Thursday, August 20, 2020

In which the pond searches desperately for the real bromancer, and the savvy Savva once again savages Scottie from marketing ...

Comrades, comrades, please, comrades, we are all redistributors of wealth these days, we are all socialists. Let us not quibble and feud, let us not argue over the spoils ... from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, and the reptiles will dine out like kings and queens on their daily dose of Google bread soaked in milk, with a side serve of gruel, such are their abilities ...

But it was a slow day for the reptiles, and they had to have some kind of distraction, so Joel it was ... and perhaps Joel was right ... perhaps the pond should just head off and join the farmers ...

With the likes of Joel wanting to head back to the old days, at least the farmers would make sure the pond would have a decent meal ...

Anything else before we settle down to do the hard yards? Well the pond did love this compile by Crikey ...


 How Tony Jones must miss the lifter of gloom on late night ABC shows ...

And so to the day's business, and of course the pond was doing to go for the bromancer's coverage of he convention ... because it's a living fact, a weird truth, an unnerving reality, that we haven't seen the real Joe yet, no matter his decades in politics, and so we must wait for the real Joe to arrive, though what the bromancer deems as real - in a transubstantiative, cannibalistic sense - might not be the pond's reality ...

The pond in fact only went with the bromancer to report on the reptiles increasingly unnerving strategy of sticking an auto-play video between every few words in a column.

As a result, the pond has had to cut them out in a fastidious way - like a Lincoln Project editor with a desire to keep things moving - and when all that's left are the words, what an unbelievably weird, what an unbelievably exaggerated bunch of words they are ... and as the old joke runs, how small are the servings ...

Say what, the planet is warming, and the oceans are rising? Has anyone told the reptiles? Has anyone told Joel? But hey nonny no, on we go ...

Well at least Colbert got a joke out of it, giving AOC a dose of Academy Awards 'wrap it up' music.

But as for that shocking contempt for the voter? Outrageous, especially when the bromancer might so easily tout the Donald's deep love for the voter ...

The pond appreciates that the Democrats would have been better off heading somewhere like Tulsa and having a huge rally, so that the virus should be spread a little further. 

It was shocking and egregious of that Obama hussy, that dreadful woman, to understate the body count that the Donald has achieved, settling for a mere 150k in her pre-recorded outing, when she really should have thrown in at least another 22k of corpses, because no one does a huge body count like the Donald, and respect should have been paid ...

But let us not repine at the failure to turn in a super-spreader event ... the bromancer has many other nits to pick ...

You surely have to admire the bromancer's gall. The pond is no lover of Bubba, but when it comes to talking about the debasing of politics with Twitter, does the bromancer have the first clue about what the Donald does most of his days, apart from golf?

As for hanging around with Epstein, thank the long absent lord that the bromancer seems not to have noticed the way the Donald's story is more problematic for today's Republicans ...

Nauseated by the thought of all of them, Bubba, the Donald, Dershowitz et al? Here, have a quick cure which will fix what ails ya ...

And so back to the bromancer, carrying on with his usual Biden Derangement Syndrome ...

Ah yes, if only she'd mentioned picket fences, and the spouse's duty to stay in the kitchen, the bromancer would have been totally sold, and might well have sent her a congratulatory postcard ...

Oh well, never mind, and it's true that the pond has only used the bromancer as an excuse for running a few cartoons in lieu of that flurry of clickbait video clips, but at last the reptiles finished off the bromancer's piece with an image dear to the bromancer's heart ...

How achingly we yearn to see the real Joe? How achy breaky heart?

And what is it with all those masks? Oh wait, we're all socialists now ...

To sum up, what an expert in drivel the bromancer is, always driving the reader towards dearly beloved leader Donald, ending with a triumphant snap of the fearless warrior, which is why the pond loves him so ... 

But now must move on to the savvy Savva, because one thing's for sure, at some point she will stick a steak knife into the heart of Scottie from marketing ... if only by way of using others to show the errors of his ways ...

Ah, this time it's noble Gladys on hand to provide the contrast with the devious SloMo ..

Well, that's enough of the Gladys panegryic, we get the point. Now it's time to look at the failings of the federal mob ...

Oh come on savvy Savva, be fair, the messiah sent out the good word that salvation was at hand, the rapture was nigh ...


But do go on, the pond loves to hear dirty talk about the man with the unfortunate rhyming slang name and his master SloMo ...

Phew, for a minute there, the savvy Savva almost strayed into Yes, Minister territory, courtesy of SloMo, what with talk of a plan, that was an updated plan, and not just an ordinary plan, a real plan, even though that dreadful Royal Commissioner had said there was no plan, when the Minister had devised a plan, though no one was quite sure what was the plan, which didn't seem to be a working plan that worked ... and all this in an attempt to get to the truth of the matter, albeit an uncomfortable truth, when dammit, we can't handle the truth, and why should we, when the solution is nigh, and the rapture just around the corner...

Okay, the pond made a bit of a movie reference mangle out of it all, but the pond got the drift ... so no wonder the reptiles felt the need to run with attention-seeking Joel as a distraction, and the pond, as usual, felt the need to run with the immortal Rowe, with more Rowe to run to here ...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have you noticed how Sheridan rarely mentions Trump in these rants of late? You might get the odd photo of Trump bobbing about like an overinflated orange balloon, but no direct comparisons with whoever the Bro is attacking.

    The reason is rather obvious. Whatever crime a Democrat is being accused of Trump will have done it a dozen times and admitted it on national TV. No need to go through examples, everyone, including Sheridan knows.

    I just wonder what's the point of doing something that just points up the inadequacies of your own candidate? Is it a test of loyalty required of the Loons or just an extreme example of decoupling?

    1. I have to confess, Bef, that I had noticed that. And I don't think we're the only ones, either.

      What's the point of showing the inadequacies of your own candidate ? Well, if it's done implicitly as per the Bromancer, then you can make their candidate seem much worse than he and she actually are. And especially if you mainly concentrate on how amateurish and under-done the 'virtual convention' is. As compared with the polished get-together in public meets that Trump produces; who could ever vote for anateurish Dems after that ?

      Especially if you go for the lack of policies, because then you don't have to completely sully your undies by comparing them with Trump's. Like, Trump's main policy is: lie, lie and lie some more, and then try to sabotage the US Postal Service so that Democrats can't do mailin voting - without ever noting that GOPpers are more discomfited and disconnected by that than Democrats are.

      But the one thing I really enjoyed was Trump, that 'stable genius' getting into Michelle Obama for understating the COVID-19 death toll by 20,000. Imagine that - so Trump had to boast that he'd killed 20,000 more than Michelle said; now is that an election winning boast or not.

      Trump attacked Michelle Obama for citing an outdated COVID-19 death toll in her prerecorded DNC speech — 20,000 more Americans have died since she recorded her speech

    2. There's really nothing much to understand about Trump, he's really the same person he has always been, it's just that the damage caused by having that sort of person in charge is now piled up so high that even Sheridan cannot see over it.

      "He has always lived in a sort of weightless suspension between his last lie and his next one. He’s focused on nothing more than whatever is in front of him at that moment, inhabiting no identifiable reality but the one blurring in front of his nose."

    3. I hope you'll forgive for not reading all of your link, Bef, but I just got to the stage where it amounted to an almost textbook personalisation of an advanced sociopath and I thought "I've been here before, many times".

      The one thing I have never been able to grasp is how and why sociopaths have such strong and lasting appeal to so many. Yes, fear is a major factor in conservatism, but what is the major factor in the loyalty shown to sociopaths. Is it just the extreme simplicity of the sociopathic "personality" - it's all 'me and mine' as you say, Bef, so people can project any delusion onto their favourite sociopath(s) who therefore appear to satisfy the wishes - frequently contradictory and contrafactual - of many different people.

      I wish I knew.

    4. Roth, in another deconstruction of Trump, suggests that his supporters want to be like him and not give a fuck about anything but themselves.

    5. Yeah, the prevalence of "Karens" of all ages and genders would support that thesis.

  3. "Phew, for a minute there, the Savvy Savva almost strayed into Yes, Minister territory, courtesy of SloMo, what with talk of a plan ..."

    Umm, yes, well to have a plan to have a plan, eventually, is a plan, isn't it ? Enough for SloMo and Greghunt anyway. However, I did like Savvy Sav's little paean: "A leader apologised repeatedly and unreservedly for mistakes that spread the coronavirus and cost lives."

    Yep, there's just nothing like having a female leader who can "apologise repeatedly and unreservedly" is there. Couldn't get a Dan Andrews or a ScottyfromHorizon to do that, could we. Just not manly, doncha know.

    Well actually, Dan the Manly did actually "apologise" but only in the curt, "I'm just going through the motions", manly way, not in a gushingly mea culpa way like Gladys:
    "He has acknowledged his responsibility and apologised for the situation. He told the ABC: "I’m the leader of the state, I’m the leader of the government and I’m ultimately responsible for what goes on in this pandemic response and in all things.""

    But Savvy Sav is sailing just a little close to the Murdochian wind, isn't she: "The least of this government's problems is communicating a message, signalling an intention, or selling an idea. Delivering is another matter."

    Right, so great at the bullshit salesyness, but when it comes to actually achieving something, then it's "Where the bloody hell are ya"; and if Savvy Sav keeps up with these salient criticisms, that might turn out to be a question we're fairly soon asking about her.

  4. Will future political conventions stay virtual ? Here's somebody who reckons they will:

    "So here’s a semi-prediction: Four years from now conventions might remain virtual. It’s a helluva lot cheaper for the parties. It makes for a better show. And the candidates have tighter control over the whole thing. The only thing missing is the buckraking parties that can only take place in person, but maybe modern fundraising techniques make those unnecessary anyway. Check back in four years to see if I’m right."

    And in Australia too, maybe ?

    1. GB - I seek DP’s indulgence, for a personal communication. I trust she will allow this, because, apart from anything else, I points up how different the discussions in the Pond are to - well, almost any other snarky little blog.

      A little while back you pointed me to Frederick P Brooks ‘Mythical Man-Month’ . I found a ‘Kindle’ Anniversary Edition, which I have just finished (I tend to have 3-4 books ‘on the go’ at any time). It was particularly pleasing to see Brooks putting ‘Mac’ and ‘Hypercard’ into his retrospective.

      Thank you again for that reference. I have enjoyed it immensely, and only wish I had known of it when I was supposed to be involved in commissioning large systems. For all that, I was particularly amused by Brooks’ story about the passenger reading it beside him on a flight, who gave the opinion that ‘it didn’t tell him anything he didn’t already know.’

      The brighter gems include ‘It is far better to be explicit and wrong, than to be vague’; a dictum that could easily apply to many of the maunderings that the good Dorothy brings to our attention, and the DeMarco and Lister ‘The manager’s function isn’t to make people work, it is to make it possible for people to work.’; Someone might remind the Dame Groan that that was the kind of conclusion labour researchers at Adelaide/Flinders were working to in her supposed researching days - and which she has moved away from entirely now.

      The references have given me leads to good reading for many more months.

    2. Pleased to have been of some usefulness, Chad.

      I do confess that for me, nowadays, it's all a bit yesterday, and I kinda lack the enthusiasm to retrace old steps. But I was moderately enthusiastic "back then", so I did a fair bit of reading.

      However, I shan't share any more of my maths books' titles, I expect you might not be totally entranced by Courant Differential and Integral Calculus Vols 1 and II (a combined thickness of about 8cm, and no, I didn't read it all - exhaustive reference though and one occasionally wonders if a copy or two somehow slipped back through time and landed up on the work desks of Newton and Leibniz what they would have made of it).

      But one I might recommend as very helpful - at least it was for me - is G. Polya 'How To Solve It' (mine is a 'paperback' edition). Great techniques for "solving it" if "it" is a mathematical problem.

      Happy reading.

  5. Hi Dorothy,

    The Bromancer doesn’t specify where he is getting his feed for the Democratic National Convention.

    Could he by any chance be imbibing the kool-aid direct from Faux News?

    The “Far-Left” snark seems similar.


  6. Before I forget, CA, you have seen this one, of course:

    That has so far brought a mere 145,406,537 'views' on youtube. Rebecca was 13 1/2 then

    But have you seen this one:

    Even DP might like that one.

  7. Mike Lindell is peddling his crap in Australia too?
    You people just have to be more careful on what you let into the country, what with the coming tide of refugee Trumpers fleeing to both NZ and Victoria.
    GrueBleen could be neighbors with ex AG Bill Barr, sharing tips on how to maintain
    the gum trees that straddle both their properties.
    Lindell was an alcoholic, when that stopped working for him he became a crackhead and lost every cent he had, his wife finally leaving him.
    He found religion and remarried but his new wife could only take him for a month,
    his bride deeming him a lunatic zealot who should be locked away in the Puzzle House.
    Who knows,Lindell may wind up buying the property on the other side of GB.

    1. C'mon JM, there's nothing in the world so important as a well made, shape holding pillow. Though I can only guess why having put up with him long enough to get married, she could only manage one more month. Unless the marriage was one of those 24 hour things. There is an American equivalent of Gretna Green, isn't there ?

      If Lindell wants to settle in next to me, he'll have to displace a couple of millionaires on either side: one who inherited from his mother about 20 years ago, still lives in the old weatherboard that he's owned since before we got there nearly 40 years ago, but just hasn't bothered being employed since and the one on the other side of east-Asian ethnicity who I think made his own way and has since acquired at least one more property in the road and who had the old weatherboard on his block demolished to make way for an imperial palace which, since his son got married and left home, is about 2/3rds empty.

      Maybe I could go and live in his house - he'd hardly notice me. :-)


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