Many reptiles are called in the Monday lizard Oz, but not all can be chosen ...
The pond usually steers clear of simplistic Simon doing an enormous SloMo suck, but the Major's standard ABC bashing also had to be ruled out.
The Major's major recommendation, in a Major Major way, was to listen to Andrew West's Religion and Ethics Report to discover the truth about the Pell conspiracy.
Alas and alack, the pond had already done that - as others can here - and discovered that despite West's best efforts, he couldn't get Joshua McElwee, a journalist based in Rome, to commit to a conspiracy. Not that the pond blames West for trying - it would have been a scoop - but for the moment, more research is needed. It's a pity the Major isn't up to that job, but he's still looking for that Order of Lenin medal.
And so the pond turned to the reformed, recovering feminist, the Oreo, to kick start the week with a standard Murdochian conspiracy ...
Indeed, indeed, but perhaps that's just as well, because buggered if the pond could find any hint of others' news in the lizard Oz ...
Speaking of cancers, back to the Oreo and that typical grasping whine and moan from the Murdochians and their failing, flailing business model ... (anyone wanting those alternatives above should feel free to Google away, which remains a better experience than reptiling or Murdochianising the time away ...)
Who knew that a reformed, recovering feminist could transform into such a loyal lickspittle lackey, but the Oreo shows how it can be done ...
Actually it turns out that the issue of political bias is hotly contested within one family, as the pond discovered by reading the NY Times, as those who have enough freebies left can do here, with Maureen Dowd interviewing James Murdoch ...
Ah, so much more at the source, but the pond is stuck with the Oreo, and the Oreo is inside the tent and has been inside the tent for some time now, recovered and reformed from her tragic feminist days, frantically drinking the Murdochian kool aid. She had one last paranoid, conspiracy-laden gobbet in her, but luckily it was brief ...
Fuck the pond dead, but do it gently please, what on earth is the Oreo talking about? The "free press"?
Newsflash. The Murdochians aren't free. Oh sure they have one measly site that's free, and as a result is popular, but the rest want to charge like wounded bulls so that the likes of the Bolter, the dog botherer and the Oreo herself might get a little tickle from singing from the chairman's song sheet ... and as for honesty, and corruption, has there ever been a more corrupt and devious organisation than Fox News? Not even some actual Murdochs could stomach its crap.
Never mind, and as for Jason Thomas and the war on Iran, and the Oreo's devotion to the Donald getting the right sort of corporate support - apparently Fox News isn't enough - the pond was delighted at news that the Donald had found followers in far off lands ... who knows Jason, can Iran be far behind?
And so to Jolly Joe, who was outside the ruck of the commentary team and at the top of the digital page. The pond has developed quite a taste for Joe's comedy stylings, and hopes his engagement extends beyond the election, but in the meantime ...
At some point, Joe will fantasise that he's a woman in Maryland, perhaps even donning a dress Some Like It Hot style - let's face it, nobody's perfect - and start talking to himself, which is a fiction worthy of Samuel Richardson imagining that he's a Pamela ... (alas it was too early in the eighteenth century for Karens) ...
At this point, the pond should note that the reptiles have deemed Joe's copy as being in urgent need of click bait videos. The pond usually cuts them out, but couldn't be bothered removing one simply so it could get those last few treasured Jolly Joe words on their own ... especially as they triggered a cartoon by one of the US's far right Donald supporter cartoonists ...
But back to Joe, heavily trimmed of all the reptile ornaments ...
Here the pond should note that the reptiles proudly added a graph to Jolly Joe's piece to give it some appearance of substance, as if general polling had anything to do with the results in a country with that bizarre institution, the Electoral College ...
So the pond shrunk down the graph, and returned to Jolly Joe ...
He must grieve for the losses? The Donald is a narcissistic sociopathic carnie showman, he doesn't do grieving ... he does arson ...
And so to the last Jolly Joe gobbet ...
Yes, yes, good one, Jolly Joe team coach and supplier of oranges for the Donald, as if he wasn't already orange enough, another four years of the Donald ... how sweet it will be, how cartoonists around the world will rejoice ... a pity that the planet will be comprehensively fucked, like a Donald casino, but we must take our pleasures as we find them ...
And so to the dog botherer, offered up as the bonus of the day because that's what the pond is usually reduced to ... some hare-brained (well the dog botherer could hardly be hair-brained) Murdochian loon ranting away ...
On the upside, the dog botherer manages to encapsulate all the other reptiles after a kool-aid drinking party ... there's the ABC, there's the Donald, and in due course there'll be comrade Dan ... and there was also a tweet that set the dog botherer off ...
Now it will not come as any surprise to anyone living outside the dog botherer bubble that the Donald is a super spreader ...
But reality is hard to grasp when blessed with a dog botherer's pea brain ... apparently it's all the fault of the ABC, everything is all the fault of the ABC, the entire universe is ruined because of the ABC ...
The pond loves it when ratbag ranting loons of the dog botherer kind toss out words like "sober" and "objective", as if they had some understanding of the concepts ... and now marvel at how the ranter manages to segue to hate mode ... for Paul Barry, climate science, comrade Dan, the ABC again, what have you got, he's got a drunken, subjective rant primed and ready to go ...
It got worse? What, like this?
Never mind, we're at the last gobbet ...
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You see, the dog botherer more than made up for the pond not offering up the Major Mitchell's rant about all evil in the world emanating from the ABC ...
It would take a psychiatrist or perhaps someone expert in how to manage a disreputable, tawdry, failing business to analyse all of the above ...
As for the pond it is pleased it is allowed to drive on the road - so many pleasures, so much attention from SloMo to complimentary women - and indulge in the odd cartoon from the immortal Rowe, with more always to hand here ...
"Bondi" Hoe Jockey: "Even the best fighter cannot win without a good support team in their corner. It's time for Trump to forget about the aesthetics. get back in the ring and start landing some heavy blows." Like falling flat on his face you reckon, Hock old mate ?
ReplyDeleteOk, now I reckon I know just what Bondi Joe is really selling: unctuous praise with just enough plausibility for a Trumpian leader to con himself into buying it. In short, what he's always done wherever he was.
But hey, how's Trumpy going ?
"It’s becoming known as Covid brain fog: troubling cognitive symptoms that can include memory loss, confusion, difficulty focusing, dizziness and grasping for everyday words. Increasingly, Covid survivors say brain fog is impairing their ability to work and function normally."
D'you reckon Trump might actually have had COVID a long time ago ?
“D'you reckon Trump might actually have had COVID a long time ago ?”
DeleteThis is a question that must be taxing the minds of many of the worlds best psychologists as Trump is the equivalent of a Rorschach inkblot that has been thrown in a blender.
Your analysis of of Bondi Joe is spot on GB.....if you check out his website, he has pretty much set up shop with most of his ambassadorial staff, although they all worked on the Democrat side of the fence previously. Joe is an equal opportunity for Joe type of he always has been. Show me the money.
Hockey seems like a classic case of permanently delayed 'maturity' - just stuck in lifelong adolescence. So he reckons Trump should "land some heavy blows", but what could that possibly mean ? What "heavy blows" could the utterly lightweight Trump ever land on Biden ?
DeleteHe's already called Biden all the names he could think of (which weren't many) and attacked him and his son and Kamala and so forth - what's left for him to be able to do ?
If that's the kind of 'strategic counsel' Joe expects to get paid large sums for, he'd better wish that every single GOPper from now on is as childish and retarded as Trump. I can't imagine either McCain or Romney for instance giving him a moment's attention.
All is quiet on the Pond today DP.... Presuming, like myself, that all eyes have been distracted by Gladys and the ICAC hearing and the ongoing Cretin and her kill Dan mission. As well as the collapse of the Govt.’s petition website and Rudd’s decades late hold Murdoch’s propaganda machine to account and that SloMo had to be taken home in a divvy Van, it seems like it is going to be a burning of the midnight oil night for the reptiles.
My bad......
You have an endless supply, CA, don't you. Yeah, I actually do remember P&D but only very faintly. Good one.
DeleteBut prey tell, who is interested in the romantic indiscretions of unmarried middle-aged ladies ?
That petition cheered me up a bit. Nothing will happen but at least it provides an inkling of how many folk think Murdoch is a disgrace. Went up over a thousand while I was writing this (113458).
DeletePetitions by unpersons go straight to the memory hole, Bef. Especially when the unperson is named Kevin.
DeleteLikewise GB....not interested in her personal life, but having watched the proceedings today, Gladys has a very large cloud over her head in terms of her professional/political life. We are talking about corrupt behaviour of quite a few years and she doesn’t strike me as exactly stupid by any stretch of ones imagination.
DeleteLove the Dockers....actually known Paulie Stewart for many years. A truely larger than life character.
Lots of history there, CA, including the Balibo Five and even Derryn Hinch, but it all seems to have faded away now, doesn't it. They say hope springs eternal, but ...
DeleteAnyway, Gladys and Daryl are Libby wingnuts in good standing so no blame can possibly attach to them - knights of teflon, mate.
All quiet on the reptile front on coal this day CA ... perhaps you should have linked to the Painters and Dockers song The Reptile The ...and as for Josh Butler, the pond got this ...
DeleteThat link to old stuff is a good one. The pond's partner can never shut up about the good old days at the Crystal Ballroom ...but TISM was more the go at the time ...
Really, This Is Serious DP:
I'm guessing that the government's media legislation will pan out with the same level of success as their blustering at the Chinese about Covid-19 seems to be enjoying.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what arrangements Google and Facebook currently have with Nein or News Corpse but it would seem far more beneficial to the failing legacy companies than the two behemoths (revenue of 162 & 70bn respectively).
I wonder if the tech companies could just block news content for Australia? It would be small beer to them and probably a valuable lesson for others.
Anyway, the proposed legislation states, in part, "participating companies must adhere to professional editorial standards, maintain editorial independence from the subjects of their news coverage". Doesn't sound like anything associated with Murdoch.
You make a good point Bef......against Morloch’s professional standards and loss making business model, it would indeed be small beer and valuable/intimidatory lesson to others. They are very big numbers which against SloMo’s occasional few millions are indeed very small beer.
Unfortunately I have used up my NY Times quota, so thanks for the link DP.
ReplyDelete“A contest of ideas shouldn’t be to legitimise disinformation” No wonder James walked ......
yet like a good little girl, the Oreo stays true to the cause.
The reptiles seem to spend most of their time referencing their whinging allied staff or whinging about how others are pinching their disinformation for free and they wonder why they have been loosing money hand over fist or why Krudd is running a petition against them.
The pay must be good because pushing bullshit uphill is a sad way to make a living in my opinion.
The issue of political bias may well be hotly contested, and probably is all over the the world, but when you have a monopoly that has endured in Australia for multiple decades the task can only survive with Govt. support and I think people are just fed up with the blatantly obvious and has no doubt contributed to the public mistrust of politics in general.
As for Joe, somehow I can’t see him sitting ringside, cigar in gob and dodging the flying sweat and blood. The Donald....sure. But not Joe. As you rightly note DP, it’s just political comedy. That cute and cuddly photo of Joe is a dead give away.
Regards the dog botherer, he really must be wearing himself out running in his ideological circle of hates. He writes like he has a mouse wheel instead of a brain......sad but sort of entertaining. Then he does have to spread the word, even if he does do it badly. Although living on Kool-Aid and Pal is known to be bad for your health, it seems to sustain the dog botherer.
'World Party' - another one I've personally never even heard of, much less heard. You really do have an endless supply, CA :-)
Delete"Contest of ideas" ? Remember Howard's Rule: if you truly believe it, then it isn't a lie. But the Doggy Bov might be in some kind of existential panic mode: his SAD gig is noticeably unsuccessful - even Alan Jones just floats in and gets about twice his audience numbers.