Sunday, October 21, 2018

In which Polonius exposes a deep and far-reaching conspiracy … as far as Singapore, and gasp, involving capitalistic business ...


Thank the long absent lord for Mitch, the Royals and a horse race, the Murdochians were in desperate need of a distraction this Sunday …


Just yesterday there had been talk of a nightmare and chaos unleashed on the world …


Oh hapless, useless dog botherer, digital fish and chips today, and the monstrous Phelps striding towards Canberra like a Yeatsian poem …

Only one man could foresee the dreadful truth, only one man knew the utter depths of the conspiracy that would bring this nightmare to pass … the prescient, perceptive, always prattling Polonius …

It was a bloody conspiracy by the ABC, working with the spawn of that dreadful Turnbull chappie …

The pond wept at the treachery and the treason. 

Oh the setting sun and the damage done … surely republicans of the Polonial and Malware kind should stick together …. and even worse the cheeky fellow refused to help out scintillating Sharri …

He'd rather eat glass than reach a superlative audience of 34,000 in a population of 24.6 million? Well that's what the Graudian said here in Meade's essential brew for reptile lovers …

No wonder Polonius was agitated at the cheek of the lad, daring to talk back from overseas, gone native in Singapore and a bloody money-making capitalist of the worst hedge-fund managing kind …where's socialism when you need it? Dammit, Polonius might even have to go greenie in protest ...

Go on Polonius, expose the full extent of the scandal ...

Waiter, the smelling salts, please, why the man's little better than a furriner attempting to interfere in an Australian election, and is there any more damning an epithet than "businessman"?

See how cheeky he is as the rest of that email to Sharri unfolded…

Oh dear, must the pond get a defamation lawyer, you wretched Singapore-based businessman, who in cohort with the dreadful ABC, has simply ruined everything, and got Polonius so agitated, he's probably gone off everything except his prattle?

How dare you call the coal-loving, climate science denying, vengeful, miserable ghost of an onion muncher "crazy" … he's only crazy in the sense of an Iago or a Macbeth and has achieved everything he wanted … the end of Malware and the consequent ruination of the coalition government. 

How could anyone accomplishing two masterstrokes of that magnitude be deemed "crazy"? Crazy like a Polonial Fox you mean .. 

Indeed, indeed, the shameless, shocking ABC did it again, while that noble rag the Daily Terror went about its business in a most discreet and Polonial-pleasing professional way …

Why the Terror is famous around the world for its discreet professionalism …

And with that, and the howls of pain receding into the distance, the pond thought of honouring other reptile stories … 

See how they recycle yet another WSJ to make the Donald seem like a familiar spirit …

Yes, luring journalists into embassies for a hacking and a butchering - remember to bring a bone saw to a fight when pitting 15 against an elderly unfit man - might well become a national sport thanks to Murdochians helping the US get accustomed to the Donald… 

Thank the long absent lord that reptiles are a protected species …

But it being a meditative Sunday, naturally the reptiles heeded the call of the Catholic mafia …

Indeed, the right to be bigoted and homophobic must be reported as many times as possible in the lizard Oz… because we all know that dreadful ABC wouldn't feature this sort of yarn ...

Indeed, indeed, and thus it seems that faith-based schools are no place for taxpayers' money. Let them run their homophobic, bigoted schools on their own dime, be they rabid fundie evangelical Xian, homophobic angry complimentary-women loving Sydney Anglicans, ratbag Islamic fundamentalists cutting off a hand or doing a public beheading as a call to Mecca, or misogynist gay bashing pedophile-laden Catholic churches …

And who could possible want the wearing down and causing fissures in a united form of bigotry and homophobia…

First the bloody students get a break, and now there's talk of being decent to teachers based on common humanity and decency and Xian forgiveness and tolerance … let he who is without sin throw the first bigoted stone ...and now look what's happened in Wentworth.

Where will it all end?

Alex Turnbull and the ABC must bear the full weight of shame …

And now for those who, like the pond, have tuned into James O'Brien ranting about Brexit - so much fun, so little time - the immortal Rowe, with more immortality here, has constructed a cartoon seemingly designed for O'Brien's pleasure …


  1. Polonius: "...Tilley did not raise the point that sophisticated Germany was building efficient new coal plants..."

    Possibly because Germany is building only one - that's a singular plant, Polonius - at Datteln (which has been delayed for years by court injunctions due to non-compliance with zoning and environmental regulations).

    But then what's a Polonial rant without a few little disingenuous lies ?

    And then: "...the only reason the Coalition can lose its one-vote majority today turns on the fact that Malcolm Turnbull lost 14 seats at the July 2016 election."

    Ah, but don't ever, ever ask how many seats Abbott just might have lost if he'd still been PM at the 2016 election. Why, he might have joined his hero, John Winston Howard, in not only losing government in a landslide, but maybe his own seat as well. Yeah, not all that likely, I know, but one can dream, eh.

    But the gem of the day was this about the HIV email: "...the ABC grabbed the story and implied that the email was aimed at discrediting Phelps. There is no evidence that this is the case."

    No, no evidence at all other than it threw the HIV and 'withdrawing from the election' charges at Phelps by name. Nope, no evidence at all. But of course there was boundless evidence that it was really "...a clandestine "black operation" designed to damage Sharma". Why, it even mentioned Sharma's "part-Indian heritage" and that obviously proves it !

    Just another glorious day in Polonius-Land.

  2. Cardinal Burke is of course very big on promoting "manliness".
    Never mind that he obviously revels in dressing up in high-camp "girlie" clothes and dresses.

  3. Loved Fran Kelly's rendition of "On the Inside" (the theme song of Wentworth) this morning.

  4. Great to see you back Dorothy and thanks for keeping me up to date on Polonius latest reports on the ABC.

  5. Hi Pondster,
    In the past when you inflicted the writings of Sharri Markson upon your loyal minions, you at least included a cheesecake shot of her. Which never failed to shock as going by the printed page one would have expectations of a Aussie version of Miss Havisham. Please rectify this situation in future, if only for the rutting swine section of the Pond's fan base.
    Jersey Mike
    New Jersey USA


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