Sunday, April 09, 2023

In which the pond forget a header along with the reptile serve of easter eggs ...


The pond decided to begin this day with a couple of cartoons as a way of seeking forgiveness ...

The pond realises it sinned greatly yesterday, and over-indulged and devoured four reptile offerings in a row.

Too much, way too much.

Today will be much more modest, but sometimes it's the quality, not the quantity, that matters, and where would we be without prattling Polonius?

It's true that nattering "Ned" seems to have done a bunk, taken a powder, vanished for this Ēostre, but there'll always be a Polonius to rail about the ABC, an inspiration for try hard dropkick losers like uncle Elon trying to give NPR a hard time ...

What a hoot, and it got even richer in NPR Won’t Tweet Until Elon Musk Removes ‘False Label’ From Account (sorry, Beastly paywall):

Twitter... stealth-edited its own guidelines following its change to NPR’s bio. And prior to placing it on par with RT and Sputnik, the site actually cited NPR as an example of “state-financed media organizations with editorial independence” that should not be labeled as state-run.
While free press advocates and journalists took Twitter to task over the inaccurate labeling, noting that NPR receives only one percent of its funding from the federal government, the outlet itself fired back.
“We were disturbed to see last night that Twitter has labeled NPR as ‘state-affiliated media,’ a description that, per Twitter’s own guidelines, does not apply to NPR,” NPR president and CEO John Lansing said on Wednesday. “NPR and our Member stations are supported by millions of listeners who depend on us for the independent, fact-based journalism we provide. NPR stands for freedom of speech and holding the powerful accountable. It is unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way.”

What a rank amateur, what a loser, what a drop kick, what a distraction, just as the pond was about to get going with Polonial prattle.

Want to berate state-financed media? Call on prattling Polonius ...

As Polonius cranks into gear, could the pond interrupt this history lesson to propose that a lot of people never won with Ming the merciless?

Yes, never mind the admiration for Hitler, there was a lot of pig iron to hand for the poor in the early sixties, but on with the Ponolial history lesson ...

That he blows, yet again, and the pond has this image of Polonius sitting each morning, fixated on his wireless, listening to the ABC ...

Why does he torture himself so? Why, so he can torture lizard Oz readers ...

Meanwhile, the mutton Dutton is doing it all by himself, without any Polonial help ...

Such a bald-faced liar, such a font of nattering negativity, such a fear-monger calling on the apocalypse ... and the best he's got is bad sixties speak about bad vibes? Bummer dude, next you'll be pissing on the rug, and it really did tie the room together ...

What the fuck's he talking about?

Why he even manages to make Malware, ruiner of the NBN, sound sensible, and sure enough that sends our Polonius into a prattling frenzy ...

Speaking of people wont to do something ...

.... but you won't find any of that in a carefully curated Polonial history, even if Ken came a little late to discovering the heart of the matter ...

And so to the real treat for the day ... a full blown serve of the full blown bromancer in full blown Xian flight ... eight gobbets long if you count the Pope pic ...

So Ēostre is like some sort of yeast? We all ferment and rise?

Dear sweet long absent lord, look at the young things waiting in heaven for manly men ...

The pond can never get enough of those comics and will run them at the drop of a hat, let alone a drop of undiluted bromancer ...

It's all deeply weird stuff, and the pond thought that the bromancer was about to reveal he's a cannibal ...

Ah, transubstantiation, another pond favourite, but sadly very few Xians realise that they're cannibals and indulge in a little cannibalism each Sunday ....

Dear sweet long absent lord, he's really gone far away with the pixies this time ...

But the pond loves every chance it gets to celebrate the great snatch, down there with grabbing them by the pussy ...

The pond was chortling away, because every so often the bromancer reveals how deeply barking mad he is, but then the reptiles ruined everything by inserting a bigly huge snap ... with the note that Xianity is booming in Africa ...

Naturally the pond downsized it ...

... because thanks to well-funded US evangelicals delusion is always booming, and with that booming goes bigotry and prejudice of the worst kind ...

But that's just par for the bromancer Xian course, bullshit up to the eyeballs ...

The pond doesn't mean to be rude, but everyone experiences death and grief, and whatever else ails them, and it doesn't necessarily have to involve religion.

The pond's own mother was a true believer, until one day she wasn't. The pond's father was agnostic, until the very end, when he took the Oscar Wilde solution, because why not hedge bets?

The pond's own advice is to watch out for the salmon mousse ...


Sorry, sorry, the pond is always tone deaf ... but on the other hand you do get to play golf in heaven and enjoy the floor show in the club after a round...


Sorry, sorry, but the pond just loves that vision of heaven, there's something to truly believe in, as we return to the bromancer ...

Is this the point the pond should mention its own destination?

Nah, probably not, probably the pond is going to be turned into a heap of ashes tossed off that Hanging Rock outside Tamworth ...

Still, it's been fun, and now there's just a short gobbet to go ...

Actually it left the pond in a mood to apologise yet again.

Usually the pond on a Sunday has turned to cartoons to reflect on the week, and the bromancer has ruined all that, and all the pond can do is add on a hasty montage at the end ...

Still as we're talking death and resurrection, here's a couple on topic ...

And here's a few more ...


  1. While I don’t want to nit-pick at Poloniu’ latest whine - oh Hell, why not, it’s all he does - it’s my memory that Rudd actually had a rather extended political honeymoon as PM with his and government’s popularity only starting to fall a little while before he was replaced.

    Also, in another of his space-filling lists Hendo fails to include Billy Snedden in the parade of post-Menzies Liberal leaders. This was probably because Billy never became PM, but as he himself noted, under him the Coalition didn’t lose the 1974 election; “we just didn’t win enough seats”. And who could forget the Melbourne “Truth” headline on Billy’s passing - “Snedden died on the job”.

    1. Yair, my recall is that he did have an extended 'honeymoon', Anony, but then it all unravelled quite fast:
      "And yet, in recent months, the government has unravelled. It began in late April, when Rudd abandoned his carbon emissions trading scheme legislation in the face of opposition in the senate. Having been elected in 2007 on a platform of delivering action on climate change – Rudd famously declared climate change to represent "the greatest moral challenge of our time" – it was a remarkable act of political cowardice, if not ineptitude.

      Indeed, the backdown would signal a dramatic collapse in public support for Rudd. His leadership plunged into crisis. What electorate could place its confidence in a political leader who retreats from an issue he has described as humanity's greatest challenge?

      Why Labor ditched Kevin Rudd

      If we can believe Timmy, anyway.

  2. Oh yeah, a soft and almost fact-free Polonial rave: "...the Liberal Party's current predicament was due, in part at least, to the fact Turnbull lost 14 seats at the 2016 election and barely scraped back into office." And that was due, in part at least, to Turnbull being appointed to save the Libs from defeat:
    "With the Coalition tied 50-50 with Labor in the latest poll, the PM is set to meet the governor general on Sunday and begin a 56-day count down to 2 July."
    Malcolm Turnbull expected to start longest election campaign since 1960s

    And why was it 50-50 with Labor after Abbott had "led the Coalition to a big victory in 2013"? Because Abbott "was unelectable" and he and the Coalition were seriously 'on the nose' by then. So Turnbull was called on to save the Libs which, with the help of a very long campaign, he just managed to do.

    And ScoMo barely did any better, only to lose convincingly three years later - in 2019 he won a whole 2 extra seats, only 1 of which was taken from Labor.

    1. Dave Milner's ever funny take

      "This crisis is existential for the Liberal Party. Wedged to the right by semi-sentient, wholly-drunk Akubras in the National Party and blood-thirsty psychopaths at News Corporation, and neutered in the centre by the Labor Party’s own enthusiasm to enact Liberal policies – stage three tax cuts, AUKUS and the offshore Gulag thing – there is presently little reason for the ‘party of Menzies’ to exist. It is today less a ‘broad church’ and more a support group for assholes."

      Polonius doesn't seem (or want) to understand, that political parties, like most other things, change over time. Because something calling itself the Liberal Party existed in the past does not mean that thing shared much in the way of values with the current entity. It's truly weird that people I regarded as reactionary conservatives within that party wouldn't have a hope of getting preselection in its current iteration. The Liberal Party may get subsumed like the UAP into some new party, or it may somehow rid itself of the assholes, but it's hard to see a resurgence in its current form.

    2. But BG, butt: the more arseholes you've got, the worse you perform (unless your name is Trump or Johnson) and the worse you perform, the more arseholes you've got. And the more power you've got, the more you attract the power junkies - and boy, has the Coalition attracted the power junkies.

      But anyway, a couple of Milner's points:
      "As with the Victorian, NSW, and federal elections, Australia’s highest profile political commentators appear flummoxed by politics, defaulting into perfuming the stench of the Liberal Party’s bloated corpse, unwilling or unable to accept the reality of the rot, the depth of the decay. "

      "Peter Dutton’s party – that phrase in and of itself illuminating – holds just 14 urban seats. Greens and Independents hold 12."

      Yep, quite unelectable. Not the least because, I reckon, Dutton (et al) simply have no idea what a political party is and how it attracts supporters and voters.

  3. It’s difficult to comment on the Bromancer’s latest piece without seeming unkind and insensitive. However, he brought it up, so……. Using a personal family tragedy as part of your argument isn’t really a valid approach, for the simple reasons mentioned above; though I suppose The Bro isn’t so much presenting an argument as delivering a sermon. While it’s doubtless comforting to the Bro that his sister in turn found some comfort from her religious beliefs at close of life, that in no way provides any actual basis for those beliefs. Even so if the Bro had simply left things there it would have been just another Catholic Boys Weekly Easter sermonette, but to then ramble on in so strident a manner about the Catholic doctrine of physical resurrection just comes across as seriously weird. I suppose that we can only be thankful that “The Rapture” isn’t a Catholic belief, or we’d have a commentary to match those comic panels…..

    Back to submarines, Bromancer - please!

  4. Man, that’s an awfully white Rapture……

  5. Sew, Bro: "Western culture is now determinedly anti-Christian. You can no longer manage Christianity on a business-as-usual basis, balancing the books, administering well and expecting the culture to respect your institutions that teach transcendent truth." Well no, we don't really go for enslavement and murder of indigenes and Africans any more, and we don't go for hiding repeated episodes of child abuse, both sexual and just violent, and we don't go for suppression of women so much any more also. All the Christians have got left is hatred for LGBTQI+ folks (and especially trans) and lies about souls being planted in cells from the moment of conception, even though at least 50% of zygotes fail to be implanted in the uterus and thus fail to reach viable embryo state. And even then, about 40% of embryos fail to develop and are lost.

    And don't forget that this is the way supposedly designed and 'created' by the omnipotent and omniscient 'Trinity' that made the whole universe. So it is what is intended and ordained for a great many animals, not only humans.

    So when the Bro says: "But did you know that virtually all Christian denominations teach, as a matter of core belief, that all human beings will rise from the dead to live for eternity in their physical body ?" Well of course we did. we've been told often enough haven't we. But does the Trinity hold that even the failed zygotes and failed embryos are "human beings" that will live forever as just a collection of cells ?

    And does the Bro, and all those believing Christians, have any idea at all just how long 'eternity' is ? Well, here's a story supposedly told by a Catholic nun to illustrate it:
    "Imagine a ball the size of the Earth but made entirely of very hard granite. Now consider how a butterfly flies past the ball once every 1000 years and just brushes the surface with its wings. Think about how long it would take the friction from all those butterfly wings to reduce the ball to just a pile of dust. Now that is equivalent to merely one moment of eternity."

    We'd all just have to believe in eternity then, wouldn't we.

    Anway, so the Bro tells us: "Irenaeus, one of the most important early Christians, was taught by Polycarp who was taught by John the Apostle. He famously declared: 'The glory of God is man fully alive'." Which apparently means "being united with God in a purposeful life." "Purposeful" in what way ? The universe exists and hasn't been significantly altered in about 13 billion years, and the angels and heaven and man all exist; what "purpose" remains ? Oh yes, singing God's praises to the Trinity unfailingly for every moment of eternity. Yeah, right.

    1. "You can no longer manage Christianity on a business-as-usual basis". This sort of business-as-usual?

      Or does he mean the cover-up version of business-as-usual?

      These stories come with the monotonous regularity of US school shootings and yet the devoted souls like Bro claim some higher ethics and transcendental knowledge. Fact-check says bullshit!

  6. Of course what the likes of the Bro and Angela consider to be the “anti-Christian” nature of modern Western society is the fact that these days the views of Christianity and various Christian denominations aren’t automatically deferred to by many civilians and civil authorities. Indeed, the actions of Church representatives are even subject to and prosecution for possible illegality! Surely, though, they’d find hope in the activities of fundie Christian lobby groups and members of the judiciary in that stronghold of Western values, the USA?

  7. The Easter bunny has arrived at last!

    "A certain columnist at The Australian has just posted her 34th hit piece on Brittany Higgins since December."

  8. "It's weird, like many things that are deeply true"...
    Such as...
    "a full blown serve of the full blown bromancer in full blown Xian flight ... eight gobbets long".

    My thumb died on the cross- over from the bromancer gobbets to the Pond.

    Luckily Dot's decourings and a dip in the pond brought it back to life. "The wierd thing about Easter: everyone rises", even thumbs.


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