Saturday, August 27, 2022

In which the return of the Pellists allows the pond to endure the reptile chooks ...


Nope. The pond watched Nope and thought it was an unholy alien mess. The only thing the pond got from Nope is that when alien reptiles come into the pond, best to say nope to the lot of them (though the pond would like some of the stuff that reviewers were taking as they watched the film and wrote glowing reviews).

The pond did however enjoy Prince of Muck, a slow-moving but beautifully framed observation of an ageing laird on a remote and cold Scottish island taking cold water baths (the pond wouldn't last a night). 

The gag here is that only the laird speaks to camera and recites poetry and broods, while his grumpy son goes about the farming business in the distance, and his wife harangues him. There's never any impression of how the island operates, either on an economic or social basis, but the laird is given free rein, and that's enough, because the pond is otherwise unlikely to visit. 

The pond was, inter alia, astonished to see another family myth exploded, with the free use of the word "chooks". 

The wiktionary explained to the pond that it was Irish, but a Scottish dictionary put in a kind word for chookie ...  

For aw his yirdin-claes the craw ye'll see
hes aye a braisant skinkle in his ee.
Struntin aboot the ferm on laither legs
in ilka seck an trouch an kist he'll pree,
then lowp thro boles tae lift the chookie's eggs.

Speaking of chooks, the pond has to turn as usual to see what the reptiles were clucking about this day, and what joy, the Pellists had returned. 

In the old days the pond would. have saved the Pellists to a meditative Sunday, but it's been so long, the pond found this form of egg-laying irresistible, because speaking of language, can there be anything more Orwellian than associating the word "liberal" with the Catholic church?

Yep, there it was in the header, the risible notion of the Catholic church suffused with "liberal ideals", but on the upside, the pond was spared having to deal with illiberal Dame Slap doing her standard bitch-slapping ...

Oh fucketty fuck, John Howard v. Megan Markle? (Please, a full stop after the v. to indicate a shortening). 

It was too desperate and resoundingly stupid and futile for the pond, who could return to the illiberal musings of the Pellists with a sense of relief ... a remarkable feat for Dame Slap early on a weekend ...

Where would the Pellist be without nuking the planet, or displaying an ongoing love for coal and gas, fossils together? Isn't it strange that a "liberal" might blather about pseudo-religions, or fear (try hell as a routine) or woke activists or all the rest of the illiberal nonsense?

Not in the Catholic Boys' Daily, and yet the pond began to have doubts. What was the point of the reptiles, what with both the tree killer and digital editions ablaze with dire news ...

Not comrade Dan, the anti-Christ himself, all that the reptiles had valiantly fought against for years, and yet nobody loved their straw dog, the lobster-eating associate of mobsters?

It was with a heavy heart that the pond returned to the Pellists' musings ... already tiresome, as suddenly all that posturing about climate science (apparently Pellism and science are one) was abandoned to wonder at some slippage ... 

As we've already been saturated with abundant mindless clichés, will "cancel culture" get an outing?

Yes, thar she blowed, "the foundations of liberalism", namely poofter and TG bashing, and perhaps a little bit of racism and the never ending assault on women and their rights ...

There's really nothing that's ever changed, an eternal rock of ignorance, bigotry, and superstition ...  not to mention that bizarre notion of "sustaining the liberalism ideal", as if the DLP was somehow about the "liberalism ideal".

The pond can't help but repeat that blather about "sustaining the liberalism ideal", though the pious pontificator is going on a bit, and the pond did begin to wonder how any hapless student might feel, trapped and listening to a meandering speech by this ancient relic ...

Luckily there were just a couple of gobbets go to ... and suddenly there'll be victory in China, thanks to the Catholic church ... or at least some form of Xianity ...

Warrior Pellist? Or Scottish chook? There's only a brief final gobbet to find the truth ...

Protestantism? But surely that means they'll be doomed to an eternity in hell for embracing heresy? Has the Pellist forgotten that he toiled for the whore of Babylon?

And as for moral truths of young 'uns, the pond extends its deepest sympathy to condolences to those at Campion college forced to sit through this blather, or even worse, perhaps agree with it, without having the first clue about how it's the sounds of ancient fossil, or the cluckings of an antiquated chook ...

So it's on with the dog botherer, because when it comes to climate science denialism, the Pellists sat at his feet and supped of his ignorance ...

It's just the usual dog botherer, beginning with the usual stock library snap of a bestial wind mill, and the pond only returns to the same doggie vomit to relish the irony ...

Yes, they really do serve up that tripe bald-faced, unashamed and without a blush at the hypocrisy of it all ... and then they present the dog botherer ... apparently it's a form of education and enlightenment ...

Note that the dog botherer has avoided mentioning the current drought and heat wave in China ... might there not be some consequences from an addiction to coal?

Too soon to mention?

Well the pond knows where this is heading ... we must nuke the country, so best to get on with the nuking ...

Will the barking mad loons ever be satisfied, until they've killed off renewables and nuked the planet, while offering this sort of nonsense in another forum?

Driven by passion? Guided by principles? Acting with purpose? So it is with the braying of donkeys, corporation speak, and shelterer of dog botherers ...

Driven by nuking loons more like it ... clucking on for what feels like an endless eternity ... and yet without any qualifications in science worth mentioning ...

Um, it's not actually a binary choice, though the pond understands that simpletons always prefer black and white to whatever shade of grey might turn them on, but the good news is that a meaningless snap of a meaningless suburb will be replaced by a snap of nuking Britain in the final gobbet ...

Climate fear porn? Climate sadomasochism? There's always a clue in the use of words that indicates an inclination ... 

At least it explains why he's not just a planet fucker, he's a dog fucker ... but the pond has done its duty, endured the usual rant, and now can turn to the pesky business of attempting to scale the Everest known as "Ned", as a bonus ... though there will be the usual consternation at the thought of this being termed a "bonus" ...

As usual, it's a long and difficult climb, full of Chookie Little-isms, demands and policy confusions, as if "Ned" was in Cabinet, or should at least be chief government advisor ...

Ah yes, the cult of integrity. Truth to tell, you can have too much integrity ... just ask the Pellists.

Sorry, the pond realises that the climb is tricky and arduous enough, and just breathing can sometimes be difficult.

If that's the best the reptiles have got in the shape of Mr Potato Head, it might help explain that dismal news from the land of comrade Dan ...

But the pond must press on, because we've barely left base station, and already the climb is strewn with mind boulders and word rocks ...

To continue with the chook routine, why is "Ned" blathering about broken eggs? Why is the devious behaviour of the secretive, furtive, narcissist power mongering liar from the Shire and speaker in tongues to imaginary friends allowed by the mutton Dutton to stay in parliament ... if he allegedly wants the thing done and dusted, then he must pluck out that eye, and allow that there might be a loss of a seat, but at least the possibly temporary loss of a limb might allow for a cleansing and a healing.

Sorry, the pond must stop interrupting, because soon enough the reptiles are going to slip in a snap of the onion muncher and little Johnny, because reptile comedy is golden ... and "Ned" himself undercuts "Ned" himself ...

Well yes, but the pond is now heading towards the top, with just two gobbets to go, and "Ned" routinely undercutting himself with talk of "vulnerability" is no longer amusing, more tiresome and tedious in the "Ned" way ...

This is not going to reoccur? The pond begs to differ.

The ability of governments to be heartless to the disenfranchised and the poor is endless and abundant, and that attempt to throw in comrade Dan as a distraction is pitiful.

The reptiles have returned to that well many times, and with what result?


And so to the final gobbet ...

Was there an upside in all that guff? Yes, because the immortal Rowe celebrated the Everest metaphor with his own take, with more takes here ...


  1. "Oh fucketty fuck, John Howard v. Megan Markle?" Yes, that'd be a 15 round stoush indeed. But in the meantime, can somebody tell Groany that it's MegHan Markle please.

    No subeds, no photogtaphers and now now comics, all just to put another $billion in Rupert's pocket so that Lachy can sue Crikey.

    1. Ooops, "tell Slappy". Groany, Slappy, Beefy and Quillettish too - it's all too much to bare.

    2. I’m concerned that Aussie Christians probably have very few resources when it comes to rushing to the catacombs. I can recall my dear old dad participating in the occasional working bee at the local Catholic school; perhaps Cardinal Pell might like to encourage similar efforts in each Parish, constructing a set of catacombs under every Catholic Church or School in anticipation of the inevitable persecution of the faithful by the evil Woke Empire?

    3. Mmmm - Anonymous - they might need to take up with modern 'survivalists' - and good luck with reasons for possessing appropriate firearms under Aussie gun laws, that so stand in the way of 'freedumb'. Given the precedents of events like the Sicilian Vespers, it will also be difficult to pick just which group might move from persecution to massacre

  2. No mention by the Dog Botherer of European energy problems being driven by the rapacious greed of fossil fuel-powered energy companies, assisted by compliant conservative governments unwilling to limit price-gouging? How surprisement.

  3. Also sprach das Pellish: "I have been surprised by the exuberance of so many woke activists in the Coalition parties." Mind not, oh Pell, they've all left and gone to 'Teals', or hadn't you noticed how many seats the Coalition lost to 'wokeness' in the recent election. And who knows, maybe even more in the coming Victorian election too ?

    And then: "we [Pell's Micks] are a religion, teaching faith and morals, and do not impose any scientific straitjacket." Well not so much now after Galileo rubbed your big noses in it and you 'cancel cultured' him unsuccessfully. But tell us oh faithful and moralistic Pell, how old is homo sapiens sapiens: around 6000 years or around 190,000 years ? And just how many Catholics who also claim to be scientists believe the one or the other ? Or maybe both at the same time ?

    "Has the Pellist forgotten that he toiled for the whore of Babylon?" Truly wondrous, isn't it, just how people can simultaneously live and believe in two completely conficting worlds. No, not Pell, but all those who claim to be both 'Christian' and 'scientists' - especially those who study history and evolution. And what, pray tell, was the 'Christian' response to Darwin ? And what is the 'Christian' response to Darwin and his successors now ? Is it time to revive the Omphalos Hypothesis ?

    1. Pell - ‘the doctrines that come to us from Christ and the apostles through scripture and the Catholic magisterium.’

      Ah - yes - these religions that grew in arid parts, with the words of their founders recorded for the faithful in the future - but each generation of those who rate as believers, usually because they were born to families who believed, must accept the directions of a succession of old fuds who are but tenuously linked to the founders.

      What the groups of old fuds do establish is their own power - lovely stuff, power over other people - by asserting that the words of the founders must be interpreted so the ‘believers’ can understand how they must live, down to detail like how to cut their hair, and what or when they might not eat, and which of their family they might have to kill for ‘honour’, or because a member has questioned the assertions of earlier fuds about the nature of the entity that they claim to believe in, even though the entire system is a bit light-on for reliable eye-witness descriptions of that entity.

      In the specific case of the Catholic magisterium, our Henry could provide , every Friday, his interpretations of interpretations every week for several years, with entertaining diversions into heresies, if his columns needed a touch of ultraviolence to draw readers. Well, it worked for Anthony Burgess.

    2. Burgess is in the running for best first line in a novel: "It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me."

    3. Well yeah, Joe, a truly good one but personally I still go for: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

  4. Fiddling more than books. We gave Campion $5.5m last year.
    And the Ramsay Foundation


    "John Irving Fleming is an Australian priestand bioethicist. He was the founding president of Campion College

    " It was decreed under canon law on 9 February 2017 by Philip Marshall, vicar general of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, that Fleming was to immediately cease all forms of ministry.[16]

    "The decision was later criticised by David Flint[17] in The Spectator and Augusto Zimmermann[18] in Quadrant, they both state judicial failures and comment on the relevance of the Briginshaw principle to the decision.

    "In June 2021, Fleming lost an appeal against the denial of a clearance to work with children following a Working With Children Check heard by the South Australian Civil & Administrative Tribunal.[19]

    Campion Foundation Limited 
    Grant Term:
    10-Feb-2022 to 1-Nov-2022
    Value (AUD):

  5. Catamites at Campion ? Though it is co-ed isn't it ?

  6. " and then they present the dog botherer ... apparently it's a form of education and enlightenment ..." Sure it is, and here's the pulsing core of the education according to Doggy Bov: "scientists cannot be sure what benefits reduced emissions will deliver because they are not certain about the interaction between natural climate oscillations and anthropogenic impacts."

    So that's it then; we'll just have to wait until the floods and droughts and multitudes of heat deaths - and that's not only humans, of course, the wild animals are in for it too - and raging fires and raging storms and sea-level rise and ice meltings and whatever else emerges. What's very visibly going on now just means absolutely nothing to Doggy Bov and his fellow illusionists.

    And they have Pell and the Catholic Church to approve their fantasies. Will they set up a Campion College in Antarctica, d'you reckon ?

    1. Some cheery news items that popped up on the radio while I was driving home

      Back in the herpetarium - Nah, we need to worry about wokeism!

    2. That Chinese heatwave can't really be the most severe ever Bef, Doggy Bov assures us that absolutely everything is fully precedented, even if you do have to go back 4+ billion years to find the precedent.

  7. Hmm, Neddles: "The Morrison government's blunders left it exposed before the election on integrity ..." And maybe also just exposed a little in terms of competence and work level; but then we never heard anything from you or anybody on News Corp about any of that, did we. Maybe there should be an inquiry into that ? You know, foreign owned media conglomerates ?

    And later re the Robodebt royal commission: "The damage to Liberal Party competence and integrity is likely to be serious." "Likely to be"? Yeah, sure. And what about the (g)Nats ? Where were they while all of this was going on ? No part in any of it ? But I don't expect any actual damage to Libs and Nats - they still think that Johnny Howard was a great politician, though they might have taken on board that almost nobody noticed Little Honest Johnny campaigning in May.

    And then (re Robodebt): "This is not going to recur". No, I daresay that there will never be another "unlawful" scheme name "Robodebt" ever again, but please let us not underestimate the capability of politicians, especially those of the anti-woke type, to invent and implement massive screwups.

    1. Richard Ackland about certain media moguls and the legal stoushes they promote: "The process of pretrial discovery could produce hitherto unknown information about the operations of Fox News that, at the least, prove embarrassing to the proprietors and further fuel a backlash against their corporate interests." Oh my: "hitherto unknown information about the operations of Fox News" Oh, just can't wait to see that.

  8. I don’t know what the poor students and staff of Campion College did to be subjected to such a diatribe from Big George, but I’d be amazed if a few newly-minted atheists didn’t stagger out of the Assembly Hall afterwards.

  9. All the RWNJ talking points are there but the vibe is just distilled essence of whingeing old bastard - just needs some complaints about the meat having no flavour nowadays and the state of his haemorrhoids.

    1. Oh so meat is supposed to have flavour ? I thought it was the tomato sauce that added that.

  10. There is so much richness on the interwebs today. Senator Babble offers up an image of the Last Supper reduced to 4 cranks that while as funny as a chokito thrown into a swimming pool, are costing us a cool million a year to run.


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