Saturday, July 20, 2019

In which Polonius shares his belief in little green men, or at least goes full Bob Brown greenie ...

Say what you will about the onion muncher, his enduring presence and Dickensian way with words - oh okay mystical William Blake if you will - ensures the pond's ongoing loyalty …

Warringah is the new Jerusalem, the onion muncher the countenance divine, and once again, he has pierced to the heart of the matter with his sword-like words, so naturally it was right and so for Polonius to prattle in his wake …

Bob an anti-wind brigade member? Dearie me, could it be, or could he just be doing a Nimby routine of the kind the onion muncher himself was doing?

Brown said he had supported other windfarms in the state, at Granville Harbour and Cattle Hill, but Robbins Island was “a step too far”. “Windfarms have great positives, they are generating renewable energy, which is helping save the planet from the climate emergency and that’s a very big plus. But they are very diverting to people who have an eye to the natural beauty of Tasmania and its landscape,” he said. “There is no doubt about that.” (Graudian here).

So perhaps not a full anti-wind brigade member, more an associate, a fussy half-follower, a delicate eater, and a picker and a chooser, going with projects as the wind blows, and according to the direction of the blowing.

Not really a boycott as the term is understood by people who follow either cricket or the English language:

A boycott is an act of voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for moral, social, political, or environmental reasons. The purpose of a boycott is to inflict some economic loss on the target, or to indicate a moral outrage, to try to compel the target to alter an objectionable behaviour.  (Greg Hunters go here).

"Brown said he had supported other wind farms in the state …"

Ah, now the pond understands. It's a really unique* understanding of the word "boycott" by our scribe, and the pond hasn't even got to the first gobbet (*thanks Virginia, and congratulations on the totally unique opportunity to talk exceptionally unique English to Melburnians).

And so to the first gobbet, though perhaps the pond should preface it with the suggestion that if Polonius doesn't love the ABC or the Nine papers, perhaps he should leave them, perhaps he should even go back to where he belongs, amongst the climate science-denying reptiles of the Lloydie kind …

Indeed, indeed, the pond is currently working on a postgraduate thesis explaining that the ABC is responsible for everything wrong in the world, and its wicked deeds perhaps even might explain the rise of the Donald, but for the moment, would it not be piquant to hop in a time machine and revisit Polonius in 2012?

Oh it was shocking stuff, and way too much for Polonius, and once again it was all the fault of that wretched ABC ...

There's more here, but you can see the problem at once. 

The ABC pays far too much attention to Bob Brown and his assorted madnesses and weirdness, and yet the ABC pays far too little attention to Bob Brown and his assorted madnesses and weirdness …

The ABC is exceptionally soft on Bob Brown, except when the ABC ignores him, and that's hard.

And once again, Polonius is down the rabbit hole with his ABC obsession ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, not Jolly Joe, with his eyes offended, but refusing to pluck them out?

Say what?

"…other Australians are entitled to have ready and easy access to this debate"?

Will the reptiles allow this savage Polonial attack on their paywall model to stand? 

Is Polonius implying that the reptiles, Lloydie and the rest don't provide ready and easy access to the debate?

Mmm, oh dear, thanks, with full bait and switch rate on display, but no thanks ...

What do do?

Well surely Polonius should have forsaken his regular attendance at the ABC, and scribbled that other Australians are entitled to subscribe to the Murdochian paywall at the lizard Oz and the Mercury, and if they don't, they must be un-Australian, and should go back to where they belong ...

As for Sherlock Holmes probably once knowing Tasmania as Van Diemen's Land, the pond realises that this is what passes for dry humour in the land of the desiccated coconut, but when reading a pedant, pedantry must reign …

Greg Hunters will be aware that Van Diemen's Land had its name change to Tasmania in 1856 (or so it says here), while Sherlock Holmes first burst upon the world in 1887 in A Study in Scarlet (or so it says here).

That gap is much longer than the gap between Polonius scribbling furiously about little green men, then enlisting Bob Brown in his cause … though it's likely our man Polonius only discovered Bob Brown was handy when Bob could be used as a cudgel against the ABC from a new angle …

Should the pond boycott Polonius? What a terrible thought, when his monomania provides endless hours of distraction, a chance to discover the patterns in the world around us ...

Here, have a Rowe guide to Polonial thinking …

That said, the pond thought that Polonius was a tad out of form and underdone this week, and went in search of another reptile offering just to fill up the endless digital void …

The bromancer is currently doing a survey of dictators, neo-fascists, racists, strong men, authoritarians, autocrats, despots, and illiberal, undemocratic absolutists that are deserving of bromancer support and absolution … and today it was Hungary, though surely the Donald, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, Vlad the impaler, and Duterte are anxiously waiting their turn ...

Hmm, much to easy … perhaps he should get on the couch at Fox and Friends and explain how the reality of the Donald is terribly benign … 

The bromancer has been on a roll of late …

And so have the reptiles …

So that's where Tarantino got the idea for Samuel L. Jackson's Stephen character in Django Unchained?

Yes, things have been going tremendously well for the Donald's blowtorch, so in an act of wilful perversity, the pond instead decided to turn to our Gracie …

Lordie, long absent lordie, is the Folau matter still a thing?

Only in reptile la la land, but it's important to pay attention to reptile issues and concerns, and our Gracie seemed vaguely alarmed at where things were heading ...

Folau is doing Xianity no favours? 

Should there be a limit to God botherers bothering not just God in Her infinite wisdom and patience, but should gardeners also just stick to actual gardening? Our Gracie was on the Chance the gardener cast ...

Why at this point, most of the reptiles would be reaching for a word like "snowflake", at least if it happened to be some sort of wan secularist, sacked from a teaching position for pointing out that Conan Doyle fell for fairies at the bottom of the garden, and that Polonius might yet believe in little green men, and that conversations with imaginary friends are best left to fundamentalists, or reptiles high on the Donald and strong men everywhere ...

The pond could see where this was headed, and was distraught. It seems our Gracie had caught some sort of secularist bug, and might even have something of a soft spot for gays, and might even stir the Xian pot by having Xians call out a fundie Xian ...

Perhaps this should have been a Sunday meditation, but where would that have left nattering Ned and Dame Slap?

Ah well, never mind, one reptile might stray from the one true path for a moment, but there will always be a Donald, and the wind mills of the mind, and the bromancer infatuated with despots, and Polonius in search of little green men at the ABC, and hasn't Rowe been in excellent form celebrating the Donald's brilliance, somehow summing all of the current reptile madness up, and with more summary Rowe here to help other Australians...


  1. Maybe Robbins Island is already ruined? Check it on Google Maps, there is one photo - of what looks like trucks hauling away loads of coal from an open-cut mine.

    1. It does rather look like that, Merc, though the Wikipedia entry claims that the privately owned Robbins Island is used a wagyu beef ranch for export to Japan (which still seems to require to slaughter lots of whales to keep the Japanese in protein anyway).

  2. Polonius would like us to know that "The Greens leader went so far as to suggest that our "many predecessors in the cosmos ... have brought about their own downfall" due to their failure to handle environmental catastrophe."

    Ok, well that would certainly explain the Fermi Paradox, wouldn't it. And certainly Polonius would have taken Fermi's paradox on board, wouldn't he ? I mean someone who knows with iron-clad certainty that Sherlock Holmes would have known Tasmania as Van Diemen's Land would surely know all about Fermi, wouldn't he.

    Recalling Honest Johnny's response to having been caught in an outright lie over Tampa that "If you believe it, then it may be untruthful, but it isn't a lie" reminds me of the one sensible response to that which I've encountered, viz: if you are going to make public statements, especially from the government or its press agency, then you have a strong ethical requirement to have done some diligent fact checking.

    I don't think Polonius (or Johnny) has ever done any fact checking in his entire career, reasonable or otherwise.

    But apart from that, DP, I reckon we should be fully supportive of that internationally famous Christian, the Bromancer, in his attempt to deliver unto Caesar the lies that Caesar demands while accepting the pieces of silver in return that will eventually keep him from adding to the overcrowding of heaven.


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