Saturday, November 26, 2022

In which the pond overdoses on blather about woke virtue-signalling ...


What o'clock is it? Must be the weekend and time for a fresh serve of reptile clichés, perhaps topped with the stench of climate science denialism.

Still, the aversion therapy is working for the pond. There was no way the pond could deal with nattering "Ned" with "woke" at the top of the column ...

That sort of anachronism reminds the pond why the reptile mindset, the relentless revisionism, the application of now to then, is so deadening and soul-destroying.

And Dame Slap was playing the same game, with "woke" deployed in her header ...

The only thing? It's such a moronic thought, from such a toxic scribbler, and coupled with "woke" yet again, that the pond simply couldn't go there either ...

But it's always the same ... wherever the pond looks, there's always an abuse of language, an abundance of clichés of the mindless parroting "woke" kind, and, it goes without saying, a goodly dose of climate science denialism ... not to mention the plagiarising of the pond's use of Chicken Little ...

Ignore the reference to Chicken Little propaganda.

Note instead that blather about "a gently warming climate", and "significant benefits", and the Book of Exodus, and the implication that of late there hasn't been one disaster after another.

Would Covid stand in for boils?

Never mind, ever since the Riddster has gone full IPA, he's veered from eccentric to full-blown weird, and as always it's the language, and the complete absence of science that calls out this pathetic member of Gina's mob and the climate word games he plays

Yes, that old saw, "climate alarmism" is trotted out to be given another beating ...

Strange, what was that alarm bell? Was it mindless blather of an enormously stupid kind, the bit about "groupthink", a post-ironic abuse of the language that could only emanate from one of Gina's mob ...

What was that talk of tools of Gina propaganda? And how did this slip past the IPA censor: "it might be that the net effect is a major problem"?

It might be that the abuse of language is just the beginning of major problems ... because these days the Riddster is reduced to mindless suggests of conspiracies .... of the "we should all worry" kind ... 

Oh poor Riddster, a scientist reduced to being one of Gina's mob, scribbling for the IPA, and drifting into political advocacy rather than science, observation and objective prediction, all conspicuously lacking in this outing, as opposed to ominous hints and bland proposals that we might even find that some of what we have been told is wrong ... and never mind that the Riddster is doing that telling, with false equivalencies and all the rest of the routine regularly played by reptile climate science denialists ...

In short, this in service of that ...

Let's hope the Riddster ends up with the very best pillows, because otherwise he might have trouble sleeping at night ...

And so to another reptile expert in the abuse of language ...

Yes, thar she blows again, and truly if the reptiles paid for proper word use, "woke" would be a squillionaire. 

Even Humpty Dumpty would have had to pay up ...

'And only ONE for birthday presents, you know. There's glory for you'
'I don't know what you mean by "glory,"' the pond said.
The dog botherer  smiled contemptuously. 'Of course you don't-- till I tell you. I meant "there's a nice knock-down argument for you!"'
'But "glory" doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument,"' the pond objected.
'When I use a word,' the dog botherer said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less.'
'The question is,' said the pond, 'whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.'
'The question is,' said the dog bothterer 'which is to be master-- that's all.'
The pond was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute the dog botherer began again. 'They've a temper, some of them-- particularly verbs, they're the proudest--adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs--however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Woke impenetrability! That's what I say!'
'Would you tell me, please,' said the pond 'what that means?'
'Now you talk like a reasonable child,' said the dog botherer, looking very much pleased. 'I meant by "woke impenetrability" that we've had enough of that subject, and it would be just as well if you'd mention what you mean to do next, as I suppose you don't mean to stop here all the rest of your life.'
'That's a great deal to make "woke impenetrability" mean,'the pond said in a thoughtful tone.
'When I make words like "woke" do a lot of work like that,' said the dog botherer, 'I always pay them extra.'
'Oh!' said the pond. She was too much puzzled to make any other remark.

Somehow that woke the pond up, and having been awakened, felt fully woke, and able to cope with all the hysteria in that first gobbet ... so then it was time for a serve of more climate science denialist gruel ...

Always the mystery which of late has become almost as weird as transubstantiation or Trinitarianism ...

You see, climate change isn't real and isn't happening, and so renewables are a complete waste of time and energy. And besides, the solution is to nuke the country to solve the problem that isn't happening ...and per the Riddster, what isn't happening might even be a jolly good thing, if we could only learn to get along with it ... (a supply of mining royalties to the pond's bank account would certainly help).

The pond was never able to solve knotty, nutty if you will, theological problems, and as for the dog botherer ... well, this time, instead of "woke" he leads with "jellybacks", which is certainly different from "wets" and throws in blather about "Leftist bile", though why "leftist" should be capitalised is another mystery the pond can't solve ...

Should the pond feel pity for the dog botherer? Such a deeply unhappy man, pretending to be tough about love, and yet yearning for it, and suddenly shifting from "chase the love" to talk of  flint-hearted curios ... 

And yet, somehow, digging deep,  the pond summoned up the courage to tell him that the calls are coming from inside the house, his house, the house of reptiles, and his kissing cousin, the bromancer ...

There is an upside. No need to bother with the bromancer this weekend.

The pond is so bored by the day in, day out, week in, week out ranting by assorted reptiles at the voice, and the tragedy of what working for the reptiles can do to the mental and physical health of reptiles in charge ...

When Dore was editor of the Daily Telegraph in 2016 he attended a New Year’s Eve party, described by former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in his autobiography A Bigger Picture.
“We held a New Year’s Eve party at Kirribilli House (at my own expense) and watched the fireworks from the governor general’s lawn – apart from a tirade of drunken abuse from one of Murdoch’s editors, it was a congenial evening,” Turnbull wrote.
Several sources said Dore was the editor in question and he was “incoherently drunk” at the party, which was also attended by the Australian’s then editor Paul Whittaker and his wife, and the chairman of News Corp’s Herald and Weekly Times group (and Rupert Murdoch’s niece) Penny Fowler.
It is understood that at least some of the “drunken abuse” Dore meted out was directed at the prime minister himself, at the gathering attended by friends, media executives, several members of Turnbull’s ministry and staff.
Despite this allegedly inappropriate drunken behaviour at the governor general’s official Sydney residence being apparently well known at Holt Street, Dore was promoted to editor-in-chief of the national broadsheet in 2018, the fourth Murdoch masthead he edited in his 31-year career.
The company says that Dore quit due to ill health. Two days after the shock announcement editor Michelle Gunn told staff she understood they were “feeling heavy of heart” after Dore left due to “personal health issues”.
“Chris wants you all to know that he is going to be OK,” Gunn said. “And he knows that you all join me in sending him every good wish.” (The Weekly Beast)

There's a deep, existential unhappiness at work there ... they even have to lie about the real reasons ... because it's part of being a reptile to never lie straight in bed ...

The dog botherer seems torn himself ... rich with anger and a desire to practise domestic abuse on the English language, because yes, "virtue-signallers" gets trotted out for the umpteenth kind ...

Did the dog botherer miss an opportunity here? Of course he did ... he didn't mention nuking the country, the solution to the non-existent problem ... he forgot to slip in a tip of the hat to SMRs, all the rage in current reptile outings ... and instead he persisted with the abuse of language ...

The pond just has to interrupt, not because the reptiles slipped in that click bait video featuring the dog botherer, but because the pond scored a full house when it picked up the "Orwellian" card.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person. If someone continuously uses the term "Orwellian" to bully and ridicule, it's likely  that the bully might be projecting his own struggle with his self-esteem and his Orwellian tendencies, with his abuse of the English language shorthand for his abuse of himself and the world ... (sorry, the pond made that last bit up and added it to the source, but if the Orwellian cap fits, why not wear it?)

By this point, with a full house in hand, the pond had no need for a language straight, and so the final gobbet offered some relatively mild abuse of the English language ... 

A lame, tired repeat of "virtue-signallers" simply doesn't cut it, and all that a reference to fully franchised angsty teens simply reminds the world that the dog botherer is now officially a boring, tedious old fart, not so far from a Colonel Blimp figure (not that angsty teens would get that reference).

And speaking of projection, should the pond feel for the dog botherer, valiantly attempting to feel the love and feel the voice, and so forced to pound the keyboard to produce "You have to feel for Dutton (and me?) because most of the policy directions would be clear to him, even on the voice, I suspect".

Nah, fuck him, having a thing for the voice can't undo the damage he does with most of his projections, urgings and abuse of the English language ...

And now, with sundry reptiles having been ruled out, Dame Slap and the bromancer at the head of the pack, what to do for a bonus?

Well those down south have an election on this day, and to celebrate the pond decided to return to our Gracie ...

The story, for those who came in late, is that our Gracie in recent weeks has been on an IR binge, like every reptile under the sun, and so was curtly cut by the pond, in the Victorian manner, but today she went full parochial, and it was vastly amusing to the pond ...

Oh dear, rolling eyes syndrome, it can only mean she's been reading the lizard Oz, home to talk of leftist cults and moronic sheeple and other Orwellian language abuse ... and for some reason this seems to have triggered our Gracie, or at least it triggered a carefully neutered reptile click bait video ... and thank the long absent lord Killer wasn't around to see it, or it might have triggered an attack of mask hysteria...

Poor Gracie, apparently unaware that the calls came from inside her house, and yet here was the lizard Oz editorialist still beating that tired drum in December, a full month after that landslide ...

In the wash-up the reptiles could never admit to being screw-ups ... but of course one of the rules in reptile la la land is that there should never be any reflection, introspection or contemplation, because navel-gazing and fluff-gathering is something only done by woke virtue-signallers ...

Still that lizard Oz editorial outing does make the pond wonder about her talk of how "the issue evaporated out of public sight the day after the election."

Gad, sir or madam, no issues ever evaporate at the lizard Oz. Climate science denialism and African gangs forever, and if there isn't a gang in sight, at least there's a deep conspiracy involving steps!

Still the pond would have appreciated a heads-up from our Gracie regarding her willingness to consort with reptile riff raff, as if it's all the fault of Sydney shock jocks, and News Corp had nothing to do with it (no, the pond won't be having a serve of the HUN on the menu).

And so to a last gasp of defiance from down south ...

That fall down the stairs? Our Gracie is too kind. "In the media" doesn't really convey what her friends at the HUN got up to ... yes, it was the HUN wot did it, and our Gracie kissing cousin to those reptiles in the great south land ...

You scribble for the same company, Gracie, so why the bleating? Have you thought about scribbling for a rag that will do the least damage to our society and economy? That's all scribblers can ever do ...

And now, as all that's been terribly parochial, here's a mangled infallible Pope, but at least his mangling of wretched autocrat-loving FIFA is clear enough, with a red card in the offing ...


  1. The Bromancer (is that a new picture of him?) writes of 'chaotic entropy' - yep, as distinct from some other kind of entropy? Then fastens it to 'identity politics'. The accessible portion of the rigging on the Flagship for this day tells me that Ms Ton-yee-nee - identity politics personified - also has a pennant flying from lower parts of the rigging.

    Ample reason for not continuing with the 'contributions' of either, but thank you, Dorothy, for the more detailed assessment.

    1. There is a 'chaotic entropy' apparently, Chad:

      I have no idea what that is though. But 'entropy' isn't binary like uniqueness: there can be degrees of entropy (as there can be of 'unique' too but don't tell DP about that).

      However, the photographic representation of the Bromancer: it is certainly a different photo of him, but is it treatment by black boot polish, or is it an Elon Musk thing (who, in case you didn't know, once upon a time had receding brownish front of head hair that suddenly turned into the luxuriant black hair that we see him with today).

  2. Loonpondians, new competition. Character names for reptiles based on Chaotic Entropy.

    The repltiles just don't get it do they.
    High functioning cool aid drinking alcoholics. What do we expect.
    We expect they are not up on kulcha.

    "Chaotic Entropy"
    ( Forbidden Creation )

    "Related to Character
    - Sucrose.

    "If Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75 / Type II triggers an Elemental Absorption, all party members gain a 20% Elemental DMG Bonus for the corresponding absorbed element during its duration."

    How do the creators of Chaotic Entropy know the repltile coolaid formula and recipe:
    " If Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75 / Type II triggers an Elemental Absorption, all party members gain a 20% Elemental DMG Bonus".

    I suggest a moniker in reserve DP, for the most "sugar laden' it on" reptile. Sucrose.

    They write themselves!

    Come on dear readers, must be others. Such as:
    "Currency ( oh, the irony!)

    "Creating new furnishings can make the teapot spirit trust you more"

    Who is News Corpse Sucrose? Lachlan?

    1. Hi Anony. The Saturday afternoon challenge to come up with character names for reptiles inspired me to investigate that website further.

      I couldn't think of apt character names but I found a list of challenges/levels within the game itself. The names for these tests could easily be interpreted as News Corp briefs for its scribbling minions.

      Consider these heated up Dog Botherer captions for instance;
      A Procession of Bonfires
      Distant Crackling
      Fire Ventures with Me
      Flaming Sword, Nemesis of Dark
      Pyrotechnic Professional
      Rockin' in a Flaming World

      And the Bromancer's bellicose blusterings;
      Horns Lowered, Coming Through
      Prophecy of Oblivion
      Prophecy of Submersion
      Seafaring General
      Star of Another World
      Storm of Defiance
      Stunning Revenge

      I'm sure Dame Slap could be enticed into elaborating on these topics;
      Sharpened Claws
      Shock Effect
      Stay a While, and Listen Up
      Taking All Comers
      The Law Knows No Kindness
      The Obstinacy of One's Inferiors

      And as for Dame Groan's commentorial proclivities;
      Bait and Switch
      Skiving: New and Improved
      To Cease Courtesies

      Then there's News Corp's general MO;
      Abbysal Mayhem:Vortex of Turmoil
      Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance
      Foul Legacy: Understream
      Gather 'Round, It's a Brawl
      Havoc: Annihilation
      Rockcore Meltdown
      Shock Effect
      Tome of Lies

      And finally what could be some of Rupert's personal faves;
      Ancient Kingdom Guardians: Behind the Scenes of the Creation of Ruin Monsters
      A Subordinate's Skills
      Fox's Mooncall
      Right of Final Interpretation

    2. Kez, perhaps it is sort of akin to Watchmen. Writer's fear backlash if directly referencing dying nu'z, so resort to allegory and obfuscation.

      Almost too good! Cheers.

    3. :) ³ Hope these are being saved for the collected edition

  3. GB and Anonymous - you have given me some real entertainment there. I looked at the various synopses and wondered if the Bro was a player, particularly when I saw that 'the game also allows players to create a party of up to four playable characters that can be used and swapped on the fly to execute deadly and exquisite combos.'

    Certainly I could see him playing out 'Time to sort out the Celestial Empire' fantasies through this medium.

    Exit laughing.

    1. It's just amazing how imaginable some things can be.

    2. Some things imaginable, GB - but I will readily confess, I am quite incapable of imagining the wife of a Governor-General of our land of Girtby, requiring guests at those 'reception' thingies that come with the job, to sing songs like 'You are my sunshine' - and to insist that such guests do it again if her eminence thought they had not put in enough spirit the first time.

      For me, that sort of thing belongs with the 'Infinite Improbability Drive' in the Hitchhiker's Guide.

      Do we assume that her eminence is aware that that is the State Song of Loo-zee-anna, and that her choice cements goodwill between Girtby and that Deep South across the waters?

    3. The pond did wonder if Knees Up Mother Brown was on the play list ...

  4. The wonders of Sky News:

    Andrews at risk of ‘losing his own seat’ after treating citizens 'appallingly’
    Story by Sky News Australia
    "Sky News host Chris Kenny says Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is at risk of 'losing his own seat' after 'treating' his 'citizens appallingly' with 'lockdowns' and a 'reckless debt-fuelled spendathon'."

    And then:

    New poll puts Daniel Andrews on track to win a third term of government
    "The latest polling puts Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on track to win a third term of government for Labor."

    1. Oh dear me, “Andrew’s at risk of losing his own seat”. Only 8.73% counted so far but Andrew’s is on 49.2% with 16.8% for the nearest contender.

      The headline should read “News Corp loses another election”. Really, who will be willing to pay for this agitprop if it is now useless?

  5. Oh my:

    Voices: This could be the downfall of national labrador David Beckham
    "Things have taken a disappointing turn, with unwelcome news that the human golden retriever of our hearts – our national labrador, David Beckham – is a paid ambassador for Qatar in a rumoured £10m deal for the World Cup, which began this weekend. Qatar, lest we forget, is a country where homosexuality is illegal; where same-sex relationships are criminalised by prison sentences of up to three years plus a hefty fine; where the maximum possible penalty for Muslims is death by stoning."

    Gracious me, "death by stoning" for muslims. But then:

    "Up until 1924, the punishment for gay sex in NSW was imprisonment for life (although later reduced to 14-year imprisonment).

    In Victoria, gay sex carried the death penalty, a punishment harsher than British law at the time
    The Historical Offence of Homosexuality in Australia

    1. Oh David, oh Marina:

      David Beckham and a Manchester United bid – what could go wrong?


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