Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In which the pond gets dudded by the dog botherer … and swears never again ...

The pond is slowly feeling its way back into reptile la la land, and has to admit it got caught like a mug punter with this dog botherer splash.

The pond was expecting a decent dose of dog bothering … but instead it turned out that it was just a classic example of reptile recycling …

So how are we going? What to say? 

Desperate shit, that's the truth of it. Who knew the dog botherer fancied himself as doing a Media Watch?

What a rampant delusion. Isn't that just a bit like putting a lunatic in charge of the asylum?

The pond knew it had been ripped off, dudded and deluded, but at least there was a bright spot … a chance to run a cartoon or two …

You see, at the end of his 'survey', the dog botherer couldn't resist a classic reptile jab at the reptiles' mortal enemy …

But, butt, billy dog bothering goat, who's the classic user of Twitter?

This is why the pond has such trouble, what with the reptiles living in an alternative reality, deploring the likes of Twitter, apparently unaware that the clock has ticked and tocked for young things, while their eternal favourite keeps on with his endless wittering and twittering …

Did any of this turn up in the dog botherer piece? 

Well no, but the pond isn't going to run through all the examples the dog botherer cited (how he must feel shame when even Paul Barry can make him look like a media sheep lost in the back News Corp paddock).

Here, have another cartoon …

And then have some more of idiot tweeting ...

And so on and on and on, reams of it, like an endless roll of toilet paper, and none of it noted by the reptiles, because they're either injured to it like the rest of the world, or they're happy in their alternative universe of idiot tweeting …

There's not even a hint of a disconnect, between bemoaning the idiots on twitter, and celebrating the wonders of the idiot in chief on twitter … and yet the dog botherer fancies himself as a media man ready to comment on the media and the twitterati?

Pig's arse, as they used to say in the glory days of Rubbery Figures ...

Well, lesson learned, and the pond will be a bit more cagey about getting caught by the reptiles and the dog botherer again. 

Presumably there's going to be a lot more of this as AAP disappears, and the reptiles disappear ever more deeply up their own fundament, and all we're left with are the cartoons …


  1. "...the reptiles, because they're either injured to it like the rest of the world, or they're happy in their alternative universe of idiot tweeting …"

    Isn't it quite incredible, DP, how they can just completely blank out and ignore anything that doesn't fit in with their insane world.

    I wish I could do that anywhere near as effectively as they can: fake universe ! fake universe ! But then, the Pentecostals have lived in a fake universe all their lives just as an example.

  2. Polonius..- What do you read, my lord?
    Hamlet. Words, words, words.

    So good to have you back DP, and showing us that the limited news has so little regard for (understanding of?) words. We thank you for the cartoons, which truly show that the words recycled by Associate Editors are not worth the paper -

    That the virus is catching was illustrated by this pointlessly complicated exchange in our national deliberative body.

    Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

    "I think that you do understand that your comments, particularly when you refer to them solely as right-wing, has the potential to offend a lot of Australians."

    "Right is associated with conservatism in this country and there are many people of conservative background who take exception with being tarred with the brush,"

    To borrow from those folk musicians Jehosophat and Jones ‘We heard what she said but we knew what she meant.’ Although this particular (very particular) conservative seems not to be proud of the origins of the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’, and so to be identified as ‘right’.

    For those who claim to be of the English conservative tradition, a term that had its origins in the French National Assembly should present no problems in identification, because the French Revolution was one of the triggers of Edmund Burke’s ‘Reflections’. (Yes, the full title is a bit of a giveaway.)

    Educated conservatives, such as the Senator, will have read and re-read Burke’s great work, as the very basis of their philosophy, so we would expect them all to be proud of being classified ‘Right’.

    This most recent exchange rather collapsed anyway when neither the Senator, nor the head of ASIO, could suggest an identifier to replace ‘Right’. Perhaps the IPA could run another of its highly authoritative surveys to find a new term.

    Other Anonymous.

    1. Very gauche of her indeed, OA, especially given that she'd be an unconditional supporter of Dieu et mon droit.

      But surely Dutton's "leftwing lunatics" is the term they were seeking ?

  3. I saw what you did there GB. (Insert emoji for unrestrained laughter)

    Other Anonymous


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