Saturday, April 01, 2023

In which there's a groaning, and a moaning, and a gnashing of teeth, and a wailing and a crying, and a deep sighing from the bromancer and the dog botherer ...


For some inexplicable reason, the pond's American friends get agitated when the pond assures them they live in a banana republic, but the reasons are obvious enough. 

The fixation on a grifter, con artist, snake oil salesman and authoritarian with fascist inclinations - who also happens to be a Mafia cunning crook who's got away with it for decades - is pretty clear, as is the presence of fellow con artists and grifters, like Ron DeSanctus, head of a banana state, and willing to violate constitutional norms to help out the grifter in chief.

On the upside, it's with some pride that Australians can note that it's a dinkum export - the dirty digger - who has done much to produce the bent banana condition. 

The pond doesn't say this with any sense of righteous superiority. Long ago a peanut farmer reduced the deep north to bent banana state condition, and NSW has been pretty much a rum state since the Rum rebellion. Banana republic status can fall quickly on any country - Israel is there at the moment, and Hungary, and so on and so forth.

As for the trial, it will likely take a year or more and there's every chance the chief banana will get off - it should be easy enough to thwart the trial, if only by deploying a banana republic juror in peanut farmer style - but the pond only mentions all this because of the way that what's currently traumatising the United States has been disappeared down under by the reptiles.

Look at the tree killer edition this day...

What mango Mussolini? What Ron DeSanctus willing to violate constitutional norms? 

It's grand prix time, and time for a re-run of that aged Local Hero movie ... and it was the same with the digital Oz, with more yammering about the voice to accompany the sounds of revving engines ...

The pond is so over the voice, and yet down in the Oz comments the same vanishing, the same disappearing into the cornfields for the whole US ruckus continued ...

Yes, Killer briefly appeared last night, but then was swiftly swept out of sight ...

And the lizard Oz editorialist also kept a very short musing out of sight ...

Well the pond must play the reptile hand it has been dealt, and the most likely prospect for pure, undiluted comedy is surely a wailing and a whining, and a gnashing of teeth, and the renting of garments, and a cry unto the heavens about godless atheists from the bromancer ...

You see? Always good for a laugh, even if the analysis couldn't quite match up to the sense of mourning and loss managed by this cartoon ...

But today's not the day for a cartoon-led recovery, not when the bromancer is busy producing a cartoon-like wail and whine, a caricature of conservative thinking which sees the poor lad trip back to the days of Ronnie Raygun...

But we all know who helped the mango Mussolini the most, and now there's a court case and occasional signs of buyer's remorse ...

Sorry, sorry, no need to dilute the bromancer with talk of the dirty digger and the gold digging crook and Faux Noise ... because the bromancer is really starting to warm up on the matter of godless heathens ...

Actually what we're seeing is a deeply corrupt crook and wannabe authoritarian with fascist inclinations turn a country into a banana republic,  but you can't expect the bromancer to go there.

Suggesting that a cynical politician is using barking mad fundamentalists and far right bigots to turn a country upside down and save his own skin is a step too far for the bromancer, even as it unfolds in the US and Israel.

Nope, in bromancer la la land, it's those godless heathens wot done it ...

Ah good old Brexit. In his day, the bromancer was a Brexit devotee and a Boris lover ... and now? A veritable Ozymandias of bromancer dreams ...

No need to go back there, poking through the runes and the ruins is an unpleasant business ... better to enjoy the current despair ...

And what of Faux Noise and News Corp and the message of hatred, complete contempt and condemnation for anyone outside a white nationalist clique?

You know, that clique,, the clique the reptiles down under dare not mention, though News Corp has run with that pack for decades ...

Sorry, the pond must save its cartoon-led recovery for the morrow, and must leave the bromancer brooding about the "climate change issue", though when the pond last checked the science was the science, rather than an "issue" ...

Oh not the old media 'leets routine. Talk about a loon long running on empty ...

And yet in a sense he's right. Back in the day, Disney used to be admired as a rapacious exploiter of sentimentality and family values, and yet these days Disney is perceived as the enemy of conservatives ... despite pulling a cunning legal trick that any con artist or hustling grifter should really admire ...

It was with a heavy heart that the pond turned to the dog botherer for another wail and whine ...

Oh strike that, it's not a heavy heart, the pond is dancing with delight and with sheer joy, at the way that some have seen the madness of the far right, and averted their eyes ...

Put it another way. The dog botherer's team right at the moment is a pathetic bunch of losers, so why not up stumps and walk off the field?

Well there's pleasure to be had in the fit of pique and the stamping of the feet and the hissy fit, and the usual blather about the "climate change issue" ...

At this point the reptiles introduced an unseemly, giant sized snap of said Photios, and the pond just had to dial it back ...

That's better and it left the pond to get back to the bewildered, hurt dog botherer, who simply can't understand why others don't want to fuck the state, the country, or the planet with the same enthusiasm he reserves for his dog and reader and viewer fucking ...

Corer Liberal Party values?

The pond isn't sure how they'd play on Faux Noise or in the USA ...

Please, none of that in the deep south ...

Oh it's all a lark and tomorrow we can invade a country on entirely specious grounds and fuck it for a couple of decades and call it arresting core Liberal Party values ...

But the pond must not gloat, because shit will surely keep on hitting the reptile fan, and some will keep splattering far and wide, and so it's with some relief that the pond turns to the last gobbet of reptile despair for the day ...

Poor dog botherer, still blathering on about core timeless Liberal - as opposed to liberal values - and yet still loyal to Noel, still a wimp when all the other reptiles around him are voice warriors and all the other reptiles can do is rage on endlessly about difficult, uppity blacks, or occasionally note the way that trans people are likely to ruin the universe, what with gays no longer fit for that reptile purpose ...

Oh if only we could get back to the good old days when gays were the ruination of everything. Must we make do with men upholding Liberal values with stilettos?

And so to the immortal Rowe, celebrating banana republics ....

Where has the pond seen that sort of image before? Oh that's right, yea porn ...


  1. The voice of reason…. Barnaby Joyce, Pauline Hanson and Alan Jones speak on the Voice at Tamworth Town Hall last night -
    Paywalled, but the photo and caption probably give some flavour of what it would have been like.

  2. I never thought I’d miss the Bro blathering on about submarines, but it would certainly be preferable to the current roving brief he’s granted himself. Sure it’s entertaining to see him wail and whine, but it’s nothing we don’t see from many other reptiles, unable to understand why people can’t get behind that “substantial” Mr Dutton.

  3. Methinks the bromancers celice is too tight

    1. You reckon it just might have cut off the flow of oxygen to his brain, FF ?

  4. So, the Doggy Bov reckons, Perrottet promised "a taxpayer-funded, non-means-tested children's savings scheme." Why, that reminds me of the federal Child Endowment scheme (1941-1976) which, after initially ignoring the first child, came to pay five shillings per week to the parents for the first child (and ten shillings for second and later, I think). Fortunately, my father kindly paid my 'endowment' into a bank account he had set up for me which, when I reached 18yo, allowed me to buy my first car. Oh, those wild, free days of taxpayer-funded largesse.

  5. Doggy Bov rabbiting on about how the Libs have reached the state where "the core Liberal values seem not to matter." (Did they ever ?) but then goes on with "the dumb luck of coming up against plausible Labor leadership alternatives - this was particularly relevant in South Australia with Peter Malinauskas and in NSW with Minns." But not in Victoria with Dictator Dan - no, never with Dictator Dan.

    But hey, Dggy Bov would commend to our enraptured attention, the Liberal 'We Believe' pronouncement that "champions freedom of 'thought, worship, speech and association' along with justice, the rule of law, opportunity and 'individual freedom and free enterprise'." Yair, that's right; ever since Menzies came to power in 1943 we have all lived in a total Liberal paradise, haven't we.

    1. Ooops, Menzies in 1949, not 1943. 1943 was the date of a very different notable event, upon which I will not dwell.

  6. Bro, Bro - maaaate - why so despondent? There is still opportunity for Aussie triumphalism. Not only is onetime Aussie Rupert influencing thinking across the land of the free, home of the brave, but he is ably supported by the unlovely Miranda Devine, who writes and talks on his various media there on how at least one Biden should be subject to some kind of sanction, and with not obvious need for any of that Grand Jury malarky; she has done a book! There is also the rising star of Sky here - Sharri - who, entirely self taught, has reconstructed in remarkable detail - detail that has eluded viral geneticists - just how the nefarious Chinese cooked-up a nasty coronavirus in their laboratory in Wuhan. Moving on to the UK, and we see how the Conservative cause would have withered ere now if not for Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO (just look at the honours heaped on our boy. Kadina should be so proud), and his carefully trained protégé, from Port Macquarie, Isaac Levido OBE (how they gather in the decorations!). Why, there may yet be further decorations for services to feigned emotional distress over the risks to 'illegals' crossing the English Channel.

    So - c'mon Bro., onwards and upwards, always.

  7. So Sheridan and Kenny are with Credlin and Abbott in wanting a return to the crusades, with warriors taking up verbal arms against any heathen who opposes the core beliefs of Murdoch and company, aka Liberal beliefs; beliefs, which, during the 9 years the Coalition were in government, gave a knighthood to the late Prince Phillip, did nothing to improve wages, let Robodebt rip, did nothing to reduce the gender gap or improve women’s representation in parliament and helped housing prices skyrocket (Abbott on house prices going up: “that’s good, isn’t it?”), etc., etc., etc.

    How Kenny and Co think they will win friends and influence by claiming to all those who were saved from illness, death, loss of their income, jobs and possibly their homes and having to queue for hours outside centre-link, because too much money was spent helping them, is something the Coalition may well contemplate. No mention of the over $300 billion to be spent on nuke submarines or the 2 billion a year Abbott promised to spend on the armed forces. But then war is the game for crusaders. As Kenny points out the aim or priority, is to oppose what Labor proposes because it is a Labor policy rather than whether it is in the public interest.

    Not sure how Daniel Andrews has hegemony in Victoria unless there are many sub-states within that location, since hegemony refers usually to one state having predominance over another and I find it hard to see how how Andrews controls WA or SA let alone anywhere else, but perhaps it’s just the crusader mindset of Sheridan where everything is a war.

  8. A good reptile jeremiad really cheers me up. Expanding a bit on Nyadol Nyuon‘a piece in the Saturday Paper
    they are not so much lamenting any sort of values as they are the rejection of News Corp’s propaganda.

    The Bro makes a nice list of countries where Lord Marduk has captured conservative politics then draws all the wrong conclusions. News Corp follows a two pronged policy of pandering to vested interests that suit Marduk and random acts of bastardry to maintain their street-cred. If they cannot deliver on either their numerous enemies will go on the attack.

  9. Problems with the Liberal Party? Tim Dunlop remarked at a talk at the Readers Bookshop, that the Liberal Party was set up as an anti-Labor party, and now that the Labor Party is hardly a labor party, they have an existential problem ("We are agin anything the Labor party proposes!" "Oh, so you agree with The Greens a lot?")
    It's not surprising that the Bro didn't mention Ireland in his tirade - formerly a vicious theocracy, now a liberal state, because they reduced the power of the Church (podcast of Richard Fidler with Fintan O'Toole at Conversations).
    Mad as a hatful of arseholes? You can't apply it to many, but Peter Boghossian manages to bemuse Peta at (- on wokeness "Stalin’s Soviet Union was a ten...")

    1. So there’s a meter for wokeness? Maybe I can get something like a weather station setup with bullshit, outrage and wokeness all displayed on a wall fitting - useful for dealing with Reptile droppings.

      This looks like the Conversations link

  10. For someone with no formal qualifications and a religious mindset belonging to the 1950s, Sheridan sure has a lot to say and a very undeserved high opinion of himself.

    1. Indeed. The Bro’s reputation as a Defence and Foreign Affairs “expert” is based solely on his claim to be one and his endless scribblings on the subject. The fact that his vast wordage has been published almost entirely in propaganda shit-sheets as the Oz, rather than any sort of serious outlets is, of course, immaterial… His qualifications to pass judgement on other issues, such as the Voice or the current state of politics in this country are even less - essentially on the level of any bigoted ignoramus in the front bar, but without the willingness to buy a round.

    2. "his claim to be one and his endless scribblings on the subject" - about on a par with most "experts" claims, Anony. And absolutely de rigueur for Murdoch Minions.

  11. “ Two hours into vote counting, the ABC's chief election analyst Antony Green said Labor's Mary Doyle appeared to have a clear lead over Liberal candidate Roshena Campbell.”

    So, does the Dog Botherer reckon Dutton is too woke?


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