Thursday, December 13, 2018

In which the pond worries about the reptiles' loosing business model ...

How's the barely literate reptile business model going? At the risk of loosing the bet, the pond cowers at the sight of the bromancer in full flight …

But it does allow the pond to get the Rowe of the day out of the way early, with more relevant Rowe here

She's alive, she still stalks the earth, no looser she, and Bell can still cartoon away here

But enough of a loosing bromancer irrelevance, with the digital ink already dry, and the actual story, with May revanche, and with many more twists and turns to land this morning.

The pond was in search for an empty mind and a Seinfeld moment, and who better to deliver a column about nothing than the dog botherer?

It might have been titled "dog botherer in search of a column," a strange phenomenon with Cohen just going down, the Donald in a funk sulk, May still on the Brexit slide, and the reptiles in a state of hysteria about religious freedom ...

Indeed, indeed, one of Stalin's henchmen explaining the ongoing need for gulags couldn't have put it better …

What's more the pond's poker machine light exploded with delight at the jackpot. This was the zillionth time that a reptile had managed to use that classic, "virtue-signalling", and the coins flowed into the pond's chute, and the pond frolicked like Scrooge McDuck at the score.

Once more a dullard, lazy mind, reaching for a simplistic epithet stored on the bottom shelf had reminded the pond this was the best way to mount a loosing argument ... 

A phony debate about gay students facing discrimination?

Chris Csabs was 16 years old when he came out to a church leader, and immediately started sessions with a counselor who tried to change his sexuality.
At 19, he enrolled in a nine-month formal gay conversation therapy, which he told ten daily was similar to a weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
"I think it's hard to express the weight of the damage that it does," he said.
"From a very, very young age, I heard about homosexual people in church. When I was about ten I remember thinking -- 'Oh my goodness, I think I might be one of those people'."
He said that words like "abomination", "perverse" and "evil" became how he saw himself.
"People talked about how gay people had demons in them, and so I was a very frightened ten-year-old who thought I could have demons."
Now aged 33, and a "proud and gay Christian", Chris is at the forefront working to end sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) in Australia.
He's part of a coalition of conversion therapy survivors, churches and community advocates behind a statement delivered to the government on Monday, calling for an end to the practice.
It accompanied a petition with over 43,000 signatures.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said he will not 'engage' with the issue. (here at Ten of all places)

Won't engage with the issue? Could it be that fundamentalist Pentecostals are amongst the persecutors?

Steve from Brisbane told me: ‘In short, I was trapped for 10 years in the Pentecostal church and three times was subjected to reparative therapy through Ex-gay programs run by Exodus (Peter Lane). The experience was devastating and I am lucky to be alive today….sadly several of my gay friends took their own lives.’ (a lot more here)

Speaking of bigotry, homophobia and religious freedom, the reptiles were up in arms this day, while SloMo refused to engage with the issue of SOCE …


Ah, and the dog whistling to fundamentalists worked so well in the recent Victorian election.

So how did the reptiles respond to the confected crisis? Well they dragged a pollie from the deep north out of the closet, and dusted off the religious moths …

Good old late model Mandy … last noted by the pond as featuring in The Saturday Paper with this ...

Put it another way. Secular freedom is being debated by clueless fundamentalist fanatics from the deep north who have no idea what it means ...

Should a faith-based school be allowed to explain patiently to students that they're an abomination, evil, wicked, perverse, and possibly demonic?

Should a faith-based school be able to substitute creationism for science?

Should a faith-based school receive taxpayer money so its teachers can preach arrant Adam and Eve and Steve nonsense to the assembled congregation of young 'uns?

And should the pond note the colour of Mandy's stripe?

Yes, our Mandy is just the person to explain how the Catholic ponzi scheme should keep on being funded by taxpayers, and never no mind the church's peculiar attitude to the pedophiles in its midst …and the even more peculiar notion that priests should be better off with no sex life, apart from nocturnal emissions and a yearning for the comforts offered by a child ...

Of course we've already been here before …

But the good news is that Mandy is running out of steam ...

What could be more tolerant than that?

Um, maybe a society without the dog botherer cheering on gulags? Maybe a society where poofter bashing isn't seen as a national sport, with fundamentalist Xians and Islamics still keen players of the game?

And worse, with their baseball bats and conversion therapy supported by taxpayer funds flowing into fundamentalist schools? Why it makes the funding of Scientological schools seem a tad more sensible, since at least the Scientologists are only a cult indulging in a massive cash grab and a war against shrinks …

And so to a matter which contained a bitter pill for the reptiles. You see, the reptiles had been hoping for good news from yet another report on the ABC. but they discovered yesterday that they were on the loosing side of the argument ...

Yes, the reptiles' business model seems to be loosing support, strange as it might seem, with the market for over sixty angry white males shouting at clouds not the goldmine they were expecting, and with the dastardly ABC daring to get into the digital arena, when everyone knows it was a fatal mistake to abandon the 2BL call sign and step up to colour television ...

Would it make sense for the reptiles to abandon their right wing hysteria and their carefully nurtured culture of barking mad members of the commentariat, wanting to whip up anger and get people to stick their collective heads out of the window and say they're mad as hell … when these days any dogsbody can let off steam with a tweet rather than send a letter to the lizard Oz?

Not in reptile la la land, but there was a hint of resignation and surrender when the reptiles sent out an ageing culture wars warrior to discuss the issue …

With the greatest respect to bearded loons, poor old Mark Day isn't quite the sort of columnist needed, though he does speak to the demographic that the reptiles see as their natural turf …

Perhaps Day was just a warning shot, perhaps the reptiles will embark on a crusade, but the pond took it as the reptiles sending up the white flag and admitting defeat ...

Truth to tell, the pond never bothers with the SBS streaming service, mainly because of its wretched design, down there with iView, but here's the thing. If screening the latest epic from Iceland poses a threat to Stan and FTA, then they should just pack up and go home …

Ditto the bizarre notion that the ABC should stay off digital. This doesn't mean living the full bizarre Justin Milne dream of everyone roaming around looking at content on their phone in a jet stream sort of way …

Speaking of Milne, did anyone else note the sort of vehicle the lad drives, as shown in Media Watch here?

A Freudian would have a field day, but first said Freudian must attend to Mark Day's ongoing anxiety attack about the reptiles' business model ...

What? Malware fucking the NBN still didn't help the business model?

Dear sweet long absent lord, and there was the pond thinking that the reptiles, having just discovered pod casting, might have realised there was an audience out there under fifty and not particularly interested in the likes of Dame Groan and Dame Slap blathering on about the wonders of the Donald and climate science denialism, while other reptiles maintained the rage about dinkum true blue clean Oz coal, oi, oi …

Admittedly the luddite reptiles are always a little behind the times - a little Greg Hunting here reminded the pond that Apple added podcasting to iTunes back in June 2005, and for a time the pond followed the fad …

Remember the good old days when the reptiles saw bloggers as the enemy and even took to designing their own blogs? Ah, long lost in the mists of digital time ...

But that's what happens when you're loosers with a loosing mind set and a loosing business model, always trying to play catch-up and moaning and whining about others, when in reality, if you competed with intelligence and cunning, the ABC would and should be a non-event. But if someone thinks tree killing newspapers or taking an interest in Karl's sex life is the way forward, good luck with that …

This weekend a friend brought home a copy of the Weekend Australian and the pond was so astonished by the experience, that such a thing should be, that it's still recovering, and couldn't bring itself to mention the shock and the horror.

Such confused, backward-looking cultural warriors.

You see, the lizard Oz fancies itself in its coverage of the arts, yet there was the Oz editorialist ceding the turf and suggesting that the ABC should specialise in "high culture" … presumably so the dog botherer can keep on boring the world shitless by rabbiting on about high culture virtue-signalling (yeay, the zillionth and one mention).

The pond is always here to help, so it suggests that if the reptiles want to succeed in this new digital era, they should take a leaf out of the infallible Pope's book, and send in the clowns, there must be clowns … or at least a Buzz with a lightweight Woody riding an early version of a Land Rover Discovery … (and for anxious reptiles unable to stop shouting at clouds, there's more Pope here) ...


  1. Poor Bromancer: typos in both the flyer and its heading. They really are treating him badly, aren't they?

  2. They might complain about the ABC but they could report on events without political bias that is why they can't compete with the ABC and SBS. Years ago when my wife was bedridden we had foxtel and they had the dog botherer on talking about politics and I called in to complain about his political bias and I do believe he took the call and was very indignant when I complained about how biased he was he told me knick off so I did and cancelled our subscription.

  3. Is Amanda Stoker related to our beloved Oriel? I only have the connection that they're both from Queensland. But that picture of her looks so much like one of Loon Pond's favourite targets. Not only is she like her in facial appearance, she has that same fanatical self-righteous look about her. You just know to avoid her if there's any possibility of a hasty exit from her presence.

  4. Maybe Stoker is being groomed, GD.

  5. Amanda Stoker: "Like freedom of speech, true freedom of religion protects faith regardless of its content."

    Oh yeah, right: say what you like, do what you want. Your right to slander and libel and incite to terrorism is just protected "free speech" and your right to murder infidels (and gays, who are indistinguishable from infidels) is just protected "religious freedom".

    So you ask, DP: "Should a faith-based school be able to substitute creationism for science?" and the answer is yes, why is anybody asking this question ?

    After all, as Amanda says: "...freedom of religion ... has to mean the freedom to express faith through worship and teaching." Oh right, but then she also states that: "...religious freedom in practice may be subject to reasonable limits in the interests of public safety and preserving human dignity"

    Oh, so you can't really just say and do anything you like, because you have to conform to secular ideas of what constitutes "public safety" and "human dignity".

    And that is very simply and very obviously because there's just no religion that guarantees that its "believers" will maintain "public safety" and "human dignity". Not a single one, because if there was, that religion would be given total religious freedom.

    So when Amanda says: "In truth, Labor's position represents an elevation of secular morality over religious doctrine ...", all we can say is that yes, of course it does. That is precisely what conforming to secular ideas of "public safety" and "human dignity" means.

  6. When Amanda says the 2016 census indicates "seven out of ten Australians still have religious beliefs" she has taken a bit of a liberty in adding the 9.2% who chose not to respond to this optional question to the "religious" side of the register.

    It's a bit questionable to assume ticking the box next to a religion involves a belief, at least as Amanda understands it. Older folk have spent their lives ticking those boxes simply to establish which tribe they belonged to (Yes, you could call it identity politics). "No religion" as an option was only added to the census in 2016.

    Similarly, I can't think of many people that sent their kids to religious schools for the bible bashing. Mostly issues were academic (results, subject choice etc), convenience of location or disciplinary (kick the problem kids out, SEP). The religious instruction was more of a vestige that they were prepared to ignore to obtain other perceived benefits.

    1. Dan Andrews (Victorian Premier) was educated in a Catholic School (Marist Brothers' Galen Catholic College) and lo, he voted for abortion reform, apologised in parliament for gay men in Victoria punished during the time homosexuality was a crime in the state, introduced euthanasia and opened a heroin injecting room.

      So we can see that Amanda's formula works: the "elevation of secular morality over religious doctrine" is clearly enacted to enforce "public safety and human dignity".


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