Wednesday, December 05, 2018

In which the pond has to get around the ghost of Malware to get the good lemonade from nattering "Ned" and Dame Slap ...


Before getting business underway for the day, the pond would like to commend the diligent reptiles maintaining the rage at the vicious, malevolent, malicious, vengeful, hateful, loathsome beast that hovers over Canberra like a cat food-loving, prawn-imitating alien …

Sure, he pretends he has human qualities …

But the reptiles know that this miserable, demonic figure can ruin anything in a trice …

And there was the energy war all settled, and dinkum true blue dinky di clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, triumphant … until someone let that cat-food devouring Malware into the room with a lighted fuse …

Will this work never be done, will this odious figure with his talk of the NEG keep rabbiting on about that ideological, theological hoax known as climate science?

Can't he be satisfied having ruined the NBN, must he keep ruining everything for the reptiles? Why doesn't he just go away? Look at the onion muncher, why we never hear a peep from him, and he certainly never turns up in the lizard Oz with a right wing rant ...

Never mind, this day the pond was confronted with an odious choice, with Malware surely to blame. Just look at the contending double bills …


Nattering "Ned" and the future of western civilisation, or the highly paid Dame Slap defending capitalism and the good ex-PM reviling the Queensland government as extreme leftist? Oops, how did that miserable ghost aka the onion muncher slip into the conversation? Just another ineluctable mystery down there with substantiation ...

What a wondrous selection, what a hard call - no doubt about it, movie selection is getting tougher by the week … and it was made all the more difficult because Dame Slap was at her most moving and compassionate, and the reptiles had given her the cult status of a Lobbecke, and he was in spectacularly sour lemon form ...

Ah, little girls selling lemonade, the capitalist spirit at work … it moved the pond to tears, and to think the fiendish Ken Henry would see something wrong with the state of capitalism, when everyone the pond knows is donning the MAGA cap of freedom …

It therefore took an astonishing act of will, of a Nietzschean kind, for the pond to look away, to avert the eyes, and turn instead to nattering "Ned", a scribbler guaranteed to make watching paint dry seem like an overdose of speed … and with a most important duty … to explain how sandbagging an incompetent leader into place is the way forward ...

Somehow it's been a dysfunctional conspiracy between politicians and the media … but never fear, the reptiles have had absolutely nothing to do with the current dysfunctional behaviour …

Newspoll and the regular celebration of its implications has had absolutely nothing to do with it ... it's other media, other reptiles … and it's ruined everything, including a proper response to that theological, ideological nonsense some dress up as climate science ...

Now pardon the pond if this sounds a tad presidential, or somewhat monarchical …it suggests that every four years or so, a punter's vote should be predicated not on policies, but on whether the current head lemon might feel like a dinkum dinky di sort of true bloke, rather than a possible source of street lemonade …

By golly, that will take some dancing on a pin to sell, but our nattering "Ned" is just the sort of hagiographic angel to sell the change ...

Meanwhile, in another country, speaking of the Warringah motion and the real aim of restoring integrity to the representative system …

Poor old once upon a time Fairfax, here …a thug, a bully and a disgrace? Why that member of the Kelly gang sounds like a dinkum way to restore integrity to the representative system … but hey nonny no, on the pond goes ...

He seeks to fix it? So speaking in tongues will fix everything and everything, in which case the pond hopes it fixes the infallible Pope's situation, stuck as he is in a downgraded newspaper, which says everything about the way that media overlords view reporting in the national capital …

Never mind, for the moment the infallible Pope is still delivering the goods here ...

And that's more than enough of a response to nattering "Ned", and so the pond moved to the ongoing, enduring, never-ending crisis in Western Civilisation ...

Say what? There's been a crisis in leadership in the battle to save Western Civilisation. How lucky there's no real crisis …

So it's farewell to Simon, though the pond felt it barely got to know him ...

By golly, he sounds dangerously radical, tugging at the collective beards of the IPA and CIS - how on earth can that help save Western Civilisation? Don't they need a crusader?

Well the news left the pond bereft, and worried, and in urgent need of a lemonade served by a young girl anxious to celebrate the wonders of capitalism … please, no talk of Soviet-style minimum wages for sweet young things. Let them toil in the Tamworth noon-day sun, and perhaps use their modest stipend for sunburn cream ...

Indeed, indeed, everything's fine in corporate la la land, and especially the banking system, and no need for any changes, it's all in the law, and it's been that way since whenever, and the invisible hand is just wonderful, and shoves itself up the system in a way that fixes everything …

... and at that point, the pond felt the need to don its MAGA cap again …

Sorry, it really doesn't have much to do with the banking system in Australia, or Dame Slap's urgent call to privatise the Reserve Bank …why is the federal government involved in anything? - but the pond is winding down, and urgently needs another serve of lemonade from those diligent sweet young things ...

Ah yes, free markets and capitalism are on the nose, and  it's all the fault of educators. 

Luckily it's got nothing to do with ragbags donning their Donald caps and roaming the streets of New York to celebrate the very best in capitalism …though speaking of how to deal with sensitive noses ...

Yep, as for journalists, even Dame Slap has celebrated the kind of weirdo, whacko, zany crazy intrusions into the lives of American citizens that would make a reptile blather about the need to abolish Soviet-style minimum wages for lemonade sellers ...

That's Dame Slap's Xmas message? Presumably that's why she'll be giving up her modest lizard Oz stipend, get out the old bicycle and start touring Newtown for Deliveroo, with assorted governments destined to pick up all the social costs down the track …

She's no doubt really keen to experience the trickle down effect, in much the same way that the Donald is rumoured to have enjoyed it in Moscow ...

But now, speaking of Xmas, Rowe had an Xmas delight in store for ScoMo, with more Rowe delights always to hand here


  1. Ah - it's not the blithering, dull-witted, cack-handed incompetence of recent leaders that worries the public, it's the disloyalty of the team in failing to support said fuckwits. This is the Gadarene swine rule again - if the team is in formation all is well (they may get a little wet).

    As for D Slap, they should dock her pay. Confected stories about lemonade stalls?

    She doesn't see that the market is really a set of rules around how trade is conducted. Removing a lot of those rules ostensibly to reduce compliance burden or more often ignoring them has worked so well hasn't it?

    Dealing with the market is a lot like reptile handling - you need to know what you are dealing with.

    1. Yair I really like those 'lemonade stall' stories too: they're just so very cute, aren't they. And so very didactically edifying too.

      Somebody should put together a book (real or virtual) about 'The 1000 Most Spiritually Instructive Lemonade Stall Stories'. Dame Slap should be able to contribute dozens of them. Many from her own continuing childhood.

  2. Hahaha the rage is incredible .... really incredible but fun to watch.

    I remember when the right wing nut jobs were enjoying the 'exploding heads' of people who couldn't get over the outrageously uncivilised behaviour of the Pres from the bottom of the deplorable basket, the Rumpy Pumpy Trumpy.

    But whose heads are exploding now? And over Malcolm Turnbull?

    Or hang they just do it for the money? Do they say these things just for profit and a job? Is Caroline Overington just like the Oreo and able to be anything she wants to be; from a radical feminist - a very poor one though - to a right wing loon - she's better at that I think?

    I blame those left wing teachers who told kids they could be anything they wanted to be.

    1. I always wanted to be a kraken, but I came into education too long ago to benefit from the "be anything you want to be" dictum.

      And now they have a kraken on Micallef (and I bet it's well rewarded, too). So John Wyndham wasn't writing science fiction after all.

  3. David Graeber, in his book, Bullshit Jobs, explains that in fact, we don't live in a capitalist society, we live in a “managerial feudalist” society, where “the whole point is to grab a pile of loot, either by stealing it from one’s enemies or extracting it from commoners by means of fees, tolls, rents, and levies, and then redistributing it. In the process, one creates an entourage of followers that is both the visible measure of one’s pomp and magnificence, and at the same time a means of distributing political favor.”

  4. Sayeth the Slap: "[McConnan's] wisdom about the benefits of private banks over nationalised state-owned ones was confirmed when Paul Keating privatised the Commonwealth Bank and deregulated the banking system decades later."

    Oh she's a true wonder, isn't she ? The CBA (ie the privatised Commonwealth) and "the banking system" have been visibly degenerating ever since Keating did that. And now they've ended up in the state that Hayne has found them: a testimony to how "capitalism works just fine when boards and corporate executives follow the laws."

    "Follow" the laws ? I think you might just really mean "(dis)obey" the laws, don't you ?


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