Wednesday, September 09, 2015

The reptile in chief editorialist wrong-footed on Syrian refugee crisis, with a bonus splash of essence of Devine ...

(Above: and more excellent Rowe here).

Required to exercise a muscle they daily refuse to exercise - the tricuspid compassion valve - the reptiles have been caught out.

It seemed like a dream to the pond to read today's reptile editorial.

Was it only here yesterday that the pond was faithfully reporting the reptiles berating the compassionistas and endorsing Tony Abbbott's measured response?

Uh huh. Standard rote, routine abuse of compassionistas, greenies and Twitter, and nothing wrong with Tony. The pond could almost write it while engaging in sleep-walking off a cliff.

What bringeth the new dawn?

Let us remember that one of the most important reptile skills is the capacity to turn on a dime. And, thanks to the awesome power of kool aid, to forget completely what was written the day before ...

Let us proceed, and admire ...

Indeed, indeed. And many are the times the pompous, tedious one has taken away the pond's breath with his lessons on the moral and strategic bankruptcy of rich nations. When we remember an example, we'll get back to you ...

And so on to the recanting reptile in chief ...

When will the reptiles learn that some people actually keep track of the enormous stupidities they scribble in their editorials as they change positions from day to day? Supposedly the heart of the paper that's supposedly at the heart of the nation ...

Abbott wrong-footed? What about the Oz editorialist?

Time is running out. Perhaps they should lower the daily intake of kool aid at the water cooler.

Meanwhile, over at the Daily Terrorists, the Devine was on hand with a measured response to the crisis:

Uh huh. And what form does the champion Devine's compassion take?

Whatever we do, we need to tread carefully, or else we run the risk of repeating the disastrous mistake of the Lebanese concession of 1975-76 when, in a fit of compassion, the Fraser government lost control of its refugee program and allowed in more than 10,000 economic migrants who rorted the system. Illiterate Lebanese Muslims from impoverished rural areas, they arrived in Australia at a time of high unemployment and settled in southwest Sydney, where their trouble integrating had ramifications which are still being felt. 
This is what happens when you allow moral vanity to guide decision making.

Yep, essence of Devine, the heart of darkness, and hate, hate, hate ...

Naturally, a fundamentalist Catholic like the Devine is in the "won't somebody think of just the Christians" camp and to hell with the rest, in the best Samaritan style advocated by Christ ...

We can and should, of course, do more, but the refugees we should help from Syria are the Christians who are being religiously cleansed from the Middle East. They have nowhere else to go.

Along with the bigotry and the schismatic compassion, the Devine ladled out a hearty dose of abuse and triumphalism:

The compassion auction under way over refugees is sickening. Australians are fed up to the back teeth with pompous preening gits parading their manufactured compassion and denigrating this country as mean and heartless.

Hate, hate, hate, and let's not forget the triumphalism:

We are the world champions in compassion, backed up by deeds, not words. The United Nations has recognised Australia as the best resettlement services provider in the world. 
And yet this truth is impossible for our chattering classes to accept. That can only be because their entire identity and reputation relies on denigrating Australia. Their hearts soar when the New York Times attacks us.

Presumably in much the same way as the Devine's heart soars when she hears of the latest outrage on Manus or Nauru ...

The reptiles of Oz have had a sudden reality check, but the Devine will never know how to scribble a genuine act of contrition and compassion.

The hate will always out, and the pond once more must apologise for scattering about the pong:

And so to a Pope cartoon, to take away the stench, or at least to conceal it, and more Pope here.

What's the odds the Devine has the first clue what that Pope cartoon is on about?


  1. Here's a new word for the reptiles - "negotiation"

  2. A country neighbouring a war zone that we destroyed has descended into civil war. Now where have we seen that before? Cambodia, anyone?

  3. Something to brighten your day, Dorothy.....Abbott joined at the hip with Stphen Harper:

    1. Indeed it did, along with pity for the poor bastard at the receiving end of Harper's monstrous stupidity. But who could resist these lines?

      Turner’s union representatives told the CBC that Turner was being accused of having “violated the departmental code of values and ethics in that the writing and performing of this song somehow impeded his ability to impartially study migratory birds”.

    2. Great link Anon. I can't wait for the national version. Harper will probably call out the Mounties music battalion.
      Departmental code of values and ethics?? This one....

  4. Jeez,have not even read your post yet DP as still recovering from Rowe cartoon at opening. Hilarious!! Rowe..and Pope are just supreme cartoonists.

  5. Great post as always DP. Them haters are always gonna hate and never see their own intolerance as the problem.
    My morning highlight was the release of Kim Davis broadcast on the radio,replete with Eye of the Tiger soundtrack.At first I thought I was listening to an ad for South Park.I think one day Tea Party conservatism will be recognized as a form of mental illness that even humor or mirth will prove ineffective.

    I prefer this version by the very talented cover rippers,Hayseed Dixie who take humor and mirth to a level the hate reptiles will never understand.

  6. Enter the citizen journalists. This is staggering - how they behave out of the spotlight - what price a Mirabella reboot?

  7. George Christensen proving once again he would lose a debate with a doorknob.

  8. Cripes DP, daily I read here on the Pond of yet another bout of maniac koolade gulping reptile morning mania for the latest hallucinatory description of the same old...

    Somebody To Love...

    We are the world champions in compassion, backed up by deeds, not words. The United Nations has recognised Australia as the best resettlement services provider in the world.

    When the truth is found to be lies
    And all the joy within you dies
    Don't you want somebody to love, don't you
    Need somebody to love, wouldn't you
    Love somebody to love, Miranda you better
    Find somebody to love

    When the garden flowers Tony are dead, yes and
    Your mind, your mind is so full of red
    Don't you want somebody to love, don't you
    Need somebody to love, wouldn't you
    Love somebody to love, Tony you better
    Find somebody to love

    Your eyes, Reptile in Chief Editorialist,
    I say your eyes may look like his
    Yeah, but in your head, baby, I'm afraid you don't know where it is
    Don't you want somebody to love, don't you
    Need somebody to love, wouldn't you
    Love somebody to love, you better
    Find somebody to love

    Tears are running down and down and down your breast
    And your friends, Kelly, baby they treat you like a guest
    Don't you want somebody to love, don't you
    Need somebody to love, wouldn't you
    Love somebody to love, you better
    Find somebody to love

    Apologies to: Jefferson Airplane songwriters - SLICK, DARBY R.


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