Thursday, February 27, 2020

In which the savvy Savva's call came from inside the house, and Cory's call came from loser nowheresville ...

Could there be anything more terrifying than the call coming from inside the house? Don't worry about the technicalities, just grasp the sheer horror …

This day the reptiles evoked an even greater fear. What if you looked under the bed, and discovered an irrelevant, faded old monster of the Cory kind?

Yes, it was a piquant coupling, the ardent climate denialist blathering on about nukes, apparently unaware of his profound irrelevance, while the savvy Savva was making a call from inside the house.

Naturally the pond went with the savvy Savva first because the pond likes to kick back its heels and watch a wet give the dries a hard time, much like the welcome rain falling in assorted places brought a little hope to the country ...

We al know where this sort of talk is coming from. The greatest demonic force in Australian politics …

Oh dear … and still the savvy Savva went on ...

Say what? Oh she's not going to go there, is she? But she is, and it's a short, sharp final gobbet, perhaps even worse than a call from inside the house …

Let's have that lead in line again, and then let's get on with the slaughter ...

Polonius, the Bolter and Bettina Can't (as a correspondent might have it) all roundly trounced in three sentences on a live digital Oz page? Three flies with fleas in their ears in one blow?

The pond went into a fainting fit.

But there was one potato head that the savvy Savva had missed, and what joy that the infallible Pope had returned in the nick of time to remind us of his sublime insights into a man besotted with left wing Islamic terrorists ......

And so to Cory, not because there's anything sensible to be discovered, but because, like Everest, he's there ...

Now everyone knows that the figures don't stack up, that nuclear energy is more expensive than the alternatives, and that there's no great desire for it, such that even the coalition trots out the line that it would only proceed on a bipartisan basis.

And what's the reason for Cory insisting on it being a must? Everyone knows that Cory is a climate denialist of the first water. 

Search for Cory and climate, and the first thing that pops up is How Cory Bernardi was inspired to push climate denial from US conservative groups ...

But enough of that, because who has forgotten the delusional days when Cory imagined he and his party were a thing?

Anyone wanting more can follow the link - at least if they've been living on another planet, and want to catch up on crazy Cory …

As always, the pond's own solution is to run a few favourite snaps of its most beloved narcissist …


By golly,  he was cut, and his mind is still pretty cut too … just look at this gambit to explain his nukes routines somehow matching up with his climate science denialism …

While not wishing to appease climate-change catastrophists, the only viable response to their demands …

But why should he respond, the unreconstructed, deviant goose? What's the pitiful point?

Sadly there's only one explanation, it's an epic troll, as Cory tries to stay in the game, though it's beyond mad uncle in the attic status to think that scribbling stupidity for the lizard Oz is staying in the game ...

Hold on, hold on, what's this talk about  emissions-free base load power?

Why the fuck should the plucked climate denialist goose give a flying fuck about emissions-free base load power?

Of course this sort of weird logic has been a Cory speciality, one that entranced the pond in days long ago, when Cory was a thing, rather than a desiccated monster lurking under the bed … as here ...

And yet surely talk of emissions-free base load power is like downing a bottle of climate science Kool-Aid in a single gulp …because strangely, back in those days, when he was going solar, Cory resolutely saw no need to reduce emissions at all ...

What a funny, silly old irrelevant monster he is, still trying his hand at trolling, though if this was the supposedly fearsome troll you found under the bridge, you'd likely burst out laughing ...

To be fair, Cory did do the reptile commentariat litany thing, jumping from a thought bubble about nuclear energy to a thought bubble about the subs, and carrying on as if he was still in parliament, as if the thoughts of a failed, useless senator, the leader of a failed party that bombed big time, had even the slightest use for folks, even those desperate enough to waste their time on reptile follies …

And that's why for once the pond abandoned its two reptiles rule, for in the usual way, the number shall be two, no more or less … except that the lizard Oz editorialist came out with a piece that almost moved the pond to tears, it was so inspirational, so heroic ...

Everything is for the best, and it's the best of all possible worlds, and the way forward is to take the footy up the guts, hit 'em hard, and so on and so forth …

Indeed, indeed, while wags have their fun, comparing how the Donald responded to the Ebola crisis up against his response to the coronavirus … and other wags had even more fun …

… the reptiles are powering on, full steam ahead …though there might be a very minor speed bump about that balanced budget thingie that was talked up, as if it was a pure gold thing as opposed to a shonky piece of rolled gold jewellery…

Well you wouldn't be a decent reptile if you couldn't slither and slide, and so at a time when things are looking a little fanged, urge SloMo to go for growth, because what this country needs is a population of a 100 million, and let's face it, will fifty billion people be enough for a planet wanting to go for growth?

Luckily there was an immortal Rowe on hand to bring the pond down from its lizard editorialist-induced high, much quicker and more effective than a cold shower, with some astute reporting on current events (and with more Rowe here) ...


  1. The dog botherer must be squirming to find out that Australia can in fact make a difference even though we are a small nation. In fact I suspect several of the reptiles are having conniptions over such heresy.

  2. The Savvy Sav: "Australians generally have accepted that free trade is synonymous with prosperity..."

    Oh yeah, sure we have Sav, sure we have. You're going to keep on pushing the myths and lies of neoliberalism just as long as you can still draw breath, aren't you. But please, just once, could you inform us as to what "free trade" really is ? I don't think I've seen any of that anywhere.

    But apart from that, wau, like you DP: "into a fainting fit." Even if the Savvy Sav has taken up the "token human" position in the herpetarium, that was more than I would have expected.

    But recovering rapidly from the shock we get to Cory and his take on submarines: "They [diesel-powered submarines] are ideal for shallow-water stealth missions but lack the long-term surveillance and strategic capability of the nuclear vessels."

    Loves-lots-of-hyphen-connected words, doesn't he. But what's with this "long-term surveillance" thing ? Are we going to send submarines all over and all around the world on continuous "surveillance" ? Does he think Australia is the USA or China or Russia (or even maybe France) ?

    But none of the Corys of the world ever say what Australia needs submarines for at all when any of our likely opponents (China ? Indonesia ?) can simply launch missiles from their home soil - or, increasingly, just send a fleet of drones. Could somebody remind him that the major nuclear sub guys (USA, Russia, China to come) use them as essentially unstoppable nuclear weapon launchers - should Australia also have a gaggle of hydrogen bombs ?

    As to the lizard-editoriialist-induced high (catching, isn't it) everybody surely by now knows that Australia's GDP growth is simply based on a continuing inflow of immigrants. And that is most definitely "Busiiness as usual here in Canberra". The only question is whether COVID-19 will significantly slow the Chinese immigrant flow. Hopefully not, because if that flow keeps up, soon we'll be able to get our brand new suzerain to relieve us of any need to provide our own submarine fleet.

  3. I wondered if Rowe (and SO good to have both a Rowe and a Pope today) had slipped an extra entendre into this cartoon. At quick glance the name on the microphone signalled ‘Babones’.

    Babones is one of that group which peppers what claims to be the national newspaper, the Catallaxy, Quadrant and even ‘Aussie’ Spectator with warnings and forbodings about immigration, its handmaiden multiculturism, persecution of hapless Xians and the dreadful leftwards wheel of tertiary institutions which, they reveal, are stocked with foreign academics, of dubious professional qualification, but who now bludge on the Australian taxpayer, to brainwash callow, unquestioning students, rather than get a proper, productive job. Or return to their countries of origin to help bring them into the 19th century.

    Common characteristics of this group is that they were - oh - born overseas, so migrated to this country, to take up an academic position, which frees them from the stress of trying to make it in the glorious, golden, capitalist system, so they can lecture - well, clearly a keen-eye inquisitive, enlightened class of student - on the standard evils. And write for journals of small, and shrinking, circulation, in spite of the Government handouts in support.

    Such positions, of course, allow for frequent travel to pleasant destinations overseas, to help sustain meetings with other tenured academics, with similar travel entitlements, devoted to the memories of Ayn Rand, or Ludwig von Mises or similar prophets.

    Oh - another common characteristic is to label those who disagree with them as ‘hypocrites’.

    I will credit Rowe with such an entendre. It is appropriate.

    Other Anonymous.

    1. Err, that's Salvatore Babones of USyd, the Australian and Centre for Independent Studies, I take it, OA.

      You do seem to inhabit a world totally beyond my ken, but calling "others" hypocrites is nothing but standard psychological attribution and projection and we all grok that.

    2. You take correctly, GB. Not for one moment was I advocating, to anyone, that they read the writings of this group - they all say the same thing, in tedious style, and it cannot be either entertaining or enlightening for even the others in the group to read. Nor is it really part of my 'world' - but from time to time I scan across to see if any of them has come up with a truly new idea, or interpretation. None so far.

      Other Anonymous

    3. We all live in our own micro-worlds, OA: the people and things we actually know, those we know of, those we've vaguely just heard of, and the huge majority we simply don't know about at all. Until yesterday, Babones was in the last category for me and with any luck in a few days time he'll be back there again.

      But we all have our own little menageries that we like to keep some track of to see if they ever do or say anything worthy of attention - I confess, with only minor shame, that Andrew Bolt is one in mine - so maybe one day you may be able to report that Babones eventually came up with something. Not that the information about him disgorged by the web makes that seem likely.

  4. DP - 'the source' was just - chuffed - to be considered a 'deep throat' source. If that happens to upset either the Bolter or Polonius - bonus. If it were to upset them both, simultaneously - how good is that?!

    Other Anonymous

    1. And talking about ex-CEE Sloan, I take it we have all seen Amanda's Weekly Beast for today about how Dame Groan is now just a 'paid by the word' weekly contributor ?

      Sloan cut makes cents

  5. Savvy is so right - what's with the goddamn yelling all the time?

    He's always been on the high end of the shouty spectrum, but post-Trump visit its a feature. Wouldn't be surprised if he'd arranged helicopters to yell in front of.

    The list of respected and successful leaders who yelled incessantly is... Not at all long.


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