The pond knew that there'd be a lot of unseemly gloating today by the usual suspects at the lizard Oz, but had prepared a pocket full of red cards.
The pond had handed out red cards with wild abandon while the debate was in progress and saw no reason to stop when confronted by reptile gloating ...
Dame Slap rabbiting on about a small motley crew while a snap of Captain Spud and the Price is Wrong turn up on the reptile rotating fickle finger of fame?
After a rich, satisfying guffaw, the pond slapped on a red card quikstix. And a red card for "Ned", when today is the same reptile normal it's always been. As for the craven Craven, surely one of the reasons that the Yes case failed was because of first grade twits of the Craven kind making the thing all about them...
Golding said as much as needed to be said about the game the lizard Oz and the potato head played ...
Down below in the 'leet commentariat section, the red carding continued ...
While the pond did appreciate the return of the Caterist to his usual Monday spot, therein to rail at the 'leets from his inner Sydney eerie, apparently he hasn't caught up with the news that Uncle Elon is on his side. Tesla zone jokes are so out of date, as you can see them skulking in and out of chargers with their faces burnished red with shame at the association ... (the pond tries to avoid eye contact when sharing charger space).
Red card for him, and red card for that dillish-sounding Dillon while the pond is at it.
But the pond has to have something to fill up the space, and so, having gone there yesterday, had to go there are again with Killer Kreighton's letter from Amerika ...
Whenever a reptile starts ranting about privileged elites, the pond loves to check out their reptile thumb bio. Usually they're desperate to prove that the scribbler is part of an intellectual 'leet and so it was with Killer's street creds ...
Wow, so desperate to establish academic credentials ... so much 'leet and so little time ... though really, and the pond says this as a master of f'artz, possibly Killer's deep resentment and fear and loathing of academics and academic institutions stems from his failure to score a Ph.D., so that we might all have been forced to call him Dr. K ...
Back to the ranting about the 'leets ...
The pond did all this yesterday, but in the interests of adding something fresh, headed off
here just to check out the killing fields before the latest death count started ...
Of course there was a section on Israeli deaths, but the pond thought the scoreline was enough, what with 6,407 fatalities up against 308 ...
Those with a morbid interest might have wanted to note the 152,560 Palestinian injuries, compared to 6,307 on the other side, but in the meantime, the reptiles had started to fling around the usual snaps ...
The pond felt the need to point out some suspicious blue patches in that second snap, but then it was on with the ranting ...
Is it time for Killer to proudly parade in a Killer T-shirt shouting "I stand with Benji", because there's nothing like a criminal to get Killer excited, and sometimes perhaps the somewhat shop-soiled mango Mussolini isn't enough ...
At this point the pond began to wonder if Killer might somehow manage to work in a Covid reference, as he is wont to do, and yes, he did ...
Ah there you go ...because the pond downsized the snaps, punters might have missed seeing a bunch in the crowd wearing masks, which was sure to inflame Killer ...
But "Covidianism" was a new one for Killer, and for the pond, so the pond headed off to check its meaning ... and the wiktionary offered up these explanations ...
Covidianism (uncountable) (derogatory, neologism) Unquestioning support for the preventive measures
recommended against tCOVID-19 pandemic, such as social distancing and wearing a facemask.
COVIDian (plural COVIDians) (informal) A person who is very concerned about coronavirus, and is in favor of all kinds of preventive measures.
Ah, facemasks ... but who was Killer channeling?
It was by Bruce Y. Lee in Forbes way back on 12th December 2022, and the pond decided to go right past the snap of Uncle Elon and cut to the chase ...
Ah yes, and now it's the symbol for far right loons who are a perfect fit for lizard Oz loons of the Killer kind, but isn't there something more to be said about masks?
Yes, yes, who knows, you could even mistake Killer Kreighton on a bad day for the wandering healer, but please public health prof, get to the matter of the masks ...
Sheesh, this is a long preliminary dance. Can we get to the bloody mask point, Killer's Freudian fear of masks is waiting in the wings ...
Yes, yes, all that and more, but can we at last talk about masks? Huzzah, the mask moment has finally arrived ...
There was a lot more but at last the pond was satisfied and had a feeling of compleatness ... with Killer Kreighton, you can always do a forensic, and somehow at the end of the unicorn hunting, you'll end up with a deep Freudian fear of masks ...
And so to the lizard Oz editorialist.
The pond realises that this is a gloating piece, and by rights should be red-carded, but it's such a nauseating offering that even Uriah Heep himself would be envious ...
Excruciating really, the Uriah Heep modest tone the lizard Oz editorialist strikes about the destructive role played by the Chairman Emeritus's minions, and their reliable performance of angertainment for cash in paw, but the pond had an ulterior motive ... it had some cartoons to hand, and what with the fuss dying away, except perhaps in the lizard Oz and other News Corp publications, there was a use by date attached ...

Ah, a 'take a look in the racist mirror' cartoon .. an excellent introduction to the last gasp of the lizard Oz editorialist ... though the notion that any reptile would take an honest look at the racism in this country is a romantic call for optimism where surely a deep serve of cynicism is required ...
As if ... as a paper, the lizard Oz will continue to work for everything destructive, whether it be an Aboriginal vocie, or climate science ...
Yep, for all the reptile blather about urban 'leets, from their Surry Hills bunker in the heart of Sydney with the best baristas in the world ...
Regions with a high proportion of Indigenous Australians overwhelmingly voted yes in the referendum – including the community where prominent no campaigner Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s family is from.
The yes vote in polling catchments where Indigenous Australians formed more than 50% of the population was, on average, 63% in favour of enshrining an Indigenous voice to parliament, according to political analyst Simon Jackman, who estimated the proportion of Indigenous Australians at each polling area based on data from the 2022 election.
And so to take a look in that racist mirror with the immortal Rowe ...
With difficult uppity awkward disagreeable Aboriginal people now having been put back in their box, kept in their place, a proud colonial tradition maintained, all that's left is the detail ... and so this this the last time the pond will fail to redcard the reptile gloating, dressed up as Uriah Heep piety ... because when you look in the mirror, you see the ugly Australians 'r the back turning us ...
As a proud man of the Maranoa mob, I welcome the ABC profiling of electorates, correlating vote in the referendum with educational attainment and income. So - Maranoa delivered the highest 'No' vote of any federal electorate. It is also down there with perhaps 3 or 4 electorates for lowest level of education, ditto for income. So it is appropriate that the Littleproud tries to represent us in the big place down south. Admittedly, the locals would have voted Mary Mallon into that position, if LNP had been able to nominate her, but, in fairness, Littleproud is not quite as thick as Barnaby, and I regularly proclaim my thanks to former member Bruce Scott for heading Barners off when he tried to slip into Scott's place.
ReplyDeleteI’ve not had the heart to check the numbers from my old home electorate of New England, Chad, but I expect it wasn’t far behind Maranoa in voting no.
DeleteToday’s Reptile smugness was to be expected, but that makes it no less galling. The usual suspects are doubtless hoping for early points in next year’s Rupert Awards.
A passing moment of infamy, Chad ?
Delete‘Maybe I don’t have as many friends as I thought’: being Indigenous amid 85% no voters
Thankfully, my electorate actually scored just over 50% YES.
"Covidiot: A person who has no medical background and makes statements about the Coronavirus pandemic founded on dubious sources, i.e. social media, an acquaintance, etc"
ReplyDeleteNot everyone is a classical music or opera buff and this is a long piece, but this link also has a short explanation of why the composer, Deborah Cheetham Fraillon wrote "Eumeralla: a war requiem for peace", so I thought your readers might be interested to read that, DP.
Meanwhile, lest those commemorated by potato images give way to hubris
I wonder if the Killer feels complicit in the war crimes of Ben Roberts-Smith? I wonder if he feels as repugnant towards anyone showing support for Australians or Australia in general?
ReplyDeleteIf Killer's food, water and electricity were withheld, he'd just cop it on the chin as the actions of a government should be ascribed to its populace. When Labour does some catastrophic stuff up in the future (as all governments do), Killer will accept to personally bear the responsibility because how could you support suffering citizens if their governing leaders have acted badly.
Biden admin is corrupt? Well so too then must all americans...
The Killer loves a bit of Trumpian projection, doesn’t he? Evidence-free references to the “corrupt” Biden administration, and claiming a single Congress member displaying a Palestinian flag (which, last time I looked, wasn’t the exclusive property of Hamas) demonstrates that Democrats are more deeply divided than the couldn’t-organise-a-pissup-in-a-brewery Republican Congress. Did he end up with Dame Slap’s old MAGA cap?
DeleteOne of Killer's heroes, Ron De Sanctimonious, has come a-cropper for his denial of the Covid threat - withholding covid info while people all around were dying; see The G today.
Still, Killer would argue that people are going to die anyway, eventually, so what harm's done? If you are on the other side, I mean the real other side, you may see it differently, assuming you believe there is an other side. Alternatively, if you do not believe in the other side, then what happens on this side matters even more. Either way, not much to thank Ron for.
QALY, mate. That's the harm that's done: major loss of QALY. Loss of lives is nothing compared to loss of QALY by the KillerC's of this world.
DeleteToday's Mr Ed says that Albanese "...repeated the mistake made in the republic referendum, where voters rejected the idea that politicians would be the ones to choose a future head of state." Ok, right, choosing a head of state is the same as setting up a Voice - politicians are incompetent to perform these tasks.
ReplyDeleteSo, if this is true, can somebody tell me who it is that drafts, debates and pronounces laws of which we have a lot that are being changed and added to and deleted more or less continuously ? Tasks that "politicians" are simply not capable of performing ?