Monday, September 02, 2013

The onward march of a mocking meme ...

Sometimes there's no need for words, not when a little Photoshopping will do ...

Now where's those News Corp financial results, due by the end of August 2013?


  1. Crikey is talking crap. They reckon Murdoch will swing the election - but the Murdoch rags only have a few hundred thousand regular readers and their rigged 'polls' are merely speaking to the converted. Fairfax and the ABC aren't much better.

    I reckon it's much closer than that.

  2. Might I recommend this montage of Abbott and the lyrics of the song to Pond readers? The lyrics of the song are so appropriate.

  3. Well, either way it is probably the last Federal election where News Corp has any relevancy - it's like watching the last days of the R.S.L under Bruce Ruxton!

  4. DP this has come to my notice

  5. pete: Nice little earner with a big mark up no doubt on what they're flogging. Also they're in the UK, but price in USD, and their PayPal account links to a bank, where, and they pay tax, where?

  6. Thanks Pete, the pond is aware of the cilice crowd but has yet to use their services. Caveat emptor, and remember you can always whip up a knotted rope in the shed, or buy a rough garment from Tarjay, or perhaps just sit at your desk and randomly poke at your skin with a long nail in good Opus Dei style ...


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