Sheesh, what a line-up in the lizard Oz today ... Killer Creighton banging on about Sweden yet again, the venerable Sexton talking up the virtues of Dyson Heydon's apolitical style, the lost city of Troy forgetting he's a reptile and calling for big government ...
What could the pond do, but turn to Dame Groan with a deep sigh, sorrow and regret ... for yet more of the same old Groanian gabble, same old Groanian gobbledygook...
Talk about existential despair. Dame Groan has abandoned coal, it seems, and must perforce take up gas, though for the life of the pond, it can't understand why. Who cares about climate science? It's a hoax, and yesterday Lloydie provided a knock-down argument, as detailed in the pond ...
Ah yes, loops, negative feedback, orgone pyramids, just like a car radiator really, crystals, did you throw in the Brockian crystals?, you know the cloud-related energy polarizer ...and, by the way, there's nothing like degrees in biology and botany to ensure a career as an IPA scientist ... and Desmog star ...
But back to Dame Groan, determined to get her knickers in a knot ...
Uh huh, well, it wouldn't be small government standing aside for the marketplace if the government and distilled essence of Angus beefiness couldn't pick winners, because they've been tremendous at it, and naturally Dame Groan worships at their gaseous feet, because the ability to turn on a dime from coal to gas is a demonstration of nimbleness and agility ...
Some consternation? Not in Dame Slap's unconsternated world, because the ability to argue that orange is black, and clean, pure dinkum coal, sorry, gas, is the way ahead is what reptiles of the 'penny a word' Groan stripe do every day, big government picking winners, just as Troy wants ...
And just in case you've forgotten, remember what happened to California not so long ago:
Stay tuned for Dame Groan's searching condemnation of greedy capitalism as the font of all evil, and the ruination of the grid. When the pond spots it in the lizard Oz, it will try to give it a run ... though it goes without saying that the pond will likely have ceased publication some hundred years prior ...
But then came the problem, what to do with an encore, and the pond hungered for news of the Donald ... seeing as how the New York Times had started doing a body count ...
The lizard Oz wasn't quite up to that mark, but by golly someone had a wicked sensa huma, putting Killer Creighton right next to the lizard Oz version of Donald news ...
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Well damned if the pond was going to read simplistic Simon sucking up to the Terminator, or Killer Creighton sucking up to the Swedes ... not when the virus is running rampant in the White House ... so the pond was left to suck up the Donald thanks to the Stewart - besides, he's already killed a lot more Americans than the Killer has Australians, even if that's hardly anybody, because who knows how many of the humble 210k plus losers, suckers and nobodies who've shuffled off without benefit of the best medical care in the land, swallowed his con artist, snake oil salesman bullshit about bleaches and hydroxychloroquine:
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Ah, the pond came forewarned and forearmed ... Jonathan Chait the Donald down pat at the NY Mag here under Trump: It's Actually Good I Contracted the Coronavirus ...
And so on, there's more at the link, but for the moment, the pond must return to the reporting ...
Um, actually the media was just reporting that many people were upset, with one doctor in particular delivering a couple of zingers...
Meanwhile, the pond had wondered why God had struck down the devoted one. Is it because she's a congenital liar in service of a congenital liar and sociopath, and so not your average Xian? Whatever, and despite shamelessly flaunting that cross while shamelessly lying, it seems She has taken a view, and instead of the usual plague of locusts and what not, has set the virus to run wild inside the White House ...
Indeed, indeed, there's nothing like not wearing a mask to prove that you're a manly blonde, almost as manly as your hero ... so many manly people, and yet strangely so many stricken... though the pond did spare a thought for the daughter of Kelly Anne Conway ...
Could it get any funnier? Could the plotting get any more bizarre?
Immediately the pond regretted not running with Jolly Joe yesterday. It's already wildly out of date of course, as we head to the cliffhanger turning point for the start of the second act, with the third act due very shortly after that, but still ...
Perhaps the pond should just note before starting on Joe that the reptiles themselves reprinted a poll reported in the WSJ, which began this way ...
Polls come and go of course, but there's only one Jolly Joe, and by golly, he's determined to give the Donald a chance, so that we can enjoy another four years of fuck-ups and follies of the kind that makes reality television such a money spinner ...
By golly, did Joe get that wrong or what. The Donald has tossed away the books, he's shown incredible courage, he knows everything about the virus, he's learned everything that the school of hard knocks can teach, and he's ready and roaring to go, thanks to an astonishing medical team ...
The pond doesn't mind interrupting Joe with the odd cartoon, especially as the Donald wasn't so much a parrot pining for the fjords as a groover wanting to go cruising the hood.
By way of further explanation, when the reptiles originally gave Jolly Joe a run, they stuffed him full of clickbait videos, and so there wasn't much wordage in the lumps in between ...leaving plenty of room for the odd additional joke.
And so to the Donald's miraculous resurrection, called with style by Jolly Joe ...
Oh that's all a bit of a dud and a downer. Can the pond intrude with an uplifting thought from the infallible Pope?
Sheesh, that's a bit grimm, infallible Pope, so we must get back to Jolly Joe ...
No, no, Joe, you go for a drive, that's what you do ... and now to a final gobbet, one which the pond loves, because it's so gender fluid and meta-ironic.
It features Joe talking to himself, but so delusional that he actually thinks he's turned female, and is a swing voter called Mary Milwaukee ... and even better, he wonders what she/he is thinking, perhaps as a way of getting the pond's TG friends reading ...
Trump will come out of it more humble? And that way he'll win back Jolly Joe's heart, as if it ever went away, not when Joe's gone to all that trouble to dress up as Mary?
Did anyone really want an explanation of how that 2014 budget came into being? If they did, Jolly Joe mumbling like an infatuated, delusional Mary in the grip of the Donald just gave it to them ...
Never mind, when confronted with loonacy on all fronts, the pond always likes to close with an immortal Rowe, with more Rowe here ...
Ok, while trying to work out something pointed to say, have some easy listening in the meanwhile:
Boy, sure have hit a very low level today, DP. Old Groanie, some Cam Stew. and a slosh of the Hoe Jockey - sorry about the irresistible spoonerism - for afters. And barely anything worth a moment's attention in the lot of them. I'd even say I think that Groanie's gone off since she went sort of gig status, but she never really reached any heights when she was massively overpaid anyway.
ReplyDeleteBut here, what about this: "[Gas] is the obvious complement to renewable energy by firming up capacity." Que ? Gas is merely the "complement" to renewable and not vice versa ? Was that a typo or a psycho ? A finger twitch or a brain spasm ? Or maybe just a fart into the wind.
Ok, so Cam Stew. would like us to know that: "White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said he had spoken with the president on Monday and that he was improving." But no he isn't, Trump's ratings have gone down even further behind Biden since the Grate Debat and he's starting to feel really terrible.
Oh, but then we get to Joe and his delusions of running an "advisory firm". This paragon of advisoryness wants us to contemplate that: "Maybe Trump will come out of all this less aggressive, more humble. If so he will win back the Mary Milwaukees. It's possible; after all, 2020 is the year for black swans."
So, Trump "less aggressive, more humble" ? Yeah, sure.
i agree Groanie's gone off, GB. She's just a spiteful old frump now. The bitterness that comes with losing the argument of the millennium, of being on the wrong side of history, knowing your economic theory is as old and outdated as your climate change theory. Sure, Murdoch still pays her a penny a word, which must smooth out some of those bumps. But I can understand how that enormous chip on her shoulder makes her like some one-eyed grandmotherly Frankenstein's assistant, drooling and slavering while she pushes the lever with all her might to 'catastrophic'.
DeleteThat was very expressively poetic, Merc. Way too good for the Groanie.
DeleteSorry GB, but the pond is at the mercy of the reptiles. Every so often the pond thinks about bringing back the Speccie mob, just so there's some real comedy, instead of Dame Groan's ancient stylings ...
DeleteAh well, DP, into each life some Dame Groan must piss.
DeleteBut Speccies ? Hmmm. That's just about on a par with how cosmic rays and low-hanging clouds control the climate: good for a sarcastic chuckle every so very occasionally, though. After all, is the Cater really any better ? Other than in respect of his world-renowned expertise in dam hydraulics, of course.
"Did anyone really want an explanation of how that 2014 budget came into being? If they did, Jolly Joe mumbling like an infatuated, delusional Mary in the grip of the Donald just gave it to them ..."
ReplyDeleteI didn't want an explanation, but it's good to know that useless suck-up Joe Hockey was in the grip of the onion muncher when that 2014 budget to nowhere farted out of his mouth. Explains a lot. Just like he demonstrates here, there's not an original thought that ever passes through the man's head. Only a mind-numbing parade of delusional stupidity.
Now what was the motivation for that other cigar-smoking waste of space, the Corminator?
I dunno, Merc, but what is Micallef gonna do when he's gone. Most of those Coalition folks are so banal and boring.
DeleteI guess Juvenal can be forgiven, but Hockey should know that black swans are very common in Australia -
ReplyDeleteNow, now Joe; be fair, they're not all black, are they. And the younguns are a light grey. Besides, the truth is that the whole 'black swan' narrative of modern times comes not from Juvenal, but from Nassim Taleb's 'The Black Swan'. But then, I don't reckon The Joey would ever have managed to read something as esoteric as that.
DeleteTis a blessing the Groan has some pearls to clutch. I’m just grateful she doesn’t own a horse.
Just in time for Boris de Pfeffel, CA:
DeleteBoris Johnson to unveil plan to power all UK homes with wind by 2030
Splendid links, and even more splendid ironies Anon and GB
DeleteAnd they don't even have access to the East Gippsland coast, DP. What will they do when "the wind don't blow" ? Maybe they'll have to switch to water powered generators placed into the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift.
DeleteAh, the east Gippsland coast, GB, where roads are designed to save the planet by bringing back the horse and buggie, and on a good day, the pond and its relatives can feel close to the icebergs leaving Antarctica ... both closer to reality than the sudden conversion of Boris to wind, though the pond has to acknowledge that all the Poms will need access to is Boris-generated windiness ...
DeleteOh, but the wind does blow, DP, the wind does blow on the East Gippsland coast.