure that if asked nicely, the infallible Pope would donate his portrait for reptile use ...


So much better, so much more evocative.

There's something of the same weird catatonic air in the expression, but the added hint of white ant works much better than the reptiles' standard snap ...

Never mind, it's already clear from all this that Dame Groan is going to offer more of the Oreo same ... with just enough variation to pretend that the cookie is freshly baked ...

Yep, it's as if they cloned the reptile mind and spread it out amongst their columnists ... the usual blather about renewables,  the usual talk about 2050, the usual dissing of Labor ...

Meanwhile, that BOM report on the state of the climate in 2020 fell to the ground like a drop of rain in a drought and vanished in a nanosecond ...

Why does the pond keep pointing it out?

Well some days the pond has trouble keeping its sanity as it wanders amongst the reptiles. The pond has to remind itself that there's a real world out there, and that there are real scientists observing real trends, with the obvious implication being that things need to be done to confront that reality ... and reading the Oreo and Dame Groan isn't one of them. 

In fact, it isn't helpful at all ... especially with Dame Groan, because what does the old fart really care? She'll have dropped off the twig long before 2050, and anybody wanting to tell her "I told you so" will have a hard time convincing the Dame to listen ... and so, as it is now, then so it will be then ...

Yes, we should be with coal, but since no one will listen, we should be with gas ... and again it's as if that Grattan report had been a snowflake in a heatwave ...

All the pond asks is that the reptiles do a little reading. The pond knows it's impossible to ask the reptiles to read the Graudian, what with it being the home of heretics and Satanist ready to print Benefits of Coalition's 'gas-led recovery' overstated and declining usage inevitable, report finds...

But would it have been hard of Dame Groan to dash off to read Flame out: the future of natural gas, and then with her stunning grasp of climate science and markets and such like, refute the conclusions with impeccable Groanian logic and an immense array of facts?



It shouldn't be hard to do, what with Dame Groan's exceptional genius ... but no, the reptiles keep blathering on, and perforce the pond must keep repeating itself, by drawing attention to reports that don't penetrate the reptile bubble ...and what a bubble surrounds Dame Groan ...

Um, what about follow the science?

Nope, fuck the science, because in 2050 Dame Groan will have dropped off the twig, and be pushing up daisies, except that growing daisies might not be so easy if climate science predictions turn out to be accurate ...

But please allow the pond to end on a note of futurist good humour, with the always humorous Rowe here ready to oblige the pond's taste for comedy ...



By golly, how pleased Fritz Lang would have been to see his Maschinenmensch figure revived at this time, with fragrant overtones of the Oreo and Dame Groan ... robots penning columns in a robotic way to please the other reptile robots ...


  1. Rudy Giuliani? Where's the barrel chest, the short neck, the curved spine, the buck teeth, the untucked shirt tails? If I found that poor excuse for an 'action figure' in my stocking I would be very disappointed. Here no Rudy boost, no Rudy boost here....

  2. So the Oreo deigns to inform us that: "The battle over the Labor legacy has pitted economic realists against climate idealists. The latter is slow to learn that until green energy can compete with old-school coal on price and performance, it will be the plaything of the rich and gormless."

    A perfect illustration that nothing ever changes in reptile land, and even if something ever appears to change, then it really was always like that and we "gormless" folk are just too thick to understand it. And to further expound that thought, she would like us to know that: "for people who live where hipsters fear to tread, having enough money for clean water, fresh food and airconditioning is a more pressing concern than the dreadful prognostications of climate doomsters."

    Now one might be tempted to ask how did airconditioning get into this very short list of ultra-necessities ? For most of my life, airconditioning was not considered an essential, so why is it now ? Because maybe the temperature of the planet is increasing ? Oh, perish that thought ! Of course there is just the very faint possibility that she's making a little Oreo joke - will the gormless ones wake up that she's stuck "airconditioning" into the list just to catch out the "climate doomsters" ? And I wonder if she even vaguely remembers the ozone layer problems cause by rapid expansion of refrigeration ? Which have never actually been fixed or gone away, though the Arctic hole has apparently closed just this year but the "2020 Antarctic ozone hole is large and deep".

    So on to Dame Groan; puffing and panting about Labor's 2019 election poicy of going for an "emissions reduction target of 45 per cent by 2030" and hence a truly whopper Labor failure: "The failure by Labor - and this can be sheeted home to climate change and energy spokesman Mark Butler - to provide costings of the extreme policy was a factor in Labor's election defeat."

    Well, "a factor", eh - right up there with Clive Palmer's $80m 'character assassination' of "the Bill we can't afford". Of course this is just another reptile trope, delivered over and over, but never producing any evidence whatsoever for the pronouncement. But hey, once the reptiles have said something for the first 100 times, it just becomes an eternal and universal truth - and Groanie only has about another 80 or 90 repetitions to go.

    1. Umm, "election policy" I fancy.


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